MTL - I Found A Planet-v2 Chapter 83 reward

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A huge crisis has passed steadily.

However, Chen Junfeng still has a place and feels quite puzzled.

"Grandpa, our Chen family and Tonghuang, the animal husbandry family have a deadly hatred, there is no possibility of easing, why do we give priority to the sale of the candle dragon armor to these two families? In case their strength recovers, remember the old enemy, the gun What should I do with my mouth?"

Undoubtedly, Tonghuang and Mumu family will definitely hate Chen’s hatred. After the strength has been restored, they will definitely consider retaliation, or even take direct action to use the blood of Chen’s family to wash away the shame brought to them.


In the eyes of each other, it is actually an enemy.

At the moment, Chen’s home chooses to help the two enemies and strengthen their revenge.

This is not only difficult to understand, but also the brain of Chen’s leader. Is it a problem? Is it not the best choice to kill and eliminate the roots?

There is a stupid act of helping the enemy.


Chen Jin smiled lightly: "If you use Chen's technology products, there is no possibility to change the muzzle and kill a Chen family. In the face of Chen's invention of robot products, the last moment, the muzzle is facing there. It is possible that he will not target the Chen family."

"Is it... the back door?"

Chen Junfeng was excited and excited. "The candle dragons that were sold out all installed the back door. Is it possible to be an enemy of my Chen family?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He laughed happily: "This is not how many 'candle dragons' sold by Chen's family. How much help is there, it is equal to spending their money and strengthening the potential power of Chen."

"Well, having a back door is good; if you have technology, you can do whatever you want." He reminded him of the long-standing saying in the family.

Chen Jin did not say anything. Everything from the beginning to the present, all in his control and expectation, also got the results he wanted.

In this way, Chen has gained a valuable development time.

It is estimated that this period should be at least 10 years.

And now Chen does not need to pay those "protection fees."

The sales of the candle dragon armor will bring a lot of benefits, and at the crucial moment, it can be recovered through the back door.


The affairs of the earth can be summarized in a ‘stable’.


The planet Haier.

Tai Hang City.

Chen Jin’s main attention has returned to this side.

Some time ago, the giant nuclear fusion reactor that the son-in-law said had been successfully completed and completed the ignition power generation.

Put the chaotic spar into it and increase the power generation.

During the violent collision of chaotic particles, fission occurs, and a variety of divine particles escape.

Among them, the continuous aura, after purification, is brought together, and then compressed and synthesized.

A block of blue-colored top grade Lingshi was made.

"How much is the output of Lingshi? How many pieces are there every day?" Chen Jin asked.

"Master, the current fusion reactor has not reached full power operation state, so the top grade Lingshi synthesized every day is only about 300. If some methods can be taken in the later stage to digest excess power generation and achieve full power operation, Lingshi production can reach Around 1000 per day."

Nissan Lingshi three hundred.

All are high-value top grade stones.

Chen Jin suddenly got excited.

Because these spiritual stones are enough for him to cultivate, even ten monks below the knot period are enough.

In addition, on the other side of the earth, because there are no Lingshi veins, the natural Lingshi stock is extremely rare, like the endangered minerals, the less used, the more exhausted.

Due to the wide-ranging use of Lingshi, the demand for Lingshi in the market is huge.

A piece of Aura with a reiki capacity of 1 unit, the price is about 100,000.

A medium-sized Lingshi with a reiki capacity of 10 units, priced at least 1 million.

The aura capacity of Shangpin Lingshi is generally more than 100 units. There is no market price, and 10 million pieces are difficult to buy.

In other words, just three hundred pieces of Lingshi every day can bring billions of income to Chen.

The output is 10 billion per day at full reactor power.

But the son-in-law also has a more crazy plan.

"Master, after the ss-class warship was built, I immediately started a 'small star' project to create a device with a power of 100 trillion megawatts, equivalent to a small star, because of enough power, The conversion efficiency of chaotic spar can also raise multiple steps and achieve the goal of producing more than 10,000 stones per day."

Ten thousand Lingshi every day.

If you get the earth, it is definitely an important material that makes all forces jealous and mad.

It can make countless monks get the acceleration of cultivation, which is equivalent to opening the plug-in that accelerates cultivation.

Such a huge spiritual stone can be used by the monks in the Chenjia Fortress to create a large number of masters in a few years.

Then after ten, twenty, thirty years...

In the infinite universe, the aura spreads and dilutes, and the concentration drops to one tenth and one percent.

From the era of Gaowu's fantasy, it fell into the era of the middle and low Wu.

It is already imaginable that Chen, who has always had a large number of sources of Lingshi, will grow to the extent that he will grow up.

Time is standing on the side of Chen Jin, not a false statement at all.

Even the few saints who are high above are likely to fall into the realm, and there is a possibility of a murder.

"It is still necessary to accumulate while waiting patiently, wretched, and as low-key as possible. After a few decades, everything on the earth's side is basically Chen's."


There are plenty of spiritual stones.

Chen Jin will take three or four hours a day to practice and study the avenue.

His talent can only be said to be general, his qualifications are average, and he can be classified into waste wood in general. However, because he has plenty of stones at hand, he does not hesitate to use it. In terms of exercises, the Galaxy Era 2.0 simulates a set of advanced exercises. It is very suitable for him, and the cultivation effect is good.

Dan medicine, elixir and the like, often taken.

In combination, as a "golden shackle", his cultivation speed is very fast.

It will take a long time to become a strong player in the knot period.

Guo Yan followed him to practice, exchange experience, and even practiced a set of double-practice exercises that are said to be very magical, to see if there is a big additive effect, the result is not very ideal, but rather hurt the kidney, full of land No more.

"I think that the rest of the work is very good, the cultivation process is very comfortable, much better than a person." Guo Yan said with a grin, do not understand why Chen today gave up.

"This kind of practice, except for people with ten kidneys, can be cultivated, otherwise they are not sanctified, and they are exhausted by farming."

Chen Jin shook his head, the so-called double-breaking exercises, perhaps more suitable for female monks, but it is not suitable for male monks, because it is really more expensive.


Life is as dull as water, and simple everyday life constitutes an infinite cycle like everyday.

Take the Haierfa planet as a node.

On the other side of the earth, the contradiction between man and **** is still deepening. The "God of God" has been unable to resolve deep-seated contradictions, and small-scale wars have begun.

On Haier’s side, the collective of stars controlled by Mu Yunhua is struggling with one after another, resisting the massive invasion of the Blue Iraqi civilization.

this day.

Chen Jin took the initiative to send a communication application, looking for Mu Yunhua to understand the latest situation.

"Cloud, the war has been playing for more than three years. Can you hold it over there?" Chen Jin asked.

"There is no big problem, we can stand it!"

Mu Yunhua said: "The strength of the Blue Iraqi civilization may be significantly overestimated at the beginning. Although they have a huge fleet of shadows, the quality is realistic, and the lowest level of ship-sea tactics is used. , drowning one civilization."

"But they obviously don't know much about our strength, and they don't know how much the a-class and s-class warships you rented. How powerful it is." She snorted.

"Although the same class A warships, our a-class warships have at least three times the combat power index. We are a class a, which can destroy three opponents in front."

“Quality, we have the advantage of leading more than half a generation.”

"In just two years, our counter-fighting fleet has smashed 33 Lanyi civilization sub-fleets, destroyed more than 30,000 enemy ships, and eliminated one-third of the invading forces."

"But it’s not so good to see us. The rest of the Blue Iraqi fleet is starting to gather together with three or five teams to avoid being divided."

"This has made our recent campaign not very smooth, although two months ago, using the tactics of harassment, annihilated a fleet of 3,000 warships, but a full six-fold gap, offsetting the quality advantage, In the battle, we lost for the first time, and we lost ten a-class warships."

"The rest of the battles may not be good, the most difficult moments are coming soon. I am full of confidence in the victory, but the blue-eyed civilization cannot be underestimated. Their fighting style and ethnicity are very similar to those in the former Red Empire. I like to engage in sea tactics and ship-sea tactics, and the general soldiers are not afraid of death. They are few in desperate choices to surrender. I really cannot believe that as aggression forces, they actually have such a strong will to fight."

“It’s a bit like... a stubborn animal.”

"I don't pay a price, I guess it's hard to annihilate them all."

Mu Yunhua said in a low tone that in the face of such an opponent, she must be mentally responsive and unable to make mistakes and unexpected losses.

"Then play more harassment tactics, don't fight face to face."

Chen Jin thought for a moment: "It is enough to block the Lanyi civilization fleet and delay their offensive actions. It is enough to achieve this goal. The secret weapon on my side is speeding up the construction. It will probably wait another six or seven years. When it comes out, by the time, all the problems you face will be solved."

"Thank you~"

I know that Kim is giving himself a reassurance and I suggest to adopt a conservative resistance strategy, but...

"We can't be served by the babysitter all the time, and we should come up with certain skills to prove our ability."

Mu Yunhua and her military staff, after more than a dozen annihilation wars that brought optimism, the mentality expanded a lot, and came up with a plan to split the invaders' fleet with 501 main battleships. One side swallowed and destroyed.

Strive for a total of 100,000 invading warships in a decade!

That is to say, it is not necessary to represent the "higher civilization" represented by Chen Jin, and to win the whole war and overcome the crisis by relying on this hand at hand.

"How can this be?"

Understand the thoughts of Mu Yunhua, Chen Jin surprised and shook his head, more than 500 warships, pk 100,000 invading warships, full 20 times the strength of the comparison, and achieved a less successful, almost impossible task .

"Don't force the cloud, how much capacity to do, how much power you have in your hands, self-protection is enough, anti-kill is not possible, don't create the illusion of winning!"

"I will try my best to speed up here. The support force will reach you soon. Choose to be steady and steady. Don't wave! In short, listen to my suggestion, this crisis will end soon."

Chen Jin persuaded a number of sentences and hoped that Mu Yunhua would follow the guidelines he said.

"I know, Kim, I will master the scale. If the power is not enough, I will do my best. Please believe that I will do well."

Mu Yunhua said, let Chen Jin slightly down the heart, after all, are adults, should not take risks, grasp the big, as the leader of Mu Yunhua should be clear, without his excessive reminder.


The next few years.

The war between the Star Alliance and the Blue Iraqi Civilization has been carried out more intensely.

Mu Yunhua and the staff of her side have chosen a more adventurous strategy to adopt the tactical strategy of “quick fish to eat slow fish” and to attack the blue Iraqi civilization fleet.

Five hundred ships that are less than a ship, harassing 3,000 enemy ships.

By arranging space minefields.

Super speed of light assault. Class battleships are pierced.

And a number of incredible tactics, using all available advantages, to divide, encircle, and eliminate the huge enemy fleet.


The first 3,000 ships of the Blue Iraqi civilization were completely annihilated.

The Stars Federation’s raid fleet lost less than ten ships.

Then convert the battlefield and repeat it briefly.

The war is going to the ninth year.

After losing a full 90,000 warships, the Blue Yixing people, who have always been fearless, finally collapsed.

Directly chose to escape.

Then it evolved into a rout, panic, and surrender.

In the end, there were less than 5,000 ships returning to the Blue Iraqi civilization.

With the power of more than 500 warships in hand, the goal of invading 100,000 enemy ships, Mu Yunhua actually realized.

The betrayed Serra people saw the Stars Federation so powerful, and they surrendered, lost all their land, and the situation quickly stabilized.

Seeing such a strong performance.

Chen Jin can only secretly lie in his back, and there is a feeling of being beaten.

Sending a message to Mu Yunhua, she smiled and said to her: "Cloud, you won, don't always rely on my thighs to win, I admit that I underestimate you, say, what rewards you want, as long as you come up, I can do it," I promised."


Mu Yunhua thought about his chin and suddenly said: "Go home, I want to go home and see, OK?"

Read The Duke's Passion