MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 437 Do not marry if you are not a king!

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Twenty gold bricks? !

Or at least? !

Sixty years older than myself!

This is so...

But if you think about it carefully, you are only sixty years older. Sheila and Emily are the main gods that existed at the beginning of the birth of the Earth Mother Continent. Millie is hundreds of years old.

Elves are long-lived species, and they live in places like the Forest of Elves. They are pure in nature and yearn for the outside world.

Although she is several hundred years old, her personality is still that of a young girl... Well, Emily's mental age may be even younger.

And Ji Ruo is now in the golden body state, and he only broke through after cultivating all the way to the extreme state. His lifespan is so long that Ji Ruo himself doesn't know it very well - anyway, he is still young now, knowing that his life span is enough.

And in a sufficiently long time span, a life expectancy gap of several decades is not unacceptable.

Although Ji Ruo is still young, he is very open about this aspect.

However, this doesn't mean that he accepted Yu Hongzhuang - good-looking is good-looking, but he confessed his love as soon as he came up, who could resist it?

Who knows if you are a good girl?

Boys go out, you have to protect yourself...

"If you don't object, I'll take it as your consent!"

Yu Hongzhuang smiled boldly, and rushed over to hug Ji Ruo.

"Come on, husband, let me be rare! You guys, hurry up and prepare for the wedding! If you don't get drunk today, don't—"

"Wait a minute!"

Ji Ruo stepped on the shadow step, leaving Yu Hongzhuang, who had lost all her martial arts, in the air, and continued to ask, "Why must it be me!"

"Your sword skills are superb."

"They're not bad either!"

"They are not good enough for me!" Yu Hongzhuang said proudly, "They are not as talented as you!"

Ji Ruo scratched his head and scratched his head: "Uncle Li Guanqi back then, he was not bad at swordsmanship, he cut off the Tianjian Peak!"

Yu Hongzhuang continued to proudly say: "Li Guanqi? This sect admits that he has some ability, and his talent in swordsmanship is not bad.

But at most, it seems to be different from this sect. If there is a life-and-death struggle, it is not certain who will win!

Back then, if it wasn't for my pity that he could reach such a level with such a crude sword move, I couldn't bear to let him die young, and my sword sect did make mistakes first..."

Ji Ruo was curious: "Isn't it because of the crow's mouth?"

Yu Hongzhuang choked for a moment, and subconsciously said, "How do you know!"

"Ha ha!"

Ji Ruo scratched his head, and a black dialog box popped up above his head, which read: "It really is, hahahaha!"

Everyone: "..."

They are indeed a little embarrassing.

Yu Hongzhuang blushed slightly, but after all, she was the suzerain, so she was cheeky... Ah no, this thing should be called stomach...

Yu Hongzhuang said: "You're right, it's because of his crow's mouth... He threatened me at that time, if he dared to stop me, I would not be able to get married. , let him cut off the Heavenly Sword Peak."

Count Ruo Le.

God **** it!

Yu Hongzhuang raised her head: "This sect has sworn that whoever defeats me with swordsmanship, I will marry him!

The big Nuo Jianzong, for so many years, no one has been my opponent, Li Guanqi, the only one who has a chance, even threatened the creation of fantasy, making this sect throw a mouse and avoid it.

So, you are the first person in so many years to defeat me with swordsmanship under the eyes of everyone.

Not only that, you have surpassed my ancestor of the sword sect. I am afraid that I will never see a genius like you again in this life, so I don't want to miss it! "

Ji Ruo: "...Then what, there are already several girls who like me, and I don't know how to deal with them. You see, how about I re-introduce Uncle Li Guanqi to you? I'm sick, I can control that crow's mouth very well, my realm is also heavenly and human, and I'm on par with you..."

"No!" Yu Hongzhuang frowned: "Li Guanqi is not as good-looking as you, so you don't need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind, in this life, it is you who will not marry!"

Rosie changed back to her original form, squatting on Ji Ruo's shoulder, raised her hand and gave a thumbs up, grinning in affirmation: "You are right! My master is just good-looking!"

Ji Ruo: "..."

It turns out that there is such a hidden condition...

"I have business to do on this trip..."

"This sect knows that you want to win the first place in the world!" Yu Hongzhuang said seriously: "There are seven sects left, and this sect will help you!"


"You are more beautiful than Li Guanqi, you have a better personality than him, and your talent for swordsmanship is comparable to my ancestor of the sword sect..."

"It's transcendence." Ji Ruo simply corrected it.

"...In short, there is no one better than you, you are my good match! No matter what you say today, this sect will not marry you!"

Yu Hongzhuang raised her chin: "As a descendant of the sword ancestor, I am in charge of the sword sect. The talent for swordsmanship is among the best in the contemporary era, and my appearance and figure are also excellent. Can I match you?"

"It's not such a thing..." Ji Ruo was a little twitchy: "We just met, I just knew your name, you will marry you when you come up...we haven't held hands yet Well, isn't this progress a little too fast?

This has no emotional basis either! "

Yu Hongzhuang waved her slender hand: "My sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, don't stick to trifles!"

"The future is long, and the relationship can be cultivated slowly!"

The surrounding Sword Sect members are also constantly persuading, except for the Yuanyi Jianfeng people with broken eyes, the master of Bafeng Peak and the elders are racking their brains to say good things for their suzerain.

"..." Ji Ruo is rarely so speechless, the [Diplomatic Spokesperson] seems to have lost its effect at this moment, this guy is determined to marry him...


Yu Hongzhuang raised her hand and raised her sword finger, and Ji Ruo was slightly surprised by the faint sword intent on it.

Although the sword intent was immature, there was no doubt that it was the sword intent displayed by Ji Ruofang.

Yu Hongzhuang had already lost all her martial arts skills, but after seeing it just once, she had a little understanding of Ji Ruo's sword intent, and her talent was really ridiculously high.

"This sect is already in your shape!"


"All right, all right, I'll give you back your martial arts!"

Ji Ruo said angrily: "You keep saying that because I am far superior to you in the art of swordsmanship, it is I who will not marry, but do you know why I can achieve such achievements at this age?"


Ji Ruo said earnestly: "Without a woman in your heart, draw your sword to be a god! The first page of the sword manual is to forget your sweetheart! Do you understand!"


Then Ji Ruo spread his hands, and said: "Besides, as the saying goes, the third year of the female college holds gold bricks, the thirty female college students give Jiangshan, and the female college three hundred gives the elixir... You are more than sixty years old, you can't go up or down. Yes, how do you ask me to promise?"


Yu Hongzhuang said sternly: "Although this sect can't give you the world, and there is no such thing as elixir, but if you marry me, this sword sect will be our dowry!"

The faces of the members of the Jianzong sect changed when they heard the words, and they all praised: "The suzerain is so brave!"

"That's how it should be!"

"Yes, we are the dowry!"

Yu Hongzhuang blushed slightly, but she was full of complacency, and looked at Ji Ruo with a little provocation.

"A woman in this sect has such courage. You are a master of both swords and swords. Could it be that you dare not accept this marriage?"

Ji Ruo: "???"

"Don't dare! No, have you asked my opinion?"

"Then what's your opinion?"

Ji Ruo resolutely said: "I don't agree with this marriage!"

Yu Hongzhuang was also resolute: "I don't believe it!"


The people of Jianzong really have something wrong with their brains!

Ji Ruo shuddered, and the imperial envoy's sword branch acted as a flying sword, soaring into the sky, he said: "Forget it, it's still too sudden, I'm in a hurry, let's talk about this~ Let's go first ~"

He took out any door and was ready to go to the next sect.

Yu Hongzhuang raised her head and said loudly: "You run, my sect has lost all of its martial arts, so I can't stop you.

But even if you run to the ends of the earth, this sect will catch up with you. If you say you don't want to marry, it means you don't want to marry! "

"What the **** are you—"

Ji Ruo frowned, and took out a lot of martial arts villains from the four-dimensional pocket, some of which were Yu Hongzhuang, and some that did not belong to her, and cleverly sent them into Yu Hongzhuang's body.

He could tell that Yu Hongzhuang was a woman who dared to speak and act. If he really left like this, Yu Hongzhuang would definitely go out to find him.

But now that she has lost all her martial arts, she has the realm of heaven and man, but she has no corresponding combat power. It is very dangerous to leave the sword sect cave, and she cannot be ignored.

"Thank you, husband."

"Don't call me husband!"


Ji Ruo secretly spat: "Unlucky!"

Then he ran away, opened the door and left.

Yu Hongzhuang smiled triumphantly, then turned her head and said: "The sect will be left to you, and the disciples in the sect will arrange it carefully. If any disciples are willing to go to the Dao of the Sword Canyon left by my husband, they can also go to comprehend it.

In addition, those who offended my husband will also be arrested and locked up..."

The original Yijianfeng people directly became the "those guys" in Yu Hongzhuang's mouth. After a pause, Yu Hongzhuang said again: "Ordinary disciples may not know about this matter, so we only punish the culprit."


"Well, that sect is temporarily handed over to you, and this sect is going to find him."

"No problem suzerain!"

The Master of Xianjian Peak said: "Sect Master, go quickly, but you must bring my uncle back!"

"Yes, suzerain, you were also raised by us. Now that you have found a good husband, we old guys are also happy."

Yu Hongzhuang suddenly felt proud: "Set up the wedding room, and I will come as soon as I go!"

"it is good!"

From the beginning to the end, no one thought about it. Ji Ruo disagreed with this matter... The sword cultivator was born with arrogance, would rather bend than bend, and never considered the possibility of failure.


Yu Hongzhuang boarded the sword boat of Jianzong, held the sword in her arms, and thought of Ji Ruo, and drove the sword boat away from the Nine Swords Peak...or it should be said that it was the Eight Swords Peak.

"As expected of the man this sect has his eyes on, he is so domineering to win the first place in the world...Since my husband wants to break the nine sects with swords, then this sect will help him..."

The nine major sects are independent of the world, and they only care about themselves for thousands of years, regardless of Da Xia, and they have a lot of communication with each other.

When Ji Ruo opened the door just now, Yu Hongzhuang already knew what sect it was from the faint Dao Yun revealed from the door.

But she didn't intend to go directly to Ji Ruo, but chose to start from another sect.

She and Ji Ruo, one on the left and the other on the right, attacked the six major sects, and finally met in the center. Think about it, it's a bit romantic...

Immortal Sword Peak.

Everyone watched Yu Hongzhuang leave with emotion.

Ji Ruo has both swords and swords, and his kendo attainments surpassed the long river of kendo under the eyes of everyone, and he took another step forward, which has already made them completely admire him.

They have never seen such an outstanding person, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare in a thousand years. The suzerain wants to marry, but they can't stop them anyway. If they support, they can tie such an extremely talented person back to the sword sect, and the suzerain can also get a wish Mr. Lang, no matter how you look at it, it's not a loss.

So they don't object.

The people of Jianzong practice sword farming, and from time to time they will go out with their swords, walk with their swords, and cut them with their swords when they encounter injustice. Very down to earth.

"The Dao of the Sword...I didn't expect the old man to witness a rule branding the world with his own eyes..."

"Who says it's not, this uncle, what a wonderful thing."

The Ninth Elder of Xianjian Peak said: "You may not believe me, but I met him first. At that time, I still wanted to accept him as a disciple...Now, I want to worship him as a teacher, but I don't know Will he accept..."

"Judging from the information Da Xia gave us, our uncle has a good personality, a kind heart, and respects the elders very much. When the Martial Arts Association is over, if you really want to learn, you can ask him yourself, it should be possible. "

These high-level people, while arranging and busy with the disciples, chatted at the same time.

It can be seen that they are full of hope for the future.

But not long after—

A huge shadow covered the sky, so that when the sky became dark, everyone looked up subconsciously, and then panicked.

"Sky Island Whale?!


From top to bottom, they have lost all their martial arts. Apart from their own state and their bodies are more resistant to beating, they have almost no combat power.

Under such circumstances, who would not be frightened and fearless when encountering the Xuntian Island Whale?

The Lord of Xianjian Peak frowned and said, "Damn it, why are the whales of Xuntian Island coming at this time!"

"Young master and suzerain have just left, and I don't even know how to tie the sword array now, I'm afraid it will be..."

All hearts are heavy.

The reason why they are so indifferent after losing their martial arts is because the cave where the sect is located is a relatively special secret realm.

Especially Jianzong, their Nine Swords Qifeng was cut out by the ancestor of Jianzong thousands of years ago with one person's strength, and the monsters outside can't get in at all.

But now—

The Xuntian Island Whale is the only known peerless monster who can ignore the restrictions of the secret realm and patrol the sky!

The number of this kind of big monster is rare, even the Nine Great Sects have not seen a few of them in the past thousand years, and there are very few records of the Xuntian Island Whale.

But one thing is certain.

They have lost all their martial arts Facing the whales of the Xuntian Island, they have no ability to resist.

But I saw a small head protruding from the back of the Xuntian Island whale—it was a bear demon.

Of course, small is only relatively speaking, mainly because the Xuntian Island Whale is too big.

"Skywatcher, there are a lot of shoes down here!"

"I saw it."

Xuntian Island Whale spoke calmly, with an inexplicable sense of loneliness in his voice.

He has been looking for a companion for too long.

"Here, there is also the smell of shoes, shoes have appeared here."

"There are so many humans, Sky Surveyor, they haven't slept, what should we do?"


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