MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 9 Folks, hold on!

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This night, several people did not sleep well.

The screams and screams over there continued, and they seemed to be getting closer, so that everyone, including Ji Ruo, was very nervous.

The conditions of this campsite are very good in all aspects, but the open terrain is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

When there is no danger, they can look at the surrounding situation through the slightly higher terrain of this hill.

But once the danger comes, there is not even a place to cover up on the top of the mountain. If it is exposed, they will have nowhere to run and can only be a living target.

Fortunately, although the chaotic voice was getting closer, it did not reach the few people on the top of the mountain.

In fear, the chaos continued until dawn.

"It seems to have stopped."

Ji Ruo whispered, "Would you like to go quietly and have a look?"

This idea is actually a bit dangerous, but even if you don't look at it, the rich **** smell left by the chaos has already drifted up with the mountain wind.

If you continue to stay here, you may be found by other monsters or monsters who come to look for food.

It's good that the number of monsters and beasts is small. Once the number of enemies increases, they will be waiting to die if they stay here.

Liang Shixian also knew this truth, but he was still a little hesitant.

"Why don't we go down the mountain from the other side? Don't go there to pick up points or something. In case of an accident..."

Before the start of the martial arts test, all the candidates were instructed by teachers or parents of the school—safety first!

Ji Ruo thought about it and said, "Take a look quietly, those monsters and beasts have all come to our door, take a look, if something goes wrong, let's just run."

It's not that he was careless, but that he was looking for a safe direction with the help of [absolute sense of direction] all night.

When the chaos continued, the direction of 'safety' was very blurred, and the 5% direction correction effect of [Absolute Direction Sense] had almost no effect.

And now, the feeling of [Absolute Directional Sense] gives Ji Ruo a faint pointing in the direction of chaos.

In other words, it is theoretically safe to go from here.

Of course, you still have to be careful. After all, the effect of direction correction is only 5% for the time being.


"Squad leader, those are wild martial arts scores!"

Liang Shixian's mouth twitched.

What a wild martial arts score!

After struggling for a moment, Liang Shixian finally gritted his teeth: "Okay, just take a look..."

Ji Ruo thought about it, this is probably the effect of the title of [Diplomatic Spokesperson] taking effect.

A few people tied the remaining **** rice with school uniforms, carried them behind their backs, and then walked down the mountain cautiously.

The height of this hill is only about 100 meters, and the **** is not very steep. If it is normal, with the strength of a few sixth-level warriors, you can run from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain in a few seconds, but you can't do that now, you have to pay attention to safety. .

So, within a short distance of 100 meters, a few people walked for nearly an hour.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Quan and Liu Neng vomited on the spot when they saw the purgatory-like scene.

Although the martial-apprentice-level candidates trained under the standard education are not flowers in the greenhouse to some extent, everyone has seen blood.

But before the martial arts test started, at most, he had to kill chickens, ducks, fish, and pigs by himself, and since they were all done by himself, the wounds were very regular, and it wasn't too disgusting.

but now......

The battle between monsters and monsters, in the conventional sense, has no rules to speak of.

Their weapons are all kinds of strange, or simple stone tools, or simply hard stones.

What's more, they like to attack with their own body parts most of the time.

Such as sharp teeth, claws, sharp beaks, hard horns...

All in all, at a cursory glance, nearly 200 various monsters and beasts died here, and the largest proportion of them were green-skinned goblins.

Most of the dead monsters and beasts have mutilated limbs, or their internal organs are scattered all over the place.

The strong **** smell was mixed with a lot of strange smells, which were both hot and eye-catching. Coupled with the visual impact, Zhang Quan and Liu Neng vomited on the spot.

Liang Shixian and Ji Ruo didn't vomit, but they didn't get much better, and their faces were a little unsightly.

I don't know why Liang Shixian didn't vomit Ji Ruo, but Ji Ruo was going to vomit, just thinking about the first time he ate a high-end ingredient such as blood rice, it was a pity that he vomited, so he abruptly suppressed the desire to vomit. ......

"Looks like they're all dead."

Ji Ruo said in a low voice, and then he didn't think it was dirty. He picked up the corpse of the monster that looked like a gopher under his feet, and began to collect evidence and upload it, recording the test scores.

A few people next to him were still in a daze, Ji Ruo frowned: "What are you doing? Do it! You want to watch me go to a famous martial arts school by myself, right? Hurry up and run after the record, or wait for the smell of blood to attract Come to other monsters, we can't escape!"

"Ah? Oh oh."

Only then did a few people act.

A corpse can only be uploaded once. Now the watch has no signal, only the storage function, but it can be recorded repeatedly.

But after the martial arts exam is over, all the data is uploaded, and if the intelligent exam system finds out that the body of a monster has been uploaded many times through comparison, it will be judged as cheating.

Wu Kao does not prohibit teamwork, but it is strictly forbidden to upload the corpse of a monster or monster to multiple people.

That kind of behavior is not part of normal teamwork.

Fortunately, there are a lot of corpses here, and several people roughly divided it into four areas, each recording one area.

Although Zhang Quan and Liu Neng have activated the help function of the watch, they are still in the process of taking the exam in theory since the martial artist has not yet arrived.

These scores can still be counted on them. When the martial arts exam is over, if they are still alive, they will all be able to go to university.

As Ji Ruo said, these 'scores' are like wild ones. The disgusting is a little disgusting, but it is very happy to pick them up!

But Ji Ruo gradually frowned.

Because he found something familiar in the blood-red color of the ground.

Bloody rice straw!

Who would pick up the straw and fight in a scuffle?

Could this be where the **** rice field was originally located?

But that location was clearly nearly 800 meters away from the hill where they were hiding!

Could it be... the ground will move?

Ji Ruo picked it up and was suddenly startled by the thought.

If that's the case, then their situation...

"Who, who is there?"

Suddenly, a faint call made Ji Ruo's whole body jolted.

He followed the sound, and saw a sturdy goblin lying in a pool of blood, one leg was missing, and the other leg was irregularly twisted.

There is a huge wound in its abdomen, and it is faintly visible that the internal organs are slowly squirming in it, dying.

"Save, save me, I don't want to die..."

The goblin said weakly, it didn't even have the strength to raise its head, so it didn't know that the voice it heard was a human coming.

Ji Ruo raised his brows, this goblin was injured like this, UU reading www. uukanshu. com must be dying.

In theory, there is a deep blood feud between humans and monsters, and it should be ignored.

But if he is a good boy!

How can a good boy die without being saved?

So Ji Ruo ran to the burly goblin and said anxiously, "Fellow! Fellow, are you alright! My name is Ji Ruo, and I'm a martial arts trainee who has been practicing martial arts for two and a half years!"

The goblin's eyes were a little distracted, but the strong desire to survive still made it reluctantly raise his hand to reach Ji Ruo.

"Please, save, save me..."

"Don't worry, fellow! I have learned first aid, and I will definitely be able to save you!"

Ji Ruo said seriously, then squatted beside the goblin, put his hands on the goblin's chest, and said, "Fellow, my first aid method is called 'CPR'. It's so saved, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Said, Ji Ruo's palms were red, obviously using iron sand palms.

Then, press hard!

The goblin's eyes were instantly rounded, his chest was squeezed with tremendous force, and a large amount of tissue that didn't like crowding suddenly spewed out from the huge wound in his abdomen.

"you you you......"

The goblin didn't know what "you" was, and he died of anger before he could finish his sentence.

Ji Ruo felt a little regretful when he saw this: "It's a pity, I wasn't good at studying and I couldn't be saved... But don't worry, fellow, you will become my martial arts score and triumph with me!"

With that said, Ji Ruo raised his watch to scan, turning this goblin into his martial arts score.

"Did~ Congratulations to the classmates for killing the goblin lord."

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.

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