MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 320

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So I gave a Life 2.0 fruit?

Ikari Yu started to sweat coldly, his heart moved, and he asked subconsciously, "How many fruits of life do you have?"

The old lineage only created seventeen apostles in total, and even if Adam and Lilith were added, it was only nineteen lessons, and even Li Lin could not get one.

Even in the new world system, there are definitely no more than twenty fruits of life, and there may even be less than fifteen.

This is too easy, right?

As a result, Ikari Wei saw that a red apple-like fruit of life appeared out of thin air in Lu Yuan's hand.

He also picked it up and took a bite in his mouth. He really ate it like an ordinary apple, and said casually: "How much? After I got the fourth apostle's fruit of life, I figured out the principle of this thing. I Countless numbers can be created."


583 , Adam's Embryo

Ikari Wei was completely speechless, facing Lu Yuan's so-called 'can create countless' statement, she shook her head with a wry smile.

SEELE is still thinking about the human completion plan. The biggest problem is how to reactivate the tree of life and the fruit of life after defeating all the apostles, and then through the method of rebirth (rebuild) from Lilith, Gain the same power as an apostle.

Coupled with the fruit of wisdom, the reborn 'Li Lin' may really have a chance to become a god.

The results of it.

The fruit of life that SEELE is most worried about, the **** in front of him simply eats and plays like an apple.

Ikari covered his face with his hands, what the **** are humans doing?

Maybe in the eyes of God, the so-called completion plan of human beings and these messy things are all jokes (jokes), right?

You can see that after he went out for a turn, he directly gave the so-called God-killing gun to the trio.

That's a god-killing gun. He's not afraid that the children will give him a cold heart?

This must be because human beings think too much, and the so-called god-killing spear is completely meaningless to gods.

The God-killing Spear is just a weapon, and how effective it can really be depends on the user's ability.

If you can't even get close to God, the so-called God-killing spear is just an ornament.

Just like nuclear bombs, everyone knows the power and threat of nuclear bombs, but nuclear bombs cannot be used. There are not only two words, but only 'nuclear bombs'.

Of course, the deterrent effect of this thing is more meaningful than the actual effect.

It is precisely because of the existence of nuclear weapons that various countries are afraid of each other, and it also prevents the world from easily having large-scale wars.

It's just that some countries that have always been like clowns don't understand this. They think that the five major countries can't deal with them without nuclear bombs?

These idiots, the nuclear bomb exists to protect them, and the five major countries want to pinch them to death is actually like playing.

Of course, if we talk about it, it will involve the real world, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it.

back to the front.

Ikari Yui calmed down, really worried that she might faint at any time and be frightened.

Sighing with a wry smile, Ikari said to Lu Yuan, "I said before that it was up to you to arrange, but now I want to go out and get some air. Why don't you let me meet that old guy in my family now."

She just wants to go out to catch her breath now, or she will go crazy sooner or later with this Lord God.

"Mom?" Ikari Shinji looked over, looking a little worried.

Ikari shook his head without waiting for him to speak, and said, "Shinji, I can't take you with me this time, not only because you have a training mission to complete now, but most importantly, if I get into a fight with your father, you Help who?"

Ikari Shinji's absolute domain shook for a while and almost collapsed, looking at his mother with a dull expression.

Lu Yuan also wiped his forehead and wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist.

He used to be a gentle person, but now he opened his mouth and closed his mouth to reveal all his resentment.

However, Ikari Shinji still honestly stayed.

He was really worried that if his parents really got into a fight, he really wouldn't be able to fight in the middle.

Suzuhara Toji and Aida Kensuke couldn't help but show strange expressions, this mother of Ikari Shinji seems to be a little interesting?

As a result, taking advantage of the moment when the two of them were distracted, their mirror images suddenly increased the power of the attack, breaking a hole in the absolute realm with a 'click' and hitting them even more.

The two shouted: "It's not fair, Shinji's AT position just now is more unstable, why hasn't his mirror image been broken?"

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes: "There are so many children, don't allow elders to be biased?"

Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida were speechless, and he shamelessly admitted that he was unfair, which made them unable to do anything.

What else can I do?

Fight with him? The key is to beat it.

The mirror images that Master made are enough to clean up them. If he met Master in person, he would definitely be happy to clean up the three of them.

Lu Yuan ignored the trio, and since Ikari asked to do so, he didn't have any objections.

So after locating Ding Yuandu's office, Lu Yuan opened the door to the mirror world.

As soon as he came out, Lu Yuan saw that there was one more person in the office besides Ikari Yuandu and Dongyue Gengzao.

It is the blessing of good governance.

Kaji Ryoji made an early appearance in the new world system, and he still had a handcuff locked on his right hand at night, and a suitcase was attached to the other side.

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and took out the contents of the suitcase.

It was an embryo similar to a living fossil, only the size of a human head. At this time, it was held in Lu Yuan's hand, and his eyes were fixed on this thing.

In fact, he is Adam. Originally, he should be a giant of light, at least as much as Lilith. After all, apostles and humans were born from them.

But for some reason, Adam has now degenerated into an embryo.

Perhaps it was because all energy was consumed after the second shock was triggered, and before the energy was replenished, he was 'captured' by humans.

Kaji Ryoji was taken aback and looked down at the intact box in his hand in disbelief.

How is this done?

He may not know Lu Yuan's strength yet, or he may have only heard about it.

The other two, Ikari Yuandu and Dongyue Gengzao, didn't explain it to him, because their eyes were already focused on the other person, Ikari Wei, who came out with Lu Yuan.

She finally came to meet Ikari Yuandu 783 times.

Ikari Yuandu stood up excitedly and looked at Ikari Wei, who was opposite.

This is the only purpose he has been thinking about in his heart, and has been fighting hard for it so far.

But when he saw Ikari again, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ikari only glanced at Ikariyuandu, and first nodded to Dongyue Gengzao: "Long time no see, Dongyue teacher."

Dongyue Gengzao was her teacher, who taught her in college.

Dongyue Gengzao was also very excited: "Wei."

Ikari only glanced at Dongyue Gengzao strangely. Although they were teachers and students, they should not have been so intimate.

Before Dongyue Gengzao could say anything, he was interrupted by Ding Yuandu: "Wei, long time no see."

Ikari Yuandu is the one who is qualified to call his wife's name directly.

As a result, Ikari Wei's anger came up, glaring at Ikari Yuandu, Ikari Wei asked, "Do you remember me? Do you remember that I am your wife?"

Ikari Yuandu felt inexplicable, but he guessed it right away, he knew where his wife's grievance came from, so he could only say with a wry smile: "This is what I deserve, I thought from the beginning, if I meet you again, you will definitely Complain, complain that I didn't take good care of Shinji."

"You still know?" Ikari gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

584, Adam and Lilith, the beginning of life

Ikari Yuandu finally got his wish, and he met his beloved wife Ikari Wei again.

It's just that Yui Ikari was angry because she already knew what happened.

After her death, Ikari Yuandu abandoned Ikari Shinji and did not contact him for ten years.

The only contact was for Ikari Shinji to come to this city, in order for him to drive the No. 1 aircraft, which only he could stance, to fight the most dangerous battle with the apostles.

How can Ikari not be angry, how not to resent.

The key is that Yui Ikari also knew about her husband's infidelity.

"I won't say anything about you and the mother and daughter of the Akagi family, and I'm too lazy to care. After all, I've been dead for ten years. Even if you marry another wife, I shouldn't say anything. But what about Shinji? You can really be so cruel? Why didn't I see it in the first place?" Ikari Wei fiercely accused Ikari Yuandu of being wrong.

Ikari Yuandu could only smile bitterly, he did not explain, because Ikari Wei was right, he was indeed not a qualified husband, let alone a competent father.

In the end, it was Touyue Gengzao who spoke up. After looking at the blessing of Ryoji, he thought about it and explained to Ikari Yui: "You misunderstood, Yui, you must know that in order to see you again, he had to fight against SEELE behind his back. In order for the Human Completion Plan to be implemented according to his own ideas, many things are necessary and compelled."

SEELE is the largest organization behind the scenes, and it is also the direct boss of NERV.

At the same time, SEELE is the real implementer of the human completion plan.

They are the biggest threat.

Ikari Yuandu also had to speak, and said, "The reason why I pushed the child away, even abandoned him, and ignored him, was not only to cover up the importance of Shinji and protect him from being targeted by SEELE, but also because I wanted to again Seeing you, I know I'll take advantage of this kid one day. If only I could make it easier for him to resent me."

Ikari Yuandu actually knew the importance of Ikari Shinji from the very beginning.

He abandoned Ikari Shinji, and he did not mean to protect him.

Otherwise, once SEELE knows that Ikari Shinji will be the only pilot of the first machine, and SEELE has regarded the first machine as the most important part of the human completion plan from the beginning, it is impossible not to pay attention to Ikari Shinji.

What's more, Ikari Yuandu had already made up his mind from the beginning that if he wanted to complete his plan, he had to use his son.

Ikari Yuandu has always been a person full of controversy and contradictions.

He once abandoned his son Ikari Shinji, ignored him for ten years, and then used his son to achieve his own plan.

But he would also say to Ikari Shinji with a special meaning: "People grow up by their own strength, only children can rely on their parents, learn to be self-reliant, Shinji ¨'".

Maybe he wanted to say something in front of Yui Ikari's tombstone?

Ikari Yuandu even betrayed his wife, and he had to use that method to make Akagi's mother and daughter loyal to him.

He even used the first generation Ayanami to drive the useless Naoko Akagi, the mother of Ritsuko Akagi, to madness in the old lineage.

He was ruthless and infatuated, and everything he did was just to see his wife again.

Ikari Yui was still moved.

Because even if Ikari Yuandu is sorry for everyone in the world, she is the only one who is worthy of her.

Maybe three thousand weak waters only take one scoop, and for one person to be the enemy of the whole world, is that what they say?

Even Lu Yuan shrugged, holding Adam's embryo in one hand, and turned back to the mirror world.

Kaji Ryoji, who was behind him, was still at a loss, and he didn't have time to stop him. At this time, he could only look at the place where Lu Yuan disappeared. He looked at Ikari Yuandu and his wife at a loss. After thinking about it, he had to leave with a wry smile.

Not to mention the NERV side.

On Lu Yuan's side, after returning to the mirror world, he did not rush back to join the trio, but came to the underground of NERV.

The mirror world is exactly the same as the main world, except that life needs to be brought in by Lu Yuan, all the buildings here are exactly the same as the outside.

So the NERV here is also the same as the headquarters outside.

Moreover, the Lilith that Lu Yuan "taken away" before was actually the final dogma that he brought into the mirror world.

At this time, Lu Yuan came to the final dogma of the mirror world again, opened the door, and came to Lilith.

As Lu Yuan raised Adam's embryo in his hand and approached Lilith, even Lilith, who was not conscious, gave birth to a testimonial.

Lilith moved slowly, about to break free of the nails in her hands.

Lu Yuan glanced at it subconsciously, and with just one glance, the latter became quiet again, and even if she noticed it carefully, she would tremble a bit and be frightened.

Lu Yuan snorted softly, then took Adam's embryo and walked to Lilith, bringing the two together.


A shock came, and the third shock was about to happen.

Lu Yuan frowned and snorted softly, "'Course death?"

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