MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 270

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Batman said you don't know anything, why are you following me?

On the contrary, Lu Yuan knew Batman better. Although he was not the Batman he knew, he still said, "Maybe he left a tracker during the battle, so he can find the whereabouts of that guy."

"Hmph," Batman snorted lightly, but did not deny Lu Yuan's guess.

However, the stinky farts of the two guys behind him still annoyed Batman.

Was he being escorted by them? Or are they being watched?

"By the way, did you drink blood tonight?" Green Lantern was still maintaining his curiosity about Batman.

Because there are also rumors that Batman is a vampire, after all, his name is Batman, or a legend under the night, which will inevitably make people think crooked.

Batman has also heard the relevant rumors and complained: "I'm not a vampire."

"Then who are you? You are wearing black clothes and cloaks, and you are acting in the dark. Are you just a superhuman? Do you have superpowers?" Green Lantern asked incessantly, feeling that he and Lightning Xia should be able to form the mouth gun alliance of the DC universe.

Xiao Shan is also very ink-stained, perhaps because of the influence of his superpower, that is, the speed of power. Sometimes he opens his mouth with a long series of words, and it is very fast, and some people can't understand which language he speaks.

I didn't expect Green Lantern to be so annoying now.

Batman, what the **** have you done?

Thinking that in the Justice League movie, Batman was tortured by Xiao Shan, Lu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

The result caught the attention of both Green Lantern and Batman.

"Are you together?" Batman asked.

Green Lantern directly denied: "I thought you guys knew each other."

Lu Yuan couldn't laugh anymore. He rolled his eyes and said, "Can I know you both at the same time? Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne."

Green Lantern and Batman were both stunned and asked in unison, "How do you know I'm Hal Jordan (Bruce Wayne)?"

Lu Yuanxin said that I said that I have been to several universes, do you believe me?

The three of them just walked and chatted while flying. Most of the time, Green Lantern was chattering, while Lu Yuan was just giggling, and Batman was powerless to deal with it.

But he still answered some of Green Lantern's questions. For example, Green Lantern asked him what superpowers he had, and Batman didn't.

Green Lantern asked in surprise how he flew.

Batman said he could fly a plane.

The helpless Green Lantern can only ask him what superpower he has.

Batman asked back, "Does it count as money?"

Well, the only superpower the lord has is money.

His equipment and fighting skills are certainly not superpowers.

But if Green Lantern wants to laugh at or look down on Batman, it's still 10,000 years early. If Superman is DC's own son, then Batman is even DC's father.

What about Green Lantern? Then it's nothing, except for the most well-known Hal Jordan, Green Lantern has several superheroes of Earth, and even the Green Lantern Corps has many well-known characters.

But when it comes to Batman, who can get around Bruce Wayne?

Even if Batman doesn't have superpowers, once Batman turns black into a maniacal bat, he can even launch a super crisis that is more terrifying than the anti-monitor.

Does this count as shaking the gods with the body of a mortal?

Of course, in the metal incident, the Laughing Bat is also considered to have received the power and support of the Goddess of Creation of Darkness, and is not an ordinary person.

However, Green Lantern and Batman soon began to focus on Lu Yuan.

"Are you superman?"

"No, I am Superman's ancestor."

Without cursing.

491. I'm not targeting anyone, I'm talking about your Green Lantern Corps

The group walked and chatted along the way, and finally they came to the depths of the sewer, no longer knowing where the underground of Gotham City was.

Finally, at the other end of the front corner, they saw the fiend again.

And they also saw that there was something in a square shape in the hands of the demonoid.

Lu Yuan frowned slightly, mother box.

He recognized it, it was Apocalypse and New Creation Star, the technology mastered by the entire New Protoss, the mother box.

Although they are known as the new Protoss, they are also very skilled, and they can even use the mother box to achieve everything they want.

Unlike the mother box in the movie, this one is a bit 'flat', not boxy, more like a notebook-thing.

Green Lantern misunderstood, he thought it was a bomb device, and rushed out recklessly.

And the demons saw that they found the mother box, and finally had no reservations. They would rather sacrifice themselves and prevent them from getting close to the mother box by self-destruction.

At a critical moment, Green Lantern conjured a vault to protect him and Batman.

"Oops," they finally remembered that there was someone like Lu Yuan.

When Green Lantern put away the vault, they saw Lu Yuanzheng unscathed, with his arms folded, looking at them angrily.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuan scolded angrily.

I've never seen such a reckless person, you either stun the enemy silently, or don't rush out.

Why do you have to shout?

Batman also glared at Green Lantern: "At first glance, this is not a bomb, are you crazy?"

In the face of the targeting of the two, Green Lantern also seemed guilty, and hurriedly flew over there: "Let me identify what this is?"

Having said that, Green Lantern came to the place where the things were placed before the demon, raised the Green Lantern ring in his hand, and said, "Appraisal."

Of course, he doesn't know the identification technique of another world, but it actually means identification.

The Green Lantern Ring originally functions as a semi-automatic computer, and can access the information in it by linking with the Book of Oar.

The ring also has the technology to solve the problem, but it cannot make decisions or take actions on its own, it must be commanded by the wearer.

To put it bluntly, the ring itself will store Green Lantern's actions, and then archive itself.

At the same time, the ring can also connect the permissions opened by the guardians of the universe to obtain relevant knowledge.

It can even automatically translate the languages ​​of the entire universe. Initially, this setting also needed to be actively activated, but later it became automatic translation, which allowed Green Lantern to communicate without obstacles even if he came from various civilizations in the universe.

The green light ring also has many functions, so I will not list them one by one.

Now, what Green Lantern has to do is to scan and identify what the thing in front of him is and what function it has.

The next second, a voice came from the green light ring: "Recognition failed, unknown item."

"What?" Green Lantern was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible, this can directly read the knowledge of the guardians of the universe, they know everything."

"It's still omnipotent." Behind him, Lu Yuan volleyed over. He was wearing a platinum shirt, but he didn't want to get his clothes dirty.

When he came to him, Lu Yuan just glanced at the mother box and already knew what it was.

Looking at Green Lantern's ring again, Lu Yuan pouted in disdain.

"What do you mean?" Green Lantern was unhappy, feeling the contempt from Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan explained: "I'm not targeting you, I have to explain clearly."

Before Green Lantern showed a relieved expression, he heard Lu Yuan's blunt words and said unceremoniously: "I'm not targeting anyone, I mean that your Green Lantern Corps are all garbage."

He also flushed his thumb down, further irritating Green Lantern.

"What do you mean?" Green Lantern got angry, almost turned into a member of the Red Lantern Corps, red in the emotional spectrum represents anger.

At this time, Batman came, blocking the two to prevent them from fighting.

"Do you know what this is?" Batman asked Lu Yuan, leaving the question to him.

Green Lantern also looked over, and once Lu Yuan said he didn't know, just wait for his sarcasm.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan really knew: "This thing is called the mother box, it is the new Protoss, especially this mother box is from Apocalypse, which is a super civilization technology far beyond the imagination of the earth. However, this mother box should only have the ability to open the sonic boom channel. The effect. It means that a portal can be opened."

"Apocalypse? New Protoss?" Green Lantern had obviously never heard of these two terms.

Lu Yuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said to him: "The so-called guardians of the universe, those little blue men, have only lived a little longer, they know everything and can do everything, it's just nonsense. I know why. Doesn't your ring recognize this thing?"

Lu Yuan pointed to the mother box.

Green Lantern subconsciously shook his head.

Lu Yuan continued: "It's because the Green Lantern Corps once wanted to crusade against a certain dark monarch (that is, Darkseid) behind it, but it was blown up by others. Your Green Lantern Corps was almost wiped out, and the Guardians of the Universe had to They have no right to interfere with the dark monarch and the new Protoss, and they will not record any relevant information, so they spare your life."

Therefore, in the Green Lantern Ring and the Book of Oua, there is no record of any new Protoss.

Lu Yuan's tone was full of disdain.

The new Protoss, who once blew up Ou Axing and the Green Lantern Corps, has now been wiped out by Lu Yuantuan.


Therefore, he naturally despised those guys with high self-esteem.

What's more, the little blue man has been doing things.

Originally, they advocated attacking Apocalypse and crusade against Darkseid, but then they immediately admitted to counseling when they saw that the situation was not good.

Let's talk a little further.

It has been mentioned that Alan Scott is the real first Green Lantern on Earth, but he has not joined the Green Lantern Corps.

Alan's ring comes from Arango, a Green Lantern with the appearance of a dragon.

The age of Arango is long gone. When he fought a yellow monster, he fell into a hard battle and almost died because of Green Lantern's weakness to yellow, which made the guardians quite worried.

To prevent Arango from dying, the Guardians have removed the Arango Ring's weakness to yellow.

(Yes, not just readers, even Guy Gardner (the Green Lantern from another Earth) is **** off in the comics, they've always been able to remove the yellow weakness, but not so much).

After that, Arango came to the earth in ancient times, and because he no longer had a weakness, he began to be arrogant to rule the earth at that time.

The guardians temporarily added a new weakness for him, that is, so that the primitive people of the primitive society at that time could defeat him with wooden sticks, so that he had an Achilles' heel for wood.

This is also the reason why Alan has no yellow weakness in the future but is afraid of wood.

Those little blue people are themselves troublemakers. Although they are known as the guardians of the universe, as long as the universe is peaceful, they will start to cause trouble.

It can be said that it has never stopped doing things since ancient times

492、Some people complained about each other

"Okay, let's not mention the **** that your broken legion did, and the fact that you claimed to be the first legion of the universe, but it was destroyed countless times in the history of the legion, and then..."

"It's enough."

Just when Lu Yuan was muttering and saying that he didn't want to expose the shortcoming, the result was full of sarcasm inside and out.

In the end, even Batman couldn't listen anymore, and shook his head with his hand on his forehead.

Green Lantern's whole person is not well, he gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Yuan, he had a heart attack, but even he didn't know whether what Lu Yuan said was true or not, because he only became Green Lantern recently.

That's why he is here today. As Green Lantern, he is responsible for guarding the sector where the earth is located, and he considers the earth to be his domain.

Turned out to be ignored by Batman, yours? Gotham City is Lao Tzu's territory, okay?

Believe it or not, the clown came out to play you crazy.

Well, there is no "Seven Zero Three" part of the Joker here, God knows where he is.

"What do I do next?" Seeing that he couldn't quarrel with Lu Yuan, Green Lantern simply ignored him and took the mother box off the wall with the energy of the Green Lantern ring.

Since the demons put it here before, it must have some purpose.

Lu Yuan also said that this thing will open a portal, and there is some dark monarch eyeing it.

"We need to find someone to discuss, such as going to the Metropolis," Batman said, subconsciously looking at the S on Lu Yuan's chest.

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