MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 273

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And it is undeniable that Captain Marvel and Superman are too similar to say that they are completely copied.

And because of the name of Captain Marvel, Marvel also has a headache, because Marvel is also called Marvel Comics.

So later Fawcett was sued by the two companies, DC took over the character of Captain Marvel, and Marvel took over the name of Captain Marvel.

This is also the reason why Captain Marvel appeared in Marvel later, but it was not Shazam, and Shazam had to change his name to Shazam.

Because the things involved are too troublesome and the explanation is very cumbersome and lengthy, I will not make a detailed list here.

In short, in order to commemorate Shazam's former company, the city he lives in is Fawcett.

At this time, in this city, a sonic boom channel and many monsters appeared.

In a certain courtyard, a teenager shouted, "Shazam."

Accompanied by seven thunders, the teenager turned into a superhero, rushed out under the night sky, and fought against the demon-like army.

Although this sudden war was too sudden, the superheroes did not timid or flinch, but immediately launched a counterattack.

But what I have to say is that there are too many demon-like troops, and there will still be fish that slip through the net. Some demons even start to plunder humans in large quantities, hijacking them from the sonic boom channel back to where they came from.

This is to prepare to fight with war, to turn the captured humans into demons, and then let the demons catch more people.

Through Lu Yuan, almost all the superheroes knew the seriousness of the situation and acted quickly.

Including Lu Yuan, they opened two sonic boom channels in front of them.

A large swarm of demons rushed out, enough to threaten the entire metropolis.

Superman, they have started to stop, but because the number of demons is too large, even if they are fully organized, there will still be fish that slip through the net.

Lu Yuan also started to take action, he came to one of the sonic boom channels, his eyes released two terrifying heat rays aimed at the sonic boom channel, one came out and the other died.

496. The Seven Giants of the Justice League?

For a time, the crisis re-emerged, and the war came.

However, because Lu Yuan can guard a 'weird exit' by himself, the pressure is not too great.

Batman also asked Superman, "Can't you be like him?"

He complained that Superman also has laser rays, why can't he use heat rays to defend another sonic boom channel like Lu Yuan did.

"His strength is not enough," Lu Yuan defended Superman: "Who do you think I am? That kid is not far behind."

Superhuman said that this is to open up for himself, or to complain together?

Suddenly, Superman's heart moved, and he heard some cries for help.

His super hearing made him discover that even the president was attacked.

And the president is not in Washington at this time, so Wonder Woman~ can't protect him.

The president was on a plane when he was targeted by a horde of demons.

Superman said quickly: "Someone needs help, I'll go over there."

Then he flew away quickly.

"He just left?" Green Lantern shouted while fighting, and from time to time, the power of the Green Lantern Ring transformed into one weapon after another, or a sledgehammer or a piece of iron chain, which could still be effective against demons. hurt.

Batman showed a thoughtful expression, took out the previous computer, and knew where Superman was through the satellite lock.

"Oops, Mr. President was attacked. And there were reactions from enemies and the same sonic boom channel in other cities. Green Lantern, hand this over to Lu Yuan, we're going to change the battlefield," Batman finally said It is noticed that this war has involved a global scale.

It seems that they can no longer delay here.

"Leave him alone?" Green Lantern asked, once again using willpower to conjure a plane.

Lu Yuan glanced at the two of them and shrugged. The heat rays from his eyes began to split into two in a more flexible way. The heat rays from his right eye continued to firmly control the 'weird exit' in front of him, otherwise any monster could rush Come out and die one by one.

Even the demon-like army behind the sonic boom channel has suffered heavy losses.

The heat ray from the left eye slid across the surroundings rapidly at this time, piercing through every demon-like body on the surrounding battlefield at a speed exceeding the speed of light in an instant.

In just a moment of effort, those demons who escaped before were annihilated by the disintegration and flying ashes.

Seeing this scene, Green Lantern and Batman exchanged glances.

"Okay," Green Lantern had nothing to say, because the ray of Lu Yuan's left eye had not entered the second sonic boom channel after a circle.

It means that he has indeed guarded two strange exits by himself.

"You guys go first, if necessary, I can go to support at any time," Lu Yuan, because of the power of the omega effect integrated in the heat rays, can change direction at will, so he turned around and waved his hands at the two of them dashingly.

Anyway, as long as the other end of the heat ray can block the two portals, it is enough.

So Green Lantern and Batman left with confidence, and they were going to another battlefield.

After they left, Lu Yuan faced the two sonic boom channels again.

"Don't rush to kill you first," Lu Yuan snorted coldly, and the two heat rays turned directly and hit the two portals respectively, destroying the portal structure formed by the separation of the mother box.

The two sonic boom channels were immediately closed, and no more demons appeared.

It turns out that he had a way to turn off the sonic boom channel from the very beginning.

But he never said it, it seems that Lu Yuan is also very black-bellied.

In this way, the two mother boxes were directly broken by Lu Yuan, and then he did not keep up with Green Lantern and Batman, but went in another direction.

In fact, in the past few days, Darkseid has quietly completed his strategic deployment.

That is to say, he has buried countless mother boxes all over the earth, almost all over the world.

Now that it suddenly broke out, the mother boxes all over the world have opened the sonic boom channel, and countless armies of demons have invaded the earth on a large scale, and began to rob the earth's population.

Of course Lu Yuan would not sit idly by, the superheroes were still a little weak, so he made a decisive move and went all over the world.

At Lu Yuan's speed, often no one can see what happened. He has already passed over a certain city, not only killing all the demons in an instant, but also forcibly closing one sonic boom channel after another.

Those mother boxes were also taken away by him, and Lu Yuan was worried that the technology of the mother boxes would bring disaster to the earth.

In this way, while the other superheroes were still fighting hard, Lu Yuan had guarded the whole world at the fastest speed.

When he returned to the battlefield where the superheroes were, he found that the seven superheroes had gathered together.

Superman, Green Lantern, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Thunder Shazam, as well as a steel man with more than half of his body wrapped in steel, he is Cyborg.

Seven people gathered together, is it the first gathering of the seven giants of the Justice League?

But there was no Shazam, and his position should be Sea King.

As for the steel bone, in the new fifty-two setting, the steel bone replaced the position of the ancient Martian hunter.

At this time, the whereabouts of Sea King are still unknown, so Shazam was added, right?

The seven people should meet for the first time, and it is inevitable that there will be some stumbling in the process of battle.

Especially the Wonder Woman here is immature, more like a girl in a rebellious period, but her combat effectiveness is not in vain, she wields the divine sword neatly, and often a sword can smash a class. The devil's head, she is always aiming at the vital attack.


And the Flash is no less so, relying on the speed of the speed force, sometimes he will deliberately rush behind the demon-like and take a quick punch.

It's a pity that The Flash has speed but no attack power. Even Batman can kill an opponent with a dart, but he needs to punch countless punches.

Lu Yuan is not in a hurry to show up now. He sits down on the top of a building, smiling and watching the superheroes fight side by side to cultivate a tacit understanding, while there he can't stop talking and complaining about each other.

Especially Cyborg, he has only just debuted until today, and he doesn't know much about his own power, and many functions were developed on the spot.

For example, flying, such as turning the accessories on the body into weapons, etc.

There is also Shazam, this kid is not much more talkative than Green Lantern and The Flash. It annoys Batman and quietly keeps away from them.

Is this the DC Big Three?

Anyway, Lu Yuan looked quite interesting.

Immature superheroes, with an immature team, are now honest about a common enemy and a huge crisis, working together to defeat the enemy.

Isn't this story bad?

But at this moment, the messenger came.

Just in front of the superheroes, the city's mother box suddenly opened a more powerful sonic boom channel, and surrounded by demons, a tall figure flew out of the sky.

He is the Darkseid of this universe

497. Once again the end of Darkseid

When Lu Yuan began to quickly solve one mother box after another, and cleared a large number of those demon-like troops, Darkseid also felt it.

But he didn't know the crisis was coming, and instead decided to launch a general attack.

Especially above the sea, Atlantis in the underwater kingdom was also affected, and it was the only place that Lu Yuan did not take care of.

At this time, above the sea, a huge alien device even appeared, from which Darkseid and his army of demons came.

The new fifty-two Darkseid can't even fly like Gu Zaoman. At this time, he flew in the air.

"I am your death god, I am the dark monarch, and I am Darkseid," Darkseid came to the shore and stood in front of the superheroes.

"Hey, want me to say you should go back to your hometown," Green Lantern shouted, the first to rush up, with the power of Green Lantern, put a huge gauntlet "Seven Zero Three" on his right glove, and head towards Daksay De was hit in the face.

In the end, Darkseid ignored it and disintegrated when Green Lantern's fist slammed into his face.

Green Lantern's attack could not break the defense at all, but Darkseid threw Green Lantern away with one punch.

A few other monsters flew over and slapped the fallen Green Lantern, making the latter scream in pain.

Still, the Flash was uneasy, and rushed over to clear the siege for Green Lantern.

With Darkseid's debut, superheroes all know that he is the mastermind behind the scenes, and he is the biggest enemy.

Superman also rushed over and flew in front of Dakseid. A left hook and right uppercut hit Dakseid, so that Dakseid had to resist. He grabbed Superman's cloak and threw him hard. go out.

Among the crowd, only Superman could threaten him.

In fact, Shazam's power is strong enough, but don't forget that Shazam's real body is just a child.

So don't count on him too much.

This kid even turned the dignified Solomon's wisdom into 'locked wisdom', as you can see.

As for Wonder Woman, before she could attack Darkseid, she was blocked by hordes of demons.

With the arrival of Darkseid, there is a larger army of demons.

And Darkseid also launched a terrifying attack, firing two omega rays from his terrifying eyes, and he could change directions at will.

The superheroes were all caught off guard.

Fortunately, Darkseid didn't hit the fire in order to hit seven people at once, otherwise the terrible omega rays would be enough to hit one of them.

Especially Batman, he is just an ordinary person's physique and cannot resist the power of omega rays.

"Damn it, see if I don't hit you," Green Lantern launched his attack on Darkseid again. He was wrapped in a mass of green energy, turned into a train man, wrapped in a locomotive, and rushed again. To Darkseid.

However, Darkseid didn't take him seriously at all.

After all, Darkseid has seen the power of the Green Lantern Corps, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Sure enough, when Green Lantern's train hit Darkseid, it automatically disintegrated again.

"Did I say all of you Green Lanterns are iron-headed babies?" At this time, Lu Yuan finally couldn't stand it any longer, and slowly floated down from the sky with his arms folded.

A superhero who didn't know Lu Yuan asked, "Who is he? He looks like a stinky fart."

"He's the ancestor of Superman," Green Lantern said quickly.

So popular that you want to scold the streets, your ancestors.

Of course Lu Yuan didn't come to watch the fun. He flew in front of Darkseid and looked at Darkseid's clone in front of him.

Unexpectedly, after Darkseid's body died, his avatars still existed and spread throughout all multiverses.

Every universe has a Darkseid, but every Darkseid is not the body, but it is extremely powerful.

Read The Duke's Passion