MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 4 Lin family has a female

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On the second day, Lin Yue learned that Lin Biao wanted to go to No Han City, and he was obviously stunned. "Hey, what are you going to in Norman?"

... "I want to distract my heart." Lin Biao found an excuse.

"Distraction? Can't Kyoto be distracted? You have to go to such a faraway place." Lin Yue is not willing to let Lin Biao go so far.

"Father, let me go. I will be back in a few days." Lin Biao pleaded.

For the pleading of his son, Lin Yue sighed and had to promise. He asked the guards to collect some of the information of Noon City, sitting at the desk and watching it carefully.

Lin Biao sat in his seat.

‘The three major families of Noord City, the top of the Ling family, then the Lin family, and finally the Lei family....’ Lin Yue opened the next one, ‘but now the Ling family has fallen, the whole family adds up to only three. Now the family at the top of No Han City is Lin Family. It is said that Lin Aosheng, the owner of the Lin Family in Noah City, was once a child of the Lin Family in Kyoto. He was driven out of the family because of the wrong thing, and finally settled in the city of Nuohan. Lin Aosheng’s wish is to lead his family back to Kyoto Linjia.....’

Seeing this, Lin Yue stopped the action of flipping the book, Lin Aosheng? Maybe you want to go to Noon City, you can let them take care of it. Blinking his eyes, Lin Yue passed on orders, notifying the Linhan of the Han Dynasty, the landlord of the Lin Family in Kyoto, and will stay in Nohan City for a few days.

Lin Yiyi, Noah City Lin Family? Is that the first family to be smashed?

"The owner of the Lin family in Noucheng City was once a child of our family." Lin Yue took the initiative to explain, "You went to Nohan City this time, you can live in their family, they are now the first force in Noah City."

... Sure enough, their Lin family is enemies with Ling. One of the two cannon fodders was all Lin’s.... Lin Biao took a slap in the mouth. "I know."


Noah City Lin family.

After learning about the main news from Kyoto Lin Jiashao, Lin Aosheng recruited several elders in the hall.

Lin Aoysheng is forty years old. It is a strong year. At this time, he said with a smile: "This is our opportunity. We must take good care of it. Take care of that little master. Maybe we have the opportunity to return to Kyoto Linjia. ""

The elders nodded in a smile. "Even if we can't get back to Kyoto Lin, they will look at the face of our care for the Lord and give us some benefits."

"Yeah." The two elders also agreed. "And the owner of your daughter is so talented, young and old, has been refining nine layers, and one step can be the first level of the yellow level. We can take this opportunity to recommend the nephew to the Lin family, her child's talent. Can't be wasted in the small city of Noon."

Lin Aosheng thinks of his slim daughter, and can't help but draw a touch of softness.


One day later, Lin Biao finally came to the gate of the city of Nuohan.

Walking down the carriage, in addition to guarding the guards in Noah City, Lin Biao also saw five people standing in front of the city gate. In the first place, dressed in a slightly gorgeous middle-aged man, is clearly the leader. When I saw Lin Biao walked down the carriage, the five people's brows were wrinkled, and then they greeted them with excitement.

Lin Biao knows why they frown.

Perhaps in their imagination, the Lin family and the young masters do not say that they are arrogant, at least they must be instrumental. However, I did not think that the Lin family was actually like this.

People are getting better.

The five people who have been dealing with people for most of their lives, even if they have thousands of turns in their minds, they are not revealing a half point. They are happy to come together. "You are the Lin Jia Shaozhu Lin Biao, it is a hero. Young boy!"

Thousands of wearers are not wearing, Lin Aosheng is a slap in the first place, and then introduce Lin Biao to the people around him.

After one-on-one, Lin Biao went to Lin Family with Lin Aosheng.

Although the city of Nouhan is small, it is very lively. People on the streets are not in a hurry like the pedestrians in Kyoto. They are all swaying, and some ordinary people still have hot buns in their hands, shopping while eating....

I spent the rest of my life in Kyoto, occasionally leaving once, and also going to the wild. Lin Biao suddenly felt that although the people in the wilderness town were not as good as those in Kyoto, the highest level of refining pharmacists or cultivators in the town was estimated to be common in Kyoto.

However, the town naturally has his goodness... The last generation was too focused on being the protagonist, but missed something more beautiful. Lin Biao thought so, decided to wait for the time to write, and let this Nouhan city go shopping.

When I came to the Lin family, the servants were all at the door, waiting for the arrival of Lin Aosheng and Lin Biao.

When I was close to the gate, I suddenly heard a sweet voice and shouted: "Father, you are coming back." No one heard the sound first, listened to this voice, the master of this voice is not too bad.

Sure enough, a beautiful figure appeared in Lin Biao's field of vision.

Light eyebrows such as autumn water, jade muscles with light wind. I must have said this little girl, just look at the appearance, slightly young, only to grow up, the wind will win this time.

She leaped and ran over and hooked Lin Aoysheng's arm. A pair of eyes looked straight to Lin Biao, but his eyes were only curious.

At a glance, Lin Biao’s affection for the little girl went up. This little girl’s eyes are only curious about his stranger, not when others first saw him, what a surprise and a little disappointment?

The teenage girl, who didn’t have such deep thoughts, thought about something in her heart, and said her mouth directly. "Father, who is this person, actually want you and a few elders to go out to meet him." She pulled Lin Aisheng's sleeves, and the pink mouth twitched slightly.

"The child is not rude, this is the younger brother Lin Biao of the Lin Jialai of Kyoto." Lin Aosheng patted his daughter's arm and said it was like blaming, but the facial expression could not see the anger at all, but a gentle Smile. "Lin Shaoye, this is my little girl Lin Biaoer"

Looking at a pair of Lin Aosheng who has a woman's affair, it must be a pet Lin Biaoer.

Lin Biao said with a smile, "Hello, hello, you call me my brother."

"Hey brother!" Lin Biaoer shouted Lin Biao's brother, and Lin Biao felt that his heart was melted by this sweet and greasy brother.

I couldn't resist it. I went up and touched Lin's head. From the mustard space in my hand, I took out a small bottle and stuffed it into Lin Biao's hand. "Hey, as a brother, I will give you a meeting."

Lin Biaoer took the delicate and beautiful bottle in her hand and refused to accept it. It was just a smile. Thank you, my brother.

"Okay, let's go in and say it." Lin Aosheng opened his mouth, holding his daughter in the left hand, and holding Lin Biao right, and went into the door.

When eating, Lin Biao didn't eat much. Finally, without his father constantly pushing him to eat, he had to take some less.

Lin Biaoer sat next to him.

After the meal, when Lin Biao took a break in the in-situ, a head sneaked in, and whispered: "Hey brother, let's go out for a walk tomorrow. Only two of us... don't tell the father, tell him. Now, he has to send a bunch of guards to me, and he is not free to play." Lin Biaoer whispered his lips and thought that he said very quietly, but he never thought, how could Lin Yaosheng, who has already been a high-ranking high-ranking, might not hear? Go to the hall.

However, Lin Aosheng did not say anything, but quietly smacked his lips, and his heart was quite helpless to this delicate daughter.

Lin Biao knows Lin Biao's words, Lin Aosheng must be audible, so he also learned Lin Yuer's tone, whispered: "Well, I have never been to Nohan City, will you take me around tomorrow?" ?"

"Okay, okay." Lin Biao licked her lips and smiled secretly. "Norhan City, I can be cooked. Although my father often sent a group of guards to look at me, I will not let me sway, but I often sneak out, the stupid guards can not find me."

Lin Biao is a yellow class. In addition to the treasures that cover his own cultivation, as long as it is not as good as Lin Biao, as long as Lin Biao intends to explore, the other side's repair is naturally known.

The nine-layer refining period, Lin Biaoer is only twelve years old. Unlike Seoul, there are countless natural treasures or panacea that can be sold in Kyoto. Therefore, at least one and a half of Lin’s repairs are real, this talent... really good in the nebula country.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Linghan City, there is a Lin Biaoer in the Lin family. But why didn't he mention it in "Cang Yuchang"? Lin Biao carefully recalled the plots of the first few chapters of "Cang Yu", and confirmed that Lin Jialin was not mentioned. Even when the Lin family was destroyed, it was not mentioned.

How is this going?

Is it that he is born again, with a butterfly effect?

Looking at Lin Xiaoer’s bright smile, Lin Biao thought, maybe this life will be neither Lin’s Lin’s family nor Kyoto’s Lin family.

Thinking of the soul in the cave that temporarily lived in Yu Peli, Lin Biao’s heart was hot...