MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-~ four hundred and thirty eight

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】


Therefore, according to the deduction and analysis of the personal space heaven mode, the best solution is to let the knife leave the water blue star.

There are strange things here, and there will be no rules.

Although at present, after discovery, it is always the first time to come out.

No matter how much you pay, you must contain it, and then be imprisoned in your personal space by the knife.

Deduced in his own way of heaven mode, Xiaodao naturally walked out without hesitation.

Unlucky, the problem turned out to be nearby?

Hope it's not weird.

The small system currently has limited capabilities, and most of the anomaly notifications are actually not weird.

It’s just that some things on Shuilanxing are absorbing spiritual energy, which may evolve into spiritual grass, spiritual plants, or the following ancient things, which have not been completely wiped out by time, absorbed spiritual energy, and may be some treasures.

This has been confirmed, and it has been analyzed in the personal space. Unfortunately, it has been too long, and even the analysis cannot be recovered, and the power is almost lost. It can be seen that the past of Shuilanxing was not simple.

These are too far away, maybe it will be different to study after I become a fairy.

Xiaodao left quickly, with personal space, no need to prepare anything at all.

Just leave, the system issued a warning, and there seemed to be signs of spiritual energy disappearing around, and in just a few seconds, Xiaodao left his dedicated martial arts training ground.

There is a faint mist here, full of vitality of heaven and earth.

Below is a pole of the earth's veins. Using the pole of the earth's veins to transform the aura into the most primitive vitality of heaven and earth, using him to practice martial arts alone, this kind of luxury is no one else.

But the last time I dismantled a small world, using a pole of the earth's veins is nothing to Xiaodao.

At this time, his speed was very fast, and wherever he passed, the door opened automatically.

This is the power of technology.

So the airship has stopped.

"It's weird, it really is weird."

Hearing the prompt, Xiaodao's face changed again, this time it was more troublesome.

Even the surveillance was lost.

This is remote monitoring through technological power.

Most spooky, remote surveillance wouldn't hurt in the past, but this time was a notable exception.

However, the place where the problem occurs is understood to be blocked.

With a system, don't worry about leaks and delays.

Everywhere is already analyzing, and after going through various trials, although it will pay for the possibility of falling again and again, it is also for the receipt of data. As long as it succeeds once, the gap can be opened.

He quickly found the pattern, avoided the pattern, sealed it, and was sent into his personal space by the knife.

But it was sealed, and every time it went through strict multi-layer processing.

Even so, Knife is careful every time.

But now, the weirdness happened not far away, not to mention the distance, and it was impossible to monitor it remotely with scientific and technological forces, and all those who checked it fell and lost contact.

No corresponding rules have been found yet.

In this case, Shuilanxing has already appeared in several places, and no human intervention is required. The emergency measures have been set up and the system will automatically isolate them.

With the information currently available, as long as there is no contact with intelligent life, these weirdnesses will not erupt.

So after isolation, it will not spread.

So even if there is a loss that has not been resolved, it does not affect everyone's life.

But this time, it appeared near the place where the Lord of the World is retreating, which is a big problem.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Naturally, at the first moment, Xiao Dao decided to leave, which was the most suitable choice.

And going to space is also the best choice.

Weird's current methods can't be destroyed at all, but he knows that an environment without aura will make it gradually quiet, and the spirit array cannot be safely isolated. Only the water blue star world outside the fetal membrane is the best natural environment.

"A family should be together!"

The man on patrol stopped and sighed, but his voice was a clear female voice.

Startled the two companions behind.

Just about to speak.

Immediately, this person's body didn't move at all, and his head turned 180 degrees flatly, which looked extremely strange.

Which two looked at him.

The expression was struggling, but he still said sincerely: "Yes, a family should be together."

Immediately, his body trembled, obviously struggling, but he couldn't do it, and moved forward instead.

The prompts and warning sounds from the system were completely unable to respond.

They took a step forward, and the colleague who turned his head back doubled in size in his eyes.

They were right in front of them, but when they reached the feet of their companions, they had already swelled up like a mountain.

So they are just underfoot.

So they climbed up, climbed onto the body of their colleagues, and then submerged into it.

Two faces emerged from the body of the colleague, and they murmured with a happy smile: "A family should be together!"

Then step forward.

Lost contact, lost contact with the system, other corresponding related departments have already received the notification.

Even after they broke away from the original patrol route, other people in this group and even their superiors received a reminder.

Responsibility, the team leader suppressed the fear in his heart, and still dialed the psychic phone.

He has no choice. If he doesn't do it and neglects his duty, it will put a black mark on his career, not to mention his future career, even his wife and children will be affected.

On the contrary, if they die, they will also get enough compensation.

Of course, dialing the connection means that the chance of death is less than one percent, and the chance of being lost is less than one tenth. Even if one is lost, one may not necessarily die.

"Family should be together!" While following the emergency method and pressing the specific password, they communicated.

But immediately, he murmured, his eyes straightened, his wife, children, and parents appeared in his mind, and he walked straight out.

Can't wait to go home, being with family is happiness.

The hand stopped naturally, and the password that must be pressed as required.

A few seconds passed.

OK, unable to communicate, sure lost contact.

At this time, he was holding the psychic phone and dialed the number to his mother, but he couldn't get through at all.

Because since he started to contact the subordinate who might be in trouble as required, he has been unable to contact other people.

Plus now, the emergency code stops typing.

In just a few seconds, the emergency starts automatically.

Unable to get through, he started walking outside and made other calls.

But they couldn't get through.

At this time, according to his past behavior, he couldn't even open the door.

All rights are void.

Although he lost himself, he also provided information to the back, and he could not be contacted through the communicator. There was a high probability that this strangeness was transmitted through sound.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Naturally others started to try.

And he's completely stuck here, waiting to be dealt with.

At the same time, his pictures and surveillance videos have been automatically quarantined and sent to a specific collection line.

Some have no sound, and some tasks are modeled.

Kind of obscures the face.

Some compare items.

These are all automated.

However, the strangeness is ineffective for these, and to obtain detailed information, one must try it himself.

Naturally, in some closed areas, someone started to open the transmitted information according to the procedure, regardless of whether they were healthy or not, this attempt could provide corresponding information.

According to the information currently available, the weirdness will not affect the power of science and technology, and those who are recruited cannot be completely intelligent, only have some instincts.

Of course, no discovery is not absolutely nothing, and corresponding emergency strategies naturally exist.

The knife left quickly.

According to the route planned by the system, try to avoid the area where the problem is found.

The flying car is waiting outside.

The quality of the car of the Lord of the World is unquestionable. It flies directly out of the atmosphere and out of the membranes of the world, and there is no problem in the universe for a short period of time.

Even if it is ignored, the autopilot will inevitably fly to the space station.

In addition to the several bases in the Moon Star Ecosystem and the Shuilanxing Tiandi membrane, there are also quite a few space stations.

Although simple, it can meet the basic needs of life, and there are a lot of game collections.

And isolate one by one and keep a distance.

This was arranged in advance after the expert team discussed the weird incident.

Xiaodao naturally approved directly, so he was prepared.

He left the martial arts training ground quickly, and the elevator took him directly. When he stopped, the door of the elevator opened, and there was a speeding car next to him. The door was open,

It was empty.

In the face of strange appearances, the safest thing is not to contact other people.

The spread of intelligent life, kobolds, goblins and the like are unavoidable, but it is ineffective for animals.

It is very strange that no strange violation has been found so far.

So far, there are still thirteen strange places that are happening on Shuilanxing, which are all areas that are being processed and isolated.

This trend is growing.

But compared to the entire Water Blue Planet, it is still very rare, and every time it is isolated for the first time, it has not caused major troubles.

But it happened around here.

Xiaodao entered the flying car, and immediately planned to enter the second world at the space station instead of going back to Shuilanxing soon.

No, go to the moon base, where is more perfect.

The most advanced game room is also the safest, and it cannot be destroyed by the current means of Aquamarine.

Xiaodao was really a little scared at this time.

Because in the second world, the death of the avatar is not a big problem.

But in reality, after I left the game cabin, I woke up.

All the clones in the second world fell into a deep sleep.

If the self in reality fell into the weirdness, the self in the second world would sleep forever, which was tantamount to being over.

This is one's own weakness.

Fortunately, it left safely.

Xiaodao comforted himself, he was already sitting on the flying car, the automatic mode was turned on, and he left the ground.

The place where the incident happened was on the left, but I was going to the right.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

The weirdness happened on Shuilanxing, and he should have left long ago.

Still neglected.

Luckily this time.

The knife grunted, and subconsciously looked out the window.

Nowadays, although there is only one level of body training with a small knife, there are not many people who can block his blow with emperor-level evaluation, strong as a cow, fighting across the border, and the second level.

Natural hearing and eyesight.

At this glance, he vaguely saw a person.

It's just a small dot, I can't see it clearly at all.

But at this glance, he saw several faces on this person, each with a happy expression.

What are you talking about?

The saying is: "Family should be together!"

Yes, a family should be together.

Xiaodao has an expression of approval.

Then he twisted, struggling.


The personal space, which has been kept partially conscious here, is in the mode of heaven.

Because too much knowledge needs to be analyzed and deduced.

You are not used to it at the beginning, and only when you calm down can your consciousness be in the mode of heaven.

But after so long of training, especially with several clones, he is used to it.

Back to reality, the clones of the second world have fallen into a deep sleep, and there is only one body, the real body.

The knife is easy to control.

So most of consciousness is within the personal space.

Now, the sense of identity that a family should be together has directly come to the personal space.

Xiaodaoli immediately felt something was wrong.

He agrees with this sentence, just agrees, and does not follow blindly.

Especially the way of heaven mode, which excludes the seven emotions and six desires, just like a computer, can be deduced best.

It is this kind of rejection of other desires that keeps Xiao Dao sane and discovers something is wrong at the first time.

In reality, Xiaodao's companions and all the people he knew appeared in Xiaodao's mind, and there was only a sense of urgency in his heart, wanting to see them.

They are their relatives.

A family should be together.

So he immediately started making connections.

Drops: Repeated words appear, emergency start, cut off contact with other people.

Xiaodao likes to treat everyone equally, even if he is the master of the world and needs resources or the like, he should be exchanged according to his contribution.

Of course, his contribution is no longer an exaggeration.

This fairness has now saved him.

According to the analysis by the expert team, it is easier to start, and language is one of them.

If the victim repeats it many times, the emergency response will be triggered automatically.

There is a possibility of falling, so all connections have been cut off.

Because Knife believes in fairness, these tactics work for him as well.

So, this time he was saved.

It's not contacting other people, it's saving other people.

Instead, after he couldn't get in touch, he began to control the flying car to land.

However, because the emergency response was triggered earlier, all these operations of UU Reading are invalid.

Like everyone else, he was restricted after being triggered, and now he can't even leave the speeding car.

So the knife began to attack the speeding car.

tHe is a first-level emperor, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, a normal speeding car can't stand his punch.

However, this speeding car is for his exclusive use.

All kinds of precious materials, all kinds of defensive patterns on it, their value, the sum of 10,000 ordinary speeding cars is not as valuable as his one.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

So his damage was extremely limited, but instead stimulated the speeding car's automatic protection mode.

He was attacked by electric current or something.

It's a pity that the body is too strong, and the effect is extremely limited.

But the changes here were immediately transmitted to the intelligent system for automatic analysis.

Something happened to the Lord of the World, which is a big deal.

Although some people may have thought more carefully, but with this size, the effect of personal will has been reduced to the extreme.

Although various strategies are executed rapidly.

But they are all pre-determined, new judgments and the like, which require the consent of enough heavyweights to choose and be willing to take responsibility for it.

In this way, it is difficult for personal selfishness to play a role.

Although these choices have to bear responsibility, but the rewards are extremely rich if they are successful.

Even if Yiwu is also responsible, it will also receive corresponding benefits.

Something happened to the Lord of the World, is that okay?

Other weird areas can only be sealed, and all the power is concentrated here.

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