MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 491 change of weather

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  Chapter 491 Changing the sky

  Southern Continent.

  Santa Capital Tabor.

   It has been nearly half a month since the bombing of Landis, but there are still traces of artillery around the city, and bullet marks or ruins can be seen everywhere.

  Since the day of the bombing, the major hospitals have been overwhelmed with the number of wounded, and it has not decreased until today. Landis' raid has brought unspeakable damage to this land.

   While at the former Smith Industries headquarters, something big is happening.

  A group of Bayer agents in dark suits and uniforms sternly clamored for the person in charge to come out.

  And the workers below are desperately maintaining the factory and being sensible, which is really a rare scene.

   "Baya's lackeys, what did you do when Tabor was attacked."

   "Smith Industries is the pride of Santa, and even more the pride of the Southern Continent. You **** dare to try."

   "Get out of Tabor! You are not welcome here."

  The passionate workers waved their arms one by one, trying to drive all the people away.

  The agents who came here to perform official duties were embarrassed. They came here to incite the workers and report the people behind this behemoth by the way.

   It stands to reason that workers reporting black material on entrepreneurs is more common than eating and drinking.

  How could they have imagined that when they mentioned the names behind Smith Industries, they seemed to have stepped on their tails, and then there was this scene.

   "Noisy, what's going on."

  A stern male voice came out of the factory headquarters that was still under restoration. Surrounded by several bodyguards, David Smith, the owner of Smith Industries, came out frowning.

   Just ran into the chaotic scene here.

   "Sir, these Bayer lackeys want to catch you and Mr. Capet, and they must not be allowed to succeed."

   "You can rest assured, how Smith treats us is obvious to all."

   The fast-talking people quickly explained their purpose.

  Someone of the agents stepped forward and asked, "David Smith, is this factory established by you and Tuf Capet in 1492, and it was jointly operated later, and it is absolutely controlled by him."

   "So what."

  Master David raised his brows, and broke out in a haughty manner: "If you want to touch my property in the Southern Continent, why don't you first inquire about how much tax we pay to the government every year and how many people we support.

   Do you really think that Smith is just an enterprise in this continent? "

  These words really made the agents who came here panic. This kind of giant industry really dare not mess around casually. If there is a slight mistake, the people above will take the blame at any time.

   Fortunately, the leading agent strode forward directly, and said in a cold tone:

   "Mr. Smith, do you know the crimes that Tuf Capet committed in Landis.

  Our arrival this time is to take back all His properties in the two continents, please cooperate, we will not touch any of your properties. "

  At the same time, he also took the initiative to hand over an order issued directly from Hill Palace,

  It clearly states that Tu Fu’s “illegal property” will be recovered,

  The red seal at the seal is the seal of the king.


  The Göttinghagen Military Court is holding a very high-level hearing.

  An elderly man was escorted here, and he was arrested as soon as the war ended.

  At this moment, there were soldiers with guns all around him, and they all walked towards the center of the court.

  The judges sitting in the courtroom all showed regret when they saw that person. After a long time, the judge dropped the gavel heavily and counted his crimes without haste:

"Commander Dawson Clayton, during the war between the two countries, you took the initiative to send combat information to the Landis troops, monopolize the power in the army and privately sell posts in the army, and violated the orders of the military department to advance the 7th Armored Division privately... Are these charges true?"

  Listening to the judge talking about the crimes one by one,

   There are even some crimes that Dawson Clayton himself has never heard of, and the absurdity makes people laugh.

  Since he was secretly detained, people in the army have been reporting him every day, even if there is nothing wrong with him on weekdays, some rumors are fabricated out of nowhere.

  In a blink of an eye, the veteran of the kingdom who was good at fighting became a shameless traitor who did all kinds of evil.

   "Your so-called crimes are really ridiculous."

   Dawson Clayton shook his head amusedly, almost laughing out loud.

  The so-called theft of intelligence is a problem with the palace’s intelligence system. Even a spy who has been lurking in the country for many years cannot be caught. Now that the war is over, the responsibility will be pinned on his head.

   As for the accusations of framing him later, none of them are true.

   That is, allowing the 7th Armored Division to leap forward.

  Allowing Tu Fu's troops to move forward unconditionally led to the subsequent great victory.

   But Dawson didn't explain and didn't respond. They won't listen. Those who wronged you know far better than you that you are innocent.

   Actually sorting out this matter carefully, the ins and outs are actually not difficult to guess. He was secretly arrested as soon as the war ended, but he was blatantly charged with various crimes.

   The only one who can do this is the one in the palace.

  I used to belong to the faction of Mr. Thilo Sollens, and stood firmly on the side of the prime minister, even if the new prime minister took the position, he would not voluntarily surrender.

  Just because he is in charge of an army group, has the military power in his hands, and is facing the outbreak of war, of course the kingdom needs someone like him to go to the front line to defend the border.

   Now that the war is over, let alone a few decades of peace, it is naturally time for the purge.

  William II, it would be weird if he didn't take the initiative to clean him up.

"Dawson Clyde, stop talking nonsense, do you admit to the various crimes you committed during your tenure, we can tell you clearly that the court has already obtained enough evidence from your soldiers, even if you deny it, it is useless .”

  In the courtroom, the judge who dropped the hammer just now pressed on step by step, and he must be forced to admit it himself.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I should have obeyed those stupid orders, and I shouldn't have sent the 7th Armored Division to attack. In this way, Baia's army that went deep into Lantis would be like a quagmire, and finally the whole army would be wiped out. Is our Majesty satisfied?"

   Dawson Clyde asked sharply.

  No one spoke in court, and no one dared to speak.

  Which one of the people present is not a person who has gone through the battlefield. Naturally, he knows that the legendary army has contributed a lot, but now some people just can't sit still.

   Seeing the silence of the audience, Dawson bluntly said:

   "The idiot on the throne!"


   Kingdom of Baia, Göttinghagen.

  A massive seizure caused turmoil in the royal city.

  In one day, the industries related to Tu Fu were forcibly banned, and related people were collectively arrested.

  In the few days after the end of the war, there were countless rumors flying everywhere, especially those related to Tu Fu. There were those who praised him and those who criticized him.

  The most severe one is that he privately led the army to intercept and kill the Sun King's personal guards, killed the head of Landis, seriously violated military discipline, and killed members of the royal family.

  As soon as this news came out, the Quartet shook.

   The attack and killing of the Sun King is even a joke in the eyes of the people. He is the head of the enemy country, so why not kill him.

   But it is such a joke, as long as it comes out of the mouth of the royal family, it is an effective law.

  Lance District, 45 Baker Street.

  The daily life of the Winsters is disrupted by the visit of a detachment of armed police.

  The uninvited visitor arrested Ethan Winster and his wife, the former head of the Lance Division Police Department, without saying a word.

  When the heavy handcuffs are in the hands of the husband and wife, the two are like a dream.

  Looking at the arrest warrant in the hands of the arrival, Ethan Winster's face became extremely gloomy, and he almost shouted loudly:

  "Our children were born and died for the country on the battlefield, and this is what they got in return?"

   "I'm sorry, Director Winster, or the former director, Tufu Cape's evil deeds in Lantis, no matter how great the credit is, it can't make up for this mistake."

  The person who came to arrest him was Ethan's former colleague, and he explained the matter in a very polite tone.

  But Aunt An Feier was not polite at all, and she simply cursed at this time:

   "Ethan, what else do you have to tell him, they are just greedy for my husband's property, so they found these so-called reasons to confiscate everything from us. After all, these people are just a group of hooligans.

   There is also the one in the palace, who has long disliked our children, and finally found a chance to take revenge. "

"Shut up!"

   "You better listen to what you're saying."

  The faces of the people in the police department couldn't help but change. It's one thing to know these secrets, but it's another thing to say them in public.

  If these words spread to the Hill Palace, there may be many people to match.

  Fortunately, the leader interrupted the farce in time, and then gave the order sternly:

   "Escort people away."

  Amidst the rough pushing and shoving by a group of police officers, Ethan Winster just looked around them coldly.

  I only feel worthless for Tu Fu in my heart. I have sacrificed my life for this country so many times but my kindness is not remembered at all. It really makes people feel chilling.

  I saw Ethan pointing to the sky with one hand, and said coldly:

   "Everyone, God is watching from above, clearly."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion