MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 289

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But anyway, those people are bad people themselves, and Lu Yuan doesn't care.

Having said that, just a few days after Lu Yuan joined the Super Seven, today is the annual report conference of the Water Group.

Today is also the day it was originally planned to announce that Starlight will join the Super Seven in place of the retired Lamplighter.

The original Super Seven had personnel changes, but it was not the invisible man, but the lamplighter who was retiring.

No one expected that an accident would happen on the way.

But now that the original plan has been made, the Water Group has decided to operate as usual.

So on this important day, a large-scale press conference was still held.

At the same time, Lu Yuan's participation was urgently mentioned in the meeting.

Madeleine talked about the income of the Water Group over the past year, as well as the actions and achievements of the superheroes, and then had an explanation to all the antiques and shareholders, as well as those reporters.

In the end, she also emphasized Lu Yuan's deeds again, in order to make up for Lu Yuan's joining in not getting enough attention.

Xingguang is the protagonist of today, and he is also a member of the Super Seven. Is it too different?

Madeleine did not hesitate to say: "Superman Lu Yuan, he is a new superhero with a bright future and a bright future. His abilities are even comparable to those of the motherland ¨'."

Everyone knows the strength of the motherland.

Of course, Madeleine will definitely not say that Lu Yuan is stronger than the motherland.

In the hall, the video that Lu Yuan had originally submitted began to play. In the picture, Lu Yuan was wearing a platinum shirt, with a handsome and handsome image. In the picture, he was also flickering and flying up and down.

Lu Yuan showed some abilities, such as super strength, super speed, flight, heat rays, and even defense that is invulnerable to fire, water, and fire, and even the power to control the four elements, fire, water, earth and wind.

Whether it is the elements of the material world or the elemental power of the magic side, Lu Yuan has reached the level of control over the four elements, the five elements, and even all material principles and spiritual fields.

However, he didn't show the power of the creator **** and the creator.

This also caused an exclamation from the scene. The type of strength and ability that Lu Yuan showed has far surpassed that of the motherland.

They don't know that this is only part of it.

Madeleine even gave up the C position and said deliberately: "And today, two newcomers also came to the scene, let us welcome the two newly joined Super Sevens with warm applause."


There was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

At the entrance to the stage, Lu Yuan and Xingguang, who had been waiting there, walked out together.

Today is not only the annual meeting and report meeting, but also the debut of Xingguang. At the same time, it will also focus on Lu Yuan, so I greeted them in advance.

It was rare for Lu Yuan to cooperate once. He waited here early in advance, and when Xingguang came here, he was brought here by Ashley with her.

The two walked out one after another until Madeleine called their names.

When the two appeared in front of everyone, countless flashes began to flash.

Xingguang was a little uncomfortable, and even walking began to feel unnatural.

Lu Yuan didn't care, he walked forward as usual, came to Madeleine's side, and took the microphone from Madeleine.

In fact, before taking the stage, Ashley had prepared a script for Lu Yuan in advance, and had prepared the lines for him to say.

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while, he was lazy, he simply took a slack, recalled those lines, and said: "First of all, I would like to thank the Water Group for giving me this opportunity, it is the recognition of the Water Group that gave me the opportunity to stand Here, give me the opportunity to use my abilities, and give me the opportunity to serve you and everyone, and the only thing I want to say is that I will do my best to protect you from those bad guys. Threats and harm."

What an official, what a noble, what a nice thing to say.

Because Lu Yuan is a first-time debut, he has not yet achieved much, so he is not only humble, but also thanked and mentioned the promotion of the Water Group, and finally made some nice words that can easily be supported.

But for ordinary superhumans, do they really think so?

Lu Yuan didn't know, but he was still very optimistic about Xingguang. As a newcomer, and still so young, the current Xingguang has not been smeared and corrupted by reality.

Now, maybe she really wants to be chivalrous and righteous?

It was Xingguang's turn to speak. She had her own prepared speech. Ashley watched it once and thought it was fine.

It's just that Ashley doesn't know, she thinks that Xingguang's remarks are so great is a disguise, Ashley thinks that superhuman beings are all virtues, and they are all helpless.

But Starlight is serious.

She made a very righteous and bright speech, and even Madeleine nodded secretly. This child is very hypocritical and has a bright future.

Well, from this you can also see how rotten the superhumans in this world are.

Lu Yuan sneered secretly in his heart, but he was in no hurry to do anything. After the two finished the meeting, they left the stage.

Originally, Madeleine was going to let some other old man from the super seven group to help the newcomer.

But because Lu Yuan almost offended the people of the motherland before, who would dare.

Even Madeleine heard some news, and secretly felt that (Zhao Haohao) had a headache. The newcomer is really a stunned young man, not a fuel-efficient lamp, and there will be headaches in the future.

"'I'll take you to the Super Seven Towers, you will also work there in the future," Lu Yuan instead became an old man, a senior of Xingguang, and took on the job of leading her.

Madeleine, however, hurriedly warned when the two of them passed by: "Don't provoke the people of the motherland, understand? Otherwise, we can only let you go to another city."

Between a rookie and a native, it was obvious who Walter would choose.

If Lu Yuan continues to do things, if he continues to provoke the people of the motherland, in order to prevent bad news between them, Walter will definitely intervene in advance.

Lu Yuan smiled and said carelessly, "Then you should tie your puppy and keep him away from me."

Xingguang on the side opened his mouth wide and stared at the two of them in stunned eyes. The three views were about to collapse.

But girl, this is just the beginning, don't worry.

525、The Three Views of Starlight Collapse Completely

In the super tower of seven, when Lu Yuan came in with the starlight, there was no one in it.

In fact, this is a deliberate embarrassment for others, or a disgrace.

After all, such an unpleasant thing happened before, Lu Yuan can be said to have offended the people of the motherland to death, who would dare to celebrate them.

And Xingguang was implicated by Lu Yuan.

"Sit down here first, I'll get a glass of water," Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, the black-bellied man seemed to be doing something again.

In fact, Lu Yuan saw a certain picture of the future, so he did it on purpose.

Next he left Xingguang here alone, then pushed the door and went out.

The next moment, someone sneaked in.

It can't be said that it was sneaked in, but it came in openly.

The people of the motherland are at the head, followed by the black, the locomotive and the deep sea.

The four of them deliberately waited until Lu Yuan went out before coming in.

Xingguang hurriedly stood up from his seat, and when facing the four Super Sevens, he seemed a little overwhelmed, and even stammered: "Hello, that, I..."

"It's okay, don't be nervous, after all, we are colleagues now," the motherland said with a hypocritical smile.

Of course, Xingguang definitely doesn't know the true face of the motherlander, but only thinks that he is very gentle, 733 fits the personality of the motherlander she has learned, and even the nervousness has calmed down a lot.

But what happened next was far beyond her imagination.

I saw that headed by the motherland, the four people began to open the belt.

Xingguang looked stupidly at them taking off their pants one after another, completely stupid.

"You know, I can raze your hometown to the ground at any time," the native finally revealed his true colors.

In fact, the older generation of Super Sevens all know the true face of the motherland.

The locomotive is to serve the motherland. The locomotive gets the fifth compound from the motherland, and then obeys the motherland's arrangement and sends it to some people.

The locomotive is completely under the hands of the motherland.

Maeve knows how scary the motherland is even more, and dare not even reveal that she has a girlfriend and that she really likes women.

Deep Sea did not dare to rebel against the people of the motherland, and one look was enough to shut up the deep sea.

Although Xuan Se has a deeper identity, on the surface, he will never be enemies or confrontation with the people of the motherland.

Not to mention that the lamplighter was threatened by the natives, who once burned Mallory's grandson to death.

And Mallory was the captain of the first generation of black-robed pickets, and she was the one who found Butcher after his wife disappeared.

What Butcher did to Huey in the TV series is what Mallory did to Butcher in the first place.

And now, the natives even showed their true colors to Xingguang, and even threatened: "You must know that you are joining the Super Seven, who you should obey. It's me, not that guy."

The people of the motherland are ruthlessly venting their inner evil fire to Xingguang, and all this is directed at Lu Yuan.

If possible, the people of the motherland can't wait to kill Lu Yuan, and he has fantasized countless times, killing Lu Yuan with laser eyes, or strangling him.

But for some reason, the natives didn't take action until Lu Yuan officially joined the Super Seven. At this time, he couldn't act rashly.

Even the natives themselves doubt, what exactly is he afraid of? Isn't it easy to make someone disappear?

Is he afraid? Could it be that he intuitively feared Lu Yuan?

how can that be.

The people of the motherland were angry and embarrassed for this idea, so he took more anger on Xingguang, because Xingguang and Lu Yuan were together before, so he thought of today's drama.

He doesn't care what Xingguang thinks, he doesn't care whether Xingguang will speak out in the future, he threatens Xingguang, if she doesn't compromise, he will raze Xingguang's hometown to the ground.

The three views of Xingguang have completely collapsed. Only then did I know that the so-called superhero that I had always admired turned out to be such a person?

But what can she do?

Even if she was just a calf, she knew that she could not be the opponent of the motherland.

But is she going to compromise? Do this for them?

Xingguang cried, one was the collapse of the idol's image, that was her lifelong belief, she was instilled with superhero beliefs by her mother since she was a child, and has always made it her lifelong goal to become a member of the Super Seven.

But who would have thought that it would collapse so completely on the first day.

At the same time, she also felt grief and despair because she had no choice.

If anyone was in her position now, it would be impossible to refuse.

She is immature after all.

But don't forget Lu Yuan.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lu Yuan did not know when he appeared behind the people of the motherland, leaning sideways against the gate, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, just looked at them with a playful expression, and reminded 'kindly' : "Do you really want to do this? The door is open, do you want me to invite the reporters too?"

The natives turned their heads and stared at Lu Yuan.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

They are already equivalent to tearing their faces.

Could it be that they are really going to fight?

"Don't kill yourself, okay?" Lu Yuan sighed and shook his head. He didn't care about the people of the motherland at all, and took a leisurely sip of coffee, not caring about the temperature of the coffee.

It was just boiled with hot water and freshly ground coffee beans, and the water temperature was at least tens of degrees.

But so what?

Even in the core of the sun, he can drink magma as high as 20 million degrees Celsius, and even super stars with temperatures exceeding one trillion degrees Celsius, there are countless in each of his cells.

Ask if there are hundreds of billions of stars in a galaxy.

So how many stars are there in the universe?

Even the size of the Milky Way is not the largest. There are many galaxies that are larger than the Milky Way, and there are even a few or even dozens of galaxies as large as the Milky Way.

So, how many stars are there in the universe?

The most important thing is that a cell of Lu Yuan is a super universe composed of countless single universes. A super universe is equal to an infinite multiverse, and a multiverse is an infinite single universe.

Then there are countless superstars in the universe.

The people of the motherland simply cannot imagine the realm and strength of this person in front of him.

If Lu Yuan is willing, his power in the blink of an eye is enough to knock the entire solar system to the end of the other side of the universe, let alone destroy it, it will be easier.

So for Lu Yuan, the people of the motherland are really dying.

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