MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 12 The Heist

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  Chapter 12 The Extraordinary Thief

  Perhaps it was because the glass of strong rum had an astonishingly strong aftertaste. Tu Fu stood at the door of the tavern and blew the evening breeze for a long time. After calming down for a long time, the excitement in his heart was eased.

  He held the potion box tightly, and did not rush out of the trading place immediately after the transaction ended.

   Instead, he waited at the platform in a very calm state of mind, until an independent carriage arrived with iron hoofs, Tu Fu raised his hand to signal, and told the driver the name of the place unhurriedly:

   "32 Cross Street, Wood District."

   This is naturally the home of that Mr. Morton. Tu Fu cannot guarantee whether the transaction party and the intermediary will send someone to follow him, so his voice is not too loud, but people who pay attention can just hear it.

  So under the light of the blue moon, the exquisite independent carriage gradually disappeared on the horizon of the night.

Da da…

  Shortly after the carriage started, there was also the sound of horseshoes landing next to the Old Hunter's Tavern, and an unfamiliar carriage followed the direction where Tu Fu disappeared, as if verifying the buyer's address information.

   "The news that Mr. Morton was taken away by the police department is probably about to spread."

  Tu Fu was extremely calm-minded. He deliberately delivered the report letter two hours before the transaction in order to delay Morton Henry and replace the transaction partner with the time difference before the underground organization got the news.

  The transaction organization is unclear about the identity of the buyer, but the middleman is always paying attention to every move of the Morton family.

   "Sure enough, he was followed."

  From the window of the carriage, Tu Fu looked at the movement behind him out of the corner of his eye. After a brief thought, he took out the "Adventurer" potion from the box.

  The other party is an underground organization with various means, and there are many extraordinary people. It is not surprising that there may be tracking methods in boxes or other places.

   "Park at the front corner." Tu Fu handed over the driver's labor fee in advance, and said in a deep voice, "Then continue to cross the street and deliver this box to that family."

  Naturally, it is necessary to make a complete set for acting, after all, this is the goods that Master Morton bought at a huge price.

  Although the coachman was puzzled, he still agreed.

  When the carriage is turning at a corner in front of the street, the position of the carriage is just stuck in the rear view.

  Tu Fu took a deep breath and opened the door ahead of time, jumped straight off the carriage, took off his black robe and threw it into the trash can, which was also a means of avoiding tracking.

   One cannot be too cautious when dealing with extraordinary people.

  This brief moment allowed him to get away, and Tu Fu was not completely relieved until he watched the two carriages go away. So far, all steps have been completed exactly as planned.

  The underground organization sold the goods.

  The Police Agency improved its performance.

  I also got the potion.

   "A World Where Only Mr. Morton Hurts" Achieved.

   The taste of "Zero Yuan Purchase" is really good... Tu Fu looked back on this action with satisfaction, and also praised his wit.

  The first vote after his debut was completed quite neatly from planning to execution, which shows that he has a good talent in this area.

  Until, when Tu Fu was about to take the bus home, his neck stiffened when he put his hand in his pocket, and his expression became serious. He suddenly realized a very important thing.

  The total cost of the fare is 1 crown, the clothing fee is 1 crown, and the rest of the money is spent on the meal and the glass of rum.

   Even, even the bus fare home now is not enough.

   You know, the Mings Street next to Ruizi Port is more than ten miles away from Crescent Street.

   Coincidentally, a few noisy black crows in the sky happened to cross the sky.

  Looking at the sky.

   Whoa, whoa, whoa...


  It wasn't until late at night that Tu Fu reluctantly rushed home, and opened the door with a resentful attitude. It was rare for a child who was playing outside to return home with an uneasy mood.

  The gas lamp in the living room was still on, and Uncle Ethan was alone on the sofa, covering his head with his hands. When the door opened, his upper body became weightless, and he shuddered violently.

  After seeing the person coming, the uncle put a trace of seriousness on his face:

   "Little husband, where did you go today?"

   "A classmate invited me over for a birthday. I played too much."

  Tu Fu prevaricated with the excuse he had prepared in advance, and by the way made up a detail of drinking for the first time at a birthday party to explain the smell of alcohol on his body.

  Uncle Ethan immediately turned his worries into joy when he heard this. It is a great thing that Tu Fu is willing to change his dull personality and take the initiative to contact his classmates.

Ethan showed a long-lost smile on his face, "Litz has been having a rough night recently, but don't let your aunt know. She left you dinner in the kitchen, delicious lamb, don't look like she likes to talk about it, but in fact Is a very nice person.

   After the uncle greeted briefly, he yawned in a daze and prepared to go up to the second floor.

  At the end, he turned around suddenly, patted the table lightly and then blinked and added: "Alcohol can paralyze people's spirits, no matter how strong a person is, they can't resist such a temptation, but it's okay to go out of line once in a while."

"I will."

  Tu Fu nodded earnestly. This was the second time uncle mentioned that the city was dangerous at night.

  Looking in the direction of the clapping uncle's palm,

   Just now Ethan left a small butter bag, as if it was specially reserved for him.

  Tu Fu opened the bag indifferently, until the color of the objects inside became weird after taking it out.

  A bottle-sized rubber ring,

  The bottom connection material is a small bag made of sheep cecum, which seems to be used for spitting in case of emergency.

   The specific use is very obvious.

   "Hey, uncle, have you misunderstood something, I am not the kind of person you think."

   Tu Fu complained that he was wronged, and it was difficult to clear his innocence for a while.

  But by mistake, he put away the sheep intestines and planned to hide it somewhere.

  Going to uncover the boiler in the kitchen, Tu Fu noticed that the food that Aunt Anfeier left in the kitchen exceeded his previous portion.

   Having been hungry all day, he chewed on the slightly cold dinner, and felt complicated for a while.

  Aunt has a poisonous tongue but has never treated him badly. Ethan's character seems careless but also has a careful side. Even the most arrogant Miss Winster in the family takes care of him intentionally or unintentionally.

  The Winster family never regarded him as an outsider.

  Backing to the room, Tufu took out the potion test tube after a simple meal.

   Lightly tap the tube surface with your fingers.

  The shimmering potion in the bottle is like a solid liquid, without a trace of water ripples, and the brilliance shining like stars makes it extremely unusual.

   After thinking about it, Tu Fu hid the potion under the shelf, and chose two books to block the sight on both sides, so he would never find it unless he looked carefully.

  By the way, throw in the sheep intestines.

   "Potions can't be taken now, at least not here."

  Tu Fu's eyes were slightly closed, but he already had an idea in his mind. He didn't have enough knowledge of mysticism, so naturally he didn't know whether it would cause external mysterious phenomena while taking the potion.

  The underground trading organization just lost a copy of the potion. In case of an accident while taking it, the noise of his promotion in Winster's house may bring unnecessary trouble to the family.

   Moreover, Tu Fu has not yet decided whether to bear the price of becoming a superhuman.

  According to the evidence from many sources, once this road of thorns and thorns goes down, there is no turning back, becoming a different kind in the eyes of ordinary people, and bearing unknown dangers.

  Tu Fu is not a person with lofty ideals. His greatest wish in life is to achieve the boring life described in Ji Lao's diary.

  If it wasn't for the unpredictable ghost ship that hijacked him, he really didn't need to take this risk to chase the supernatural.

   "The only thing left to do now is to wait."

  Tu Fu will make further plans after the news of this incident has completely passed.

  A few days after the transaction incident, the city of Leeds was still peaceful. Even without Morton, the scourge of Wood, there were still refugees everywhere, and the labor movement was in full swing.

  Wood District is still that Wood District.

  Tu Fu has been studying hard since he came back, pretending not to care about the outside situation at all, as if that incident never happened.

  Until three days later, my uncle brought back a piece of valuable news. This new trending search brought more vitality to his dull daily life.

   "Come on, that 10,000-damned villain of the Woodlands, vampire inbreeding, Morton Henry is officially in custody for tax evasion charges, and in fact, as long as he pays back taxes it's nothing.

   But you would never guess that after Mr. Vampire was arrested, the indictment of the Workers' Union received by the court was higher than the mountain. "

  Uncle Ethan blushed with excitement when he spoke, stretched out his fist and swung it vigorously in the air a few times, "Once these criminal evidences are confirmed, he will spend the rest of his life in prison."

  In fact, this kind of notorious character has a good reputation in Leeds, and many people have heard of his bad style.

   "It was not arrested in the name of intentional homicide."

  Tu Fu pondered for a while and then figured it out. It is impossible to directly arrest Morton, who has all-hands and eyes, with a suspected murder case alone, let alone he didn't kill the person himself.

  The crime of tax evasion is worth recalling.

  In the country of Baia, death and taxation are the fate that every citizen cannot escape.

   There is a saying in the Kingdom that if one day you will have to do a dangerous job, remember that tax evasion is a safer way than buying insurance.

   Even if you are unfortunate enough to end up on a desert island, the IRS will use all resources to find you.

   This reminded Tu Fu of a cold joke.

   If you are unfortunate enough to be stranded on a deserted island one day, don’t worry, just draw a Mickey Mouse on the beach and wait quietly to attract the rescue of Disney’s legal department.

   "Dad, but I heard from my classmates that this incident is related to a thief with extraordinary power." The young Miss Sophie was very interested in this kind of gossip.

   "The Extraordinary Thief?" Tu Fu's eyes widened, why didn't he know about this.

Sophie cleared her throat, and said solemnly: "Because Mr. Thief couldn't understand what Morton was doing in the Wood District, he specially sent a letter of war to him, and will take away the most valuable collection in his home tonight." .

   Even though that Mr. Morton hired a team from a security company, he never saw the shadow of the robber that night.

   Just when they thought it was a prank, a carriage suddenly passed by Morton's house, and the driver only returned an empty box as a warning.

   When he came back to his senses, all valuables in the house were stolen.

  At the same time, he wrote a letter of accusation based on the criminal evidence collected at Morton's house, which scared Morton to surrender himself to the Police Department. "

  The version of the story mentioned by Sophie who joined this topic cannot be said to be exactly the same, at least it is quite different from the original truth.

   "Nice story."

   Ethan nodded with a smile, "This matter is indeed related to a report letter. If this is the case, then this Mr. Thief is really noble."

  Tu Fu couldn't help shrinking his neck, subconsciously feeling guilty, "Is there a possibility, maybe this thief just wants to steal something."

  Sophie immediately looked at him with disdain, "Not everyone values ​​money as much as you do."

  Girls at this age worship heroes the most, not to mention that among the folks in Leeds, this super thief who punishes evil and promotes good is already a legendary figure like Robin Hood.

   People don't care whether he stole the money of the rich, but they are excited about the punishment of the wicked.

  Even without knowing exactly what crimes he committed.

   As for the authenticity of the story of Leeds' legendary thief?

   It can only be said that there is a certain deviation from the truth.

  Anyway, Morton Henry was completely stumped this time, and he was put together by the workers' union he despised the most.

  Even if you can get out of prison, your property will be confiscated by the Leeds government. If you don’t keep it, the underground organization will search for people all over the world because they haven’t received the final payment.

  Tu Fu couldn't help but sigh, "The person they want to arrest is Morton Henry, don't care about me, Tu Fu Cape."

  But he never figured out where this outrageous story came from.


  Wood District, Underground Tavern.

  The blond-haired and blue-eyed Alonso was receiving Mason Adams, the leader of the brotherhood of the underground organization selling potions, because the final payment was not delivered as scheduled during the trading day.

   "According to our information, Morton Henry has been taken into custody by the police department, and the person who traded that night has also disappeared."

  The implication is that Mason needs a reasonable explanation from his middleman.

  This failed transaction made both parties look bad.

   "I will refund the original amount of the agency fee, but I hope this matter will be left alone."

   Holding the wine glass lightly, Alonso also expressed his attitude. This matter is indeed his responsibility.

   "I want to know the information about the super thief circulating in the outside world, whether the brotherhood will spare him."

   "A Transcendent who is a scammer."

   Alonso's tone was firm. After seeing Mason's astonished expression, he said in an admonishing tone: "Mason, for my sake, it's better to let this matter go like this."

   A Sequence 9 potion is indeed precious, but both parties can afford it.

  The fact that an ordinary person defrauded both a supernatural organization and a well-known person on the Dao spread, it is hard to imagine how far his reputation in this circle will fall.

  However, if it is a superhuman who is a charlatan, it is an acceptable thing to use mysterious means to punish evil and promote good, and it is a story that everyone likes to hear.

   "Ha, you mean that a superhuman intervened?"

   What Mason learned from the contact person was not such information.

   "The most cunning, despicable, deceitful and stealing superman of the charlatan path."

  Mr. "Middleman" Alonso once again gave an affirmative answer, but he subconsciously clenched his back molars tightly when pronouncing the pronunciation.


   must be extraordinary,

   must also be an extraordinary thief.

  (end of this chapter)

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