MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 493 New and old hatred

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  Chapter 493 New Enmity, Old Enmity

  In the border waters of the Republic of Lantis, a three-masted sailing ship passed by here.

  Even the warships of the country dare not intercept the owner of the ship and let the other party dock at the port.

   Several demigod-level breaths erupted on the side of the shore, staring fiercely at the target boarding the boat one by one, and did not dare to take a step forward until they got the order to approach the "Qiwuhai".

   "That kid has run out of lamps, and there is no better opportunity than this."

   "But that is Mingesa's ship after all, and taking action against him is an enemy of the sea, and the price is too high."

  The two Landis, who were desperately chasing, stared at the target half-heartedly.

   Originally, the raid went smoothly. On the street of Xiangsheer, they jointly blocked Tu Fu's escape route. In addition, the other party had a female companion in the way, and their strength was greatly reduced.

  The four demigods shot at the same time and almost took him down.

  But at this critical moment, the two demigods of the Baia royal family may feel guilty, and deliberately leaked loopholes in the middle of the shot, and "accidentally" let Tu Fu go.

  After the mission failed, the two sides chased after each other for a long time. This guy fled to the border area, and then met Mingesa, the leader of the Shichibukai who happened to pass by the sea.

   After coming and going, they had to stop working.

   Across the ocean, the powerful demigod who was born in the royal palace said indifferently:

   "Tufu Capet, forget it this time, you'd better never return to Baia, we will never show mercy next time, this country can no longer tolerate you."

  Speaking of this level, it can be regarded as the utmost benevolence.

   They were able to release the water this time because the other party had done for the country and the people several times, but if Tu Fu insisted on going his own way, no one would be able to save him.

  On the other side of the coast, Tu Fu pressed the wound on his body with a sad face, and watched the group of demigods who received the mission with complicated emotions,

   I was filled with emotions for a while.

   Fortunately, the two demigods of Baia were determined to release water and did not try their best.

   Otherwise, he will fight four demigod-level powerhouses, and he will also bring Sophie a Sequence 6, maybe he will really be left there.

   "Let's go!"

  Tu Fu exchanged glances with Baia's demigod, and after understanding the meaning of the other party, he took Sophie aboard the pirate ship.


   On the "Tianyasha", a long-lost guest came to visit, except that the timing was a bit inappropriate.

   "Dear Captain Mingesa, thank you for your help."

  Tu Fu sincerely thanked Mingesa. Fortunately, the other party’s ship was near the Coral Sea.

   Otherwise, I really don’t know where to go this time.

  Standing on the deck of the ship, holding a trident, Mingesa, the head of the Shichibukai with a chin and long red beard, responded calmly with his eyes,

   "They are all members of the alliance, so they can't help you on the battlefield. This little thing is nothing.

   It's just, it looks like you're in a bad place. "

   "Thank you for your concern, there is always a way to solve this."

   Tu Fu squinted his eyes, and under his calm appearance, he cursed the **** in Hill Palace countless times.

   He never imagined that the lunatic William II dared to attack him at this time and summoned so many top combat forces.

  The rest wiped out the greatest hero of this war, and did not give him a chance to fight back,

  Send someone directly to kill him.

   It would be a lie to say that he was not disappointed. He thought that he could eliminate the grudge in William II's heart by virtue of his current achievements, but this grudge only became bigger and bigger with his credit.

   Finally came the scene where swords and soldiers meet.

   "Tu Fu, since he has already done something to us, then our family..."

  Sophie next to him was also slightly injured in the battle just now, and she didn't cry when she was injured, but when she thought of her family in Göttinghagen, her tears almost burst into tears.

  Tu Fu's expression also sank.

  Yeah, according to his understanding of William II's character, he always pays attention to killing the grass and roots when he does bad things. He dared to use so many powerful people in Landis, so the chaos in the country may become.

  He didn't dare to think about it, but now he has to understand it.

  William II's move has already pushed him to the edge of the cliff, and if he doesn't pay attention, he will fall into the abyss.

In times of crisis, he hugged Miss Winster gently, and comforted him: "Sophie, I assure you, I will go back to Göttinghagen again and find a chance to rescue them, uncle and aunt will be fine. "

   "Don't... don't force yourself."

  Sophie bit her lip tightly, looking at Tu Fu with distressed expression.

  During the battle at Xiangsheer, if Tu Fu hadn't protected himself, he would have run away long ago. In the end, he had to fight those demigods, gritted his teeth and brought himself to the border.

   "Not at all reluctant, I will return to Baia and let him learn the lessons he deserves."

   Tu Fu said in a serious tone.

   "Friend, I will give you a piece of advice, don't try to fight against a country, let alone Baia, which is already the strongest country in the south, you alone can't fight against it.

  Anyway, you are in the sea, and you have your own foundation in the southern continent. As long as you don’t return to Baia, nothing will happen. "

  At this time, Belleman, the ship's deputy "Sharpshooter" of the Tianyasha, stood up and kindly advised him.

  This is no longer the era of great voyages where pirates roamed freely. Even legendary figures like them are well aware of the horror of the country's combat power, and they are finally forced to cooperate with the government, let alone mere mere fools.

   "Beileman, if you haven't experienced other people's experience, don't give advice to others easily, do you understand?"

  A deep voice came over, it was the captain Mingesa, who reprimanded his subordinates tepidly.

  The latter shrank his neck and dared not speak any more.

  But what he said is indeed the truth, as long as Tufu does not return to Baia from now on, the outside world is everywhere for him, and in the sea, he relies on the alliance between Qibuhai and non-human wisdom.

  The southern continent is full of Smith factories controlled by him, and the power of the Rosicrucian Society blocks the extraordinary power of the outside world.

  Even as long as he is willing to live in a small polar country further south, William II cannot touch him there.

   "Thank you for your understanding." Tu Fu nodded to the ship.

  Captain Mingesa looked at Tu Fu, and said in a cold tone: "I have learned about your affairs, I only have one question, are you really willing to wander at sea again?"

   "Leaving the Northern Continent to wander again, is this the ending I want?"

  Tu Fu felt the girl in his arms burst into tears, and felt as if his heart was being pierced.

   The Winsters are probably still behind bars.

  All industries under its banner have been blocked.

  Two and a half years ago, He was able to fly away alone because his family members were fine, and the ending in the name of a hero was decent enough.

  At that time, I was so proud that I felt that even if I left that country, I could still gain a foothold in this world.

   In fact, He did.

  But two and a half years later, when the wheel of history passes the same trace again.

  William II has crossed the rules and used all means to drive him away, even wanting to kill him, stigmatize his achievements, and imprison his close people,

   Take by force all that He has painstakingly built.

  How could it be possible to turn a blind eye to it, and how could it be possible for Sophie to drop everything and go away with her.

  Tu Fu growled almost with hatred,

   "Sorry, I can't do that."


   Knowing everything, Kadler William returned to his residence in a state of desperation, leaning against the bed in a slumped state. What he saw and heard that day hit him too hard.

   Those beautiful fantasies are like a mirror shattered,

  Tell him that cruelty is the reality of this world.

  No matter how much you are unwilling, you can think of the person above you who can't resist, and you don't even have the courage to expect.

  Under the blue moon, an elegant blue light slightly fell into the window of his room, and a deep male voice came through with the light.


  The voice sounded in his head.

   "You are... Tufu."

   Kadler William quickly recognized the speaker's voice just by listening to it.

  Although I don't know how He did it, it's not uncommon for an extraordinary person to have many means.

  Kadler seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and after meeting the Lord, he confided all the news he knew:

   "Father launched a change in the country, not only against you, but also people from Mr. Sorens's original party, who were also purged..."

   "I know everything."

  The other side of the voice is still low, and he already knows everything from the monitoring of the "Santa Maria".

   "Tu Fu, don't worry, I will find a way to help you rescue your uncle and aunt. They haven't violated any laws, and it's not difficult to release them. I think I still have this face in front of my father."

  Prince Kadler was still talking and continued to comfort Tu Fu.

  Tu Fu did not answer, but instead asked:

   "Your Highness, do you still remember what you said to me when you first found me?"

   "Why don't you remember, I want us to work together, let me sit in the position of father, and I will give you everything you want, but...but..."

  Cadler William let out a bitter laugh.

  This distant goal can only be a goal, not to mention the fact that he has a relationship with Tu Fu now, which makes William II unhappy.

   Even if it is logical to take over the throne, I don't know how many years to wait.

  Can he really afford to wait so long?

   After a long silence at the other end of the sound source, he suddenly spoke:

   "That day, I don't think it will be too far away."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion