MTL - I Dare You To Run Away Again-Chapter 178 Pan Lei left Pan Yue came

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Difference, always painful.

At the airport, sometimes he really doesn't meow.

Pan Lei became the aunt of the neighborhood committee. I'm afraid Xu Xu has not forgotten anything.

"Tell yourself to eat. If you ca n’t eat well outside, cook dumplings at home. I ’ve marked each kind of stuffing. You eat it differently. When I come next time, I ’ll make it for you. Remember to get the dry-cleaned clothes. I have the bills on the table.

I paid all the water and electricity bills, and the Frenchman will still be entangled with you, so you tell him that I will come back and flatten him.

Do n’t take a quilt at night. It ’s quite cold. I bought some more clothes for you. You can change the clothes and wash them. I've calculated it, and it will be enough for you to pass it for a month.

I have made a new system for you from the computer. It will be very convenient for you to write a dissertation.

Our photo is in the E disk. I found a new Chinese restaurant for you. I tried the taste. It ’s okay. The Sichuanese opened it. You asked him to put less pepper. Your stomach is not good.

Be careful not to catch a cold, do n’t carry it when you are sick, remember to call me and text.

"Tian Yuan keeps nodding, this feels, how can it be a mile away."

He Lian stood very boring for half an hour. He took the two men to the airport, but the young couple was talking next to each other, talking in a whisper, and no one ignored him.

He can only become an invisible person, look east and west.

"When you can't sleep, call me and be smoked by yourself. Don't think I don't know. You have become a big smoker during this time. Pay attention to your body.

Do n’t the doctors care about their bodies? Think about it for me, don't keep smoking.

When I can't sleep, I listen to MP3, I recorded a lot of songs, I sing, listen and listen, you can fall asleep.

If I can't get up in the morning, just call the professor and ask for leave. Don't force yourself.

It's already thin, don't abuse yourself by not eating.

Baby, in the last week of next month, I will definitely come to see you, don't worry me, you know? Obedient, do you know? Obediently, you know what? Tian Yuan nodded all the time, he nodded when he said anything.

"Pan Lei, just leave. I'll take care of it here. I can still watch him lose weight.

He Lian couldn't help but interject. Tian Yuan was almost thirty. He didn't need this kind of dictation.

No matter what, he can still be hungry for a month.

No one cares about him, He Lian gave himself a mouth, letting you meddle in and see who cares for you.

It ’s hard to tell apart Xiaoliankou, what are you doing?

Ignore these two people who are the same as the nougat. They are couples glued together by 502, irrelevant people, get out of the way.

He Lian ran 50 meters away to see the crowd go, at least, so that he didn't have to be a fool, watching the couple and stimulating him as a bachelor.

With a sigh, it's better to have a lover, even if it's goodbye at the airport, isn't it? It's touching that the goosebumps are up.

Liang Shanbo wished Yingying to send him eighteen miles. It is estimated that neither of them was touching.

As for the screenwriters, hurry up with a screenwriter and compile a moving musical for them.

How touching, more touching than Korean drama.

It is estimated that the little girl could cry when she saw them.

What is love, this is love.

What is difficult to separate is difficult to separate.

Visible love is always touching.

"Don't climb up and climb the ground. I've done all the electrical wiring at home. Even if the fuse is blown, you are also called a plumber. Don't you know? I wrote the plumber's phone and posted it on the wall. Come on.

Don't take a bus. Don't go home too late at night and take a taxi back.

Remember to wear a coat when you go out.

When boiling water yourself, be careful not to burn it.

Stay away while dumplings, don't move the knife, don't move the knife.

I also made meat buns, and I could eat them immediately.

"Pan Lei squeezed his face.

"Baby, laugh at brother.

"Tian Yuan shook the corners of his mouth. At this time, who can laugh, is not a heartless fool.

Pan Lei hugged him, shaking from side to side.

"Okay, I'll be here next month. Don't do this. How can you let me get on the plane with peace of mind?

"Tian Yuan yanked his clothes, not let go.

"Brother, you must come next month.

"" Certainly, rest assured, I will definitely come to see you. "


"Touching his face again and again, Tian Yuan seemed to smile a little.

Pan Lei looked for He Lian. Why did this guy go?

"He Lian.

"He Lianzheng was studying beauties, and when Pan Lei called him, he hurried over.

These two words finally finished talking, and finally remembered him.

"He Lian, I gave Tian Yuan care of you. During my time away from him, you helped me take good care of him.

Take him to dinner. If you have any problems, please help him out.

My family Tianer is thin-skinned, and sometimes I am embarrassed to speak. You just keep your eyes alive and help him in advance if you see anything.

He ’s my life, it ’s more important than my life. Good buddies, help me. You ’re back home, buddies invite you to dinner.

"He Lian's black line, do you, as a life-threatening person, need others to treat him the same? Pan Lei hurt his heart.

Pat your **** to ensure.

"Rest assured, I must take care of him.

There was a voice urging boarding, and Pan Lei wouldn't be able to leave.

"Baby, don't be sad, it's because we want to meet again next time.

One month passed quickly, and in the last week of next month, I will definitely come.

You count the time and pass quickly.

Baby, wait for me.

Tian Yuan sniffed and nodded fiercely.

"If you don't come, I'll tell my mother that you're on Xiaomi and let grandpa military law punish you.

"Come, kiss yourself.

He Lian turned his head and the young couple kissed him. He still avoided it.

Pan Lei was reluctant to turn the tiny wounds left on each other's lips.

Tian Yuan followed him.

"Brother, you promised me, we will always be together in the future, you have to protect yourself well, don't you get hurt know?" This plot is familiar.

When they first separated in China, Pan Lei followed him.

However, it is easy to pass the security check without going through the security check.

Pan Lei kissed him with his ticket and waved his hand.

The plane took off, Tian Yuan raised his neck and looked at the sky, sighing.

This difference, is it a month?

However, it's good, at least not a year, at least he can match himself for a week every time he comes, which is great.

Very contented.

He Lian explored the probe and grabbed her hair.

He is not a coward.

in case.

What should Tian Yuan cry for? He can see it clearly. Tian Yuan was very independent when Pan Lei was not here. He could do everything by himself. He was a good man, just like a normal man.

However, after Pan Lei came, he degenerate and became a hungry child of three or four years old.

But the courageous coquettishness, the person was originally a gentle person, but under the care of Pan Lei, the body of the body was gentle and all became gentle.

Pan Lei likes to take care of her, and he accepts this care, willingly.

If he cries, he doesn't have Pan Lei's ability.

This love really makes people change their temperament.

Tian Yuan didn't cry, no cry, no trouble.

Pan Lei is not around, he just feels sad and no one can coax him, isn't he? Take a deep breath, hold all reluctant to hold in your heart, wait for him to come, complain to him, and ask him to feel more pity.

"It's okay.

Tian Yuan smiled at him.

"It's okay.

Wouldn't he come again? This year, we have to go through twelve times of differences. Each time, we have to give up.

"This relationship problem is really a problem between two people. Others find it difficult to separate and have a lot of affection, but they can be strengthened by seeing others go.

Because he believed that the other party was also waiting for himself and thinking the same with the same thoughts.

As long as he is safe, the rest can endure.

He said that no matter how uncomfortable it is, sending him away and then reluctantly, nothing is counted together as long as he is safe.

He is safe, he has a military rank, and they can stay together forever.

He smiled at He Lian, he had hope in his heart, he had the best future, so he could laugh.

They are for the next encounter.

Pan Lei said he was convinced.

"I want to fall in love with you.

Tian Yuan laughed. He and Pan were in the same grade. Speaking of them, they seemed to advocate late marriage and late childbirth. They didn't even get married, not even a girlfriend.

Except for Pan Zhan.

"It's easy to handle. I don't think there are some girls who like you in the college?" "I still like Chinese people, or the women in our country have the most charm."

Should I also return to China for development? "I see.

Xu Xuyu said this, he could n’t keep going, he could n’t stop coming, he could n’t stop him, did n’t wait for him to leave the airport, a small whirlwind ran over and slapped him on the back , A slap in the face of He Lian.

Whoops, who played so hard.

A string of silver bell-like sounds came, making it laugh nicely, just like the mountain stream.

"Nerd brother, it really is you, just right, take me back to you, I want to see what my brother and sister look like.

Hurry up.

"He Lian has more black lines, and a girl who pulled him a slap is placed in front of Tian Yuan.

"This is Pan Lei's only sister, Pan Yue.

Tian Yuan was cold in his heart. It is said that the sisters are super powerful and very sturdy. They will carry guns to help the Iraqi people resist the American soldiers.

"Nerd, who is this handsome guy.

"Pan Yue, hey, there is no girl's thin skin and tender flesh, but the spirit is flying, they inherit the eyes of the old lady, and the eyes are very beautiful.

Including Pan Lei, Pan Ge, Pan Zhan and Pan Yue.

With crystal clear eyes, Tian Yuan felt that this girl was just a black rose with thorns.

"I am Tian Yuan, Pan Lei's lover.

"Pan Yue stayed for a second, and thumped up, hugging Tian Yuan.

"Handsome guy, you look exactly like my lover in dream. You abandoned Pan Lei and followed me.


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