MTL - I Found A Planet-v2 Chapter 65 Mu Yunhua in Revenge

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In the materialist world, substances can only be changed with matter.

But in the idealist world, you can use "spirit" to influence matter.

For example, to manufacture a weapon or to produce guns and ammunition, in the materialistic world, various lathes and assembly lines are used, which are complicated, large, and have high production costs.

But in the ideal world, some abilities can change the structure of matter by controlling the magnetic field and changing the structure of the atoms according to the internal atomic arrangement.

For example, nano-products such as graphene and nano-alloys require a large production line to be produced.

However, some high-strength monks can create extremely precise parts with powerful micro-manipulation capabilities.

Such as miniature spiritual arrays, organs, etc., are made by individuals.

In terms of craftsmanship, an actor or monk can sometimes be a huge production line.

Significantly reduce the difficulty of complex processing and save a lot of cost.

Combined with a large number of sacred minerals with unique physicochemical properties, many unimaginable magical technologies have been realized.

Become a s-class battleship in front of Chen Jin.

The comprehensive combat strength is hard to imagine.

"The biggest difficulty is the mass production problem. A s-class warship like this can only build one ship in ten years. It can't produce dozens of ships every year like a class a warship."

The female sighs that the more advanced the things, the more difficult it is to mass produce. This is universal truth and applies to all universes.

"A decade?"

Chen Jin feels helpless. The universe is so big. There are billions of galaxies. If you want to conquer all, you will suddenly take out billions of s-class warships or spend billions of years... two There is no way to choose the road.

"Forget it, I still don't want to be so much. It is enough to have such a trump card in hand. Let's set it in an invincible position, set a few small goals, and implement it step by step. You don't have to worry."


Space dock.

Entering the interior of the s-class warship, the silver-light space seems to be spotless, the artificial gravity seems to be on the ground, and the sci-fi style is extremely dreamy.

The decoration style of the bridge control center is like a gemstone store with a magnificent glory.

Unless you turn off the "glare mode", it will be gorgeous.

"It still becomes a 'simple mode', and it will be flashed when you continue." Chen Jin said to the console.

"Good master." Performance is not weaker than the son-in-law's shipborne artificial intelligence ‘s’ said.

"Skip in the stellar system." Chen Jin gave instructions.

"It is the master."


Through the transparent porthole.

The starlight of the outside world gradually became a curved line.

Guo Yan sat next to him and enjoyed the wonderful scenery together.

“Great world, it’s great to be living here all the time.”

Guo Yan said with emotion that her dream was to live in a beautiful paradise with someone she loved, without being disturbed by anyone.

Now it seems that this unrealistic dream has actually come true.

The beautiful world of undisturbed two people really existed.

"You are wrong. This world is similar to the universe on the other side of the earth. It is also very lively and equally chaotic."

Chen Jin shook his head and said, extending a finger: "1000, in the Milky Way alone, more than a thousand civilizations have been observed. The hidden undisclosed is at least ten times. The war broke out in many galaxies. Every civilization is a hunter. ""

"Like the Haierfa planet, I once lived in a population of more than tens of billions, but because of the conspiracy of aliens, there is no one left now."

"And the Wolff galaxy, which is only 14 light years away, has had a fierce interstellar war in the past few years."

"Danger and war are very close to me."

For the crisis and challenges faced by this power, Chen Jin has given women a lot of science.


Guo Yan nodded, but there was not much worry on his face: "Compared with the other side of the earth, it is at least 10,000 times safer, and there is not much difficulty in challenging, even a little safe haven, can live here, think I think it's pretty good."

"Well, maybe after a few decades, you will feel deserted and boring."

"No, there is you, no one will be deserted." The woman looked at the man and said.

Chen Jin touched his nose, somehow, feeling that he was not as comfortable as before.


I have come to the communication contact application.

The image of the son-in-law appeared on the screen: "Master, the princess sent a call, a little thing to find you, is it connected immediately?"

Chen Jin looked at Guo Yan with his eyes and thought: "Connect, don't know if she has something to look for."


Guo Yan’s eyes jumped. Who is this?

After the communication is established.

An excited voice sounded:

"Hey, big bad guys, just my fleet, and I have laid a Serra planet, killing about half of the people, the other Serra people agree to be my slave, and not only surrendered a 'civilization' that contains a lot of scientific information. The core', also honestly put on the explosive collar, and there are 3 billion slaves who give me free labor."

"This is the tenth planet I have laid. The other nine sub-fleet teams have also swept about ten galaxies. They have won hundreds of galaxies... about one-tenth of the Sela civilization. We hit it down."

"How big bad guys, are we doing a good job? And the Serra civilization has panicked and sent a request for negotiation and peace, but I refused all. This is just the beginning! Even if it is a hundred times, it will kill. I have no one to die with 1 trillion Serra talents!"

Now Mu Yunhua is simply an image of a revengeful revenge queen.

No mercy, no kindness, now she, after enjoying the power, to eliminate the pleasure of the enemy.

Hear these words.

Guo Yan first stayed, and then pumped his mouth, there is no reason, there is a feeling of tempering to faint.

Big bad guy... What is this strange name?

There is also the tone of the speech... a little bit of coquetry, catharsis, and confiding, representing the relatives of the relationship.

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!

As a woman, there are a lot of tricks in it.

Looking at the man beside him, even if he wants to explode in his heart, but on the surface still keeps a gentle smile, can not see the inner thoughts.

"Well, then you come on, feel happy, and, don't have to hit every planet, so call to celebrate, say how many Serra people you have killed, this is not very good, women should be gentle..."

Chen Jin said a few words and then hung up the newsletter.

Suddenly a soft voice came from the ear.

"Husband, you are not saying, Haier Law, is there only you alone? The woman who is in contact with you, what is going on? Can you tell me?"

Very calm, gentle voice.

But Chen Jin turned his head and looked shocked.

It seems to be an illusion, the woman in front of me, a pair of eyes flashing red light, the surface of the body seems to have a layer of black mist burning.