MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-v2 Chapter 80 Meeting in front of the building

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The registration place outside the building city is already overcrowded, and the mountains and plains are full of swaying figures.

Roughly estimated, at least more than 100,000 people, from all over Daqi, are here to seek opportunities.

Since gaining Loucheng's control of Daqi and transporting airships to various places, Loucheng's reputation has also spread.

Those who have no way to seek immortal fate, as well as people from the three religions and nine streams, have tried every means to go to Huangshan County.

There are many people who are lucky enough to get the opportunity to take a transport airship and arrive at the fastest speed.

But even if you come by airship, you still have to study at the same level as others, and you will be allowed to enter after meeting the standards.

Because of the building, Huangshan County became more and more lively.

The road from the county seat to Loucheng was paved and widened by the county magistrate, and there were many vendors selling tea and food along the way.

In a small county with little reputation, more and more outsiders gather, and the price of commercial land is even higher.

The rules that must be followed when entering the building are specially recorded and printed in a booklet. Many people are eager to buy them, and they will silently recite and study in their hands.

The learners are not only officials and nobles, but also martial arts, elegant and noble sons, and old farmers with vicissitudes. They all have such a planning manual in their hands.

There are also many illiterate people who spend money to sign up for tuition classes, and someone is responsible for explaining and teaching them.

A scene like this, where there is no distinction between rich and poor, gathering together to study together, can't be seen in other places at all.

At this time, another group of carriages passed through the streets of Huangshan County, and went straight to the direction of Loucheng.

Horses are good horses, cars are luxury cars, adding up to a total of more than 100 vehicles, it can definitely be regarded as a luxury lineup.

If you put it in the past, it is difficult to see this scene.

However, in recent times, similar teams have come frequently, and passersby have long been accustomed to it.

The team moved forward all the way, and finally came to the registration place.

The liveliness of this place is far better than that of Huangshan County, but there is no chaotic scene.

The residents of the building in uniform are responsible for maintaining order here. If anyone does not obey the rules, they will inevitably be severely punished.

Unless the head is flooded, no one dares to be presumptuous.

After the convoy stopped, the passengers inside got off one after another, all dressed in gorgeous clothes, with graceful and extravagance on their bodies.

At a glance, you can tell that the passengers are all children of noble families, and they should have come to Loucheng to sign up in a team.

All the big and small families in Daqi know that Loucheng is the master of Daqi.

A precious opportunity like this should not be missed no matter what, once it gets out in the city, the whole family will benefit immensely.

Families, large and small, have dispatched concubines and children from the clan to rush to Loucheng with the fastest speed.

Some acted alone, while many formed groups. The convoy in front of them came from Hengzhou near Guzhou.

The men and women who got off the car looked at the lively crowd in front of them and the fairyland-like scene in the distance, their faces were full of shock and yearning.

Because of the nourishment of spiritual energy, hundreds of flowers bloom in the building city, and all kinds of rare elixir also thrive.

These rare plants are very extraordinary at first glance, and they can show the atmosphere of the fairy family.

Not to mention that there is a white building in the distance, which looks majestic and majestic, with giant spirit birds hovering in the air, and huge armed airships passing overhead from time to time.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the children of nobles who claim to be well-informed are dumbfounded at this moment, as if they have seen a whole new world.

Similar situations often occur at the registration office, where men and women dressed by rich people occupy the vast majority.

Compared with ordinary people, the rich and powerful have more resources and are more likely to gain early registration advantages.

When these noble children looked around, another motorcade drove out of the building. Compared with those cars pulled by livestock, these cars were undoubtedly more eye-catching.

The car stopped at the bridge, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, another armed airship appeared and moored in the open space at the bridgehead.

A group of figures mixed with young and old walked out one after another from the armed airship.

Similar scenes often occur, and everyone doesn't pay much attention to it, and just glanced at it casually at first.

But it was soon discovered that this group of people was not simple, their appearance was strange and immortal, and the clothes they wore were quite special.


Recently, there have been monks coming and going in Loucheng, and the applicants are already familiar with this special temperament.

They could see at a glance that these men, women and children were all monks, and their strength was quite extraordinary.

More people looked over, full of curiosity, wondering what these cultivators wanted?

A group of residents of Loucheng came across the bridge. They wore special uniforms and also had the unique temperament of monks.

In the middle of this group of residents of the building, there is a man, surrounded by stars holding the moon.

Compared with other fellow monks, his temperament is more special.

"That's Tang Zhen, the owner of Loucheng!"

Someone shouted loudly, with excited expressions on their faces.

Tang Zhen did not hide his identity. Many people have seen his true face, and it is normal for him to be recognized in public.

Of course, most of the outsiders had never seen Tang Zhen before, and when they heard the arrival of the owner of Loucheng, they quickly stretched their necks and watched intently.

If you want to join Loucheng, you naturally need to collect more information, especially high-level information.

At this moment, Tang Zhen became the focus of attention.

"Looks so young, is it said to be underage?"

"Sure enough, it is an immortal style, and you can tell that it is an extraordinary person at a glance."

"This person controls the authority of Daqi and is the master of Xianjia Dongfu. The future is bound to be limitless!"

When the crowd watched, their mouths were full of praise, and their hearts were even more envious.

If you can get Tang Zhen's appreciation, you will definitely be able to ascend to the sky in one step, not only will you have status and wealth, but you can also directly become a practitioner.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's eyes became brighter, and they looked at Tang Zhen like a treasure.

Even if the path is clear, just follow it and you will have the opportunity to become a cultivator, but there are still people who want to take shortcuts.

With all kinds of thoughts in his mind, he was trying to figure out how to approach Tang Zhen.

A group of monks who came down from the airship hurriedly stepped forward upon seeing this, their cold and arrogant expressions changed, with a hint of awe and compliment.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the two sides met at the bridge, and then they started to talk.

Because of the blocking of the spell, the sound cannot be heard, and everyone can only guess the general content.

A beautiful monk in Loucheng should be acting as an introducer, introducing the identity of the foreign monk to Tang Zhen.

Everyone is also not unfamiliar with this beautiful female cultivator, who has often appeared in the public eye recently.

It is said that his name is Liu Hanyan, and he was reused by the city lord.

Looking at Liu Hanyan's brows and eyes, and looking at the appearances and clothes of those foreign monks, everyone had a faint guess in their hearts.

The group of cultivators in front of them should be related to Liu Hanyan, most likely members of her family.

With Liu Hanyan's recommendation, he is a cultivator himself, so he will definitely be reused by Loucheng and gain an enviable status.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone was jealous again.

The Qiaotou meeting didn't last long. After introducing each other's identities, they both went to the team's location together.

After everyone got on the bus, the convoy formed a long queue and went straight to the towering building.

There were some figures in the crowd, looking at the distant convoy with surprise and shock in their eyes.

Soon they quietly left, looking for hidden and uninhabited places, and sent out the information they had just seen.

Looking at their means of operation, they are obviously practitioners, but they don't know which camp they belong to.

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