MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 52 Pharmaceutical Court Trial (5)

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Is it weird?

Lin Biao frowned and looked to the front. It is a road that is blocked, there are some weeds next to it, where is it weird?

There was no snoring in the Ling, he just jumped out of the tree, and then carefully cut back and forth several times, and then slowly stretched his hand in Lin Biao's incomprehensible eyes.

In Lin Biao’s shocked eyes, Ling’s hand actually passed through the blocked place.

Lin Biao jumped out of the tree, stood beside Ling Ling, and looked incredulously at the place where Ling Lan had passed in front of him. He asked, "What is going on?"

Ling Luo did not speak, he only inadvertently saw this place, under the illumination of the sun, there is actually a wave of fluctuations... This is a bit of speculation.

"The front should be able to go." Ling fell silent for a moment, suddenly said.

Lin Biao nodded, and the place in front of it was so hidden, it must be very strange. Lin took the lead and walked straight through the front where the whole body was blocked. Lin Biao hesitated for a moment, followed by it.

Passing through the place, Lin Biao and Ling Luo came to a path, the front of the path is the existence of a palace. The palace seems to be simple, like the existence of many years of wind and rain.

In front of this dilapidated palace, there are a few grasses that don't know what the name is. Lin Biao stands at a distance from the grasses, and can smell the strange fragrances from the grass.

Frowning brows, Lin Biao somehow suddenly thought of the valley when he met Huang Fushan, and also had such a grass... also has a fragrance. Just the spirit grass of the palace here, will it be like that time, it will make people feel illusory?

.... The scent of the grass in front of the palace is not the same as the scent that was asked outside the valley. Lin Biao comforted himself, it should not. The spirits that can cause the illusion are cultivated by Huang Fushan, and these...

Unfortunately, Huang Fushan is still asleep, and Xuan Ye is sleeping. He and Ling Luo could not ask for information about the former Lingcao of these palaces...

So now is it going to the palace, or not?

Lin Biao thought about it. When Ling Ling fell this time, he turned his head and looked at him. "I don't care if I can't get in." There may be adventures when you go in. If you don't go in, there is no loss.

Ling Luo gave the choice to himself. Lin Biao thought for a moment, and finally nodded and chose to enter the palace.

.... After all, cultivation has rarely encountered these places. Danger and adventure coexist... If you can get an adventure, it is the best.

There is nothing in Lin Biao’s mind about this place... I can only explore it by myself.

Two people walked along the path to the palace. When he was about to approach the palace, Lin Biao smelled that the scent of the grass was getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly there was a strange sense of movement in his heart. But this feeling was just a flash of light, and soon he suddenly felt a pain in his mind, and he could not feel anything.

The nose is fragrant, but Lin Biao feels nothing. Therefore, he did not think much about the sense of instigation before, but thought that it might be because the smell of these grasses was too rich.

Ling Luo suddenly stopped aside, bent down and bowed his head, and broke a grass with his hand, put it in his hand and got it in front of his eyes. I don’t know whether it was observation or smell.

"What's wrong?" Lin Biao asked Ling.

He rubbed his lips and put the grass in his mustard space.

"It's okay, just because the fragrance of this grass is too fragrant, I didn't hold back and smell it." He didn't tell Lin Biao that he suddenly seemed to be under control for a moment. The head went to the hand to break the grass.

It seems that this place is somewhat unusual. Ling Ling squinted and became more curious about what was in the palace.

"Let's go, let's go in." Ling fell to Lin Biao.

Anyway, his cultivation is higher than Lin Biao, and if there is a situation, let Lin Biao run away first. At that time, he should have the opportunity to escape.

The two men stepped into the dilapidated palace step by step.

The inside of this dilapidated palace was unexpectedly clean. There are several stone pillars in the temple, and some patterns are carved on it.

There is such a big place in the palace, almost at a glance. Except for a few stone pillars, there is nothing else. Even.. even a trace of dust can not be seen.

Lin Biao and Ling Ling face each other.

what's going on? Is this palace a decoration? Nothing?

"...Is there any organ in this palace?" Lin Biao asked about Ling.

Ling Ling’s eyes wandered around and said: “Let’s find it.” Maybe he guessed it wrong. There may be nothing strange about this palace.

"Well, okay." Lin Biao nodded and began to look carefully for any unusual places in the palace.

While carefully looking for the organs, Lin Biao’s ear suddenly heard a heavy breathing sound.

What happened? Lin Biao frowned, turned around, and saw Ling Luo back to him, the whole person was supported on a stone pillar.

The sound of the falling sounds sounded very wrong.

Lin Biao walked quickly to Ling Ling, patted him on the shoulder and asked: "Low, what's wrong with you?" But Ling Luo did not look back, but the breathing was more urgent, and even the whole person had some Trembling.

The sense of uneasiness in my heart began to slowly rise to my heart. Lin Biao walked in front of Ling Ling, and both hands lifted the head down and down.

But when Lin Biao's eyes touched the entire face of the Ling, he was shocked.

Some of the lingering eyes are red, and the whole face is clear, but now it is changing. It was oppression for a while, madness for a while, and pain for a while... The thin sweat on his forehead fell to the ground.

"What happened to you?" Seeing the appearance of Lin Ling, Lin Biao put his hands on the forehead of the Ling, but found that the temperature of the forehead was so hot. The hand turned to touch the body of the Ling, and the body temperature could be felt through the fabric.

"Hey!" In the still hall, there was a sudden sound of skin contact.

Lin Biao looked at Ling Ling with some dullness, and his hand was knocked down by the Ling.

"This... here... there is weird! are faster..get" Ling fell tightly on his teeth, his face looked more and more Repression and pain. Perhaps it is because the force is too strong, there is even a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth.

Ling Ling now looks like this, how can Lin Biao leave? He put his hand on the fallen body and wanted to hold him on the ground. But once again, it was knocked down by Lingling’s hand...

It’s just squatting, Ling is very loud and said to Lin Biao: “You go! Fast!” He almost exhausted his strength. After saying this, the whole person collapsed and buried his head in himself. In the knees, the whole person is shaking very vigorously.

Lin Biao did not understand what happened in the Ling dynasty. In addition to letting Lin Biao leave the palace, there was no mention of what happened. Therefore, Lin Biao just frowned and looked at the painful squatting on the ground. He wanted to turn over his mustard space to see if there was anything that could help the medicinal herbs.

But not long after, Ling Luo suddenly raised his head, and the whole person slowly stood up.


Ling Luo is now facing Lin Biao, Lin Biao sees the calm and calm appearance, not surprised: "Low, you have nothing? What happened in the end, I am worried about dying."

After Lin Biao said this, he waited for Ling’s answer. Ling Luo is very quiet standing there, did not say a word.

The palace is quiet and somewhat strange.

Lin Biao suddenly pulled over the Ling, and frowned. "What the **** are you doing, fast.... Say..." Zhang Dazui, Lin Biao looked at the current Ling, but he suddenly forgot to ask. Asked out.

The appearance of Ling Ling is very calm now, but there is a smile on his lips. He is very different in peacetime. This smile made him feel a contemptuous feeling, and occasionally a flash of red light in his eyes gave him a touch of evil.

Lin Biao: "..."

The current Ling Ling is like the Ling of the last life, and it is like the last time I saw it in the illusion. He won't be in the illusion again?

In the same way, Lin Biao took his arm and the white skin suddenly left a red mark.

It hurts. But Lin Biao is not sure, this situation is not a fantasy.

"Ling.. Ling, you are all right?" Lin Biao felt that his current Ling gave him a dangerous feeling, the whole person was prepared, and his feet slowly retreated. I was thinking about what should happen to the current situation.

"I.. of course I'm fine." Ling fell gently and smiled, the whole face of the delicate face, now looks evil. "There is something... I am afraid it is you." The red light flashed in the eyes, and the whole person suddenly burst into the air and rushed over to Lin Biao.

Fortunately, as early as possible, Lin Biao moved to the palace door at the moment when Ling Xiao almost caught him.

"Call...." Touching the heart of his fast beating, Lin Biao was shocked. The speed of the Ling was so fast that he almost didn't escape.

The current situation, I do not know whether it is a fantasy, or what happened. But what is certain is that Ling is now very dangerous. Lin Biao looked at the palace gate not far from him. He just went a few steps forward and went out.

However, Lin Biao can't do it.

Let him leave a lonely person, he really can't do it in this palace that doesn't know how dangerous it is.

"Ling, you listen to me, your current state is very bad. Are you leaving me here first?" Lin Biao tried to calm down with a calm voice. There seems to be some problems in this palace, and maybe there is a solution to this palace.

"Oh..." Ling fell on the face of Lin Biao's words, his face flashed a bit of pain, his face temporarily restored calm, he quickly moved forward a few steps, said to Lin: "We Go fast."

Seeing that Ling Luo has temporarily returned to normal, Lin Biao is overjoyed. When Ling fell to keep up with his pace, he and Ling Luo went to the gate of the palace.

I was about to go out.

Lin Biao was suddenly caught in the arm by Ling Ling.

Ling Lingzui hangs a smile: "Want to go? Um?"

not good! Lin Biao slammed his hand toward the Ling, but he saw that there was no intention to be overwhelmed. When he was nervous, his speed suddenly slowed down. So, without any surprise, Lin Biao’s hand was caught by Ling.

Both hands were caught in the hands of Ling Ling, and Ling Lan grabbed a hand of Lin Biao and gently rubbed it a few times. The smile on the corner of the mouth is more and more evil.

In my heart, I emphasize that this is not really a mess. Lin Biao broke free two times. He did not break his hand from the falling hands, and he kicked directly with his feet.

Ling Luo grabbed Lin Biao's hand, the action under his feet did not stop, and when Lin Biao had not reacted, he escaped Lin Biao's attack. Then he quickly slammed on Lin Biao's neck. Lin Biao's neck hurt and he fell into the darkness.

At the moment when he fell into the darkness, Lin Biao couldn't help but lament, why the current Ling is so strong, he actually has no chance to resist.


When I woke up again, Lin Biao found that she couldn’t move.

He was tied to the stone pillar and looked at the rope that tied his own. Lin Biao couldn't make it with his repairs, and he couldn't help but cry. Where is the so many treasures... and what he wants to do now.

Ling fell to his back and didn't know what he was thinking. At this time, 1 suddenly turned around and raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Wake up so soon?"

Lin Biao frowned. "What do you want to do?" He was already powerless, and he couldn't beat him. He couldn't do it with him.

"I?" Ling Xiao chuckled, covered his hand on Lin Biao's cheek. "I don't want to understand what I want to do?" The falling mouth is close to Lin Biao's ear, the hot air exhaled in his mouth. Let Lin Biao’s ears burst into flames.

There was a bad guess in my heart, and Lin Biao’s mind suddenly showed the scene in the secret.

Could it be? Ling Ling?

Lin Biao suddenly smashed his head, impossible... impossible... Ling is absolutely impossible. Just as he thought about this in his heart, his ears suddenly fell into a humid environment.

Then there was a feeling of numbness on the earlobe.

**Harmony has passed, and later will make up for it.

When I opened my eyes again, Lin’s body was sore and the place that was difficult to talk about was also faintly painful.

He had already been loosened and tied, and he was lying in the arms of the Ling.

He looked up and Ling seems to be still asleep now. Lin Biao looked at the Linger's eyes a bit complicated.... Has this happened, can he and Ling Luo still be brothers?

The author has something to say: I have already deleted more than 6,000 words. QAQ, many authors have harmonized their own texts. I have also been compiled and said that it is not allowed to release meat.

In the future, I will put a chapter of meat outside, and compensate everyone that QAQ is waiting for harmony.

Hey, tired and unloving, the harmony of the wind and the horse is simply abhorrent.

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