MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 311

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He didn't understand, since he didn't need his consent, why did Lu Yuan specifically tell him? .

566. Did he still become an apostle?

Because this time, a blood baptism broke out after the death of the fifth apostle, and countless tons of blood rushed into the capital city of the third Xindong, which made the aftermath work very troublesome.

Coupled with the destruction of many buildings during the battle, even those buildings were specially used to meet the Apostles, ready to perish from the very beginning.

But the repair work is still more troublesome.

So it was not until the third day that people returned to normal life.

Due to the special nature of the third new city, Beijing, people are used to it. It is better to say that they already know what they will encounter in this city before they live in this city.

Almost everyone is used to it.

Lu Yuan also went back to start the class, and he saw during the recess that Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida had found Shinji Ikari.

The latter was taken aback at first, thinking they were going to hit him again.

In the end, Suzuhara Toji not only bowed his head to admit his mistake, but also insisted that he punch himself twice as much as before.

Ikari Shinji looked bewildered, he didn't know what was going on, because Lu Yuan and his two classmates were watching the battle in the mirror world and didn't show up, for fear of hindering him.

In the end, Shinji Ikari still punched, but he only punched, which was strongly requested by Suzuhara Toji.

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head, leaned against the window, looked back at the book in his hand, and muttered, "It's nice to be young."

"Mr. Lu Yuan isn't old, isn't he?" a female teacher nearby joked.

She is the head teacher of Class A in the second year.

Lu Yuan just smiled and nodded, but did not respond.

Because he noticed that the female teacher's eyes were a bit like that.

I have to say that his external image is still very good, even if there is no divine ring, there is no need to bloom with divine brilliance, and he can still attract the attention of the opposite sex.

It's just not what he wanted.

After defeating the Fifth Apostle, everything seems to have returned to peace.

There should be a lot of follow-up work on the NERV side, so Miri Katsuragi will be very busy, right?

This has nothing to do with Lu Yuan, it's still the same sentence, he doesn't want to soak in each other.

Therefore, Lu Yuan hardly interacts with Katsuragi Miri.

Of course, if you meet someone, you can still say a few words. If Miri Katsuragi really wants to make a wish or something, Lu Yuan is still willing to help within the scope of his ability, or within the allowable scope.

This so-called permissible doesn't mean that Lu Yuan really can't do anything, but that if Katsuragi Miri makes a random wish, for example, the second shock will be as if it didn't happen.

Is it more troublesome for one-third of the population to suddenly return?

It's not impossible, it's just more troublesome.

So it should be within the temporarily allowable range.

But I don't know what happened. Lu Yuan said that he is the **** of wishes who can fulfill his wishes, but no one has ever asked him to make wishes.

Are these people too calm and composed? No one has come to test it yet, and even Lu Yuan felt that it was too rude.

He can really make his wish come true.

"Alas," sighed lightly, Lu Yuan closed the textbook, he only had to glance at the book, and he had already written down the entire book.

Even that book had nothing to do with him, he read other courses.

The textbooks he was responsible for had already been written down.

Suddenly I felt a little bored again.

But that's everyday life, not as colorful and exciting.

Except when the apostles came, the whole city was no different from ordinary daily life.

So Lu Yuan moved his wrists, walked outside the office, came to the corridor, opened a window, and yelled at the three idiots in the backyard: "Those three idiots, come here."

The trio of idiots had just made peace, and immediately looked up to see Lu Yuan.

Ikari Shinji's face suddenly darkened, and he looked at Suzuhara Toji and the two with suspicion.

Toji Suzuhara hurriedly explained: "Don't look at me like that, I'm not framing you, in fact, that **** teacher asked me to do this, and I know that I'm blaming you."

Ikari Shinji almost wondered if they were deliberately plotting against him.

In the end, they still had to go to see Lu Yuan, after all, he was from the teacher.

It was still on the roof of the roof, Lu Yuan had already stood there in advance, standing on the edge of the roof, not afraid of falling, with his hands behind his back.

When the trio came, he turned around, looked at the scar on Toji Suzuhara's face with a smile, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Nonsense," Toji Suzuhara rolled his eyes, who knows who gets beaten.

Can it not hurt.

"Teacher," Ikari Shinji lowered his head in a guilty conscience. It can be said that this is the first time he has beaten someone, and it is not even a fight. In the end, he was caught, which is also unfortunate.

In the past, he was bullied all the time, and no teacher helped him out.

Lu Yuan comforted: "Don't worry, I'm not trying to teach you a lesson. Remember what I said before, Shinji-kun, I will train your fighting skills and combat experience next."

That's what happened.

Ikari Shinji breathed a sigh of relief, he had been feeling uneasy just now.

Suzuhara Toji and Aida Kensuke glanced at each other. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with them, right?

"Come together, too," Lu Yuan waved his hand, directly blocking the question the two wanted to open, and said to himself: "How can one person train to increase combat experience? If the three of you are together, you can still be with each other. Let's chat."


Aida Kensuke pushed his glasses, almost shattered by the teacher's astonishing words.

"Are you our English teacher?" Aida Kensuke was beginning to wonder, what school did he go to?

Lu Yuan didn't care, and hooked his fingers at the three of them: "All come here, let's strengthen your physical fitness first."

Strengthen physical fitness?

The three of them were all at a loss this time, and had never heard of this.

But one thing they still believe in Lu Yuan is that he will not harm them.

So the three finally came to Lu Yuan with suspicious expressions and stood in a row.

And Lu Yuan just took out three small blue bottles.

That's compound number five.

Lu Yuan had already done a similar reinforcement, once turning ordinary people Huey and the others into superhumans.

And now he plans to do the same.

Lu Yuan opened three small blue bottles, poured out the blue liquid, and sprinkled it directly on top of the three of them.

Before the three of them could react, Lu Yuan had already started to rewrite and reshape their DNA, but considering that the rash promotion would make them lose control, Lu Yuan also temporarily left the gene lock until they got used to it. After the current speed and strength, it will be unlocked to enter the next stage.

"Well, you have become stronger, and your speed and strength have reached the limit of human beings. From now on, you are my apostles."

567 , Lu Yuan, began to train his own apostles


The trio exclaimed.

They don't know what an apostle is and why they came to attack the earth to harm all human beings.

But they knew all too well the apostle's threat.

Especially Ikari Shinji, now he is no longer the little white who was scared to move when he first saw the fourth apostle.

He had defeated the Fifth Apostle with his own hands a few days earlier.

At this time, the three of them couldn't help being shocked when they heard Lu Yuan say that they had become his apostles.

Ikari Shinji also knows more secrets than Suzuhara Toji and Aida Kensuke. It seems that the true identity of the teacher in front of him is actually a god?

So Ikari Shinji didn't doubt Lu Yuan's words, but he was very anxious: "Wait a minute, I didn't promise to be your apostle, even if you are a god, you can't do this..."


Even he thought that Lu Yuan was too self-willed, this is not "seven six seven" is a child's play, what if they become that kind of apostles?

However, Lu Yuan laughed, flipping his wrist, he didn't know where it turned into a bright red thing that looked like an apple, and said, "Don't worry, I haven't given you the fruit of life, so you won't become that kind of thing right away. Monster. In fact, it is precisely because I want to prevent you from losing your human posture, and even your soul, that I have to strengthen your physical fitness first."

The strengthening of Lu Yuan is equivalent to strengthening their life forms and levels, as for the so-called apostles.

"Although I said that you already belong to my apostles, but you are not qualified yet. Don't worry, I will train you little by little until you are strong enough to match that power, and then let you evolve further."

Lu Yuan obviously had his own plans.

The trio was a little confused.

Lu Yuan's words are like a book from heaven. They know the meaning of every word, but what does it mean when they are connected?

Lu Yuan's expression suddenly became serious, he himself didn't like other people's half-speaking, and he understood that they must be muttering in his heart now, after thinking about it, he still said a few words: "This world is distorted, and there are some ambitious people. Wanting to sacrifice everyone to achieve their selfish interests. I can just wave my hand and solve all problems, but I think, as an alien god, that is only a temporary solution.”

Since the old lineage can restart the new world line, who can guarantee that it will not restart again.

In fact, the most fundamental problem is easy to solve, at least in Lu Yuan's view, it is not difficult.

"That's why I want to train you. When you are qualified to be my apostles, you will show those people another way. Humans don't need to sacrifice everyone to get to that state. The world is dying now. move closer."

Lu Yuan has complained before. Since a group of idiots can study the apostles and create (copy) EVA, why not consider studying the life forms of the apostles, and then find a way to strengthen the life level of human beings?

Human potential is limitless.

It's just that it looks extremely weak now, but there are also worlds where humans can compete with gods.

Even the New Protoss were only mortals before they became gods.

This world has definitely gone astray. Obviously, the technology tree has reached the level where it can study life and even the form of soul. What do you think, you have to kill the family?

Lu Yuan didn't understand, and didn't bother to ask.

He simply played with his own secretly on the side.

Perhaps the interest he left in that world has not dissipated, Lu Yuan has his own plan, and it is very simple, that is, to train the trio of Ikari Shinji to become his apostles.

He wants to nurture them to a level where they can face other apostles.

"I'm very optimistic about you, don't let me down," Lu Yuan looked at the trio in front of him with bright eyes.

Toji Suzuhara felt a cold war in his heart.

He didn't know what happened to him.

Ikari Shinji showed a thoughtful expression.

Aida Kensuke was also thinking, not knowing what he was thinking.

But no matter what, they could no longer turn back, let alone reject Lu Yuan. Whoever called Lu Yuan had already strengthened them.

Next, Lu Yuan also guided them to experience their current physical strength.

Lu Yuan was right, their strength, speed, and even fighting ability have all reached the limit of human beings, but they have not exceeded the upper limit of human beings for the time being, and they are not within the scope of superhuman beings.

The trio are still children after all, and are surprised and novel about their new situation.

Then I heard Lu Yuan's explanation: "But you should also pay attention to one thing at ordinary times. Now your strength is different from before, so don't accidentally throw your classmates out. Also, from today onwards, except you have any important matters. Don't do it, otherwise you will come here for me every day after school, as I said, I want to train you all..."

Lu Yuan is serious.

"Now that the fifth apostle has been defeated, time is very tight, and you have to start from scratch, I have to make you strong enough to take on the mission of my apostles before the final moment, at least before the tenth apostle arrives. , prepare yourself mentally," Lu Yuan finished, leaving behind the trio who were nervous because of his words, turned and left.

There are a definite number of apostles, eighteen in the old lineage and twelve in the new lineage.

If you don't count Adam and Lilith, and "Li Lin", the old lineage needs to defeat fifteen apostles, while the new world line only needs to defeat ten apostles.

Read The Duke's Passion