MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 550 open and honest

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  Chapter 550 Open and honest

   Not long after Tu Fu arrived in Göttinghagen, strong men from all directions came one after another.

  These great characters appeared one after another in various parts of Baia Kingdom, looking forward to this long-lost reunion.

  The study and sharing meeting at the University of Michigan was in full swing. The Pope of the Church of the Seven Gods, the leaders of the secret organization, the overlords of the sea, and many powerful people in the world gathered in the Catholic Cathedral in Göttinghagen.

  From the moment they got together, the disputes in the church had already turned upside down.

  After knowing the only hope from the mouth of the ancients, all major forces have been frantically investigating clues about the "Star Key" for a month.

  Only some people did nothing and spent a month traveling outside.

  This lazy attitude has offended many people.

  Of course, Tu Fu wasn’t the only one doing this, and he wasn’t the only one holding a similar negative attitude. The number of such people was by no means small.

   Anyway, we can't beat the monsters in the starry sky, and even the Seven Gods have given up resisting, so why should we waste time.

   These negative remarks naturally came from Uncle Roman.

  His careless words immediately caused the Church of the Goddess of Wisdom to be criticized for a while.

  In the church, several angry eyes were cast on him.

   "This kind of person should have been kicked out long ago. If you want to die, you might as well find a quiet place to kill yourself."

   "There are people like this in the church, no wonder the Seven Gods are unwilling to intervene."

   "Roman Richard, a black sheep like you who has no pursuit can be promoted to a demigod. What is more ridiculous than this." The demigod who was originally a hostile force accused mercilessly.

  Roman Richard glanced at him with disdain: "Of course you were promoted to Sequence 4 half a year later than me."


   "If the two of you continue to quarrel, why don't you directly issue a duel challenge letter, regardless of life or death, how about holding a meeting after the fight is over, we will never intervene."

  The president of the cat face mask of the Rosicrucian Society said a little impatiently.

  The two men snorted coldly at each other and then turned their heads away, finally stopping this meaningless dispute.

   "I don't know what you have found, but we have learned some interesting things, why don't you listen to me first." The speaker is Manco Capac, a craftsman and demigod of the Rosicrucian Society, after signaling to the president,

   quietly took out a document and placed it in front of everyone:

"When we discovered the Third Epoch, a fleet came from the Northern Continent. It was the first person in history to discover the Southern Continent earlier than you. Then, due to the demise of the Casso Empire, that fleet also disappeared. information."

   "What is the relationship between what you said and the 'Star Key'?" Someone asked inexplicably.

  "In the past many years, there have been many incidents similar to the collapse of the Ingaso civilization. It seems that something is deliberately manipulating and has the power to destroy the world. Only the one on the moon can do this.

   It was the Ingaso civilization that began to perish inexplicably. At that time, the Seven Gods should have known about it, but they have been letting this matter go. Don’t you find it strange? "

  The president of the cat face mask of the Rosicrucian Society threw this question to everyone.

  Uncle Roman, with his legs crossed, raised his eyebrows: "You mean to say that the Seven Gods acquiesced to this approach."

   "Or it was some kind of transaction, and at that time, the only history that was erased was the ship that visited and inspected from the Northern Continent. Isn't this enough to arouse your vigilance?"

  The sea overlords present frowned upon hearing this.

   "A century ago, there must have been no steam ships, and it is not surprising that wooden ships encountered any accidents at sea." The great pirate Victor Horta said feeling bad.

   "The terrible eye came to our world at that time, but suddenly disappeared without a sound. The gods certainly contributed.

   But the mural clearly shows that He has been sleeping on a certain ship since then, and that is the key information. "

  Manco Capac added again.

  The contents of the Tower of Civilization were later witnessed by them.

  However, there are too many events worth recording in each era, and the amount of information is too complicated. Even for major events, only a few portraits flashed, and many important events can only be guessed.

  They only know that the ship exists now, but they don't know its whereabouts.

   "So, where is the ship where the 'Grosius' ship is now, and who is in charge."

  The people of the Rosicrucian Society talked about this, and finally said what they wanted to say.

  A mysterious ship that trapped the Outer God, and the disappearing crew of that ship.

  The ghost captain, one of the Shichibukai, seemed to notice several eyes looking at him, and raised his withered finger to show his innocence:

   "Hey, don't look at me. I was hunted down by the 'Screaming Tree' back then, and I was fortunate enough to be recruited by the Lord of the Nether, one of the Seven Gods, and I have been walking on the sea for him for many years.

  How can I have the energy to take care of those things, but if you want to talk about weird ships and strange events at sea, I think of one thing. "


  The speaker this time is Captain Mingesa.

   This is something that all sea forces know, and it is also the initial goal of the Rosicrucian Society at sea.

   Probably some kind of terrible power leaked, which led to a large-scale catastrophe at sea, which is most similar to the information collected by the Rosicrucian Society.

  Everyone knows what happened afterwards. The attack on San Diego was too loud to forget, and the strange ship that appeared was even more unforgettable.

  Manco Capac said with firm eyes: "It seems that it can only be him."

  The moment the name came to everyone's minds, there was a strange silence in the church.

  The entrance of the Catholic Cathedral.

  A hearty male voice came from outside: "I didn't expect you all to come, sorry, because I was delayed for a while when the school held a sharing meeting."

   There was only a melodic sound of steady and confident steps, and the man was walking towards the inside, neither humble nor overbearing.

   "Tufu Capet, you came at a good time. What we are talking about is related to you."

  Manco Capac squinted his eyes and looked at Tufu, "Is the control of Baishuang in your hands?"


  Tu Fu responded frankly. There are demigod-level scammers in the Church of the Seven Gods. As long as they tell a lie, the bell will ring.

   "So, you already knew that it was the outer **** 'Grosius' sleeping there, and you concealed it."

   "I didn't know it a long time ago. I only found out about it about two years ago. If I hadn't taken over the responsibility of the original captain at that time, the end would have come several years earlier."

  Tu Fu first had a smile on his face, walked in without paying attention, and found a suitable seat to sit down.

  The countless puzzled, sharp, or surprised expressions in the church obviously did not expect him to admit it so readily.

   "When I arrived, the old captain Arthur was dying, unable to resist the pollution of that ship. It was logical that I inherited the ship where he was imprisoned. I think this is also the will of the Seven Gods.

   As a civil servant under the system, you should know this kind of thing best, Captain. Tu Fu glanced at Captain Ghost.

  The latter's withered skull hair comes from a self-deprecating laugh:

   "They said they were doing things for the Seven Gods. They must have never looked at us directly. They only regarded it as a disposable product that will be replaced after use. If I knew this would be the result, I would rather not interfere with the Lord of the Nether."

   "So, since you have such a powerful force, do you know the news about the 'Star Key'?" Manco Capac asked eagerly.

"The 'Key of the Star' is on that ship. Before that, I used the ability of that ship to travel back in time fifteen years ago. Otherwise, you really thought that the ancients would be so easy to anthropologists. His body was returned to us.

  They just want to take this opportunity to board the ship to the starry sky. "

  Tufu unceremoniously sold the ancients, those creatures' adventurous spirit towards the starry sky is worth learning from him.

   But the fact that this over-intelligent race has done it in the past disgusts him, and he would rather take risks than help with their experience.

   "The 'Star Key' is a ship, which means it can carry many people, so wouldn't we all escape from this planet?"

  Church people rejoiced.

   "Anyone here, if you want to take my ship to leave, although you can come, fleeing to the stars is also your freedom, and I will never stop you."

  Tu Fu spoke slowly, then stopped abruptly:

   "But you should also see how powerful the creatures coming from the starry sky are, even if they are like refugees, they are looking for a way out.

   If you have absolute confidence in surviving in the evil starry sky and finding the next planet where you can survive within a limited period of time, please go ahead. "

  The voice fell.

   Deathly silence.

  The murals of the Tower of Civilization clearly indicate that in the past tens of millions of years, a large number of star races have come all over the world, and all of them have set their sights on this world, and some would rather stay in the abyss than continue wandering.

   It can be seen that there are very few habitable planets in this galaxy, which has been proved by the blood experience of generations of star races.

   It is definitely not a wise choice to wander in the starry sky rashly.

  Those demigods who only cared about fleeing but didn't think about what to do after escaping, lowered their heads and meditated on this matter at the same time.

   "It's not going to go, it's not going to go, since you are willing to come here, you are not making sarcastic remarks." Roman Richard asked tentatively, touching his chin.

   "Yes, I do have a plan,

   One big plan. "

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion