MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 488 Dragon Warrior

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  Chapter 488 Dragon Slayer Warrior

   "This little thing has autonomous consciousness?"

  Tu Fu took the sealed "Xie Parasitic" bottle in astonishment, and the green grass roots opened their teeth and claws at him, splitting a strange mouth and screaming continuously.

   Without a doubt, if He opened the bottle, the first reaction of the contents inside would be to jump in the face.

   "Winter is coming."

  Tu Fu exerted the power of a daydreamer, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew out of the bottle, and the "Xie Jisheng" who was jumping just now suddenly became quiet.

   Xiaocao, who suffers from ADHD, fell into a "hibernation state".

   "Ma'am, is it really okay for you to hand it over to me so easily?"

   Tu Fu still asked in disbelief.

  "Xie Jisheng is disgusted by all living beings just because it exists, and it has no value for us. A person who has been bet by the gods needs something.

   It took us a lot of energy to guard it, so I just took this opportunity to give it to you. "

  Dean Bernadette's tone was light, because this was not a treasure in the first place, and it was sealed at the bottom of the church just to prevent it from multiplying and spreading indefinitely.

  Someone wants the best, and permanent treatment is the best explanation for the Mother God to entrust them.

  Understanding the other party's intentions, Tu Fu carefully kept the Xieji grass and the bottle, and thanked the other party again.

   "Praise the Mother God!"

   "Ma'am, can I ask you a few questions."

  Since everyone has come here, and he is still a top figure in the Church of the Seven Gods, it would be Tu Fu's style not to take the opportunity to inquire about something.

  Bernadette's answer was straightforward:

   "Do you want to ask me about the whereabouts of the gods? The culprit who destroyed the two great powers in the northern and southern continents? Or something about the polar regions."

   "You know all of them? And you are willing to tell me." Tu Fu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

   "The mirror told me all."

  He pointed to the clean mirror in front of him, as if it had the power to reach heaven.

   "Whether it is in the civilization relics of Ingaso in the past or through the information of my body, it reveals that the seven gods are not in the temple, let alone in the fiefdom.

   I wonder if you can tell where the gods have gone. "

   After thinking about it, Tu Fu looked into the nun's eyes and asked sincerely.

  Dean Bernadette didn't say a word, just stretched out a finger pointing at the sky, the answer might be the temple, but Tu Fu is more inclined to be above the dome,

  A place out of this world.

  The head nun muttered the answer:

  "As early as the first era, there were many aliens who discovered this land, and there was a life that ruled this land at one time. Perhaps the local gods who came earlier than them did something.

  After a long war, those extraterrestrial visitors were gradually cleaned up, exiled into the abyss, and expelled from the planet... But you must know that this protracted war is not like Lantis and Baia.

  There is no end from the first day, so it is natural that the gods need to do something. "

  Ms. Bernadette's words are not difficult to understand. Compared with the scale of the universe, although such small fights can't be called wars, they can't stand the excessive frequency. Group after group of guests visit, and it hasn't ended until today.

   Most of them are weird and chaotic in form, neither good nor evil.

   Therefore, there is the last gate of the "Gatekeeper". Under the blessing of the gods, all extraterrestrial creatures are prohibited from entering this world, and the people inside are also prohibited from going out.

   "And the pinnacle of extraterrestrial life is what you know as the 'moon'.

   Or ‘Luna’.

  He cannot be observed. After noticing the peculiarity of this planet a long time ago, he has been staying here and coexisting with the gods until now. "

   "It really is Luna."

  As soon as these words came out, it proved Tu Fu's conjecture.

  Moon God is an extremely terrifying existence, who easily devoured the moon in the original world, and stopped here temporarily due to interest or other reasons.

   "Incarnation of the moon" becomes part of the composition of this world.

   "So whether it is the Assyrian Empire or the Inkasus civilization that discovered its existence, it is destined to be wiped out. Whether it is the Moon God or the Seven Gods, at least this point is the same."

   Tu Fu answered subconsciously.

  "When civilization develops to a certain height, it becomes natural to explore a wider world, but this does not conform to the principle of survival on this planet. When it is inevitable, there will be a 'restart'."

  Ms. Bernadette's voice was very cold.

   "Including our current world?" Tu Fu felt a chill in his heart.


  The other party still gave an affirmative answer. This made Tu Fu completely panicked.

  The so-called "restart" is equivalent to returning an adult to the state of an infant, destroying and rebuilding the world where civilization has already taken shape.

   It may take hundreds or thousands of years to have the same level of civilization.

   Now that the powerful country of the Northern Continent has started the second industrial revolution under its own promotion, how far will it be from exploring space?

   Decades, a hundred years, or earlier.

   Tu Fu only felt chills in his heart after hearing this. This is the only way for every normal civilization to develop to a certain scale. Exploring the universe is also to obtain a larger living space.

  But the curiosity and exploration of the universe in this world can only be exchanged for endless malice in the depths of the universe.

  His appearance has brought a technological explosion to all mankind, and it is nothing less than a step closer to death.

  Tu Fu slowly raised his head from a sense of unreasonable fear:

   "Last question, what do the polar regions represent?"

   "The last handwriting left by the gods in the world, everything is recorded there, and there are truths that even we don't know. Go there and you will unlock everything."

  President Bernadette spoke leisurely, also maintaining the usual mystery.

   "It's the handwriting of the Seven Gods again."

   Tu Fu felt as if he had gone in a big circle and returned to the original place. The stories in the fairy tale book are very close to the truth that He knows.

   "Thank you very much, ma'am, that's all I need to know."

  Tu Fu slowly got up and bowed to Ms. Bernadette.

   "I must declare to you that after the war is completely over, I will personally go to the polar regions to unlock all the secrets and try my best to prevent the 'restart' of this world."

  Tu Fu raised his brows very high. If this continues, the world will fall into the vicious circle of civilization and keep spinning in circles.

   "Do you want to learn from Lionheart too?"

   "It seems that the Lionheart also went out to find a way to avoid the destruction of the Assyrian Empire. He failed and became a part of the 'restart' civilization instead."

   "The Lionheart has never been a special one, just like the people who discovered "restarting civilization" in the past have tried every means to solve this problem permanently, and went to deep space without hesitation."

"The results of it."

   "The closer you get to the moon, the more likely you will be deeply polluted, and you will never be able to turn back." Ms. Bernadette's words seem to have some kind of hint.

   "Dragon-slaying warriors have never been able to escape this fate."

  He let out a cry of sorrow, stood up silently and tried to leave the meeting place of the monastery.

   "Dragon Slayer?" The nun asked puzzled.

  Tuff crooned as he walked back,

  “I have heard a story about an evil dragon living near the village, who commits all kinds of crimes in the village every year, so the village youths form a dragon-slaying team every year to go to the dragon’s lair to assassinate the evil dragon, but none of them succeeded.

  Later, some villagers finally took a look and went to find out, and finally discovered the mystery.

  The dragon-slaying hero stabbed the dragon to death with his sword,

  The dragon's corpse lay in the blood of the dragon covered with gold and silver,

  The brave man sits wearily on the dragon corpse,

   Glittering treasures so dazzling,

  The pride in the pupils is falling apart,

  The scars that once covered the whole body should have been the glory of a hero in this life.

But slowly grew dragon scales, sang sharp claws, tail and tentacles, sang broad bone wings, grew a dark heart that never died before, and became the new owner of the dragon lair . "

   "What a sad story."

   "It should be said that it is a story of courage. No matter how many brave men fell in the dragon's lair before, it never prevented the later youth from going to the dragon's lair with the heart of death."

  Human courage has always been so great. "

  (end of this chapter)