MTL - I Found A Planet-v2 Chapter 60 Silver battleship

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In the middle of space.

The five Serra protective warships are distributed in a pentagon shape, protecting a large flagship of nearly 10 kilometers in length.

Take a small tactical formation and go to the planet ahead.

And the last backward warships and space fighters in the hands of humans who are constantly gathering in front of them are like the ants in front of the elephants, and they are ignored by the Serra people.

"It's almost over."

The Serra commander whispered, and then fell into thinking: "What should be done to kill all these ants?"

What kind of pursuit method should be adopted in order to be efficient and at the same time, not to be missed.

"It is not enough to rely on the six warships in my hand. Considering that the insects will stop the resistance, the reconstructed life planet has high economic value and cannot be destroyed. Only conventional weapons can be used."

"In this case, if you want to complete the emotional task quickly, you need enough people."

Thinking of this, he looked up and looked over the front planet and looked behind him. "According to the plan, the submarine team led by General Wandu should arrive soon? The fifty main battleships have the power to join the war of the worms. Will efficiency increase many times?"

"Oh, I have a **** battle here, and I have made a huge sacrifice. The guy who is in Wandu has a big bargain and took away part of my merits. I knew that I could do it without his partial division."

Hey, I originally wanted to add insurance, disrupt the deployment of the other party, distract the other party, disrupt the square, and defeat it again.

As a result, no matter how many people, the other party is not moving, do everything in their power, and with the main army led by them, they have the result of "same to the end", and the elite soldiers and the cronies have lost a lot.

Considering the energy and time that I have paid, even if I have laid down this galaxy, it still seems to be worth the loss.

"It will take at least 30 years to recover."


The commander of the Serra, some of his heart hurts.

Immediately with a very hateful look, looking at the human resistance forces in front, the face became stunned: "Destroy them all, one does not stay!"

"Reporting adults, the fleet of General Wandu suddenly could not be reached, and the quantum communicator terminated the signal connection."

This is the liaison officer suddenly reported a message.


The commander of the Serra people said: "Reconfirm the two times! Check if the communicator is faulty." There was a bad feeling in my heart. I could still contact normally in the first two days. How suddenly I lost the connection?

"The communicator has no problem with adults! It's just a pure contact. There are only two possibilities. One, the communicator on the side of General Wandu was damaged; two, the fleet led by General Wandu, suddenly Encountered danger, and..."

In general, the communicator is similar in construction to the black box and is the most robust device on the Starship. The probability of active destruction is low.

However, if it is attacked, an alarm device will be activated to send out the alarm signal to convey some conditions.

The signal can be suddenly cut off. This situation is really difficult to judge, and the guess is not accurate.

"Adults, if you think in the worst case, the generals of General Wandu may encounter a sudden attack, lose their combat power in an instant, or be destroyed by an enemy in an instant, and suddenly they will not be able to contact!"

A staff analyst said: "If this is the case, those awkward human beings should have mastered some kind of weapon that can destroy the main battleship and set up another ambush circle, which led to the destruction of General Wandu."

"If this is the case, perhaps we should not move on, be careful and avoid their traps."

The Serra commander looked at it and said with a blank expression: "What do you mean... give up the attack, move to safety, wait for them to regroup, and organize effective resistance?"

Speaking of the back, its voice is a bit cold.

After all, if you don’t want to take it now, it’s like abandoning it!

Let's say that the 50 main battleships, if those human beings have the ability to be completely destroyed in an instant, the main fleet in its hands will not be so anxious and hard.

It never believes that those human hands will have such a strong card.

"Keep going."

"Prepare a hundred billion-level nuclear bombs. If their resistance is fierce, or there are other powerful killing methods, don't worry, destroy the life planet directly!"

"This time, you must crush their hopes!"

In the icy voice of the Serra commander, there is an unwavering will.


The space in front changes like ripples.

A streamlined battleship with a silvery silver body, like a magic, appears in front of the air.

Less than 10,000 kilometers apart.

At the relative speed of both sides, they will meet in a hundred seconds.

The Serra commander was taken aback.

In fact, it is not only the Serra.

The silver battleship is not very far from the last human miscellaneous fleet. It is also found to be a battleship of about eight kilometers in length, similar to a silver gun.

The chrysanthemum of the strange warship is very eye-catching because it resembles a dark hole.


The planet of Valf.

Military command hall.

Standing at the forefront, looking at the live video from the front line, Mu Yunhua stunned, lowered his head and moved his lips, whispered: "Gold, this... is the battleship you sent to help me?"

"Yes." There was a voice in the headset.

"Is there only one?"

"Well, one is enough."

"But there are still six warships left in the Serra. According to the technical level, five of them are a-class warships with protective shields. The flagship in the middle should also be considered a-class. There are a total of six a-class warships. Difficult bones." Not the b-class battleship that was defeated by suicide tactics.

"A level, it’s a coincidence, my battleship is also a level."

"That is the same level of combat power, but you only have one, the Serra people have six ships, and the number is at a disadvantage."

"The quantity is not equal to the quality."

Chen Jin shook his head:

"The technical progress of the Serra people is a little more than my imagination. They have already mastered the ultimate law of force and developed a force shield. It is not limited to decades, the technology of force space and gravity bombs. They will be broken through, and the power of the unified law will be fully realized."

"But unfortunately, unfortunately, the Serra people are still just getting started, and the progress is too slow. Compared with this, the law of the first year of generalization has been thoroughly absorbed by me."

"Don't say that the force field shield, that is, the force field space, the gravity bomb technology, have been completely mastered by my civilization. Just two hours ago, my 'Silver Gun King', I used several gravity bombs to put The Serra people's fleet, all bombed into space junk."

"There are a few unsold Serra primary a-class warships on your side, facing the 'Silver Guns' at the top of the a-level, but with a few gravity torpedoes."

Chen Jin opened the forced mode and couldn't help but brag.


Mu Yunhua found a trace of anomaly: "Two hours, from a dozen places outside the astronomical unit, to the battlefield here, your battleship, the speed is close to the speed of light? And suddenly appeared on the battlefield here There is no sign of, how do you do that?"

Is it...

The electro-optic flash in the brain can't help but blurt out: "Your civilization, master the super-light engine technology?"

This is simply too big!

The super-light speed technology, with the current level of human science and technology, does not say that it can not even imagine, after all, it is too far away.

"A little insight."

Chen Jin is not hiding: "The black chrysanthemum, the super-light engine, can travel in space in a hundred times of light. It would have been a space journey of decades or centuries. It could be completed in one year. Not only is it necessary for home travel, but if it is used for war or external expansion, the role played should be imagined."

"Gold, your civilization is too advanced and too powerful."

As a very senior scientist, Mu Yunhua was envious of the little stars in her eyes. She even seemed to ask for such a technique. Can she give her a copy, but her IQ stopped her.

The core technology of the bottom of the pressure box is a few words to get there?

Sending ten dollars and sending one million is two concepts.

So she didn't worry much about it. With the help of the thigh of gold, this war, they won the victory with trepidation, and she owed Kim a big favor.

In addition to the previous large and small human feelings, Mu Yunhua found that she did not have to think about how to return, because it is still unclear, not enough, just like the debt is not the same, she has long given up "how to Reward "thinking of this kind.


Cosmic space.

"what is that?"

Noticing the star ship that appeared in the front, the Serra commander stayed, and there were countless question marks in his heart.

"Adult, what should I do?" asked the staff next to him.

"Attack, destroy it!"

"The energy cannon is ready, aiming at the target ahead, attacking!"

Multi-beam or thick or thin laser shots, quickly came to the front of the mysterious silver battleship.

The silver battleship did not evade, there was no sign of movement, let the attack arrive.


Those thick or thin laser beams, which have not touched the silver battleship, seem to have been absorbed and dissipated in the invisible space.

It seems to be "swallowed" in general.

"The energy cannon attack is invalid."

"This... how come?"

"Does... the protective shield, the warship also has a protective shield, belonging to the advanced a-class warship!"

"How is this possible? We have to remove those human remnants, how can there be a class A battleship, they can not make such an advanced battleship!"

The staff members were shocked and unbelievable.

The commander of the Serra is even more bell-bellied. He feels that this conquest is full of strange and incomprehensible places. It is very strange and abnormal.

"No, the mysterious warship attacked and fired several missiles!"

"Intercept! Intercept!"

"The missiles and fighters have already been used up, and only energy cannons can be used!"

"The energy cannon is an energy attack that is reflected by the special coating on the surface of the incoming missile."

“Turn on the protective shield and do a good job in time.”

But then the scene that surprised all the Serra people happened. The few thick missiles that came in were not only not bounced off by the protective cover, but they did not know what principle to eliminate the force field and directly drilled in.




The incoming missile exploded at the same time.

Immediately, the explosion point of several missiles was taken as the core, as if the huge gravitational waves of the black hole merged, and suddenly spread out, even the space formed a burst of ripples, spreading out at the speed of light.

Quickly swept through six Serra warships.

Different 涟漪 waves have different sweep directions, angles, frequencies and amplitudes.

When it acts on a tangible substance, it will cause cracks and damage on the surface of the material.

Even at the micro level, it is found that atoms are separated, molecular bonds are broken, and internal structures are severely damaged.

If it acts in a living organism, it is a mess of cells and large molecular weight proteins and DNA that are destroyed in an instant.

What's more, there are also gravitational waves that suddenly become small and small, acting on objects with uneven forces, pulling, compressing, and deforming.

About ten seconds later.

The last six Serra's main battleships, like the ceramics that suddenly fell to the ground, turned into countless pieces, adding countless space junk.

Including all the Serratians on the battleship, there was no time to make any screams, pass any signal, and without half a second of pain, they entered the paradise with joy.


The planet of Valf.

Inside the military command hall.

A piece of bird is silent.

Everyone has a big mouth and his expression is very sluggish.


Mu Yunhua's performance is similar. Although she is psychologically prepared, she is completely shocked.

Gold, higher civilization, strong technology, and strong thighs that cannot be abandoned...

There are some thoughts that are not very competitive in the brain.

After half a sigh.

She still restored the thinking of ordinary people and abandoned those unrealistic things in her heart.

Compared with the civilization behind the golden body, this power in her hands is just like the general. Under the sympathy of the other party, it is enough to be willing to give a little. If you think more, then you will not know what to do.

"It's too slow, it's still too slow."

"If you continue to develop this way, even with my support, even if it is a few hundred years, there is no possibility of defeating the Serra."

"Proactively attack, try to get rid of the stella stone in the shortest time."

"I will give you enough assistance, including a warship like the "Silver Gun King", I can borrow a whole fleet for you."

"So... I don't have to farm anymore, just follow me to work. According to my plan, go to Daxu to expand."

There was a sudden sound of gold in the headset.


Mu Yunhua was stunned and suspected that he had produced auditory hallucinations.

Cooperation, work, and expansion.

And the most critical "Silver Gun King" battleship, borrowing a whole fleet?

Some of her mouth was dry, she couldn’t help but groaned and asked: "Just... you talked? Can you say it again?"

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