MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 492 The harvest is a bit big

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492 The harvest is a bit big

But the Savage King was in a hurry, the great supernatural power of his body was broken, he was going to be unable to hold on anymore, and then he let out a roar, and the surrounding guards of the six realms rushed forward with roars.

Don't want to kill the enemy, just want to separate them, and create it for the savage king.

The moment they rushed forward, the nine shields floating in the sky suddenly exploded, and the thunder light howled down like a violent storm.

The old man at the peak of Nascent Soul usually fell to the ground, exhausted too much.

The spirit weapon already had spirituality, but the luster dimmed, but it still flew back.

There is a sea of ​​thunder here.

Face to face with the power of the ultimate move of the shield spirit weapon.

Under Thunder's paralysis, those six realms were miserable. Even if they were not dead, the paralysis effect made them unable to avoid it.

Even the Savage King couldn't bear the paralyzing effect of lightning. On the contrary, Xiao Dao had already prepared for it.

Coupled with Jin Zhong's great protection, the knife punched one after another, forcibly knocking the Savage King unconscious.

During this period, he tried several times but couldn't do it, and now he has finally included the Savage King in his personal space.

After checking, there are guards in the surrounding six realms, and there are more than a dozen people who survived, either because of the means of having scales on their bodies, or at least the six realms of Tianjiao and monster level.

However, they were all unconscious and seriously injured, so naturally they would not resist, and were quickly charged by the knife.

At this time, Xiaodao realized that the surrounding players were fighting very hard, and they were not opponents at all, just because there were too many opponents.

Hastily then released a large number of hands down.

But looking around, a steady stream of savages are coming, and enemies are all in sight, overwhelming.

For them, this secret realm belongs to their world. The home field advantage and the number are absolutely dominant.

Knife releases a large number of players, I have personal space, any place, as long as it does not restrict my personal space, is my home field.

Since reaching the sixth level, Xiaodao's control over the personal space has also greatly increased, and the portals released by manufacturing have expanded more than ten times.

After these years of development, although the players did not appear in the sixth realm, there are quite a few five realms.

With the development of the world of small swords and the cloudy sky of the underworld, the number of the immortal body and the five realms of the Yin body is even larger. At this time, a large number of them are released, which immediately makes the players here breathe a sigh of relief.

More importantly, the fairy city flew out from the head of the knife.

The palm-sized fairy city flew out and grew rapidly. It was already full of five-level players, and even the defensive formation was arranged.

However, it is difficult to break through the fairy city in the small world, and here it is only a guarantee, and it cannot be relied on.

Xiancheng couldn't fly high either, so it landed directly on the ground.

Players are flying around, quickly forming formations with the most defensive state of the fairy city as the core, and more players are temporarily resisting the enemy on the periphery.

However, there was still a steady stream of subordinates pouring out from behind Xiaodao.

But his eyes were looking into the distance.

Two directions, two human kings are coming here at a high speed.

, The sound of animal horns blowing has never stopped. It is estimated that this is the method for wild people to pass on the model.

The other two kings arrived, but it was too late.

Xiaodao watched silently, and soon the king of men appeared in two directions at a high speed.

Throwing it to his guard, he rushed towards this side.

Among them, the fastest savage king is riding a unicorn monster, which also has the strength of the sixth realm.

The two human kings charged from two directions wielding big sticks.

The knife reached out and took out the trophy stick.

Although the materials of the peak of the six realms are raw materials, they will cause special damage after being hit, so they can be used temporarily.

If you refine the city spirit weapon, the natural power will be multiplied.

"Looking for death!" Whoever was riding the monster rushed forward first.


Suddenly, the two wooden sticks intertwined and collided together, and the two trembled, evenly matched.

The other party looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You are dead."

Another savage king let out a long roar in response, and his speed was even faster.

""I don't move my body, I don't leak, I don't look bad, it's just that my strength, defense, and speed match me. "Xiaodao disdains.

It's a pity that the other party didn't understand and was just attacking desperately, but Xiaodao felt that the other party was not desperate, but entangled himself.

The knife is really attacking with all its strength.

This gave him the upper hand for a short time.

Even hit the opponent a few times.

This made his heart sink, the opponent's defense was so strong, the scales all over his body, even if he was hit by his stick, there was no obvious injury.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking about it, because another savage king had already rushed over.

Fortunately, there is a fairy city behind Xiaodao.

Unfortunately, Xiancheng and a large number of his subordinates were surrounded by savages.

The other roared and came towards the knife wielding a big stick.

The knife is absolutely no match between the two of them, unless they can use their souls, even if they have the talisman, they can only last for a while. The natal talisman is better than the means, and there is little hope for another sneak attack.


Xiaodao was not nervous, but had a thought.

The **** bat of will was released by him.

This blood-colored bat can always be warmed and raised at the pole of the Dao Dao Dao World.

At the beginning, by devouring the blood gourd, a spirit weapon of the sixth realm, it made up for the innate deficiency and reached the sixth realm.

Because it is a small knife pet, the system proves that when the small world is promoted to the big world, the harvest is really not small.

Coupled with the warmth and nourishment of the great world's terrestrial veins, it can break through to the seventh realm at any time, and now it can be regarded as the sixth realm of the evildoer level.

However, it is easy to break through the seventh realm, and the hope of reaching the sixth realm of Wushuang is too small, or even impossible.

At this time, when the Blood Bat King appeared, he would naturally not fight foolishly, but directly turned into a blood mist and spread rapidly.

Blood Bat King turned into blood mist, which is his great supernatural power, covering a small world is not a problem.

The blood mist roared and spread.

In a short period of time, both the enemy and the enemy, including the battlefield of the Great War, have been enveloped in a large area around them, and their vision has been seriously disturbed.

Not just vision, but even judgment.

But this blood mist is alive and can guide one's own actions.

Seeing the savage king who fell down, he lost the trace of his enemies and companions, let out an angry roar, and rushed forward according to his memory.

But I didn't know the direction was directly distorted.

Here, fighting with the knife, the Savage King, who was slightly below, also roared, wanting to guide his companions.

If the blood bat king is in the fifth realm, this strategy is correct.

But now that the six realms are in place, it is still no problem to isolate the sound, and even the sound comes from other places, leading the savage king astray.

The Savage King soon realized that he could not find his target, and attacked angrily. The damage caused by an invisible existence like Absolute Blood Mist was very limited.

Xiaodao laughed immediately.

This is the weakness of the Savage King. ,

After all, they don't have perfect exercises and rely on the spirit of the spirit here.

If Wushuang warriors, under the will of martial arts, punch down, the surrounding blood mist will be fundamentally destroyed and infected with martial arts consciousness. Even if it takes some time, the vampire bat king will still die sooner or later.

But these savage kings, even though they have the strength, defense, and even the scales on their bodies that are comparable to the unparalleled warriors, their background and foundation are still a lot worse.

In this way, after catching the blood mist, other players and Taoist soldiers quickly expanded their advantage and killed the enemy.

But there are still a steady stream of savages rushing into the blood mist.

"This must be Taoist! Young people are too impulsive, I hope everything is safe, those are the three savage kings." What happened here naturally alarmed the core disciples guarding the formation over there, but they could only bless, not Dare to shoot.

Time passed little by little.

Xiaodao tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn't take down the opponent in front of him.

I don't know how to deliver the news, but with precautions, the five elements natal flying sword can't see the result.

And the reason why the opponent was able to support him when he used his talisman, and he didn't even suffer any serious injuries, was because of the scales that made it difficult for a knife to make meritorious deeds.

Absolutely a supernatural power.

Although it is not good in some aspects, it is worthy of the unparalleled six realms.

However, it finally worked out.

Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing the two kings, the reason why they didn't leave.

It is because of this.

At this time, the personal space was opened, and the Savage King, who had recovered as before, made a move.

Unable to defend himself, Xiao Dao's opponent, the Savage King, was immediately hugged.

And taking the opportunity, the knife made a full-strength shot and knocked his giant club into the air.

The savage king couldn't believe his companion's betrayal, and let out an angry roar.

Who knows that this is no longer his companion.

The captured savage king was sent to his personal space, so he analyzed it immediately.

Unexpectedly, the analysis went smoother than expected.

And the wild man king's weakness is obvious, that is, his spirit is not strong, and he is not perfect and inseparable from his physical body.

It can be said that their own practice methods are too rough and full of loopholes.

If this is a unparalleled warrior, even if he has his personal space, the knife can only suppress or kill him.

As for the Savage King, it is much easier to clean up.

There are many means available, so Xiaodao didn't leave in a hurry, knowing that there are two wildling kings nearby.

At this time, the savage king is no longer an enemy. In the personal space, the original soul has been drawn out and sealed, and it is also a highly valuable six-level spiritual object.

The body is controlled by the yin body at the peak of the five realms.

Since the Yin God is only at the peak of the fifth realm, controlling the physical body of the sixth realm, it is like a calf pulling a taxi. It can support it with all its strength for an hour, but it is enough.

While the savage king was clinging to his companion, Xiaodao brandished a big stick, aiming at the head, bombarding it desperately.

Even with the protection of the scales, it will be very fast.

In the end, he had to erupt, the scales all over his body glowed, and phantoms of scales erupted, breaking free from the wildling king who was holding him, and then ran away desperately.

But the small knife golden bell, which had been prepared for a long time, fell and covered it.

It bombarded the golden bell with all its strength, and each blow dimmed it by a point. After more than ten punches, the light of the golden bell dimmed, turning into golden light and sinking into Xiaodao's body.

But enough is enough, he and the wildling king have surrounded it.

More importantly, the luster of the scales on its body is dull, and its defense is greatly reduced in a short period of time.

Soon, it will be defeated and seriously injured.

It has to be said that even if the Savage King does not have the rebirth of a Wushuang warrior, but after all, Wushuang Sixth Realm, if he wants to kill him, he must at least separate his head and body, and it cannot be broken into pieces.

It just happened that he was not killed, and he lost the power to resist.

Xiao Dao cheerfully grabbed it and sent it into his personal space.

Even if the human king can't resist, he can still feel repelled. If he has not reached the sixth level, even if he catches the unconscious wild man king, he will not be able to send him into his personal space.

Get this one, who else is rampaging in the blood mist.

If Wushuang warriors, relying on martial arts will, could judge the correct direction, they would have rushed out long ago.

But the wild man king who can match the unparalleled warrior can't do it.

With the first time, this man was quickly knocked out and returned to his personal space.

And the guards of the two savage kings also rushed forward, rushing into the blood mist without hesitation.

These guards should not be underestimated, they all exist in the six realms.

But now they have all become turtles in the urn, caught by a knife, sent to the personal space, and given them a chance to surrender,

Otherwise hey!

One can imagine the value of the captives of the six realms, especially this kind of six realms that contains the spirit of the gods, their own skills are rough, full of loopholes, and easy to manipulate.

The value of each one is extremely terrifying, how much does it take for five realms to be worth a six realms.

This gap is too big.

This secret place is really a treasure.

After cleaning up the savage king, no amount of other savages will help.

Under the cover of blood mist, it was impossible for them to escape.

At this time, Xiaodao didn't bother to train his men anymore.

With one order, the blood mist seemed to come alive.

The savages inside were horrified to find that their own blood was seeping out of the pores uncontrollably. At this moment, they panicked.

But is it useful?

If there is a five-day world, the practice system is perfect, and there are some exercises, the means can protect themselves.

If it is the sixth realm, the savages can also control not to be sucked out.

But they didn't, and soon turned into mummies one by one in panic and chaos.

This is not just dying of losing all blood, but also merging the essence of the whole body into the blood.

This is the terrifying supernatural power of the Six Realms of the Vampire Bat King.

So these corpses are dry, without spirituality, and are directly discarded.

After absorbing so much blood and containing diluted fairy spirit, the Blood Bat King, who was already at the peak of the sixth realm, had the tendency to break through to the seventh realm.

These savages are all five realms, and the number has exceeded 100,000.

Almost all the savages surrounding the core formation are here.

The knife naturally blocked it immediately, and more importantly, the vampire bat king could not reach the sixth level of unparalleled, but after absorbing the blood containing the spirit of the fairy, he had a chance, and the bottleneck was loosened.

This made Knife very happy.

The blood atomized into bats, UU reading www. grabbed the power of equipment on the mummy and flew towards the knife.

This is much easier than players cleaning the battlefield.

Everything is done in a short time.

This is my blessed land, so I can't waste it.

Xiaodao's domain of the master of the world expanded directly.

The master of the big world, this domain is enough to cover a small world.

Within the scope of the domain, nothing can be hidden, only a knife is taken care of.

Xiaodao directly released the task, allowing players to explore left and right.

Don't worry about death, after they lose contact with the world, Xiao Dao will receive a reminder, and the soul fragments will definitely be retrieved.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion