MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-Chapter 9 Sister and brother!

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Tang Yajie’s school is located in the central area of ​​the provincial capital. It is a place of gold and gold. The street is full of luxurious shops. (8) (1) Δ Chinese Δ network Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM

On the way to the school by car, watching the bustling scenes and busy crowds who passed by from time to time, Tang Zhen could not help but feel sad. Returning from the outside world, his mentality has changed, a little less than before, and a little more confidence!

When she arrived at the university, Tang Zhen’s sister, Tang Yajie, had already waited for a long time at the school gate. She was also very excited about her brother’s arrival.

When I was a child, my brother was the target of her worship. In her eyes, no matter what, it is hard to beat her brother.

I was bullied by my brother to help myself out, even if I was beaten up and bruised, I would also be afraid to bully my bad guys. When I was learning, I encountered a problem. When I was a child, I would help my brother to help me to solve problems. However, he didn’t even have a university because of his family. If he didn’t graduate from high school, he would enter the society and earn money to support his family.

With such a brother who defended himself from childhood to small, Tang Yajie felt happy from the heart. Although she had long known that there was no blood relationship between the two sides, Tang Yajie and Tang Zhen had a deeper brother and sister than the blood, and regarded each other as the most important existence in life.

Tang Yajie's height of one meter and seventy-two, wearing a pair of light-colored jeans, the body is soft and straight, and standing at the roadside is very attractive to the eyes of pedestrians. Good shape, good looks, good study, cheerful personality, it is these arrogant conditions that make her the best girlfriend for countless boys.

Only at this time, the goddess of countless boys, her eyes are all concentrated on the young people coming across, a sweet smile on the quiet and beautiful face.

"Brother, I am here!"

Tang Yajie waved his hand and immediately went to Tang Zhen in three steps and two steps. He naughtyly took Tang Zhen’s arm and asked in an unusual tone: "Brother, you know, I am very confused, I usually can’t wait. There is a avatar, how can I have free time to see me today?"

Tang Zhen chuckled, looking at his sister's smart voice, and said in a relaxed tone: "Brother, I see my sister's righteousness, which is like your conspiracy, and what you see will be subconsciously thought to be ulterior motives!"

Tang Yajie twisted Tang Zhen’s waist and screamed: “Where is your brother, you have described your sister as a conspiracy, and you should fight!”

Tang Zhen haha ​​smiled, and quickly pretended to be afraid to dodge, raised his hand and confessed. However, Tang Yajie is very different from Tang Zhen's physical quality, because his brother's waist muscles seem to be much stronger than before.

However, she immediately looked at her eyes. In her opinion, this phenomenon may occur because Tang Zhen was engaged in physical labor. Without a trace, he grabbed a pair of Tang Zhen’s hands, and the hard shackles on his palm confirmed his guess.

This point is that Tang Yajie misunderstood. In fact, even Tang Zhen himself did not notice that his physique is gradually becoming stronger.

If the reason is probably the reason for the upgrade of the killing monster, according to the personal information prompt, as long as you kill a few monsters, he will be promoted to the first level, with a strong power of the adult after the explosion.

Tang Zhen was sensitive to the change in his sister's eyes, but he did not explain anything. He just sat silently on the bench under the tree and handed a bank card to Tang Yajie's hand.

"There is 300,000 yuan in this card, and the password is your birthday."

Looking at the bank card that was stuffed into his own hands, the Tang Xijie slender did not have any embarrassing eyebrows and wrinkled, and then looked at Tang Zhen with great tone: "Brother, what is going on here, I want a reasonable explanation?" ”

I knew that my younger sister had such doubts, so Tang Zhen replied simply: "There is absolutely no problem with this money, and I will not do anything that hurts the world. You don't have to bother. To guess what, peace of mind is learning."

Tang Yajie was silent for a moment, then nodded gently, and his voice sighed with a slight sigh: "Brother, in fact, you are so different and tired. I am already fast enough to go to school, and soon the website I built will be profitable. Just give me more time... I know that you have your insistence, but I will pay back with you the money that Dad owes, don't do stupid things, or I will be very sad..."

Tang Yajie knows what Tang Zhen is doing now, and nothing more than moving his bricks. But to pay off the debts, I can still bring so much living expenses to myself. This obviously has already produced his normal income standard, and her worry is not unreasonable.

But Tang Yajie also knows Tang Zhen’s character. If he is determined to do something, he will definitely stick to it. Moreover, Tang Zhen has never deceived her once since she was a child, so she has no reason to doubt the solemn guarantee made by Tang Zhen.

However, Tang Yajie’s heart always had an uneasy feeling of fear, which made her unable to calm down.

Seeing Tang Yajie’s expression of a heavy heart, Tang Zhen’s heart was also inexplicably sorrowful, and some words could not be said. Gently rubbing his lips, Tang Zhen's generous palms passed through Su Yajie's show, and then played a moment on her head, causing Tangya Jie to anger, then he laughed.

Tang Yajie’s grievances began to smash and smashed toward Tang Zhen. At the same time, the corner of his eye was slightly undetectable and slipped a tear.

Ten minutes later, Tang Zhen left the school. When he left, Tang Yajie did not ask for the money. He just said to him in a very solemn tone: "Brother, no matter what happens, I hope you remember you." There is a sister, she wants you to take care of yourself, always happy and peaceful..."

Tang Zhen almost resisted the sadness of his heart. He looked at Tang Yajie deeply and smiled and waved goodbye to his sister.

Exploring the outside world is not a game to play, there are great interests, but the same risks are great, and there is danger of death at any time!

He didn't know if the two had a chance to meet again after this departure, or to die or die? But no matter what, at this time his heart is already calm, with this thick family accompanied by him, there is no regret in his heart...

After returning home by car, Tang Zhen took out his mobile phone and after a little hesitation, he pulled out a phone number from the contact person of the mobile phone and dialed it after thinking about it.

The contact person he called, the name is written "The Chairman of the Broken Shoes"!

When the phone is connected, it is hanged up, dialed out, and hanged up.

Tang Zhen came to his temper and set aside, I don’t think you can pick it up.

Suddenly the phone was opened, but there was a strange noise from a woman. Then a man shouted with a hoarse voice in his anger: "Fuck, Tang Zhen, you have an urgent need, you can't Wait for Laozi to finish it later?"

When Tang Zhen heard the voice from the microphone, he still didn't understand what the other party was doing. He sighed a little and said: "What time do you have to seduce the wife of the husband all day, I will call you the chairman of the broken shoes. It’s worthy of the name..."

The opposite man heard the words and immediately returned to him: "The buddies are willing, you will envy and hate!"

Tang Zhenhehe smiled: "I think you misunderstood, I mean to say that you are the director of the broken shoes is Qu Cai, you should be called the broken shoes prince! How, this name is appropriate?"

Who wants the other party to hear and say no anger and laugh, sigh: "Thank you, Tang Zhen, too! I have said that your kid has not called me for several years. Isn’t there anything I will look for this time?"

"Can't you call without it?"

"Grass, it’s useless, I don’t know you..."

When Tang Zhen’s voice just fell, he heard a sudden rush of breathing from the phone, and then a scream of a woman’s forgetfulness came. Tang Zhen listened to his brows and wrinkled. He just wanted to hang up the phone. He heard the voice in the microphone: "Let's see the city south square an hour later, okay..."

"Grass, this grandson!"

Tang Zhen was angry and angry at the phone, but his heart was not a taste.

The young man called "The Prince of Broken Shoes" by Tang Zhen is called Xu Feng, and he is also an orphan. He grew up from a snack. Perhaps because of the orphans, the two played from big to big, the relationship is very iron.

Later, Tang Zhen dropped out of school and Xu Feng began a mixed society of black and white. The two people were less and less contacted. In the end, they had no contact for several years.

Originally, Tang Zhen thought that he and Xu Feng were two-way people, and there would be no more intersections in the future life. But now it seems that there is nothing in the world that is absolute, and some are just self-deception.

An hour later, Chengnan Square.

Tang Zhen arrived in advance for ten minutes, and looked around with the boring look.

An off-road vehicle suddenly stopped in front of Tang Zhen, who was staying, and the window came down. A handsome guy with a silver-brown head and sunglasses was looking out. The man lazily waved at Tang Zhen and saw Tang Zhen deliberately disregarding himself. The handsome guy smashed a bottle of mineral water from the seat of the car and smashed him toward him.


Tang Zhen pretended to turn his head and looked at the handsome guy with amazement. "Oh, I haven't seen you for a few years. You didn't even die on the woman's belly. It's getting more and more spiritual. God really doesn't have long eyes." !"

The handsome guy grinned, and jumped from the car to look around Tang Zhen for two laps. He suddenly chuckled and said: "Hey, I heard that your adoptive father has ran away, how to make it, and it is not good for people to pay their debts!"

Tang Zhen looked a glimpse and shook his head slightly.

Xu Feng saw Tang Zhen’s shoulder punch and said with relief: “It’s not a big deal. If you don’t mix it with your brother, you will not pay off your debts for three years, and you will have more money!”

"Oh, I can't do your job!"

"German! Do you want to introduce a super girl to you, rest assured, absolutely clean, and save your old man, that Fang Yujia inside?"

Tang Zhen grinned and dismissed: "Thank you, I am not like you, not a good one. As for Fang Yujia... I am already dead."

Xu Feng snorted and snorted: "You don't know, buddies are not interested in those green melons. If you get it, you will die. You don't care about your brother. What are you looking for?" thing?"

Before Tang Zhen’s cynical retreat, he glanced around and whispered: “Help me get a pistol and make some bullets.”

Xu Feng stunned, and there was a trace of surprise in the eyes. The original peach blossom eyes opened instantly: "What do you want to do with that thing, not to kill Fang Yujia's gimmick? I told you that you don't touch Tm. Don't say anything, I can't help this busy!"

Read The Duke's Passion