MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 8 learning makes people happy

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  Chapter 8 Learning makes people happy

Da da!

   Tapping his fingers on the edge of the long table, he held the corner of the manual with his other hand and rotated it, playing with it interestingly.

   Tu Fu's eyes were completely focused on this small object.

  He never expected that the evidence taken from the ghost ship would establish some kind of connection with him invisibly.

   "Real name binding."

  Tu Fu frowned slightly, "Do you know about the anti-addiction certification?"

  This safety manual is equivalent to letting you read a long list of terms of service before playing the game, and then guiding you to click "I agree".

  The key point is that in the disclaimer clause, "in case of any accident, the consequences shall be borne by the players themselves, and the company shall not be responsible".

  After returning to the bedroom, the first thing Tu Fu did was to check his body carefully. After finding that there were no scars or marks, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   And do a simple review of the event just now.

   Now it seems that the ghost ship has no malicious intentions towards him, but only intends to guide him to abide by the order on the ship and continue to keep the Santa Maria stable.

  The rules in the safety manual are the best proof.

  The above seemingly weird rules are all telling him what to do, and he can be safe by following the rules.

  Although the manual doesn't state the cost of violating the rules, it's not what he should try now.

   Briefly summarize these rules.

  1. The ship cannot dock.

  2. You must return to your room at the specified time.

  3. If you have difficulties, you can seek help from the staff, but it is not absolutely feasible.

  4. The ship is divided into many areas, and he needs to judge how to use the tools by himself.

   "And my existence is to maintain the balance of the ghost ship. In contrast, I have the authority to use the super eye, and I can continue to obtain the information I need."

  Tu Fu tapped the table with his fingers in an orderly manner, comparing the pros and cons one by one.

  The premise is that he must abide by the rules and survive on the ship where the crew turned into monsters.

  If he hadn't been quick-witted and turned on the radio to lure away the dead Anna this time, he might have fallen.

   What he can do now is to explore the entire city of Leeds as soon as possible, and maximize the monitoring of the captain's room, and it is best to explore the secrets of the extraordinary.

  Thinking of this, Tu Fu decided to try again. He wanted to make sure that the appearance of the countdown was controllable, so he learned the method just now and recited the name of the ghost ship again.

  The moment the word "Santa Maria" was blurted out, Tu Fu immediately felt a strong sense of dizziness in his head, and the strong discomfort hitting his brain forced him to stop this behavior.

   "No, I can't enter the second time for a short time." Tu Fu immediately understood this logic, just like the CD (cooling time) after releasing a skill in the game.

   Access to the ghost ship was also somewhat restrictive for him.

  According to his exposure to occultism, after a short thought, he immediately comprehended the logic of entering and exiting the ghost ship.

   Passing the anchoring ceremony can indeed lock the leaked breath of the ghost ship.

   But this kind of ceremony is like a thief picking a lock. It is true that the door can be opened and entered in a short time, but it must be left before the owner returns home.

   "If you want to obtain long-term residency, you need more permissions (house book) to stay." Tu Fu instantly understood.

   Only by finding a way to become a legendary superman can there be a way to obtain more ghost ship permissions, and using supernatural power to suppress that terrible ghost ship is the long-term way.

   And the most important thing at hand is another one.

study hard.

   It is a long job to explore the secrets of the extraordinary and the ghost ship. Many ancient books and materials are written in Assyrian, and even the monsters on the ship cannot be recognized without learning it.

  It's a pity that his current language learning level only stays at the level of answering questions on paper and can speak simple short sentences.

   "You may not be so lucky next time." Tu Fu rubbed his temples and suddenly felt a headache. "We must master the knowledge of this world as soon as possible."

  By the way, prepare for the selection of higher education in the near future.

  With the sky-defying technological assistance of "Super Sky Eye", coupled with a little bit of effort, it is by no means empty talk to sprint to the Seven Schools Alliance.

  The foundation of the original owners of the other six subjects is fairly solid, and it is not difficult to understand with Tu Fu's modern thinking.

  Only ancient Assyrian, the source of the modern languages ​​of the northern continent, has jerky and complex pronunciation, complicated grammatical rules, and a large number of derivative words. It is a very difficult inflectional language.

   In fact, the learning of ancient Chinese is a considerable challenge for low-level students.

  Ordinary children of the big bourgeoisie and nobles receive elite education since childhood, and even hire private teachers for one-on-one tutoring.

  From the aspect of language teaching alone, it can be seen that the educational gap between the rich and the poor in this era is actually reflected in all aspects.

  His current mood is the same as that of countless college entrance examination students in the past—"It would be great if there was no English test in the college entrance examination."

   Is there any character who can get along well without learning a foreign language?


  It's that Li Hua who doesn't want any face...

   "I didn't expect that I can't do without learning even after time travel."

   Tu Fu sighed depressedly, and slipped the safety manual into the "Ancient Assyrian" textbook that he carried with him.

   After thinking about it again and again, he finally put out the idea of ​​reporting to the Police Department.

   This ship is his biggest secret in this world, and the only possible way to return.

   Never let anyone know.

  Before his uncle found out, he sent the revolver and ammunition back to the original place, and everything seemed to have never happened.

  Looking at this completely different travel brochure, Tu Fu walked into the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror, and began to gradually accept a reality.

   "From now on, I am Touf Capet, who was born in Leeds, an important member of the Winster family, and the only surviving passenger of the ghost ship 'Santa Maria'."

  This night, he had that weird dream again.

  Under the eerie blue moon, the Santa Maria was riding the wind and waves on the sea. There were all kinds of hideous monsters on the ship, and a man in the captain's uniform of a red and black coat stood at the bow to command.

  Facing the wind and waves, it floated to the sky.

   He seemed to be screaming.

   "Forward, forward by any means."


  The east is gradually whitening.

  The cuckoo bells of the whole family were ringing in unison, making a noise like the dogs of the whole village barking at the same time.

  Tu Fu stretched out his hand sleepily and pushed the cuckoo back hard.

   "It's that strange dream again."

  Dreams of that weird dream twice in succession made Tu Fu suspect that the ghost ship was sending him some kind of message.

   After calming down for a while, he didn't wash up and go to school immediately.

  Today is just in time for the holiday. Just like the original world, the North Continent will be divided into 365 (366) days in a year, and there are seven days in a week.

  Six working days and one day off, this work and rest time is related to the myth of God’s creation.

   It is recorded in the Genesis chapter of the best-selling book "Revelation of God" in the Northern Continent. At the beginning of the birth of the world, the abyss was dark, the surface was empty, and the world sank into chaos.

  That is more sublime than the starry sky, and longer than eternity. The original omniscient and omnipotent God, the great creator, broke such a dark world day and night.

  He opened up chaos on the first day, and created two spheres of light, called the sun and the moon, so the world had light, and it gave birth to day and darkness. Playing with light and darkness, the **** of truth and order in charge of rules appeared.

  He created the heaven and the earth on the second day, and created the sky, so the world was divided into sky and earth. The Mother Earth, who is in charge of agricultural harvest and women's fertility, came into being.

   On the third day, he moved mountains and filled the sea, making the world divided into sea and land, so the **** of storm, who is in charge of sea and disaster, was born.

   On the fourth day, He created and adapted all creatures. There were birds in the sky and fish in the sea, making the world full of vitality. The destiny in charge of nature and life is born.

  He enlightened human beings on the fifth day, endowing them with unique wisdom, making them the most special species in the world. Thus was born the goddess of wisdom in charge of war and production.

   On the sixth day, He opened up the other pole at the end of the world, connecting to the river of the underworld at the end of the living beings. The Lord of the Nether, who is in charge of sacrifice and death, was the last to be born.

   On the seventh day, the Creator was tired.

  This is the seven-day creation theory known to everyone in the world.

   Later, myths and legends of various sizes appeared all over the world, such as the **** of drama and the **** of steam, which only appeared in this century.

   Among them, there are many evil gods worshiped by some extreme believers.

   Not long after Tu Fu woke up, he heard light footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

  Miss Winster walked in naturally, opened the door and walked in.

   "Sophie, remember to knock on the door first when entering the room of the opposite sex." Tu Fu was startled by the door opening. He quickly closed the textbook and said seriously: "This is polite."

  Of course, it is also to avoid some embarrassing behaviors of adolescent boys who can pierce steel plates.


  Sophie nodded half-understanding, and walked out of the room silently.

   "May I come in, please?"

  Sophie knocked on the door a few times symbolically, and before Tu Fu could speak, she walked in as before, tilting her head and laughing: "Mr. Capet, are you satisfied?"

   "As expected of you." Tu Fu took a deep breath, "I declare in advance that I will not refund the 3 crowns no matter what."

  Tu Fu blocked Sophie's words first, leaving her with nowhere to go.

   "I'm not talking about this." Sophie looked at him with contempt, "I didn't realize that you are such a greedy person before."

   "I'm glad you got to know me again, Sophie."

  Tu Fu muttered in his heart, if it wasn't for what he saw from the surveillance, he wouldn't have thought that you still hide the arrogant attributes.

   "Why didn't you stand by me last night, I mean the incident at dinner." Sophie mentioned this incident, and Tu Fu remembered it.

  The brothers and sisters seem to have made an agreement before. When Sophie mentioned that he wanted to pursue the extraordinary, Tu Fu should stand firmly by his side.

  This time his mutiny made Miss Winster very upset.

   "Actually, even if we add up, it is impossible to convince Aunt Anfier and Uncle Ethan." Tu Fu calmly analyzed.

   Plus Miss Winster, the pig teammate.

   During the debate, the effect of one plus one less than two can definitely be achieved.

   Moreover, Tu Fu has always been experienced in bickering with adults.

   You can say that you have won countless times, but it only takes a moment for the opponent to overturn the table.

   "And uncle is right, I don't think it's a good thing to get in touch with Chaofan, and the life you have now is the envy of many people."

  After experiencing the mysterious incident last night, Tu Fu had an inexplicable fear of Chaofan.

  Especially Miss Winster, who grew up rich and never experienced any hardships, not to mention that walking the extraordinary road itself is a road full of thorns.

  Sophie's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that this was what Tu Fu would say, "You didn't say that before."

   "Because there are more important things now." Tu Fu said seriously.

  Sophie looked curious: "What's the matter?"


   After finishing speaking, Tu Fu set up the Assyrian textbook and said seriously: "Learning makes me happy."

   "It's really unfortunate that the Capet family has a descendant like you."

  Looking at the beautiful figure finally showing his sad and indisputable eyes, Tu Fu still shrugged indifferently, and followed Sophie downstairs.

   "Does Sophie want me to support her and help me find my parents after I become a superhuman?"

  The moment this ridiculous idea appeared, it was immediately suppressed by Tu Fuqian.


   Absolutely impossible.

  How could Sophie, who dislikes even dogs, be so kind.

  Uncle Ethan got up early, and took the newspaper that the postman put in the mailbox as usual.

   It is my uncle's habit to get up early every day to read newspapers, and now even the most ordinary residents can afford newspapers.

  In fact, in the early days of the newspaper, it was not popular because of its high price, but after the invention of the first printing press, paper became extremely cheap.

  The major manufacturers uniformly set the price at 1 Poor, which is even much lower than the cost price.

  In contrast, the price difference is well transferred to the advertisers.

   "It's really unimaginable that Liz still has such a thing."

   Ethan complained about the news that happened today as usual, silently holding his forehead with pitifully thin hair.

   "What happened?" Tu Fu asked puzzled.

   "A tavern in the advertising corner is recruiting, and the daily salary is only a pitiful 3 pools. This is a naked squeeze." The enthusiastic Uncle Ethan sneered:

   "And just to advertise in newspapers, even if it's just an advertisement, it costs at least 3 crowns."

"These damned vampires, sooner or later, will be hanged by the people on the street lamps like the capitalists in Landis. If that day comes, I bet all the shops in Leeds will be out of rope in a day." Uncle is no exaggeration used a very exaggerated statement.

   "Not necessarily." Tu Fu retorted slightly.

   "You disagree with me?"

   "I mean before that, the government must build a few more rows of street lights." Tu Fu carefully corrected this mistake, and then followed suit with a slanderous sentence.

   "It's only been a night, you really have a sense of humor." Uncle praised him again without hesitation.

  At this time, Tu Fu also glanced at the advertising corner from the corner of his eye. There was only a very simple notice on it.

   "The Old Hunter Tavern is now recruiting bartenders. Those who are hardworking and hardworking are preferred. The daily salary is 3 Poole. Those who are interested should apply at 14 Mings Street at 9:00 today."

  The careful Tu Fu noticed that this notice was in the inconspicuous gap between the sixth and seventh pages.

   Just like the transaction method mentioned by the two mysterious people in the surveillance in the alley.

   "A deal about extraordinary?"

  Tu Fu's expression immediately became bright and subtle.

  (end of this chapter)

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