MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 73 revenge

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He will become the middle class of the prefecture because he ate the mysterious yellow grass.

Ling Ling... Actually, in this short period of time, it also broke through the mysterious level and reached the first stage of the prefecture level. I don’t know if it’s because of an adventure or a breakthrough.

Anyway, Lin Biao, in addition to being shocked, has no extra emotions. What emotions can he have? Lingding is the protagonist. It is normal to break through easily.

Shrugging, Lin Biao smiled at the Ling Xiao; "Congratulations, this time you will get good results at the refining pharmacists meeting."

Ling Luo said to Lin Biao: "When you look for the vanilla outside, don't you encounter any danger?"

Lin Biao lowered his eyes and barely smiled. "No, I am fine...all good."

"That's good." Ling laughed.

Today is the last day.

Today, tomorrow is the time for the start of the refining pharmacist conference. Lin Biao and Ling Ling did not choose to go out to hang out, but concentrated on staying in the room to practice.

Lin Biao and Ling Luo sat cross-legged on the bed together. Lin Biao looked at the side and closed his eyes, focusing on the cultivation of the Ling, the eyes were a bit complicated.

There is also a mysterious leaf in the body of Ling Ling. For Ling Ling, as long as this refining pharmacist meeting, he is strict enough. If you want to win a place, there will be no problem. Coupled with Ling's repairs and the protagonist's aura, maybe the top three are very likely.

On the other hand, Lin Biao’s own child is now uneasy, and it is a problem to get a good ranking.

Sighing a sigh, Lin Biao thought, his refining pharmacist conference has to go all out. The Refining Pharmacists Conference is a competition in which all refining pharmacists dream of participating and wanting to take a good position. He now has the opportunity to participate, but he is wasting his chance. Forget about those unpleasant things for a while. Lin Biao closed his eyes and concentrated on immersing himself in cultivation.


The second day soon came.

Lin Biao unveiled the human skin mask on his face, and opened the door and found that Ling Ling was waiting outside early.

"Early." Lin Biao greeted Ling.

Ling fell back with a smile, "Early."

After going downstairs, Lin Biao and Ling Luo sat down together, ready to wait for all the people to come together, and then go to the venue of the refining pharmacists conference. As they got up a little earlier, there was no one in the inn at this time.

However, Murong Xuelin did not wait for them, but instead waited for Yu Weiwei. In the face of Yu Weiwei, seeing the bright eyes of the eyes, and when the joyful rushing over, Lin Biao did not want to trace the side to let it go.

As a result, the sleeves were caught by Ling Ling without moving a few distances.

Ling Xiaowei looked at Yu Weiwei faintly, but he held Lin Biao in his hand. It was obvious that he didn't want Lin Biao to move again.

The last time because of this rain Wei Wei and Murong Xue, let Lin Biao take the opportunity to slip away. This time, Lin Biao still wants to stay away from him? Lin Ling grabbed Lin Biao's sleeves and tightened his hands. He also smashed Lin Biao to his side.

Since their movements are not obvious, not many people see them. Lin Biao was pulled down to sit next to him, trying to pull his sleeves out of Ling’s hands, but he couldn’t pull out. In desperation, Lin Biao had to follow the movement of the Ling.

In the rain Wei Wei directly to Ling Ling next stop, just ready to talk with Ling Luo. Murong Xue and Cheng Yan also slowly walked down the stairs and saw Yu Weiwei. Murong Xue’s face suddenly became stiff.

Stepping down the stairs slightly, Murong Xue also went to the station next to Ling. When the eyes touched Lin Biao, Murong Xue suddenly took a look.

When did Lin Biao come? Murong Xue was puzzled in his heart, and he smiled and said to Lin: "You are here."

Nodded, Lin Biao also smiled at Murong Xue.

People have come together.

At this time, the inn was also a lot of people coming down the stairs.

Lin Biao and Ling Luo are already ready to go.


The Refining Pharmacists Conference is a dream for all refining pharmacists to participate in, so many people came to Xuan Huangguo to attend this refining pharmacist conference. There are wild refining pharmacists in various places, as well as refining pharmacists sent by various national pharmacies.

In a word, this refining pharmacist conference can be said to be a gathering of heroes. However, no one at the Refining Pharmacists Conference can participate. It is required for the level of cultivation and there are restrictions on age.

No one who is over forty can participate in the Refining Pharmacists Conference.

So when Lin Biao came to the venue of the Refining Pharmacists Conference, the refining pharmacists they saw were basically young people from the teens to the twenties. Of course, there are also people in their thirties.

In the venue, a lot of Dan furnaces have been placed. The competition system of the Refining Pharmacists Conference is very simple. He will give you a list of medicinal herbs. You will practice. Refining, high quality, you can enter the next level.

Eliminate many people in one pass, and you can win the championship after round and round.

In addition to some Tiancaibao, the winners can also get the right to join the Xuanhuang National Medicine Pavilion. The drugstore of Xuanhuangguo can be said to be the top presence on the mainland. Of course, I want to join, or to see the choice of the winner. After all, it’s not... everyone wants to join the Xuanhuang Guomao Pavilion.

Many people on the field have occupied the position of Dan furnace. Lin Biao and Ling Luo also said a few words to each other, and they each chose a Dan furnace. In addition to relying on talent and hard work, it is necessary to look at luck. It is useless to say that more is the most important thing to play on the spot.

The start of the refining pharmacist conference will be a little longer. Many people present were a bit nervous, and even the fall was no exception. Ling Luo stood beside Lin Biao, holding his palm tightly, his face was a bit serious, and he looked like he was discussing with the mysterious leaf in his heart.

Although Lin Biao is also a bit nervous, he is still calm.

Just go all out, and other things will look at God. His luck has always been not very good, hard work + talent + luck to be successful, but he has everything, just no luck. Therefore, it always falls short at the last moment.

Lin Biao sighed faintly, and no longer thought about these sad things in my heart. Instead, I moved my head and wanted to see the situation around me. Murong Xue and Cheng Yan both attended the refining pharmacist meeting, and Lin Biao blinked. Cheng Yan’s talent is average and there is no chance to attend the refining pharmacist conference. This time it can appear at the refining pharmacists meeting, I am afraid it is also the light of the Ling.

After licking his mouth, Lin Biao looked at other people. The three faces of Yu Weiwei are very serious. After all, Ling Luo is a little nervous, let alone them. Lingluo has a prefecture level, and refining medicinal herbs has some advantages over ordinary people, and they are probably still in the metaphysical level.

The refining pharmacists' meeting is a test for them. It is naturally best to get to the front. You can have face in the family, and the juniors will respect them. There is nothing to rush through, but they are not too old at all, and it is the same after waiting for a few years.

A bright figure suddenly appeared in his eyes as Lin Biao’s gaze turned in the direction that came in.

It is Huang Yuling.

Huang Yuling still looks so indifferent and beautiful. Her whole person is like a illuminator, attracting everyone's attention. When he was going to the front, Yu Zheng also noticed the figure of Huang Yuling. His eyes suddenly brightened, but he has already stood still, and it is impossible to change his position. He can only stare at Huang Yingling with his eyes.

Most of the men present were staring at Huang Yuling with fiery eyes. Most of them were young talents of Xuan Huangguo. They loved Huang Yuling for a long time.

Ling Ling’s gaze at this time was only a faint glance at Huang’s pretty back, and then he looked at Lin Biao. When I saw Lin Biao also to other men, my eyes were on the back of Huang Yuling.

He bit his teeth.

Damn, Lin Biao does not belong to him one day, he feels that he is full of threats. There are so many women in this world, and there is no shortage of beautiful women. What day does Lin Biao love to love a woman?

Holding his fist, Ling decided that he must confess with Lin Biao at the refining pharmacist meeting. At that time, hug Lin Biao directly, give him a kiss when he is shocked. At that time, he was a pro-Lin Lin!

Thinking this way, Lingluo will look forward to the time after the completion of the refining pharmacist conference.

Ling Ling is now stunned, and Xuan Ye naturally feels in his heart. He couldn't help but support the situation: "You must be steady, and the refining pharmacist meeting will begin soon!"

Ling Luo: "..." Well, the most important thing to face now is indeed the refining pharmacist conference. Anyway, the refining pharmacist conference has not yet begun, and Ling Luo will stand there and close his eyes.


Faced with so many hot eyes, Huang Yuling has long been used to it. She chose a Dan furnace to go over without changing her color, and then stood there coldly.

At this time, there were two handsome men and one woman at the door. These two people are very imaginative. They should be two brothers and sisters. When passing by Lin Biao, the handsome young man suddenly felt like he felt something. He turned his head and blinked at Lin.

Lin Biao suddenly stunned, this person is the right of the emperor after the mask is removed!

After Huangfu’s right changed his clothes, the whole person seemed more expensive and aggressive. The sister who stood next to Huangfu’s right is probably the emperor... Lin Biao grinned, and he still remembers that in the Yunqi Academy, this emperor has always been against him.

At the beginning, he still couldn't understand why Huangfu resisted his right to be close to Huangfu. Now he understands. I am afraid that Huangfu and Huangfu have been **** since childhood. The imperial concubine has already raised the idea of ​​being close to them and subconsciously resisting resistance.

The people on the field have already come seven or eight, and this time, the refining pharmacist conference is about to begin.

On the high platform in the distance stood a white-haired old man who coughed a few times with his lips. He looks like an old-fashioned dragon, but don't underestimate him. He is the founder of the Medicine Court.

He is the only person on the mainland who has cultivated to the celestial pole, and his level of refining is also extremely high. There is hardly a big family and he is not given a few thin faces. His refining pharmacist conference will attract so many people to participate, and there is another reason... that is, if you win the championship of the refining pharmacists conference. Maybe, it will be fancy by the wind and the apprentice.

The apprentice of the people who cultivated to the celestial poles is the only one on the mainland who has cultivated to the celestial poles. How can this not make these people crazy?

However, after so many years, there are quite a few people who have won the championship of the refining pharmacists conference, but there are few who can be accepted as apprentices by the hundred miles.

This has to sigh, the eyes of the hundred miles of the wind are extremely high.

The sound of the hundred miles of Dongfeng said that the sound is not big, even with a trace of disease. But the ground was silent, and his voice was clearly passed to everyone's ears. "I must be clear about the rules of the Pharmacist Conference. I will not repeat it. Let's start now, if you have special means. Cheating people... After all, I think you are all clear. Ok, let's get started, my old man is sitting here watching you."

As he said, he waved his hand and the people underneath had an action.

The names of the grasses needed to refine the medicinal herbs and the medicinal herbs that need to be refining are placed next to the Dan furnaces, but before the refining pharmacists’ meeting did not begin, these things were enchanted by a layer of enchantment. Sealed, no contact.

Now, with the wave of the East Wind, these enchantments have also been solved.

Lin Biao picked up the name of the drug on the table and looked at it. It was dumbfounded. This first round of elimination of the medicinal herbs needed for refining is an extremely complicated remedy for refining. And the refining of this medicinal herb requires a lot of spirit grass, and more than one of the grasses is prone to error. In addition, the refining method is complicated, and a little mistake has been made, so it is no match with this refining pharmacist conference.

However, the people present were also the people who had seen the world. When they saw the medicinal herbs they needed to refine, they were amazed at the heart, and then they spit on the difficulty of this refining pharmacist meeting. They did not say anything in their mouths. Quietly looking at the grass on the table, quietly thinking about how to refine this medicine.

Lin Biao also closed his eyes and thought about how to refine this kind of remedy. His cultivation is higher, and the control of refining medicinal herbs will naturally be stronger than others.

So after a little thought about it for a while, he set about starting the refining of the drug.

One after another, the grass was carefully placed in the Dan furnace by Lin Biao. Lin Biao put all his mind on the refining of this remedy. After all, the medicinal herbs were most easily destroyed by refining.

... There was no accident. Lin Biao had already refining the final step. At this time, he finally had the opportunity to look up and look around.

A lot of people have left here.

They had some black ash on their desks, and it seems that they all ruined the medicinal herbs.

After looking at a few familiar people, they are all concentrating on refining the remedy. Lin Biao regained his gaze and was preparing to end the final step to allow the drug to be formed.

Someone has already refining the remedy.

That person is...falling. I saw his place, a flash of light, and then a string of crisp bells attracted a lot of people's attention.

Suddenly, with the sound of these bells, there are also many directions to the sound of "噗嗤噗嗤". Listening to the sound, presumably their medicinal refining is ruined.

This is also a place where the refining pharmacists test the public pharmacists.

With the refining of every refining pharmacist, the place where they are located will not only emit light, but also a bell. Those who are not immersed in the refining of medicinal herbs are easily affected by the sound of this bell, and the medicinal herbs that they have been hard to refine are at a loss at this time.

Those who refine the remedies are leaving with frustration.

When Lin Biao’s bell rang, his hand trembled and almost smashed the drug. In the heart cursing the potholes of this refining pharmacist conference, Lin Biao put all his mind on the refining medicinal herbs.

Not long after, Lin Biao’s medicinal herbs also came out of Dan furnace. In his direction, there was also light, and the sound of the bell ringing.

However, during this time, one person has already refining the drug.

So in this first round of competition, Lin Biao was the third to refine the good medicine. Just... I don't know how the quality of this drug is.

Lin Biao refines the good medicinal herbs, and waved his hand by the hundred miles of Dongfeng on the stage. He took the medicinal herbs of the refining people and looked at them and gave them back.

What is the quality, he already knows in his heart.

With a few bells rang, Murong Xue, Yu Weiwei and others also refining the medicinal herbs. At this time, most of the people present at the scene were refining apart from refining the good medicine.

Baili Dongfeng looked at the stage of a lot of refining pharmacists, and faintly reported the names of several people. "Bao Haifeng, Lian Yicheng, Sang Boyang... Not qualified, eliminated!"

The people who were named by the hundred miles of Dongfeng suddenly went out unwillingly, and there was a strong cultivation of the hundred miles of Dongfeng. They were not too happy to vent their hearts.

At this time, Lin Biao looked around and there was almost no spare Dan furnace. Now there are many vacancies. More than half of the people have been eliminated, and now there are only more than 30 people left.

The refining pharmacist meeting was really cruel, and Lin Biao lamented in his heart.


After a quarter of rest, the second round started again.

This time, the refining of the medicinal herbs is simpler than the previous one. The required spirits are much less, but this refining technique is more complicated than the first round.

With the sound of "噗嗤噗嗤", several people refining the remedy.

Lin Biao had the experience of refining medicinal herbs for the past time. This time, it was very quick to refine this medicinal herb. However, it is still a slow step, but this time he is in the second refining of the drug.

Lin Biao looked at Ling Ling, and then saw Ling Ling happening to look at him at this time, seeing his eyes and looking away, Ling Xiao smiled at Lin Biao faintly. Suddenly said "refueling" in his mouth, he turned his head.

When I licked my mouth, Lin Biao’s heart was inexplicably warm.

In the second round of the game, Yu Weiwei, Yuluohua, Cheng Yan and others were eliminated. The only people left there are almost everyone left....

Lin Biao, Ling Luo, Huang Yuling, Murong Xue, Yu Zheng, Huang Fuquan, Huangfu several people are on the field, and several people Lin Biao has not seen it. Can stay in this second round of competition, they must not be a general.

It was a break for a while, and in the case of a tense atmosphere, the third round of the game began again.

The third round is the most important round of competition. In this round, the name of the person who won the final will be decided. Of course, the medicinal herbs that need to be refining in the third round will not be simple. When Lin Biao got the name of the refining medicinal herbs, he even frowned.

This medicinal herb is the most difficult of all the refining medicinal herbs of Lin Biao, regardless of the amount of lingual grass required and the method of refining medicinal herbs. If you want to refine this medicinal herb, it is estimated that the master class will be able to refine it.

Tightly frowning, Lin Biao did not expect this last level to be so difficult. Isn't this hundred miles of Dongfeng not afraid of even the last one who refines the drug?

Lin Biao looked up and glanced at the east wind on the high platform. On the old face of the hundred miles, the look was faint, and there was no emotion at all.

After licking his mouth, Lin Biao took back his eyes and picked up the grass on the table. No matter how difficult it is to make this medicinal medicine, he still has to try it!

... Most of the people on the field started to refine the medicinal herbs, but their brows were tightly locked. After all, this time, the medicinal herbs are not easy to refine, and whether or not the refining success has become a problem, not to mention the quality.

The process of refining medicinal herbs is very long, and the time needed to use this time has exceeded the sum of the previous two.

No matter how hard he tried, Lin Biao’s Dan furnace heard a bang, and he still failed to refine. A sigh of sigh, Lin Biao has some disappointment. He has tried his best....

When Lin Biao looked up, he found that the people on the field had failed to refine their medicines except for one person. Hey, I don’t think Lin is the worst one.

Those who failed to refine the medicinal herbs did not leave, and their eyes were on the last remaining person on the field! They want to see if Ling Ling can finally refine it!

Of course... how can the fall fail, with the flash of light, and a string of bells coming, the Linglong drug has already been released. Although the shape of the drug is somewhat ugly, the only one among so many people can refine the drug. Ling Luo is already a great existence...

Looking at the people around who looked at their envious eyes, they couldn’t help but bow. He did not think that he was the only one who refining the good medicine. He knew that he would succeed in refining later.

Feeling the gaze that falls on oneself, some do not hide their embarrassment, Ling seems to have been able to anticipate what he might encounter when he left Xuan Huangguo.

... The champion has already decided.

Ling Luo simply won the championship.

Nowadays, not only is there a myriad of Tianbaodibao to give him, but also the medicine cabinet of Xuanhuangguo to join him. For Lin Biao, this comprehensive score is good. After discussing with the public, Berry Dongfeng also gave Lin Biao the second place.

In the third place, Baili Dongfeng gave Huangfu the right. Huang Yuling is in the fourth position...

The second place was awarded the Tiandi Dibao, and the Linglu was taken away by the hundred miles. I must have talked with Ling Luo about joining the Xuan Huang Guo Yao Pavilion. Lin Biao grinned.

Now that the refining pharmacist conference is over, he can also tell the truth with Ling Luo. Looking around like him, Lin Yuwei, who stayed waiting for the Ling Yuwei, Lin Biao licked his lips. He has to wait for an opportunity to get along with Ling Luo alone.

After a while, Ling appeared in front of Lin Biao's eyes. He is now smiling and looking happy. He took Lin Biao's sleeves, and now he got the first place in the refining pharmacist's meeting. He also decided to take Lin Biao to a sparsely populated place and confess with him.

If Lin Biao refuses, he may be sad, but he will not give up. He is still young and has plenty of time to pursue Lin Biao.

Although the thoughts of the two people are different, the agreement is to get out of the crowd and the two get along alone.

... Yu Weiwei everyone has come forward to congratulate Ling Ling.

Although Lin Biao was pulled down by the sleeves, he was pushed aside.

When he looked up, Lin Biao saw Huang Fu’s right standing in the distance and smiled at himself. Lin Biao suddenly broke away from the falling hand and came to the right of Huangfu.

"Congratulations to you." Huangfu right is happy with Lin Biao.

Lin Biao shook his head and smiled. "You are also very powerful."

The two of them talked so faintly, and here they were loose, and his eyes followed Lin Biao. When Lin Biao and a handsome young man were very happy to talk about something, his mood suddenly became uncomfortable.

He found an excuse for the people around him and he left the crowd. Going to Lin Biao, he said to Lin Biao: "Lin Lin, I have something for you."

Lin Biao stunned, licked his mouth and nodded. Then, with a smile of apology to the Huangfu, it disappeared in front of everyone.

In fact, Lin Biao still wants to say a few more words with Huangfu, after all, he has few friends on this continent, and it is rare to encounter the right of Huangfu. Nowadays, he is afraid that there will be very few days to live. It is also good to say something more with the right of the Emperor. However, I did not expect that Ling Ling would be alone with him so quickly.

It seems that this is God's will to let him quickly tell the truth.

Lin Biao, who is thinking about how to open, is silent all the way. Ling Ling is also thinking about how to confess, naturally it is silent.

... Both of them are at the prefecture level, so they walked silently, but did not expect to leave Xuan Huangguo directly, and came to the border between Xuan Huangguo and the refining country.

In such silence, it is necessary to return to the nebula country!

Lin Biao bit his teeth, he stopped his foot and said: "Ling, I have something to say to you!"

"Lin Biao, I have something to say to you!" Unexpectedly, this time, Ling Luo also said this sentence.

Both sides are a glimpse.

"I will talk about it first." Lin Biao has no longer wanted to wait any longer. He is afraid that he will hesitate again and he will not dare to tell the truth.

Ling Luo was robbed by Lin Biao, even if his heart was too eager, he nodded and let Lin Biao speak first.

"I...." killed your parents. These words have not been said to be exported, and suddenly the Lin Biao flashed open.

Because of the previous struggle with Lin Biao, who explained the truth, I also felt someone sneak attack.

Frowning and looking up at the figure in front, the momentum of the person's body has clearly reached the prefecture level.

"Who sent you to kill us!" Ling anger! After waiting for such a long time of confession, there are people who come out to make trouble, he can not be said to be angry! However, he is now thinking about it. After all, the momentum of that person seems to be the first stage of the prefecture, and he is exactly the same. is still difficult to win.

"You don't have to know who I sent. Just know that I am coming to kill you." The man covered his face and could not see the appearance. At this time he was sneering, and he said that the spirit would wave.

This person must have been sent by a certain refining pharmacist at the Conference of the Refining Pharmacists. This is a certainty. After all, he got the position of the champion, and naturally he is ready to be beaten. However, what he did not expect was that the other party would directly exclude a person from the prefecture level to chase him.

"Sorry, I am tired of you." Flashed the other side's attack, Ling Luo apologized to Lin.

Lin Biao shook his head and said nothing. Ling Luo alone bears all the attacks of the other side, but unfortunately, the two sides are evenly matched and no one can benefit.

To win, Lin Biao only has to do it himself.

When I licked my lips, Lin Biao got out of the spirit and was ready to rush. The higher the level of repair, the gap between each level is a huge gap, Lin Biao almost did not spend much effort to take the other's life.

For those who want to take their lives, he does not have to be polite.

Looking at the sudden development of the gods of Lin Biao, Ling Luo opened his mouth. Then some sluggish questions asked: "Did you break through to the middle class?"

Lin Biao nodded silently and put away the spirit. He looked at the fall, and now is the best opportunity to explain things.

"I have one thing to tell you." Lin Biao squinted, and he even had some eyes that didn't dare to look at the fall.

"What?" Ling Luo’s heart suddenly had some surprises. He was thinking, isn’t Lin Biao also like himself, is he going to confess?

"I...." Lin snorted, "kill your parents." He quickly spit out the words from his mouth and closed his eyes. Then, I heard a chuckle from Ling Ling.

"You are joking."

Lin Biao looked up, and the smile on Ling’s face was a little stiff. He looked at Lin Biao’s eyes with obvious disbelief. "This kind of thing is not just a joke." Ling fell forward and took a shot of Lin Biao's shoulder.

After taking down the hand of Lin Ling, Lin Biao did not think that he would be very calm and said to Ling Luo: "You come with me."

Ling fell frowning and followed Lin Biao.

I came back to the messy place, and the surrounding trees were still falling on the ground. The body of Warcraft on the ground had long since disappeared. It must have been towed away by other World of Warcraft. The blood on the ground, but still faintly remains.

Ling Luo saw this scene, but did not know what to say, his brows looked at Lin Biao a little wrinkled.

Lin Biao squinted at the pale face of Ling Ling, and now he came here again, and his memory in his mind was hooked up.

"My repair is a breakthrough in the middle class, because I have eaten the black grass." Lin Biao looked at the fall, slowly said. "After I was looking for the vanilla, I saw the black grass next to the vanilla. The mysterious yellow grass has the effect of being able to improve it. I just ate it."

"Unexpectedly, the medicinal properties of Xuanhuangcao are extremely great. I was tempted by the medicinal sin and then lost my rationality. The last two faces I saw after coma were the double faces of your parents." Lin Biao pointed That bloodstain, "I didn't believe that I would kill your parents, but...the blood."

"That.. their bodies." Ling asked a little dull. He did not believe what Lin Biao said at all, but Lin Biao said that it was not like a fake, and the tone was so serious.

No.. impossible! How could his parents be killed by Lin Biao, his parents still staying where they don't know.

Ling Ling’s heart was shaking his head, and his parents’ affairs were also told from Lin Biao’s mouth. He did not want to believe that Lin Biao said it was true.

Corpse? Lin Biao shook his head. "I don't know... I didn't see their bodies when I woke up. I just found this." Then, Lin Biao put himself in the mustard space, where he was collecting blood. The pieces of clothing found in the hand were taken out.

When Ling Luo saw the pieces of clothes contaminated with blood, he stayed there. The fabric of this dress he recognized, is always worn by Ling Tian. And the fabric of the clothes worn by Ling Tian is still extremely difficult to find on the mainland.

The most important thing is... Ling Tian likes to embroider some special patterns on the clothes. This piece of clothing that Lin Biao took out has this special pattern.

This time, even if I don’t want to believe that Lin Biao is telling the truth, I have to know in my heart that Lin Biao is afraid to say that it is true.

"You really killed my parents?" Ling took the pieces of the clothes and looked straight at the pieces of the clothes. The tone was weak.

This news is simply a blue sky for him. I got the first of the refining pharmacists' meeting, and then I was happy with the preparations and Lin Biao's confession. At this time, Lin Biao told your parents that he was killed by him.

Is there anything more tangled than this?

"Yeah. Sorry, I really don't know that I will kill your parents. You kill me and take revenge for your parents." Lin Biao took out a spirit and put it in front of Ling. Now he is calm, he is ready to die. Just... "Can I ask you for one thing and let go of my family. This is, after all, my fault, not related to them."

Ling closed his eyes and did not speak. He hasn’t slowed down from the blow, so is his parents so gone? In his mind, his parents’ face with a smile on his face flashed. He will never see his parents again in the future. Has he become an orphan?

Clenched his fist, the most important person in the heart of Ling Ling is his parents. Looking at Lin Biao's appearance, he will not be joking with him. Even if I feel that this matter is doubtful, Ling Ling still can't restrain the grief in my heart.

"You.. really killed them?" He opened his eyes and asked Lin Biao again. He hoped that at this time, Lin Biao smiled and shook his head with him, saying that he was joking.

However, Lin Biao did not.

Lin Biao nodded again and again. "Yes, I killed them. You killed me... don't hurt my family." He handed the spirit.

"Your family is important, isn't it true that my parents' life is not important!" Ling Luo shouted, his eyes were a little red. He tried hard to restrain himself from calming down and calm down to think about these things. However, when Lin Biao once again mentioned his family, the grief and anger in Ling Ling’s heart could no longer be suppressed.

"I..." Lin Biao did not know how to go and Ling Luo said.

This matter is entirely his fault. He can't explain anything to Ling. He killed the fallen parents is the fact, the facts of the iron shovel! In addition to let Ling fall to kill himself, is there any way to make up for the fall? Pulling his mouth, Lin Biao closed his eyes and smiled weakly: "Come on, kill me, take revenge for your parents."

In the face of Lin Biao so simply looking for death, Ling Luo is not angry and laugh, "and then let go of your family?"

Lin Biao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ling Luo and said: "They are innocent!"

"Then my parents are not innocent?"

"Kill me to avenge your parents." Lin Biao can only repeat this sentence.

Lin Biao repeated and killed me over and over again, letting go of my family. Ling’s mind kept flashing his parents’ smiles, plus the blood in front of him. All this is nothing to tell Ling, how his parents died in Lin Biao's hands.

Lingzhi’s reason has been slowly disintegrated by hatred. He has even been unable to think about the doubts after his parents’ death. There was always a voice in his heart shouting: "It is him... this person in front of you! He killed your parents! You kill him! Revenge for your parents! Kill him! Kill him. !!!!" In the constant cry of the heart, Ling Xiao sneered and took over the spirit of Lin Biao's hand. His eyes are red and his face is awkward.

Obviously, Ling Ling is already in a state of enchantment.

It seems that the position of the parents is really important in the heart of the Ling Xiao, Lin Shuguang is saying, and did not see the body of the fallen parents, Ling Luo has been a bit enchanted. If you see it, I am afraid that it will go crazy.

At that time... my family is in danger.

With a bitter smile, Lin Biao only asked for the Ling and now he can kill himself from the state of enlightenment and recover. Reported the hatred of his parents, but also hopes to let go of his family.

Closed his eyes... Lin Biao waited for the arrival of Ling Ling.

In the face of such cooperation with Lin Biao, Ling Luo is red with a pair of eyes, and his men are no longer polite.

The spirits smashed toward the heart of Lin Biao.

He can't think about it now... The words his parents were killed by Lin Biao have completely occupied his mind.

He has to avenge his parents! revenge! !

The author has something to say: I am very grateful for the long commentary of yesterday's 50th, and I have not received a long comment for a long time. Hey!

Well, thick and long thank you