MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-v2 Chapter 75 The Tribulation of the Northern Border

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According to Duhuo Zhenren, one of the esoteric esoteric sects is a taboo sect, and it belongs to everyone in the northern Xinjiang practice world.

Who is the founder of the sect, no one knows at all, only that it was not powerful in the beginning.

The earliest members were also very common, many of them were ordinary people, both merchants and old farmers.

Before they were enlightened, there was nothing unusual.

However, at a certain period of time, they all said that they had attained the Tao in their dreams, and that a true **** descended into the body, just to transform the suffering mortals in the world.

Not only is his words full of bewitching, but he actually possesses supernatural abilities and possesses various strange and powerful abilities.

Spit fire and spit ice, swallow gold and eat iron, and stab the body with sharp blades without dying.

The foolish people were bewitched by it, and they all believed it to be true, made offerings and became loyal believers.

Before long, the mind will be affected and become a kind of puppet-like existence.

When the seance first appeared, it was relatively low-key, and neither the government nor the monks noticed it.

Over time, the scale became larger and larger, and eventually the Seances was formed.

Every seance is honored as the Son of God, also known as the messenger of the true God.

Like the weeds after the spring rain, the esoteric sect has expanded rapidly, and traces of its activities can be found in many places in northern Xinjiang.

Until a day collapsed, a holy son of the esoteric religion lost control and devoured more than 20,000 people in a small town.

Then he turned into a giant monster, more than fifty feet tall, rampant in the urban wilderness.

The holy sons in other places were also affected by the collapse of the sky, and they were out of control one after another.

They showed their gods, all of them were tall and unusual, just like the legendary gods and demons.

It was only at this moment that the Esoteric Esotericism was exposed, and it caused a shock in the cultivation world of the northern Xinjiang.

No one would have thought that such a strange spiritual sect would be hidden under his own eyes.

But even so, it still did not attract great attention, and most of the sects sent ordinary monks to deal with it.

The result can be imagined, the Northern Border Sect suffered heavy losses, and those monks became the delicacy of the Holy Son.

After suffering serious losses, the major sects woke up and realized the horror of the esoteric sect.

At the same time as the investigation was carried out, experts were dispatched to fight, trying to suppress and kill them.

The senior monks went out to fight, and the effect was naturally different, and the mutant saints were killed one after another.

However, there are also some holy sons who are so powerful that even the masters of the sect cannot kill them.

He even showed great power, severely injuring the sect monks, and even devoured the flesh as blood food.

The sects that have suffered losses will naturally not give up, and have mobilized manpower to retaliate.

No matter how strong the Holy Son of the Esoteric Sect is, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of these sects, and they will all be violently suppressed and killed in the end.

The sensational esoteric esoteric sect was completely eliminated in this way, and there was no movement in a short period of time.

The major sects originally thought that the change this time had ended, but they did not expect that the crisis had just begun.

It didn't take long for it to calm down, but suddenly something happened again. The monks who had participated in the killing of the Esoteric Sect had undergone similar mutations one after another.

Perhaps the cultivator's physique is special, and the mutation state is not particularly serious. As long as the will is strong enough, he can stay awake after the mutation.

But even so, it still makes people feel uneasy, and the mutant cultivator can only be temporarily suppressed and imprisoned.

Making such a choice is actually a last resort. After all, the mutants are all monks from the same sect, and there are not only one or two.

In the days that followed, the situation became more serious.

Like contagion, the practitioners who participated in the action gradually appeared mutant recruitment.

After the matter spread, it caused panic among the major sects, and they all responded with 12 points of spirit.

They have realized that this is a huge crisis, and if they can't resolve the disappearance, it is very likely that the sect will be severely damaged.

Because of this, it is not impossible to destroy the door.

The re-emergence of the crisis has caused the northern Xinjiang practice world to panic, and they have been looking for ways to solve the problem.

Gu Yi

When bad things happen, they tend to be at their worst, and this statement was soon confirmed.

The infected cultivator showed abnormality, not only the cultivation speed increased rapidly, but also possessed the ability similar to supernatural power.

The strength becomes stronger and stronger, but the self-control becomes weaker and weaker, and gradually loses its control.

Practitioners at this time will sometimes be awake and sometimes confused, and the state can be said to be dangerous and abnormal.

Once the mutation is out of control, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The sect that originally wanted to wait and see also became in a dilemma at this time, and the related quarrels and discussions continued.

As a detached cultivator, in fact, he knows how to measure the pros and cons the most, and is sure that there is no other choice.

If the mutation cannot be reversed, it will eventually become a monster, then it is best to kill it in advance.

Otherwise, once it gets out of control, it will become extremely difficult to kill it again.

The major sects killed the killers, but the mutants could not sit still, even if they were imprisoned and suppressed, they still began to resist frantically.

They have turned into tall giants, with fierce and strange postures, just like the ancient evil spirits.

There was a war between the two sides, even if they had an absolute advantage, it still took a lot of effort to kill them.

With the experience of the last time, the monks this time are very careful and will never touch the remains of the mutants.

Special means are also used to isolate and seal these remains, and they must not be approached without permission.

For fear of one accident, it will be re-infected.

Although it was successful, it also paid a small price, and it took a long time to recover.

During the period, there were still some sects that were even broken through by mutants, thus causing even greater damage.

At the most critical moment, other sects took the initiative to help, showing enthusiasm that they had never had before.

When such a situation occurs, it is natural to know that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, for fear that the mutant will be implicated after losing control.

This Northern Xinjiang accident was finally suppressed by the joint efforts of the major sects.

The mutants were all killed, but it did not mean that the matter was over, because there were still hidden mutants.

Not all mutants are full of trust in their sects. They did not report their own situation, but chose to conceal it.

When the sect launched an action, some mutants took the opportunity to escape, and some hid themselves deeper.

The major sects launched investigations, but it was still difficult to find the existence of the other party.

As the crisis came, the mutants also began to evolve, hiding deeper and deeper.

For a long time, the sect cultivators were all in danger, for fear that a mutant would suddenly appear.

No one can be sure whether the monk around him is a mutant, and will he suddenly lose control and launch an attack?

Every once in a while, quests for mutants will be released, and each time it is like an enemy.

This situation lasted for a long time, and the Northern Border sect paid a huge price, which made the esoteric sect disappear.

However, there are still monks who believe that the Esotericism has not been wiped out, but has been completely hidden.

Vigilance must be heightened to prevent the other party from resurgence.

The investigation on the esoteric sect has gradually yielded some results. Many high-ranking sects believe that the mutants are the projection embryos of extraterritorial gods and demons.

They implanted demons in the monks through special methods, and continued to grow parasitic until the mutation was completed.

The growth of mutants is uncontrolled, and it is possible to become a mature body, and then more terrible things will happen.

The terrifying demon **** from the outer domain will use the mature body as a projection clone, and then descend in an incredible way.

If that kind of thing happened, it would definitely be a terrifying catastrophe, and it would definitely cause countless lives to be devastated.

If it is still uncontrollable, let the clone continue to grow, and the outer demon will come in the real body at that time.

Tang Zhen was shocked by the narration of Venomous Poison Fire. He didn't expect that there was such a connotation in the world of practice.

Looking at the jumping little thing, Tang Zhen couldn't help falling into contemplation. If the Esoteric Esoteric Sect really targeted him, it would indeed be something to be vigilant about.

Read The Duke's Passion