MTL - I Dare You To Run Away Again-Chapter 209 What a beautiful attack

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When Tian Yuan arrived home, he received a text message from his mobile phone. When he saw the text message Pan Lei sent him, Tian Yuan smiled happily, squatting on the floor and showing it to Jin Douer.

"Look, your dad still remembers me a bit more, and your name is not mentioned in the text.

Your father is busy, but he can come back early.

Very good. Give your grandma a call and let her plan ahead. By the way, you have to tell Zhang Hui that the venue should be reserved in advance.

What kind of marriage and what to do with such a big deal is really impossible for him.

He never knew how much a catty was.

Forget it, he is happy, if there is any dissatisfaction, the knot will end, and the bigger one will be bigger.

I'm surprised that two men get married. Those military district chiefs can come to the wedding? You think it's impossible.

Your dad and your grandma are just making a mess.

Forget it, let's go with them.

There is no way.

"It would be better to be back sooner.

Tian Yuan told Jin Douer to wait at home, their dresses were ready, and he was going to get them back.

Pan Lei Nian stunned several times and said he must buy a new dress.

Tianyuan thinks that since it is such a grand day, it is a grand one. He deliberately went to find someone to order two sets of dresses. What size of Pan Lei is he most clear, can you not tell? He fell asleep under a quilt, how many times had he cuddled, and the dimensions were very precise.

I also made a suit myself, and should buy him another suit. He attended a colleague ’s wedding, and the scene was a mess. The water gun left home was soy cola, and he sprayed it on his body. The clothes must be reimbursed .

As soon as he pondered the forest trees Zhang Hui and Huang Kai, the scene was probably more chaotic than this, and he was provided with a piece of clothes and prepared for it.

The mother-in-law talked on the phone. The mother-in-law pointed out that there were a few mistakes in his thesis. After he revised it, he sent it again. After reading it, the mother-in-law felt very satisfied.

"I have submitted the manuscript to the medical journal. After publication, baby son, you will have only one thesis, and you can study enough credits to graduate.

"My mother-in-law is very happy, my aunt is working hard and making great progress, which is his happiest.

"Mom, I also wrote the beginning of the thesis. You can show it to me. If it feels bad, I will change it.

""Not in a hurry.

The list has been drawn up. Find a time tomorrow to go to the street with my mother.

This is about to get married, and this is my first time. Your father asked me to prepare the best things. You go with your mother. Let's buy whatever you like.

By the way, buy another pair of rings.

Your father gave money, and mother bought you diamonds.

Tian Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Mom, the doctor is not allowed to bring anything with him, neither he nor I like it, why spend that money.


It's enough that we can be together. In fact, it doesn't matter what form or process it is. It's good if we are together.

I don't want anything, I just want him to come back safely.

"I really think of him as a woman. Mother-in-law brought her to buy a diamond ring? Don't say he doesn't like it. The doctor's finger can't have these things. Last time, the pair of meeting gifts and ring sent by mother-in-law was not thrown at home. No one brought it.

What's the use of this?

"This silly boy, it's okay to buy it and let it rise.

"Tian Yuan really cried and laughed. He never heard of a wedding ring buying an appreciation, and then selling it after the price was two years higher."

Who is willing to sell.

"Don't stay up late. The paper can be written tomorrow.

Go home early today, you should rest early.

"Yuan Tian agreed, hung up the phone, and really didn't want to move today. He fed Jindouer, turned on the TV and wanted to watch a disc. But he was totally in no mood, and changed his clothes to sleep.

I don't know if it's too early, or if he's not sleepy, he can't sleep when turned over.

Just open the phone recording, and play the green flowers in the army that Pan Lei sang to him over and over again.

After he sang, he said, dear, you nod and we get married.

Tian Yuan looked at the big brown bear and smiled, OK.

We marry, I marry you.

Slowly fall asleep.

Night fell, and the night seemed strangely quiet.

The worms stopped, the leaves didn't move, there was no electricity in the village, and they were dead.

Pan Lei is hidden in the periphery of Zhaizi, and there is a small receiver in front of him, which can see the picture.

They installed cameras within ten miles of the circle, and could see the situation from all angles.

"Into the alert state, the bullets are loaded and ready to fight at any time.

"Hide your breath, hide your whereabouts, be ready, just wait for the enemy to arrive.

Pan Lei's eyes glowed green, fighting, which is not hot? In the contemporary era of peace, they are the only ones who can really fight on the battlefield. They have a real fight with the enemy, showing the power of contemporary soldiers.

Let them see, the braveness of the special team.

Pan Lei looked at the time, it was twelve, it should be coming soon.

Sure enough, at twelve ten, there were people shaking under the camera ten miles away, and Pan Lei turned on the intercom.

"Wang Ba has already entered the prison, and wait patiently.

"Their cameras are all ten miles in radius, and they are in every corner. It seems that all the roads are in.

Pan Lei frowned as he watched the lack of a path.

"There are a lot of people, more than expected. At least two hundred or more people have weapons in their hands. The weapons are not very advanced. Some look like rifles of the kind used in more than seven years. , Stick, blasting group, near you, pay attention to concealment.

"It came from the blasting team.

Pan Lei continued to stare at the monitor. Some were not right. Why did these people drive in a few cars and parked ten miles away? The people in the car did not come down. The distance was a little far. Pan Lei couldn't see the car clearly. Situation.

"Notice that they seem to have reinforcements, wait for them to go in before blasting.

Those in the car should also pay attention. If they rescue, I will go and fix them.

Go ahead as planned.

"Who is the person in the car? Is it the heads of these criminal gangs who came to supervise the raids? That would be even better. They can be uprooted and destroyed on the land of their own country.

No, don't worry, wait until these people are eliminated.

After half an hour, a call came from the blast group.

"Pan, the enemy has passed in front of me.

Are you going to attack now? "Wait for my password.

"They are relatively few people. If they want to cut off their backyard, they have to get them into their pockets and go deeper, so that they are not connected to each other. If they are attacking, they will work together in three ways and be unpredictable.

"Pan team Pan team, the enemy vanguard has reached the range of our sniper group.

"" When I saw their vanguard, listened to my password, and opened fire.

"Get closer, come back a little bit, Lao Tzu has destroyed you here.

Pan Lei opened the insurance and the bullet was loaded. He used a German-made GR9C machine gun that could fire 800 bullets per minute.

In fact, he prefers the M4 of the poster special team, but if you really want to fire, this gun is more enjoyable.

Following the deployment, they should be here in five minutes.

Pan Lei opened the sight and aimed forward.

Five minutes later, a person with a gun in his hand first came, and immediately two other teams came to meet, the number slowly gathered, there were about thirty people.


Pan Lei ordered and fired in all three areas.

As soon as the blasting team pulled the lead, a bomb exploded along the path. All the broken people were frightened by the sudden explosion. Before they could react, they had been blown into the sky.

The sniper group is the dark ghost. He hides deeply, the dark night, the dense woods, and those weeds are the best cover. The sniper with this far infrared sight is the best killer.

A shot headshot, changing the angle, every bullet will not be wasted, every pull the trigger, can kill a robber.

Distributed in various dark corners, I don't know in which direction the next bullet will be fired. Intelligently, one by one, the heads of them are blown, but they cannot find the specific location.

Pan Lei pulled the trigger, 800 bullets per minute. One pull of the trigger was a series of bursts. When the shuttle went down, it swept across. The thirty people were wiped out by the blink of an eye.

Pan Lei lost the machine gun, picked up the Type 95 sniper rifle, and jumped out of the hidden object.

"Leave their lives on this land for Lao Tzu!" Chong, Shang, smashed their lives here, and no one was allowed to run away.

All the fighters hiding in the dark rushed out, and on the real battlefield, I realized how important the previous training was. While attacking and shooting, they were looking for hidden objects. There was absolutely no waste of a bullet, every one. The bullets ensure that the enemy will not have a chance to stand up again.

Everyone's action was very fast. More than two hundred people, a surprise attack, had left most of the people without any combat power. Coupled with this fierce attack, these people retreated when they saw an ambush.

The blasting team caught up and started to join the clan. They scrambled from behind and no one was allowed to pass.

Echoing back and forth, acting quickly.

"Unhappy? Real battle, unhappy?" Pan Lei shot forward, rushing forward, and asked all his men.

"Captain, it's so **** cool, it's a hundred times faster than CS.

"A headshot feels like you are the King of Guns."

"" Report the situation of the respective teams, whether there are any casualties.

"Report to the captain, they are all safe.

All soldiers are safe and sound.

"Okay, chase them all the way, I want them to come back."

"Pan Lei glanced at the wood inadvertently, and a white thing was moving.

Pan Lei took a night vision goggle to take a look.

"I rub, is the fourth group dead? How can I run out of a little rabbit.

Associate instructor, chase the child with me, and the rest wipe out the remaining bandits.

Pan Lei quietly withdrew from the battle group, and the deputy instructor also withdrew, and the two went straight to the woods.

He caught the little bunny and tried to beat him fiercely.

Read The Duke's Passion