MTL - I Found A Planet-v3 Chapter 9 Under Chen Jinjin

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"Chaotic particles can also be used for cultivation. Although it is only a practice, it is so good for this era of divine particles. It is just a timely rain, thank you grandfather." Chen Junfeng kneel on the ground and respectfully gave Chen Jinyi Head.

Chen Jin saw this scene and could not help but scratch his head and laughed. The grandson of his own was good. The influence of feudalism was too serious. When he was with his grandfather, he was not big or small. Grandpa’s beard was I was almost unplugged by myself. I remembered the beard of my grandfather when I was a child. Chen Jin unconsciously touched his chin. It’s not a surprise that Jun Feng didn’t have a beard and pulled him out, even if he was asked to pull him. Dare.

"Jun Feng, this method can not only practice the body, but also can nourish one's own cultivation when it is trained to a certain extent. Although it is always weaker than the flesh, it will slowly increase." Chen Junfeng’s forehead is gone, and the soul’s martial art is nothing to be said about the soul of Chen Jin’s Dacheng period.

Chen Junfeng, who got the Gongfa, sat on the ground and looked at the exercises slightly. He was so excited that he couldn’t wait to practice.

Chen Jin said Chen Junfeng’s expression in his eyes and said, “Don’t be excited. You copied this method and selected some core members of the family to give them a copy, but remember that you can’t leak the exercises. Going out, otherwise, according to the family law, severe punishment, I heard no. Chen Chen, although the tone is very plain, but with an unquestionable attitude, scared Chen Junfeng repeatedly refused to disclose.

Looking at Chen Junfeng's appearance, Chen Jin is very satisfied. He nodded slightly. His grandson has always been very reliable and should not go wrong.

"It should be a long time that I will practice here. If you have any cultivation, you can ask me directly. Recently, it has been hard for you to take care of the family. There is still a sacred body to continue research and development, human body can develop. There are still a lot of places, and strive to create a more perfect qualification." Chen Jin thought that in addition to his own small five-body body, there are more and more powerful body suddenly it is a itch. If you gain a stronger physique, then it is not more rapid to cultivate. At a higher level, perhaps the remaining saints of the Protoss are no longer threatened.

Because the avatar is not mature yet (I wrote it wrong yesterday, and wrote it in a month, everyone is in a year, it is harmless). So the rest of the day, Chen Jin gave the family things to the management of artificial intelligence, after all, development Up to now, whether the company or the family is running smoothly, there is no big deal. If there are some minor problems, it can be solved by artificial intelligence.

Chen Junfeng was temporarily liberated. Chen Jin took Chen Junfeng to the space channel with the spacecraft. I saw that the chaotic particles had chaoticized all the channels of the gods and became congested. Chen Jin saw this and went down. The spaceship was suspended above the chaotic particles. Chen Junfeng saw that all this scared the soul and was preparing to remind Grandpa to wear a spacesuit to go out. Who knows that he has already stepped out of the spaceship, Chen Junfeng has closed his eyes and dare not look again. After a while, Chen Jin’s voice came, "Jun Feng, why are you still not coming down, the spacesuit has not been worn yet."

"Grandpa, you are not dead." Chen Junfeng opened his eyes and saw Chen Jin's knees floating above the chaotic particles and looking at himself with a depressed face.

At this time, Chen Jin’s heart is depressed. What is it that is not dead? I am only a little longer than you, and I can die so soon. "Cough, I forgot to tell you, my cultivation has reached the stage of saints, and I can walk in space arbitrarily."

Chen Junfeng just let go of his heart, wearing a good spacesuit slowly came to Chen Jin, due to the advancement of science and technology, human beings have entered the interstellar colonial spacesuits have also made great progress, in addition to not bare skin, other already It’s almost like a tight-fitting suit, and it won’t look cumbersome.

Chen Jin saw Chen Junfeng coming to his side and no longer cares about it. Instead, he quietly operated the exercises. The chaotic particles of the chaos broke away from the ocean of chaotic particles and entered the body. The chaotic particles are quite powerful. Decomposing everything into chaos can not be absorbed in large quantities. If it is absorbed too much, Chen Jin’s body is afraid of being crushed into particles in an instant. But the amount is small, just like water can extinguish the fire, but the water and the salary are not helpful.

With the entry of chaotic particles, Chen Xiu's body repairs are slowly corroded by chaotic particles. The realm seems to have a little backwards, but the body is a little stronger, but it also maintains a relative balance between one increase and one decrease. The strength has not regressed or progressed. It seems that the two forces in the body can't coexist. If you cultivate this kind of practice, Xianli will slowly disappear. Although you can't see the benefits for a while, but the time is long, the physical repair will still increase. Chen Jin does not. To entangle these things, but slowly cultivated.

After practicing for a year, after a year of blinking, Chen Jin, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly showed no signs of water flowing around the body. The first layer of the body was a big one. At this time, the ordinary bullets of Chen Jinguang’s body were not worn, but they were already Some are faint and unstable, and when they are trained to the second level, Dacheng is estimated to fall to the peak of the fit. Although the cultivation has been somewhat reduced, there is a special power in the body that is different from the magical force. This should be the power of chaos that is nourished by the body in the practice. The appearance of the peak, the new repair to replace Xian Li Xiu seems to have a long way to go.

Chen Jinxuan opened his eyes and looked like Chen Junfeng said, "You continue to practice here, I will go back and come over and the spacecraft will leave you."

After the completion of Chen Jin, he flew toward the earth. With the repair of Chen Jinda, he flew very fast and quickly returned to the earth. He returned to the Chenjia Fortress Chen Jin and did not alarm anyone to come to Haier through the portal. The base of the Great Planet of the French planet (Chen Jin left the side of the portal in Haierfa and Chenjia Fortress, and the other side was in his palm transmitter).

"Alice, my body has been cultivated." Chen Jin smiled at Alice.

"Okay, Master, I will take you there."

Not long after Chen Jin came to the nursery room, Alice was in the future.

I saw the cultivation warehouse in front of Chen Jin, and the body of a red fruit lying quietly was exactly the same as Chen Jin himself, but it was very peaceful to close his eyes. Chen Jin’s face was red in this scene. Although the body was useless, I was embarrassed to be seen by Alice every day. Chen Jin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He put his palm on the forehead of the avatar and ran the exercises at the same time. It didn't take long for a sense of consciousness to pass through the palm of his hand to the body.

When I was awkward, my eyes closed and my eyes closed. I watched Chen’s eyes say, "Hello, I am in the present."

Read The Duke's Passion