MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 552 run to! bottom of the abyss

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  Chapter 552 Run to! bottom of the abyss

  In the dark and deep spiritual world, a huge iron-clad ship that is incompatible with this environment, shuttles freely in this extremely low-gravity environment like a submarine.

  Under the leadership of Celty, the road was unimpeded, occasionally attracting the attention of some huge creatures.

   Without waiting for the other party to notice, it quickly disappeared.

  The farther away from the original world, the more exaggerated the body and shape of life in the spirit world. There are huge ones that are almost the size of a city.

  The strong men on the boat have all been active in the spirit world, but they have never stayed here for such a long time, let alone observe its composition in this unique world, just like in the underwater world.

   "The birth of the spirit world is probably one of the rare peaceful places. Even if some creatures are hostile to each other, they will not fight to death in this area."

  In the cabin of the cruise ship, the president of the Rosicrucian Society watched the scene through the window and couldn't help but comment.

  Even they have almost forgotten how long they have been roaming in the spirit world.

  There is no specific division of time here, there is no change of the sun and the moon, and only cares about the figure that has been following the front.

  There is no shortage of panic in the long waiting center.

  Fortunately, the modern ride experience of the "Santa Maria" can observe electronic screens in other places, a phone that can talk between two places, and a refrigerator that stores food for a long time...

  All kinds of products of the second and third industrial revolution eras have made them more knowledgeable.

  The electric revolution that was proud of in the original world is really not worth mentioning on this ship.

  Some items are for selling ideas, and they are all expensive.

  During these difficult days, the "Santa Maria" really played the role of a cruise ship, providing uninterrupted entertainment.

  Tu Fu was still sitting in the captain's cabin he was familiar with, and he didn't dare to look behind him. Those fleeting scenery would make him feel a little sad.

  It's like the feeling of a student who travels far away from his hometown, let alone his hometown.

"I hope Sophie can receive that thing, I hope Uncle Ethan and Aunt Anfeier will be happy when they see the wealth I left them, I hope that Miskar Stark will become the world's top university, and I hope that the kingdom of Baia will be peaceful and peaceful, Everlasting..."

  Tu Fu silently sent blessings to those who cared in his heart.

  Actually, in the month before He came, he more or less hinted at Sophie.

  Before I wanted to take her away, I did have the intention of wandering in the starry sky. Now I don't take her because it is safer on this planet.

  If their calculations fail, they will die with this planet at worst,

   Then there is no need to worry so much.

  The speed of the ghost ship followed Celti's violent acceleration, then suddenly slowed down, and stagnated steadily in the spirit world.

  Through the cabin window, Tu Fu glimpsed a large ring in front of him. Three circles intersected each other. After opening the hunter's senses, Tu Fu noticed that there were many runes on the big ring, and a large number of spells blocked the end of darkness.


  Only heard the cold hissing sound, in front of the "door" full of spells.

  A illusory giant snake appeared, even bigger than the "Santa Maria".

  It is like an ancient giant beast, with cold eyes through the window of the ghost ship, spit out scarlet letters, and stare straight at the demigod who came here.

  The strong sense of oppression made many demigods on the boat heave a sigh of relief at the same time.

   "Back off!"

  Ms. Serti Durlahan, who was clearing the way at the front, yelled at the giant mac.

  The relationship between these two is like a superior and a subordinate. The latter shrank his head obediently and retreated in front of the weird door.

   "Open the door, this is the order of the king." Celti continued to give orders.

   After the voice fell, I saw the giant snake swimming quickly in the spirit world, and its huge body began to turn in circles.

  It swung its huge body, and finally put that thick, scale-covered body into a ring shape.


  The huge snake head, when the circle was formed, quickly bit its own tail,

  The ring is closed.

   And the strange rings behind it also merged into one and merged into one at this moment.

   The loud bang immediately spread in the spirit world.

  After being blocked for a long time, the door to the original world has been opened.


  A beam of light shone through the gap, and soon disappeared, and the passage was automatically sealed.

  The moment it left the spirit world, the buoyancy of the "Santa Maria" became weaker, and it floated all the way down along the "door" when it was opened. The cold environment immediately added a bit of frost to the glass.

  In the dark world, there is no light to be seen.

   There seemed to be intermittent crying sounds coming from the distance, which was quickly overwhelmed by the rising tide, and finally returned to deathly silence.

   "What an amazing place."

   "It is rumored that the Seven Gods drove all the creatures, that is, the visitors from the starry sky, back to the abyss, so there are many strange creatures gathered here, which is not an exaggeration."

   "Heh, these are all stories about the seven gods exaggerating their achievements."

  The demigods in the cabin raised their heads and looked straight towards the end of the spirit world.

  The strong human beings who came here think that they have seen many tragic scenes, but the world they have seen in the past is nothing compared to what they see in front of them.

  In front of them, hundreds or thousands of strange life corpses piled up into mountains, and blood flowed like a river.

   Those weird liquids completely soaked the abyss, and a terrible stench spread.

  Even if those strange starry sky corpses are dead, they can still feel a strong sense of oppression, no less than the monsters flocking to their world.

   "Is this the abyss (junction land)?"

   Tu Fu pressed his palm on the window of the ship, looking at the abyss where the "gatekeeper" had mentioned countless times.

  There is no sun and moon, and naturally there is no day and night. There is no change of seasons, so it will always be the same. The extremely cold and bitter natural climate has created a place that is not suitable for life.

  After entering this world from the "Santa Maria", the strong winds and hailstorms have never stopped since the arrival, and a layer of frost soon spread all over the ghost ship.


  After approaching, a pitch-black palm silently slammed in front of the window He was spying on, leaving only a strange palm print, and its entity was completely invisible.

  Tu Fu took a half step back in fear. If it weren't for the protection of the "Star Key", this slap would be enough to break the glass.

  The land of the abyss gathers all kinds of life, whether it is humanoid or other class life, there are countless. If you don't understand it and start a war with them rashly, demigods will easily lose here.

   "This is not a good time."

   Tu Fu frowned and looked at the large number of abyssal creatures that suddenly gathered in front of him.

  The opponent obviously also noticed the appearance of this giant ship, and they all gathered around, gearing up to hunt.

   All the demigods on the boat also noticed this scene, and their spirituality overflowed.

   It seems that they are ready to fight these strange beings.

  It was only in the massive and dense starry sky, the moment it was surrounded, before Tu Fu could come up with an idea, the ghost ship "Santa Maria" was nowhere to be found.

  Suddenly, there was an aura so powerful that it almost suffocated the members, as if something in the boat was about to wake up.

   He yawned in advance, and the aliens around the ship were too frightened to move.

  Crawled around the ship as if surrendering, the terrible sense of oppression directed towards a sharp giant blade, and in just one stroke, the flesh and blood of many surrounding starry sky races were ripped apart, and they slowly retreated after seeing no more movement.

  An invisible crisis was resolved.

   "It's getting worse and worse."

  The current disaster is resolved, but Tu Fu turned his head worriedly.

   I recalled the scene in my memory where many runes fluttered and suppressed the dark breath (Grosius).

  Can erupt such a terrifying momentum,

   There is only the uninvited "passenger" in this boat.

  (end of this chapter)

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