MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-v2 Chapter 97 Spy white cloud and river fishing

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Tang Zhen still agreed, allowing the Nanmeng monks to go to Huangshan County, and then wait for the next order.

Even if Tang Zhen didn't agree, the other party would definitely take action, secretly lurking near the building to observe and peep.

Rather than being sneaky in the dark, it is better to put things on the bright side, so that a lot of embarrassing things can be avoided.

The fact that Tianji Zhenren made such a request is actually showing his respect for the landlord. It should be known that according to the previous agreement, the Daqi Kingdom has already belonged to Loucheng.

Since it is the site of Loucheng, if other monks want to enter it, they must obtain Tang Zhen's permission.

If the rules are not respected, it is possible to provoke a war.

In this way, it is also a reminder to Tang Zhen to remember to treat him equally.

Defend your own territory and never let the monks in the northern border offend you.

Tang Zhen saw off the guests with a smile, always with a warm attitude, but he was somewhat contemptuous in his heart.

Facts have proved that in the face of absolutely powerful strength, any plan is useless at all.

Nanmeng wanted to calculate the building city and get enough benefits from it, but Tang Zhen had already seen through their tricks.

Although you are doing your best to perform, I understand that sitting down and watching the show, when you should make a move, you will make a move.

With Loucheng as his backing, Tang Zhen was already invincible, and he did not need to compromise with any party at all.

To be able to do this is actually quite easy.

Don't worry about accidents, unless the SAARC and Beijiang go crazy, or know the secret of the upgrade of the building and choose to join forces to launch a crazy attack.

If that kind of thing really happens, even if the building has a protective array, it can't guarantee its own safety at all.

It was a matter of core secrets, Tang Zhen never told the outside world, and it was absolutely impossible for the enemy to know.

Since there won't be too many changes in a short period of time, why should Tang Zhen worry too much.

And relax your heart, you don't need to give too much attention to the enemy, and being the opponent is a stumbling block on the road to growth.

When you have enough strength, you can lift your foot and kick it away.

After a few days, Lou Cheng has been promoted to the third level, and no one can easily handle Tang Zhen.

After sending off the SAARC representative, Tang Zhen pondered secretly, feeling that the information of Loucheng was still not smooth enough.

There is very little understanding of the enemy's movements.

This situation is absolutely unacceptable, it must be improved immediately, otherwise it would be like a blind man.

The problem is that when the building was first built, the intelligence system cannot be compared with SAARC. The other side has been operating in this area for many years.

However, backed by the building, Tang Zhen naturally has other means, which are really different in comparison.

After searching on the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen chose a reconnaissance device that can be suspended in the high altitude for a long time, and has its own functions such as camouflage perspective and monitoring.

It can detect and track designated areas and targets through remote control and automatic cruise.

The function is similar to a satellite, but it is more advanced and powerful, and it is the product of the combination of technology and cultivation civilization.

After flying into the sky, you don't need to pay too much attention. If there are no accidents, the service life will be at least thousands of years.

Tang Zhen naturally wanted to buy more of such useful reconnaissance equipment so that he could obtain various intelligence information easily.

Soon in a certain area of ​​Loucheng, twenty groups of huge clouds appeared, which looked soft and elegant.

This is the aircraft purchased by Tang Zhen. They slowly rose from the ground and finally flew into the deepest part of the sky.

Some people saw the clouds rising and felt a little strange, but they didn't care too much.

In the place where the spiritual energy gathers, visions often occur, the dense air condenses into clouds, and the scene of flying into the sky is not the first time.

However, Lou Ling, who did not know at this moment, had already received the image from the sky, and could share it with Tang Zhen and the residents of Loucheng.

When the relevant permissions are obtained, or when necessary, the right to use the spy cloud can also be obtained.

According to Tang Zhen's request, these spy clouds flew to different directions, and the monitoring of the monks in the South Alliance and Northern Xinjiang officially began.

Cultivators are different from mortals, and it must be difficult to obtain effective intelligence information.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, he believed that it would not be long before he could get the information he wanted.

With the passage of time, these eyes hidden in the sky can certainly provide more help to Tang Zhen.

After finishing all this, Tang Zhen suddenly realized that he had nothing to do.

The things that should be done have been done, and the remaining things will be handled by Lou Ling, or distributed to the residents of Loucheng.

Because of the points earned, residents have a positive attitude to work and even rush to complete tasks.

After overcoming the initial difficulties, the building has grown up and began to move forward in a smooth and orderly manner.

"What to do next?"

Since the establishment of Loucheng, Tang Zhen has been busy, and the sudden leisure even made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this uncomfortable feeling lasted for less than a second, and then turned into a deep joy.

"Of course to play!"

The juvenile spirit was born, so Tang Zhen let go of his identity as the city owner, put on a uniform and drove out of the city.

In today's Loucheng, there are so many teenagers like him, and Tang Zhen is inconspicuous in the crowd.

Driving the psionic car and driving along the road, Tang Zhen came to the big river on the edge of the building.

This big river was opened by him. The water is clear and slow. He only knows where it comes from, but does not know where it is going.

Flowing non-stop day and night, guarding the safety of the border of the building.

Don't think that the river level is as slow as a mirror, and you feel that you can play freely, but in fact it is hidden danger.

It’s okay to play in the water by the river, but if you cross the big river illegally, you are likely to be involved in the undercurrent.

Because of the restrictions of the building city rules, no one has dared to cross the river, and outsiders can only get close to the river.

If you want to play in the water, you will be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Tang Zhen came to the big river, took out the fishing gear from the space equipment, chose a place and sat down.

The sunlight at this moment was exceptionally soft, the surroundings were full of lush flowers and herbs, and the big trees by the river were full of lush and gorgeous flowers.

Because of the nourishment of the aura, the flowers are always blooming, making the riverside scenery more and more pleasant.

There are fish in the big river, which come from the river near the village. They are not too big and not many in number.

Tang Zhen had been fishing for more than ten minutes, but still no fish was hooked, which was really disappointing.

He began to wonder if he could put some fish and shrimp in the river.

There is no suitable fishing ground nearby, and there is no need to make a special trip to collect them. It seems that we can only find a way on the cornerstone platform.

However, Tang Zhen also remembered that the second-level cornerstone platform has restrictions and does not sell living goods.

If he wanted to raise spirit beasts, he could only **** them from the enemy. Tang Zhen didn't know whether he could buy fish and shrimp.

I checked on the cornerstone platform, and I didn't expect that it was actually on sale. It was a random gift package of freshwater fish and shrimp.

Perhaps the value of such fish and shrimp is too low to be valued by the cornerstone platform, so they choose to pack and process if they are too lazy to classify them.

Although he couldn't choose, Tang Zhen didn't care. It was enough to have fish and shrimp for entertainment. It didn't matter what kind it was.

The price was not very high, so Tang Zhen chose ten groups and put them directly into the river.

After the launch, Tang Zhen began to wait patiently.

The originally calm river was turbulent silently, and dark shadows were cruising down the water.

Some are about three or five feet long, and some are even two or three feet long. Occasionally, their dorsal fins are exposed, or a series of blisters are spit out.

It is difficult to raise big fish in shallow water, not to mention that the density is so high that it cannot be accommodated in a similar river.

The big river in Loucheng is different. There is a hidden folding space in it, and it is difficult to escape if you are involved in it.

Unless it is proficient in water and can survive and swim in the folded space, the ultimate end is to become fish food.

Without these dangers, the protection function of Dahe would be greatly reduced.

It is also for this reason that the volume of the river channel is beyond imagination, and the fish and shrimp seen are less than 1% of the total.

The effect of the launch was immediate, but in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen's fish float changed.

Reaching out and gently lifting it, a beautiful whitebait about a foot and a half long left the water and landed directly on the grass beside him.

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