MTL - I Found A Planet-Chapter 1 Mysterious portal

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"Order support, come on the road to support me!"

"I am on the road to resist the four heroes of the enemy. What are you doing?"

"Do not bother to fight again, come on the road!"

"The other party pushed to our home platform, how many of you are still not going home?"


The crystal center of the home exploded, and the computer screen raised a big "failure".

"Rely, I met a group of pig teammates!"

Chen Jin slaps the keyboard irritably. Today he even played five LOLs. He took the rookie pig teammates and lost all five games. He blackened a dozen people.

Luck is really bad.

"If you don't play, the summer vacation is all about primary school students. It's all pit! It doesn't mean anything."

Chen Jinuan turned off the computer and shook his head. He found that the primary school students had a lot of active games, and the game experience was extremely poor.

Take out the newly purchased Aurora Color Huayao P20 mobile phone, lie on the rattan wooden chair, play the mobile game "Crash 3", operate the favorite wife's bud, in the wife's sigh, killing a wave of A wave of monsters.

Chen Jin, 24, looks handsome, a man, loves games and anime, but he prefers to call himself an "anime house."

He has set up a lot of animation-related binary items, such as Yuanshen, Asuna, and Ram’s hand, Furukawa, Kato, and the posters of the glaze, the computer wallpaper of the face, and the black silk of Xia Zhiqiu. Pillow, printed with my king Saber's T-shirt... filled every corner of the bedroom.

Chen Jin, who has a big love, all call them "wife."

Chen Jin is also an old man. There is no way to work. It is impossible to work. It is impossible to work in this life. The low wages are easy to live, and they are not able to raise their lives. The high wages are not easy, and the pressure is too much to eat.

I can only be old at home.

Plus the family is good, Dad is a senior engineer of the state-owned enterprise, the mother is a cadre of the government department, the old house was demolished a few years ago, and the developer made up six suites.

As an only child, my mother used to spoil him from childhood.

In fact, it can be seen only from the bedside cabinet in the room, which is filled with three layers of the second yuan hand: he has the strength to grow old.

In addition, he is currently in a single state, called "golden bachelor."

Played for more than an hour of mobile games.

Chen Jin put down his mobile phone, licked his sore eyes and felt a bloating. He put the phone aside and walked toward the bathroom.

The bathroom is matched with the bedroom, and the toilet is very convenient.


When I opened the bathroom door, Chen Jin suddenly stopped.

The toilet that was originally facing the person and took off the trousers could not be used now.

A translucent aperture, suspended above the toilet, emits a faint glow.

"what is this?"

“Is it a long time to play the game with an illusion?”

Chen Jin took a few eyes and fixed his eyes. The translucent suspension aperture was still there.

"The door to different time and space, or ... a layer of glowing stickers, the purpose is to engage in a prank with me?"

April Fool's Day has already passed.

"In this case……"

Chen Jin raised his fist and raised his eyebrows. He said with a slight second tone: "There is only one truth, the fist of truth and righteousness, give me a break!"

He punched the semi-transparent aperture.

Then a strange look appeared.

The pain in the imagination did not come, but it was his right arm, without resistance, deeply embedded in the aperture, and the surface of the aperture was faintly rippled.

Chen Jin’s eyes suddenly became big.

Then the handle was taken out and inserted in again, repeatedly pulled out and inserted a dozen times.

It seems to be giving you a unicorn arm.

Finally, I pulled out my hand and said, "I really have the door to different time and space!"

I am at home every day, I don’t want to eat and wear, carefree salty fish otaku, even have gold fingers falling, God, you take care of me too?

Poor people need this kind of thing most.

Chen Jin’s heart is delighted. Today, even five games were lost, and the personal product broke out immediately.

What is behind the portal?

Is the fantasy magic world, or the main **** space?

Is it a zombie-filled doomsday planet, or is it a so-called **** demos?

Regardless of what is behind the portal, one thing is 100% certain: he must have made it!


After pressing the inner excitement, Chen Jin intends to carefully explore the world behind the portal.

First, I tied the rope to the Huayao P20 mobile phone, opened the HDR video, slowly put it into the portal, and took a high-definition video back.

The video shows a monotonous picture that looks like a mirror-like flat, as if it were a translucent glass.

In the lens, occasionally the scene of the sky covered by yellow sand is covered.

"A ridiculous world?"

He put his hand into the portal and felt the ambient temperature there. He found it in the normal range, twenty degrees.

"Can the air over there be able to breathe directly?"

Chen Jin took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, unscrewed the lid, dumped the water inside, tied it with a rope, put it in the transfer door, and lifted the bottle out ten minutes later. The nose was close to the bottle mouth and the nose was swaying. I smelled the smell of another world air.

“No irritating odor, with a dusty smell, oxygen, should breathe.”

All right.

The rest of the experiment does not have to be done, hold your breath, and look into the head directly, as long as it is not a bad face, you can look at the scenery in the opposite world.

Thinking of this, Chen Jinxi sat on the ground, half-handed on the toilet lid, in an unsightly posture, his head slowly went to the translucent aperture, advanced to a layer of scalp, then went in half forehead, then Eyes, nose, mouth... until the entire head, completely immersed in the aperture.

Open your eyes and look at the world.

Big pit.

The first thing I saw was a huge, large, circular hole with a very regular shape.

The surface of the pit is a thick color glass formed by the melting of sand. Chen Jin immediately associates with the explosion of nuclear weapons.

The sky was covered by the yellow sand, and the light was a little dim, and the sun's position could not be determined.

The air here can really breathe, just very dry, with a heavier dust smell.

I heard the sound of the whistling sound in my ear.

The skin of the face feels the flow and temperature of the air.

There is a calm atmosphere in the desolate.

Chen Jinyan’s eyes widened and scanned all the surrounding scenery, which was printed in his mind and said secretly: “This world, mine!”


The day.

Through various channels, Chen Jin purchased a large number of professional items.

Sealed protective clothing, filter mask, hiking shoes, metal cane, large backpack, small backpack, wild sleeping bag, field tent, windshield, telescope, thick gloves, flashlight, compass, kettle, Swiss army knife, windproof lighter, etc. Essential equipment.

There are also physical measurement equipment such as radiation detectors, gravity meters, and portable air component detectors.

All the items were purchased, and they spent more than 50,000 soft sister coins. The source of income was not much, and he spent all his deposits.

Read The Duke's Passion