MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 448 Finish

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This transformation fruit is slightly different from what Ji Ruo thought.

He thought that the transformation fruit created by Tongtian Jianmu was the kind that could transform a demon, but it turned out not to be.

Its main function is not for eating, it is more appropriate to say that it is used for refining.

There is a mustard space inside, which can allow the monster to hide its body...

Ji Ruo found it interesting, so he also asked Tong Tian Jianmu for one.

"If you want it too? You can do it, but the transformation fruit needs to be customized, and if there is no demon power, there is no way to activate it..."

After all, Tongtian Jianmu's transformation fruit was only initially developed, and some characteristics of his own five-star plant monster were referred to.

Tongtian Jianmu - itself is related to space, and this is the only way to condense mustard space into a small fruit.

"It's okay, let's try."

"Okay... who else wants it?" Tongtian Jianmu asked in a daze.

He was still a little unaccustomed to getting a human body for the first time, and he looked a little dazed.

"Me, me, me!"

Rosie was naturally the first to raise her hand.

Tongtian Jianmu pondered: "The shape-changing fruit is not for eating..."

"Eh? Can't you eat it?" Rosie tilted her head, "No, I want to try!"


Tongtian Jianmu once again absorbed the spiritual energy, opened up the mustard space, and condensed the fruit of life.

Not long after, several fist-sized transformation fruits fell from the sky.

Ji Ruo picked up one, and with the help of the kitchen god's authority, he felt it carefully, and found that it was really inedible.

The mustard space within it is condensed by demon magic, with a single function.

And because it is not a completely closed space, after all, the transformed body will remain inside, so the inside and outside are actually connected to a certain extent.

Therefore, it cannot be used as a storage tool—the space inside is only relatively stable. In addition, it contains a lot of life matter.

If it is put in other, it is easy to deteriorate or become fine...

If you eat, you will...


Rosie suddenly cried out.

All the people around were full of anxiety, and Tongtian Jianmu even said: "You child, you said you can't eat it, why are you stuffing everything into your mouth!"

At this moment, Rosie's belly is as big as a ball, no, in other words, it is just a big ball.

She swallowed the shape-changing fruit and digested the peel, but the mustard seed space inside couldn't digest it instantly because it contained the demonic power of Tongtian Jianmu, so that the space lost control and was about to explode.

"Quick! Spit it out!" Ji Ruo said anxiously.

"no, do not want!"

Rosie's short limbs covered her mouth, her figure became more and more rounded, and her eyes were about to be broken—


With a muffled sound, Rosie's eyes were blank and her body shrank.

"What's the matter? Grandpa Tongtian, hurry up and get some spiritual fruit..."

"I didn't... Ah, I was seriously injured, master, I might die..." Rosie said pitifully.

Ji Ruo slowly made a question mark.

After thinking about it, Ji Ruo asked, "Then what do you think should be eaten?"

"Um... to eat..."

Rosie recounted the names of a series of spiritual fruit medicines, and even a lot of cooking dishes.

Tongtian Jianmu said: "The fruit is okay, what is Kung Pao Chicken? I can't bear it..."

"That's it." Rosie looked disappointed.

Ji Ruo **** her off angrily: "Why are you so greedy, didn't you say that those things are not for eating!"

"It's edible." Rosie said confidently: "It tastes sour and sweet, and it will explode. It's exciting to eat!"

Everyone: "..."

The two little fat men, Dabao and Erbao, teased: "Little cat, that's for your transformation. Now that we've all become humans, you're still a cat, haha!"

Rosie glanced at them: "I can change without fruit!"

With that said, Rosie switched talents.

The talents of monsters are as numerous as stars, and among them is a talent called 'Shape Changing', whose main function is to change.

In the next moment, Rosie transformed into a black-haired loli with delicate pink and jade, wearing a small dark gothic dress, exquisite and cute, in terms of appearance alone, she was far ahead of the two brothers.

Rosie was triumphant: "You are not as good-looking as me... ouch!"

Just as she was talking, Rosie couldn't stand upright, she just fell on a lovely flat ground—she was not familiar with the human body, and she couldn't even stand upright.

Everyone laughed when they saw this.

When it was time to part, Tongtian Jianmu looked at the Manshan Dryad with complicated emotions.

Daxia people have paid attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots since ancient times, but tree monsters like Tongtian Jianmu and the others are more intense, they pay attention to taking root.

Although he had already decided to leave, but at this time, Tongtian Jianmu was still a little bit reluctant.

Fortunately, as a five-star building tree, he has already merged with the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and his authority over this secret realm is frighteningly high.

"Sure enough"

As Tongtian Jianmu said, he waved his hand, and the phantom of the sacred tree suddenly appeared in the void, and the branches swayed, disturbing the rules of the secret realm.

In an instant, the situation changed, the sun and the moon were in the same sky, and the entire secret realm was absorbed by Tongtian Jianmu and became a part of its body.

All the monsters and tree demons in the inner world settled on Tongtian Jianmu. Looking at the indescribable scene, Ji Ruo suddenly had the feeling of facing the World Tree directly.

Ji Ruo said with emotion: "It's the first time I've seen someone go out on a trip and walk with the house on their shoulders..."

Tongtian Jianmu thought for a while: "Grandpa, I am not human."

"...It seems to be the same."

So far, Wanshoushan and his party have come to an end.


A group of people returned to Daxia.

The battle between Yu Hongzhuang and others has entered a fierce stage.

Tim inquired about the history of this world by searching for divine arts, and argued with Yu Hongzhuang with infinite wisdom. After arguing, Yu Hongzhuang was speechless. He wanted to raise his sword several times, but he held back.

Sheila also searched for some information about Qu Fei by searching magic spells, and directly entrusted Qu Fei's parents with a dream, telling their daughter that she wanted to elope with a strange man behind their backs. Fee grabbed it back.

As for Emily...

This guy has milk tea in his left hand and cake in his right hand. Behind him, he manipulates a large number of gourmet snacks floating behind him with divine power. He is full of happy smiles and looks indifferent to the world.

When Ji Ruo came back and found out what had happened, he couldn't laugh or cry.

He looked at Emily: "You guy..."

"Hum ham ham~"

Emily's mouth was stuffed, half of her face was covered with a lot of food crumbs, and she looked at Ji Ruo with a cute face.

Ji Ruo sighed: "Your hair should be blue..."

"Sect Master Yu, you..." Ji Ruo was about to say something.

Yu Hongzhuang was dejected, waved her hands, and said, "Stop talking, I'm not worthy to be your wife. I'll come back to find you after I go back to practice for a few more years..."

Ji Ruo: "?"

What's the matter?

Tim wiped his nose triumphantly, put his hips on his hips and said, "Fight with me? Humph! Do you understand the gold content of Mother Earth's God of Search!"

A certain Daxia leader smiled wryly and said: "Ji Ruo, you are back, if you don't come back, Sect Master Yu Jianxin will be shattered by Tim... I feel a little unstable... ...."


so serious? !

How do you argue!

Yu Hongzhuang took a deep look at Ji Ruo, and quickly fled in the form of sword light: "I will come to find you after the sect has finished handling the affairs of the sect!

Isn't it female virtue, this sect study! "

Ji Ruo: "..."

When you come back, I don't know where I went.

Shaking his head slightly, Ji Ruo continued his farewell journey.

Hua Qianrou urged: "Should I go to Chen Zai's place? Should I go to Chen Zai's place?"

Ji Ruo rubbed his head and said, "Wait a little longer."

Afterwards, Ji Ruo and his party returned to Yuncheng.

They first went to Liang Shixian's house—Liang Shijing hadn't been born yet, but the couple had already known that they would have such a lovely daughter in the future from the album organized by the future Liang's father, and they had already started to act.

Now that science and technology is advanced, coupled with the relationship between Liang Shixian and Ji Ruo, there are all kinds of elixir and treasures that are conducive to pregnancy.

This time when he came to Liang Shixian's house, Liang Shixian himself was left out in the cold.

The old couple pulled Ji Ruo and kept asking: "Is Xiaojing really the first child?"

Ji Ruo smiled and said, "How about going to see it together?"

He moved out of the time machine and took Liang Shixian's family to see the day when Liang Shijing was born, the day when he was one year old, the day when he would call his parents and brother, the day when he started elementary school...

When they return to the present time and space, the family still has more to say.

"This journey is like a dream..." Liang Yong said with emotion.

Ji Ruo smiled and said, "Uncle Liang, the dream is not over yet."

"Ah? Well, hahaha, yes, your dreams are not over yet." Liang Yong laughed loudly: "Go out this time, have fun, Shixian, if you have anything to discuss with Ji Ruo, he... "

"It's up to me to discuss it with the monitor, who is very good at managing things."

"Yes, it is my seed after all! Hahahaha!"

Liang's mother said angrily: "How much does it have to do with you? It's not because I was a good mother!"

"Isn't that what I taught too!"

Liang Shixian hurriedly said: "Everything is fine..."

Ji Ruo happily watched the family bickering, but this time, he didn't feel any discomfort.

Suddenly, Emily stretched out her hand and gently touched Ji Ruo's head.


Ji Ruo was puzzled: "What are you doing?"

"Although I don't understand it very well, but..." Emily grinned: "As the goddess of life, I always feel that I have to touch your head at this time!"

"Ha ha!"

Ji Ruo smiled.


Sheila, Tim, Tongtian Jianmu, Rosie, Baimao, Gu Xingzhou, Hua Qianrou, and even Xuntian Island Whale stretched out a shark fin from the fish tank and covered Ji Ruo's head.

Ji Ruo: "...It doesn't have to be like this, you see someone who touched his head and killed him like this!"

"Hahahaha!" Now it was everyone's turn to laugh.

Afterwards, Ji Ruo went to Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School.

As the most outstanding student with the highest achievement since the establishment of Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School, the arrival of Ji Ruo made all the teachers and students overjoyed.

The principal invited Ji Ruo to give a speech on the stage, and Ji Ruo's friends also booed, so Ji Ruo, unprepared, just stood on the flag-raising platform.

Li Bindao was talking with his colleagues, looking at Ji Ruo, recalling the child's hardships along the way, couldn't help wiping away tears.

If Ji can achieve today's achievements, he is both gratified and proud.

He felt that Ji Ruo would definitely say something more fanciful next, and he could probably think of some, so he was moved to tears in advance.

Ji Ruo this child, he has always been at ease.

Returning to the familiar place again, Ji Ruo felt emotional.

He held the microphone, coughed twice, and said, "Ahem, there are a lot of people...everyone is here."

Everyone is waiting for his follow-up.

Ji Ruo paused, and then said: "The last time I stood here, I got out of the coffin...By the way, principal, have you thrown away my coffin?

Speaking of the last time, it seems that we didn’t have a seat. Now that I think about it, it’s a pity... After all, everyone is here today. Otherwise, let’s make up the seats from last time, shall we? "

Everyone: "???"

Li Bin said: "???"

Let you speak a few words on stage, you just talk about this? !

"Cough cough, classmate Ji Ruo." The principal coughed dryly: "About martial arts practice, regarding study, do you have any experience, pass it on to the younger students."

"Experience..." Ji Ruo pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's all in the dishes."

Everyone: "???"

"Life is all about eating and drinking. Eat and drink well, that's enough... Lai Xi!"

Driven by the divine power of the kitchen god, Tongtian Jianmu provided the ingredients, and Ji Ruoying cooked in his own body.

The principal and others had no choice but to call everyone back to the classroom to carry out the desks and chairs.

An extension of the banquet began.

Ji Ruo stayed here with everyone for a while, then left alone.

He came to Hu Wang's house, had dinner with the family, and played boxing with Hu Wang for a while.

The sunset is on the west mountain, and the lights are just coming on.

Holding the fish tank, Ji Ruo brought his friends to a certain mental hospital on the border.

His scalp was tight and loose, and Chen Mo was still a little scared.

"Don't be nervous, Uncle Chen Mo, nothing will happen."

"Will the dog Chen Zai scold me? I have been away for so long, but he can't find me, he..."

"No, don't worry."

Ji Ruo took a deep breath and asked Principal Chen of the No. 1 Martial Arts School to transfer the students out with the teachers through any door, and then began to try to dismantle the [Dying Fantasy].

This is by far the most difficult fantasy creation of Ji Ruocai - after all, it is invisible and intangible, and it is just a fantasy that exists in the mind.

Fortunately, everything went well, Ji Ruo dismantled and reinstalled it, and of course there was an extra part in his hand—it was the heart demon house that Ji Xiaoxiao built back then.

"Are you ready?" Hua Qianrou asked nervously.

"It should be all right...well, Mr. Chen Zai is awake."

Chen Zai, who was wearing a restraint hospital gown, opened his eyes, his eyes were a little dazed, and then he quickly recovered.

"What a long dream..."

"Mr. Chen Zai." Ji Ruo said, "Do you know me?"

"I know, why don't you know?" Chen Zai smiled: "The young champion in those is now the number one in the world."


Hua Qianrou stared nervously at Chen Zai.

Chen Zai looked at her with gentle eyes: "Xiao Rou, you finally came to me. I had a long, long dream. In the dream, you were not there..."

"You bastard!"

Hua Qianrou finally cried bitterly, and threw herself into Chen Zai's arms: "How could you have the heart to abandon me for so many years!"


Seeing this, Ji Ruo quietly greeted everyone to leave the ward, and gave the two elders some time to be tender.

So far, his farewell journey has come to an end.

His black hair turned white again, and Chen Mo didn't know where he went.


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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy