MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 332

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All are contemplating.

Pantecost looked at Lu Yuan deeply, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? I never asked before, you are also from the Pacific Ocean, right?"

Pantecost has always retained curiosity and vigilance towards Lu Yuan. He has not forgotten that Lu Yuan's origin is too mysterious. Isn't Lu Yuan even from the Pacific Ocean?

In the past few days, Pantecost has also been investigated all over the world, but there is no news about Lu Yuan.

It was as if he was someone who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

And this is the truth, Lu Yuan just appeared out of thin air.

Now Pantcost asked his own question: "You seem to know more about monsters and that alien civilization called 'Pioneer' than everyone else?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "There is no need to doubt that I will be hostile to humans, let alone that I will be malicious to you."

"But if I'm going to convince you of those words, there's always an explanation for me," Pentecost continued, because he had something to explain to others.

"Then tell them that I am a god," Lu Yuan said with a serious expression, but he didn't think so. In fact, he never cared about it.

But only those who have reached this level can feel great. When Lu Yuan said 'I am a god', the laws of the whole big world were touched by him.

Lu Yuan was not resisted by the world, but was recognized by the world in an instant. Even if there is a creator **** of this world in this world, as long as he cannot reach the detachment state of the supreme, he will not be able to communicate with Lu Yuan. resisted.

That is to say, the world is stunned in an instant. . . .

From this moment on, Lu Yuan is the master of this world, and the laws of the whole world will revolve around him. Even if he didn't have the ability to follow the law, he can easily do it now.

Lu Yuan just sat there, not showing his divine power, but everyone felt a divine aura inexplicably.

This is the power of God.

Pantecost was dumbfounded, and he never thought that Lu Yuan suddenly said that he was a god.

But he was suddenly a little stunned, maybe only this explanation can make sense?

With one's own strength and human body, how could it be possible to easily defeat the monster?

Humans don't have that kind of physique.

What's more, he also lifted the monster with his bare hands, which everyone has seen with their own eyes.

Such power, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god.

"Then what kind of **** are you?" Rowley asked curiously.

Everyone also showed interest.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, now is the time to care about this?

But he still said casually: "God of wishes."

He has already established this godhead, and he doesn't know if there is a **** of desire in this world.

"Oh?" Rowley's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "'That means I can make a wish to you?"

After getting Lu Yuan's nod to confirm, he immediately thought of a wish: "Give me a glass of water?"

Lu Yuan just looked at Rowley like that, thinking he was a funny guy, even his elder brother Yang Xi couldn't stand it anymore.

But Lu Yuan still fulfilled Raleigh's wish and conjured a glass of water for him out of thin air.

"Don't make trouble," even Pantecost felt dumbfounded, and looked at Lu Yuan with an incredible look: "God of wishes? I never thought of will be a god."

"I saw what happened in this world (Earth). At least I was a human before I became a god, so I came to help you. Since I have encountered it, I can't just watch you being bullied, right?" Lu As soon as Yuan's words came out, everyone's expressions were a little embarrassed.

It's as if the child is out in a fight and loses, and then the parent comes out to help.

His tone was the same.

Especially Pantecost, he not only has the highest position, but is also the oldest (with good money) in the field.

Lu Yuan glanced at Pantcoster, saw his embarrassment, and hummed softly, "I'm at least 100,000 years old, so don't feel embarrassed."

Pantecost grinned, Lu Yuan looked only about 18 years old, already 100,000 years old?

It would be great if what he said was true, and humanity could hope to defeat the enemy.

"How can you prove that you are really a god?" asked Pantcost.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, then hooked his finger to Pantcost: "Come on, I'll add a buff to you."

Pantecost doesn't understand this stalk, it's not that he hasn't played the game, but that this word is not really buffed now, maybe it's a hammer and a chestnut.

Seeing that he didn't react, Lu Yuan shook his head and stopped playing tricks. Instead, he threw a golden energy into Pantecost's body.

"I see that you're going to die, it's all right now." Ding.

605 , take the initiative to attack, ready to fight

Lu Yuan's sudden hand startled others, but Pantecost showed a complicated expression.

In fact, Pantecost was also the pilot of the mecha hunter, but because he was too mysterious or too old, many people didn't know it.

Pantecost was the driver of the Tango Wolf, although not the original tester, it is the first generation.

When confronting the monster, Pantecost's partner sacrificed (or lost consciousness), and finally Pantecost alone drove the Tango Wolf to complete the killing of the monster.

As mentioned earlier, a person cannot drive a mecha hunter, but Pantecost is the only case so far that not only drove the mecha hunter alone, but also successfully defeated the monster and survived.

So he can become a marshal.

This is not without reason.

But few people know that, in fact, Pantecost is no exception. He still did not withstand the pressure of driving a mech hunter alone.

Pantecost left hidden dangers, his body had problems, and he would die within ten years at most.

So when Lu Yuan cured his 'disease', Pantecost finally believed in 813, who was really a **** in front of him.

As for the fact that Pantcost has not checked his body, how can he confirm it?

Pantecost already needs to take medicine to suppress his condition. He has encountered so many things today, and he has actually felt uncomfortable for a long time.

But now, he only feels transparent, as if he is more than ten years younger.

It's okay to beat up his stupid son....

"Do you believe it now?" Lu Yuan asked.

Pantecost nodded subconsciously, and realized that everyone else was looking at him, and then he remembered that his secret hadn't been told yet.

At this time, Tiantong suddenly asked a question: "Wait a minute, since are a god, or a **** of wishes, what if I make a wish for you to destroy the enemy?"

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes: "I think beautiful."

It's not impossible, it's easier said than done.

But is this what he came for? Then go directly to the world of the pioneers, wouldn't it be good for a 'Grip of the Void' to crush that planet? Why is it so troublesome?

"Don't count on me too much, although I can help, but I can't directly help you destroy each other. After all, to God, all life should be equal, and we can't just destroy it without any reason. Lose a civilization, unless it's the evil god," Lu Yuan said with an easier-to-understand excuse.

However, he really did not do anything to destroy a whole civilization without any reason.

As for the previous shot against the sickle head, the sickle head is not considered a normal life, nor does it represent the existence of the entire civilization.

Not to mention it hasn't died yet, has it?

When everyone heard Lu Yuan's explanation, they looked thoughtful. This was indeed God's words.

"So there's not much I can do, like take you to the world on the other side of the wormhole, or if you come across monsters you can't beat, I can help. As for your war with the Heralds, it's up to you You are on your own. Well, hurry up and make a decision, because I can stay for up to three days," Lu Yuan urged.

The reason is that Lu Yuan discovered that in the world of EVA, a new apostle is coming.

It is now the ninth apostle, and after defeating a few more, we will reach the 'final boss'.

Besides, the ninth apostle was the one, so he couldn't help but go back.

"Looks like I have to make another trip," Pantecost realized. He couldn't be clean. He had to go to the UN headquarters again and explain everything that happened here today.

Especially Lu Yuan's true identity.

"It would be even better if you could come with me," Pantecost wanted to convince Lu Yuan to take the great **** with him, and it would be much easier then.

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head: "If you don't go, I'm afraid of trouble, and even more afraid of dealing with politicians. Are you not afraid that they will anger me, and I will destroy the earth with a slap?"

Everyone was ashamed for a while, this big guy seems to be a little uncertain?

Pantecost had no choice but to give up, Lu Yuan said so, he did not dare to take the risk.

In this way, today's meeting can only end here.

But it's not completely meaningless, at least they know Lu Yuan's true identity and more information.

Pantecost left the first time, and hurried on the plane again to the United Nations headquarters, where he was going to report these matters.

The most important thing is that Lu Yuan wants to go to war, and he is taking the initiative.

If you dare not attack under the leadership of a god, then wait to die.

Others looked at Lu Yuan and wanted to get close to asking something, but they didn't dare to approach a **** easily.

Because Raleigh and Yang Xi have been with Lu Yuan for the past few days, they are not too afraid of him. Instead, they asked jokingly, "Do we have to believe in you?"

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Don't, I don't want to believe, and once you have something to do, pray to me, it sounds annoying. If someone calls you when you sleep in the middle of the night, are you annoying? "

The two brothers have a black line. Is the prayer of the believers a harassing phone call?

It was the first time they had heard of it.

It will take some time for Pantecost to come back. The monster has just attacked, and there will be no second one in a short time. Lu Yuan has become the blacklist of almost all casinos, and a few people have become useless for a while. Things can be done.

Later, they decisively remembered, isn't there a monster waiting to be sliced ​​and studied?

This is what Dr. Newton did. He heard that a monster was caught alive here, and he hurriedly followed Pantecost.

When Lu Yuan followed Rowley and Yang Xi to find him, he found that Dr. Newton came right after the meeting.

He was instructing people at the base to dissect the monster's head.

"Don't try to connect with monsters," Lu Yuan said quietly: "Monsters are biochemical weapons made by pioneers. Although monsters do not have smart IQs, their brain nerves are still controlled by pioneers, otherwise they will also worry about monsters. Eat them yourself first. And the neural connections in the brain are interconnected, if you connect with the monster, the other side will know all your memories.”

The reason why Lu Yuan said this was because Dr. Newton had done such a thing, which triggered the plot of the second movie.

The pioneer's technology is much ahead of the earth, and it is still in biology and genetics. Once Dr. Newton dares to connect with the monster, he will definitely be controlled by the opposite side.

In the end, it was fine if he didn't say it. As soon as he said it, Dr. Newton's eyes lit up.

Lu Yuan didn't notice, or he didn't bother to care about these little things, and followed Raleigh and Yang Xi around, and even ran to their mecha hunter, that is, the dangerous wanderer, to have a look.

It wasn't until two days later that Pentecost came back.

"Good news, get ready to fight.".

606、This is a gambling war

Pantecost only brought back one sentence, that is, the United Nations has agreed to start a fight.

"So easy?"

Raleigh was surprised when he heard it, because it was too simple, right?

Yang Xi glanced at Lu Yuan subconsciously.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "It has nothing to do with me."

Pantecost took advantage of the situation and said: "A news of a **** came out rashly, a **** suddenly appeared in the human world, and no one would believe it."

So he didn't borrow Lu Yuan's name at all, because unless Lu Yuan followed, he couldn't give evidence that there was indeed a **** here.

Without waiting for Raleigh to ask again, Pantecost has already taken the initiative to say: "Actually, I just convince them about the existence of the pioneers and the monsters that they created. If all the crises are not solved in one fell swoop, the earth will only become more and more dangerous to convince them. ."

Just like a human mecha hunter, if the cost and resources are not considered, the mecha hunter can be made infinitely.

What's more, the enemy monsters don't have driver restrictions-.

It is equivalent to saying that the future does not know what to face.

Now that there is an opportunity to end the war in one fell swoop, why not fight it?

"Is there anything else?" Lu Yuanhu asked suddenly.

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