MTL - I Dare You To Run Away Again-Chapter 155 Good aunt and mother-in-law

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Tian Yuan and Pan Lei were looking at each other sadly. It was really difficult to understand the words of the mother-in-law. Take it over and celebrate the New Year together? This group of bandits, and then confronted their stubborn parents, it is estimated that they will really fight.

Father Pan, when I heard that he was hospitalized, his beard flew up at that time. If it wasn't for hearing that the three women and their sons were all settled, the father would want to get out.

This, the young and old are all the warlords. What can we do if they really fight? Pan Lei took a deep breath. His mother's mighty power is not a day or two. Believe in her mother, absolutely right.

This is much better than going back by himself, or the two of them back. At least, with so many people in the Pan family and so many guards, he didn't believe that the in-laws rushed to scatter in the Pan's territory.

"Either take it.

Mom is right, you have to study abroad, how many things just happen to be together.

Happy New Year together.

That's it.

"" What should I do? "" You pull my parents, I pull your parents, my skin is thick and thick, and your parents can beat me again.

My mother seems to have arranged it. Someone will pick up the plane and you will go to work without any fuss.

"In December, it's not far from the New Year.

Pan Lei returned home in a hurry this time. Before he left, he told Tian Yuan that the day when his mother-in-law arrived, he would rush back.

He must rush to his side as soon as a dangerous person appears, to avoid any hidden danger, to protect his lover, and it is incumbent on him.

It is better to sacrifice the present obedience time, but also to accompany Tian Yuan, from in-laws to in-laws, this time, you must always follow closely to ensure safety.

Tian Yuan could not bear him, and there was nothing he could do.

Everything is prepared for the arrival of his parents.

The mother-in-law said with a smile, everything was arranged, don't worry, both food and accommodation are in the military area. I said to your mother that we should go shopping together, play cards, and dance together. Our old sisters are still good at fostering relationships.

At that time, your aunt, second aunt, grandma and grandma will be with your mother.

Can't live? That's easy to say.

Let the servicemen clean all the idle rooms. They live in a large courtyard, the main house, the left and right box houses, and the concierge. They all have places.

Guards can go to the commissar next door to squeeze.

Each room was pasted with spring couplet windows, and was cleaned up.

This can be regarded as the best opportunity for the Party Red to take over his aunt. As long as he has time, let the aunt take over.

Visit the flower market today, buy a few pots of orchids, put a pot in each room.

Tomorrow's tea house, all kinds of tea, small purple sand pot, buy a set, set up a set in each room.

Go to the home market the day after tomorrow, and choose various quilt pillows and sheets.

Tian Yuan has a good temper. Mother-in-law will do whatever she wants. The mother on the left is right, and the mother on the right is just fine.

I didn't know I thought it was the son of filial piety who accompanied her mother to the shopping mall. Now there are so few filial sons.

When he went to the flower market, Tian Yuan also bought a large bouquet of carnations with red roses and gave it to his mother-in-law.

Thank her for her most personal care and care.

She is the best mother.

Dang Hong smiled and closed his mouth, holding his aunt's arm, holding such a large bouquet of flowers, walking slowly in the military compound, without taking a car, just walking so slowly, seeing an acquaintance, and greeting him immediately.

Ouch, my son is so considerate, send me a lot of roses.

The dead old man in my family has no such thoughts in my life. I am so happy to receive flowers at such an old age.

Yo, my son is fine.

Although your son is not bad, few people can match my son.

The mother-in-law's exaggeration, Tian Yuan felt feverish in his face, Pan Lei's personality was fully inherited from the mother-in-law, and they all loved to show off.

He was not a daughter-in-law, he was just an aunt, and his mother-in-law boasted that he had nothing in the sky.

He felt ashamed.

Look, look, although General Pan's family had a son who loved men, but he found an absolute first-class good aunt.

No son can match a good aunt.

They all say that a son-in-law is half-hearted. He loves him as an entire son.

Huang Kai's mother called and bombarded Huang Kai.

Lin Mu's mother complained to her son in Jiangnan soft language. Why didn't she have a carnation? Does this son care so little about her mother? Zhang Hui's mother is very sturdy. Boy, accompany me to the street. If you do n’t use your bank card, I ’m not your mother.

Manchuria belongs to the compound, and all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred are wandering.

It made Tian Yuan very speechless. His mother-in-law was so nice that he was ashamed of him.

Pan Lei's phone has not stopped. When someone calls and yells at him, is it brother? You can't let your mother stimulate my mother.

I bought a truckload of flowers, and my old lady still had a sad look.

Brother, let ’s calculate the account. My mother blew up my bank card. I have no money this month. You hurriedly settle the account with me. How many meals do I send to Tian Yuan? ...... Pan Lei snapped the phone and loved it, their family Guotai and Min'an, the weather was smooth, the mother and the lover got along well, this was the best thing.

To say, it ’s still his family ’s favorite, and it ’s no wonder his mother is more and more like her aunt, and his baby is doing everything well.

He touched his chin and thought about his family treasure.

The more he thought about him, the more he wanted to go back.

This saying goes so well that only living can be happy, and a man with a good wife and family will not suffer.

He whispered, don't let his family hear it, or it will explode again.

Seeing that this is almost the end of the year, it's almost a year, and everything that should come is here.

Dang Hong didn't go to work, Tian Yuan went to work, and was picked up again at noon. The old lady and grandmother arrived this afternoon, and said that they should look at their baby grandson Tian Yuan. It ’s been a few months since I last saw you, sorry. He was also beaten. He naturally felt distressed as an old man. When he called over, he would see his grandson this afternoon.

Tian Yuan is no one to dare to provoke anyone now. Every day, a military license plate car picks up and picks up people, and people wearing military uniforms come, and the emergency room doctor smiles at him every time he holds his shoulder.

"Hey, the third generation on the list feels very advanced. How do I feel that you are like the Cinderella who married into the giants.

Tian Yuan scolded him with a smile and rolled away, he wouldn't go wrong.

"Yes, summer.

"In summer, this is the doctor in the emergency room. This buddy has a very strange name.

But they were satisfied, at least his mother didn't give him the name of Xia Mingjian, otherwise he would have a mental disorder.

Tian Yuan talked with Summer while packing up again.

"I've been with my mother-in-law these days, and I've mentioned you with my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law is very interested. You also know that although the name of our first hospital is here, the internal management is too chaotic. Did n’t you also say that you did n’t want to do it here last time? My mother-in-law asked me to ask if you were interested in going to the Armed Police Hospital.

The work there is relatively easy.

"The doctor in the emergency room teased Tian Yuan with a smile.

"How can there be a feeling that a chicken and a dog can rise to the sky by themselves.

I know that you are also for my good, busy all day, and don't know what you are busy with.

Yes, this year's Spring Festival schedule, I am the night shift on New Year's Eve.

There is really no interest in staying here.

In this way, you go first, you go first, you have a good way, paved the way, I can't go on here, I also go, and by then, I will be someone in the Central Government who is good at office.

"Just your mouth, mad.

"Good doctors should not be buried or treated unequally.

Dean Zhao made peace of mind for the single doctor, just because you weren't married, so the major festivals are reserved for married doctors.

This is also the care for the married people, but don't you feel sorry for the single doctor? The response was useless, and it was useless to get angry. Someone could change jobs and go to the town's hospital to be the director of the department. However, no one likes to leave the big hospital, the city's first hospital, and go to town to be a doctor.

Put on your coat and smile at summer.

"You think about it and tell me the result.

"You submitted your resignation?" "Well, I will go abroad for further study after the New Year. There is no need to stay here.

Mother-in-law arranged everything.

"I also hope that one of my immediate family members is Li Gang.

"Tian Yuan gave him a punch, nonsense.

Wave at him.

Go out.

This is his best colleague in this hospital. He has medical skills and medical ethics. If the factions are not fiercely contested and the internal conflicts are too fierce, he would like to stay here to work.

However, the mother-in-law has arranged, he hopes that he will become more and more successful.

This friend, he also hopes that he gets better and better.

I thought that to accompany her mother-in-law during this time was to accompany her on shopping to buy flowers.

The mother-in-law is also a talented person. This absolutely powerful mother-in-law is not an ordinary housewife. When she turns around, she takes out the internal affairs of their hospital. Since she and her mother-in-law are not separated from each other, they simply pick out everything.

He said that he had a colleague, healed the wounds, and Dr. Li said that there was no surgery. He would rather be punished than go to the surgery himself. He would have to fight for time to save people.

As soon as the mother-in-law listened, this was a talent.

Immediately said, see if he would like to come to the Armed Police Hospital.

Open the door to welcome him.

He and President Zhao are innocent, but he also hopes that his friends are getting better and better.

After driving to the military compound, everyone knew this young man who would buy flowers for his mother-in-law and accompany her.

Tian Yuan lived here for this time, preparing for the Spring Festival in a few days.

Every day, she will accompany her husband, mother-in-law, and mother-in-law to come out for a walk.

My uncles and aunts also knew each other.

Get out of the car and say hello to the neighbor next door. Uncle.

What a good boy, if this is your aunt, how nice it is.

He didn't wait for him to enter the door. Then, five or six cars drove in. A convoy stopped at their door.

Tian Yuan smiled immediately, and the old lady came.