MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 85 Finale (2)

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When he left, Lin Biao thought about his next destination in his heart.

- That is the Lin family.

Lin Biao’s journey to Lin’s home was fast.

After all, while he was waiting for the fall out of the secret, the repairs also increased a lot.

The speed of returning to Lin Family is also slightly faster than before.

When returning to the Lin family, Lin Yue was reading the book in the study room of Lin Family.

When I felt that someone in the study room came in, Lin Yue frowned, thinking that it was the next person who came in without notification. He frowned and just prepared to say a few words about the ‘the next man’. As a result, he looked up and found that the person who came was actually Lin Biao.

Lin Yue was there on the spot.

"Father?" Seeing his father staying there, Lin Biao shouted softly.

Lin Biao’s soft voice finally awakened Lin Yue from his stagnation.

Perhaps it is accustomed to gathering and leaving more days.

At this time, Lin Yue flashed a hint of excitement in his eyes, but the face was calmer than before.

He said: "If you come back, you will come back. Do you want to go back to the room to rest? After this time, how long have you been ready to leave?"

Lin Yue’s series of questions made Lin Biao’s heart so bitter.

Only after staying outside for a long time will you feel the warmth of home.

"I should stay at home for a long time this time." Lin Biao smiled at Lin Yue.

"That's good!"

Lin Yue laughed very happy.

No matter where you are, for a parent, the most expectation is that your children are always with you.

In particular, the longer I live, the more my heart is more eager to accompany my children.

Lin Biao doesn't know how to describe his mood.

Just seeing his father laughing, the slight wrinkles in his eyes were not good in his heart.

The cultivator is not easy to grow old.

But his father, white hair, now wrinkles have also, in the final analysis, these years are scared for themselves.

Lin licked his lips.

This time after he returned to Lin, he would not leave for a while.

Waiting for his father to talk, after a while, he went to Lin Biaoer.

He is still very rich now.


After returning home, Lin Biao, as if he had never been the same, used to eat with Lin Yue.

Lin Yue will also give Lin Biao a dish, but he does not always pile up his son's bowl as he used to.

It’s been a dull and warm past for a while.

Lin Biao thought that he would continue to live this kind of life until he left the Lin family to find Lin Biaoer.

Lin family suddenly came to a guest.

That guest is naturally aloof.

In the face of the Ling, Lin Yue's mind is complicated.

On the one hand, Ling Luo once abolished his son's Dan Tian, ​​which is absolutely unbearable for Lin Yue, who is distressed by his son to the bones.

But to change one aspect, it is justifiable that Linglu will do this. It was only when I faced things at the time, I was somewhat impulsive. After a while, he also helped his son to restore Dantian.

However, this is, after all, a friend of Lin Biao, who has any thoughts in his heart and cannot interfere with Lin Biao.

When Lin Yue thought about it, he left the space in the hall to Lin Biao and Ling Luo, and went back to study in his leisurely reading.

Lin Biao looked at his father's leisurely back and could not help.

Father, you just threw your son to someone who once abolished your son Dan Tian. Is this really okay? ?

Moreover, at this time, Lin Biao really did not want Lin Yue to leave.

I don't know what kind of attitude to deal with Ling Luo, Lin Biao casually sat in a chair in the hall.

He squinted and his voice was faint: "Do you have anything to do?"

Ling Ling faced Lin Biao's attitude of being so cold, although the heart was bitter, but the face was still a normal look.

"I... I came to you because there was something wrong with the practice on the stone you cultivated, but I don't know where there is a problem, so I want to come to you to study."

Is there a problem with the practice on the stone tablet?

Lin Biao’s first reaction was that Ling was just looking for an excuse. He didn’t even think about it. He subconsciously refused: “I feel good, no need to study.”

I didn't expect Lin Biao to refuse so quickly and decisively. Even if I could cover up the expression on my face, I couldn't help but see a trace of desolateness.

"You don't have to reject me so quickly. Everything I said is true. The Lord of the Secrets told me not long ago that his practice was not perfect. I studied the exercises and found that there were problems. This problem, if it does exist, all your previous efforts are likely to become in vain.

Your Dantian.. may have all your repairs scattered. ”

After stopping the words of Lin Ling, the expression on Lin Biao's face can be described as shocked.

“How could this be?” he asked.

Ling replied: "So after I found out that there is a problem, I will come to you for the first time. Even if I know that you are most afraid of seeing me now."

Ling Luo said that it is correct, Lin Biao is the most undesired person in his heart.

His feelings about Ling Ling are very complicated, so he would rather close his eyes and not want to.

However, the reason why Linglu came to him this time was because of his Dantian.

If Dantian once again reverts to the appearance of being abandoned, Lin Biao does not know if he will collapse.

The taste that I got and lost again and again is really terrible!

Moreover, his exercises were learned from the secrets. Now the original master and the secret of this practice are in the hands of the fallen.

Even if Lin Biao doesn't believe in Ling, he doesn't dare to make a joke about his own Dan Tian.

"Okay..." Lin Biao was helpless.

This is why it is always necessary to have confidence in the future.

Sure enough, is it a mistake to get close to Ling from the beginning?

Lin Yi sighed.

But now it is related to his Dan Tian, ​​even if he wants to stay away from the Ling, he has to figure out the work of the exercises first.

Seeing that Lin Biao agreed, Ling Luo had a serious time with Lin Biao at this time, and then hurried back to prepare some things.

Dan Tian, ​​who is related to Lin Biao, does not dare to care about himself.


To say that the person who cares most about Lin Biao, Ling Luo does not dare to call the first, but he feels that in his heart, Lin Biao has been able to compare with his own life.

At that time, the kind of feeling that Lin Biao Dan Tian was abolished and he was imprisoned by his side, he did not want to try again for the second time.

Only once lost, so will people become more cherished?

At least now Ling has already understood that he is inseparable from Lin Biao.


Ling fell back to prepare things.

Lin Biao went back to his room and studied the practice of cultivation over and over again.

After running countless times in the body, Lin Biao finally discovered that this method does have a problem.

- That is, when he was practicing, he was trained to stop inadvertently.

It was only that the time of the pause was extremely short. It was short-lived that Lin Biao could not detect this if he did not carefully probe the loopholes of his own exercises again and again.

Generally speaking, cultivators should be fluent when they exercise in the body.

If there is a pause, it means that this practice or the person itself is definitely problematic.

Perhaps this problem seems to be at this time, it is not what raises your eyes. However, in time, there will be big problems.

According to what was said before Ling Ling, Lin Biao’s own problems can be ruled out.

Now is the problem of the exercises.

However, Lin Biao himself could not figure out what the problem was. He could only wait for the return of Ling.

Lin Biao did not tell Lin Yue about this.

When Ling Ling did not return, Lin Biao looked normal and Lin Yue talked and laughed.

Lin Yue did not ask what happened to Lin Biao on that day.


This day.

After waiting for a few days, Lin Biao did not see Ling Ling came to Lin Family, and he left for No Hancheng.

Before Lin Biao promised Lin Biaoer to go to her, but he did not know that Lin Biaoer was not in Linhan City.

Just try your luck.

If you don't meet Lin Biaoer, then Lin Biao will be a distracted heart.

It’s just an hour to come to Noon City with Lin’s current cultivation.

Noon City is almost the same as a few years ago.

The streets are still so lively.

Lin Biao looked at all of this and walked slowly to the forest home of No Hancheng.

However, he is approaching the Noah City Lin family.

Lin Biaoer came to meet him.

Lin Biaoer ushered in the Lin family.

After the long-term family members of the Lin family had gone through it, they came to a yard.

There are only Lin Biaoer and Lin Biao in the yard.

"Hey brother, you are finally here! I have been back to Lin's house for a few days!" Lin Biaoer took Lin Biao's arm, and the little mouth was slightly puffed up, she spoke.

Lin Biao smiled softly. "How do you know that I came to the city of Nohan?" He just came to No Hancheng, and Lin Biaoer came out to meet him.

Could it be that Lin Biaoer has been strong enough to this point?

The entire city of Nouhan is under the perception of Lin Biaoer?

Lin Biaoer replied: "It was Master who told me! She said that I have friends who came to Noon City."

When I heard the words that Lin Biaoer said, Lin Biao’s mind suddenly showed a hooded woman with a voluptuous appearance.

"Where is your master now?" Lin Biao asked. After passing through the Lin family along the way, I didn’t see Master Lin’s master.

"My Master said that she had important things to do, so she left, let me stay in the family for a few days." When I said this, Lin Biaoer’s face was obviously a little more happy.

After all, she has been away from home for a long time. It’s rare to return home and naturally hope to stay longer.

Lin Biao nodded and asked Lin Biaoer's experience in recent years.

Lin Biaoer said that he was happy, and Lin Biao also listened with gusto.

He has a lot of time, wasted in the stone hole of the instrument.

What I saw, naturally, there are not many Lin Biao children.

After talking about a lot of things on the road, Lin Biaoer and Lin Biao talked about her master.

Lin Yier said that her master is called Xie Ziyan.

She said that she occasionally saw the true face of Xie Ziyan, and she was shocked at an instant.

She said that her master was very high...


Seeing it, Lin Yier likes her master very much.

However, when Lin Biao heard the name of "Xie Ziyan", there was a familiar feeling in his heart.

After thinking about it in my mind, Lin Biao was shocked.

Is Xie Ziyan not the owner of the harem?

The appearance is not only the first beauty on the mainland, but also the repair is not much worse than the Ling.

At this time, Ling's repair is only a little worse than Xie Ziyan.

However, in the plot, why haven’t you heard of Lin’s name?

Lin Biao looked at Lin Xiaoer's smile, and he sighed in his heart. I am afraid that his rebirth has changed the world.

Many things are different from the previous ones and even the plot.

Lin Biaoer is still talking.

Lin Biao tried to think back to the plot in his mind.

In the plot.

In a few days, it was the day when Ling Luo and Xie Ziyan met.

Just when I met, Xie Ziyan’s impression of Lingluo was not very good.

However, in repeated accidents, Xie Ziyan still fell in love with Ling.

Of course, as long as it is a beautiful woman, it will not be rejected.

Moreover, the repair of Xie Ziyan is still so powerful, and the character of Xie Ziyan is also the type that Ling Luo prefers, and naturally becomes the owner of the harem.

"Hey brother, my brother?" Lin Biaoer said that she was so happy. She looked up and saw that Lin Biao had fallen into a migratory mode. She reached out and shook in front of Lin Biao's eyes. Lin Biao's attention was placed on Lin Biaoer.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Amount..." Lin Biao froze, he can't always tell Lin Biaoer, I am thinking that your master is the owner of the Linggong Palace. So he opened the subject and said: "You have been happy in the past few years."

This question is completely nonsense, look at Lin Biao's appearance, and know that she must have been very happy in the past few years.

Fortunately, Lin’s attention was really shifted by Lin Biao’s topic.

After answering a "happy" smile, she asked Lin Biao about the situation in recent years.

Lin slammed his mouth and flashed a few pictures in his mind.

He nodded to Lin Biaoer and smiled. "Well, I have a very good life."

After saying something, there was a sudden more appearance in the courtyard.

Lin Biao's reflective scream, "Who?", then found that this figure is Ling.

It is good to repair it high.

Other people come and go at home.

After Ling had prepared everything, he went to the Lin family to find Lin Biao.

Just knowing that Lin Biao went out, Lin Yue did not know where Lin Biao went.

At that time in the heart of Ling Ling, the first convenience that reminded Lin Biao that it was possible to go was No Han City.

Holding the same thoughts as Lin Biao, Ling Luo came to Noon City.

I did not expect Lin Biao really in the home of Noah City.

Because I wanted Lin Biao to dismiss the shortcomings of that practice earlier, Ling Luo came straight in.

When I saw Ling Luo, Lin Biao knew that Ling Luo had already completed everything and was ready to check for him.

However, he also wanted to spend more than a few days with Lin Biao, and he said directly to Lin Biaoer, "Hey, can you lend me a room?"

Lin Xiaoer looked at Ling Ling, looked at Lin Biao, and realized that I was afraid that the two brothers had something important to do. She put out the mind that she wanted to talk to Ling Ling and nodded, "OK!"

In a room in the forest home of Noah City.

The falling hands floated on the back of Lin Biao and checked the practice for Lin Biao.

Time has passed by, and the expression of the Ling has become more and more relaxed from the beginning of the dignity to the back.

He slowly spit out a breath, apparently a sigh of relief.

When I heard the voice coming from behind, Lin Biao opened his eyes and asked, "How?"

Lin Biao’s words just came out, and Ling’s face was still a relaxed expression. He said in a serious tone: “I’m not sure, I need to check for a few more days.”

"My Dantian... No more things going on?" Silence for a while, Lin Biao suddenly asked.

His heart is really a little nervous. I don't want to ask the words of Ling, but I still have some restraint.

When he was not checked, his mood was okay.

When Ling Ling checked, the room suddenly had some repressed breath.

Let Lin Biao feel nervous in his heart.

Ling Ling heard Lin Biao’s words. Before the relaxed expression on his face swept away, he solemnly said: “You can rest assured! If you are there, you will never let your Dantian accident!”

Perhaps the words of Ling Luo are too serious and too solemn. Lin Biao’s heart suddenly has an inexplicable mood.

He shook his head and pressed that emotion to his heart.

Since the inspection is over, he will naturally be able to go out and talk to Lin Biaoer.

Thinking about it, Lin Biao and Ling Luo thanked him and went straight out of the door.

The bed in the bed still maintains the previous posture. He looks at the door brought by Lin Biao, and he can't tell whether he is bitter or crying.

Lin Biao, this is used up and thrown?


The next few days have been very calm.

Ling Luo helped Lin Biao check, after the inspection, Lin Biao went to chat with Lin Biaoer.

Occasionally, Lin Biaoer will also take Lin Biao and Ling Luo to go out shopping.

Only she does not stand in the middle.

Lin Biaoer pulled Lin Biao and Ling Luo together, and they jumped on the stalls on both sides of the street.

Lin Biao and Ling Luo are facing each other.

After Ling thought about some topics in his heart, he spoke to Lin Biao.

Maybe Lin Biao did not take care of the time, but this did not prevent Ling Luo from continuing to say Barabala and Lin Biao.

Ling Luo is not a person who likes to talk.

Most of them, he is also silent.

When he was with Lin Biao, he almost took the opportunity to talk to Lin Biao.

This made Lin Biao quite crying and laughing.

"Did you feel that something is wrong when you practiced these days?" Ling looked at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao is absent-minded, "Oh.. okay."

"Do you want to buy something?"

Lin Biao continued to be absent-minded, ""

Ling Luo asked: "Do you think that the instrument is very good?"

Then absent-minded, "Well, not bad."

... Lin Biao has been absent-minded, and Ling has changed one topic after another and talked with Lin Biao.

A few days ago, Lin Biaoer on the side found a problem between Lin Biao and Ling Ling. However, she is not convenient to ask anything, only to give them time and space for two people, for them to talk.

This mode of interaction lasted for a few days.

Until Xie Ziyan returned to the city of No Han, returned to the Lin family.

Looking at the black dress in front of me, the masked woman, there is no extra emotion in the face.

Lin Biao looked at Ling Ling, then look at Xie Ziyan.

Xie Ziyan is also as cold as before.

"When are you going with me?" Xie Ziyan directly ignored Lin Ling and Lin Biao and asked Lin Biaoer.

Lin Yier opened his mouth and his face was completely unwilling. "Master, can you let me stay for a few more days?"

Xie Ziyan didn't talk, just looking at Lin Biao with a cold scorpion.

Lin Yuer was stared at Xie Ziyan's body and screamed, and finally decided to leave immediately and Xie Ziyan.

I told my family's relatives, and Lin Biao, Ling Luo sue, Lin Yier some reluctantly left with Xie Ziyan.

When Xie Ziyan left with Lin Biaoer, he did not look at Lingling.

Lin Biao stared at the back of the Xie Ziyan, thinking in his mind.

In any case, the protagonist's aura is in existence, and Xie Ziyan will at least pay attention to Ling Ling.

Why didn't you even look at the Linglin? Didn't the Linger's protagonist's aura be invalid?

Thinking of Lingjia’s group of women who liked Ling, Lin Biao shook his head.

The protagonist's aura should not fail.

Ling Luo saw Lin Biao staring at the black woman, her face was a little black.

The woman's body is slim and temperament is good. Although her face is covered, it adds a touch of mystery.

Does Lin Biao like this model?

Ling Ling was a little uncomfortable.

When a person likes others, he feels that everyone can become a rival.

I don't want Lin Biao to stare at the backs of other women. Ling Luo will take the Lin Biao back to the house and check it out.

"Isn't I checked it once today?" Lin Biao asked inexplicably.

Ling Ling did not change color. "I suddenly remembered that I did not check some places."

Lin Biao: "..."

Since Lin Biaoer has left, it is naturally impossible for Lin Biao and Ling Luo to stay in the Lin Family of Noah City.

And the people in the Noah city Lin family were different, and the two of them returned to the Lin family.

Ling Luo checked the practice for Lin Biao every day, and then he kept talking to Lin Biao.

Even if Lin Biao has been cold-faced to him, Ling Ling is still a look of disregard.

What are the requirements of Lin Biao, and it’s good to be done.

Ling Ling is like this. Although Lin Biao doesn't say anything, he still feels in his heart.

Perhaps there is something in his heart about Ling Ling, but he used to care at least for the past. Now Ling Ling can make this look, and it can also reflect his true heart for Lin Biao.

Because in the last world or in the plot, Ling, apart from his parents, has never been better for anyone.

However, although there was some touch in the heart, Lin Biao still chose to keep a distance from Ling.

It really is too big a shadow.

This is not something that can be solved overnight.

After another check for Lin Biao, Lin Biao squinted.

After Ling Ling really solved the hidden danger of his Dantian, he left the Nebula.

It’s better to see each other.

Instead of seeing the lingering after the fall, he might as well not see the fall.


"This is the new practice that I have made in the past few days. You try to cultivate it." After a while, Ling Luo handed Lin Biao a book with new exercises.

Lin Biao took the book and swept a few eyes. He thanked Ling Ling and immediately went back to practice.

Back in the room, Lin Biao practiced this practice and carefully practiced it several times.

Lin Biao found that the problem that was first discovered in the body no longer existed.

This proves that his Dantian thing has been solved?

Lin Biao is a little happy.

He was somewhat uncertain and asked about the fall again. "Let's fall, my Dantian won't have anything more?"

Ling nodded, there was a smile in the eyelids, "Well!"

When I heard the word "Hm", Lin Biao’s face suddenly showed a smile.

That smile, flashed the eyes of the fall.

Because... Lin Biao’s smile is facing the Ling.

This is the first time Lin Biao has been laughing at Ling Xiao for so many years.

"I don't have any good things in my body. How can I repay you?" After Lin Biao thanked Ling Luo, he was somewhat distressed.

"I don't need to repay! This is what I should do." Ling replied.

Lin Biao shook his head and did not speak.

Repaying him will definitely repay, but he does not have any good things on his body. There is no way to repay the grace of this time.

When you are playing on the mainland, if you can encounter something good, give it to Ling.

Lin Biao thought so, he planned to go through tomorrow, and he set off!

Lin Yue, who got the news, obviously still has some reluctance to Lin Biao, "You have to go again?"

"Yeah." Lin Biao nodded.

"Where to go?" Lin Yue asked.

After thinking about it, Lin Biao shook his head and said: "I don't know, walk around."

"Hey, you are careful on the road." Lin Yue knows that he can't stop Lin Biao, he can only sigh.

"I will, father. You have to take care of yourself..." Lin Biao smiled at Lin Yue.

"Yeah." Lin Yue nodded.

The father and son said something again, and Lin Biao went back to sleep.

A good night's sleep.

The second day.

Lin Biao got up early, packed up his luggage and came to the door of Lin Family.

He looked back at the forest house.

He thought about it for a long time last night, still did not decide to tell him what he had experienced on the mainland.

Going out this time, I don't know when I can come back.

Lin Biao has some sighs in his heart.

Although Ling Luo said that he likes him, but if he does not meet for a long time, Ling Ling has gathered so many beautiful people.

It’s hard not to be tempted.

Thinking about it, Lin Biao pulled his lips again.

I want to do so much.

He pointed to the direction of the forest house and said "Goodbye."

I stepped out of the pace and walked out of the Lin family.

Lin Biao looked up at the blue sky.

Shouting in my heart: mainland, my Lin Biao is coming!

The author has something to say: it is not over yet........