MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 444 safety first

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The containment box is not light, but it is nothing to the Yin God of the Five Realms.

Not to mention so many, they swept up and went to the distance.

Over there, there is a small black flag on the knife game pod,

The billowing black mist rolled, surrounded, and came here.

As for the surrounding enemies, they were all dead.

Short events, each other's rounds.

close to a certain range.

The sealed box disappeared immediately.

Naturally, it entered the personal space.

In an instant, Xiao Dao woke up.

He was very excited, and this time it was almost over.

I really never dreamed of it.

Immediately, he sighed deeply.

I feel a little uncomfortable.

Because at this moment, the intelligent system in reality transmits a large amount of data, intelligence, and interacts with the personal space through the knife.

Then analyze the mode of heaven in personal space.

He grasped the current situation extremely quickly, and too many forces took the opportunity to resist him.

Without him, ambition also.

The game compartment opened, and the knife flew out directly.

He can't fly, but there is black mist under his feet.

Then, a group of figures appeared out of nowhere, naturally brought out from the personal space.

They are all Nascent Souls of the Five Realms.

There are no players.

The Nascent Soul of the Five Realms can stay in the void for a short time, and flying is naturally not a problem.

The speed is definitely not slow.

If you use Nascent Soul, it will be faster than Yinshen.

But also more fragile.

They naturally also received the task.

Immediately each flew to the distance.

The water-blue planet not far from the target.

As for the spaceship, Xiaodao had already issued an order when he woke up, and the paralysis caused by some small means did not require maintenance at all, and it was mainly man-made.

Although Xiao Dao was also angry, he didn't kill all of them.

Except for the first ones, even the benevolent ones, which are almost always captured alive.

Within a short period of time, Ten Thousand Yin Gods captured all the traitors in the spaceship alive, and rescued all the detainees who were not betrayed.

Occasionally, he reacted and drove the speeding car to escape, but he was also controlled by the Yinshen player.

They can penetrate directly and enter the flying car with ease.

However, they cannot be too far away from the Banner of Ten Thousand Ghosts, so they are not suitable for entering Water Blue Planet to perform missions.

"I am back. "The intelligent system released this article without saying much, but people immediately calmed down.

There were cheers and congratulations everywhere.

In just a few seconds, those loopholes that were found were filled.

Relying on the Tiandao mode of personal space, this small problem can be dealt with extremely quickly.

The only problem is that there are no exploits found.

For more than a year, many things have been deduced in the personal space.

Xiaodao modified the system mode immediately.

It was only for a moment.

But the system is a system after all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and the intelligent system is rigid, so Xiaodao didn't give the system too much power just because of this time.

Several small spaceships flew out of the water blue planet.

Hehe, are you guilty? You got a small spaceship at any cost through the old system in a year?

Prepare for failure and escape in advance.

Unfortunately, how could it be possible to escape?

Order the publication of facts.

The knockdown light shot out from the water blue star.

The escaping spaceship exploded into a daze.

The Aquamarine defense system is not weak in terms of technology, but it is a pity that it is not authorized by the knife. After a reasonable analysis, the system needs to be authorized by a vote of the think tank.

Now, think tank, hehe.

As a result, these weapons have become

For the sake of waste, those forces are caused to act recklessly.

However, there is no way for them to destroy these places, otherwise they will be fatally attacked. This kind of self-protection does not require authorization.

In the second world, even after occupying those worlds and completely subduing them, those players in the outside world who do not cooperate at all and resist to the end will be given human rights by the knife, but they are just subordinates and slaves.

But it can also be promoted to a civilian through hard work, and eventually have the same citizenship status as the Aqua Blue Star player.

But now, Xiaodao was angry, and even if he was not killing, he changed his order.

Under these outside world players who had to surrender in the end, there were more criminal identities.

They have no human rights.

Even future generations will be affected, but it can be slowly improved through hard work, but time will definitely make it desperate.

Criminals are directly divided into ten grades, and the culprits are not the lowest ten grades of crimes, but if they want to be promoted, it will take tens of thousands of years of hard work without great credit.

It absolutely makes them desperate.

It can almost be said that they will not be able to get rid of their criminal status in this life, but they still need to work hard, otherwise their descendants will inherit their status as criminals, which is the lowest.

It can be said that Xiaodao didn't intend for them to have offspring.

But let's work hard with the head iron, so as to leave hope for them.

The death penalty is not required.

In a short time, Real Water Blue Star recovered its bottleneck.

Absolute force, easy to suppress.

Then settle the losses caused this time, including Xiao Dao's heart loss, and owe those criminals debts.

This must be paid back.

The identity of the crime was conveyed to the entire Shuilanxing small world, but it caused a sensation.

There was a lot of scolding.

Almost all bottom-level mothers are careerists.

People's hearts.

There are still some people, even those I don't know, who have used weird means to restore themselves.

Especially a bitch.

This kid, Xiaodao's heart is warm.

It has to be said that he was wrong, that foolish boy would save him, but the scumbag probably wouldn't.

But the facts slapped the face.

This time, he did his best.

Even though that smart man Shancao knew that he would contribute, he never expected to be able to do this.

With a warm heart, Xiao Dao never treats his own people badly.

As for those who accepted the mission of the cheap mouth, the knife will not give them additional rewards.

Because they've got what they deserve, which is part of the bitch's territory.

Of course, the task was released, and the content of the task of the cheap mouth is that everything he owns, mainly land, is distributed equally according to the number of people who receive the task, and is permanently obtained. Like him, as long as he is alive, it is his own private territory and belongs to him forever.

Other wealth, authority, and the like are also divided equally.

But he was one step ahead of the chicken thief and gave up his lord's authority, the authority of the pole of the earth's veins.

As a result, these quest acquirers will only obtain land and wealth, without the authority of the poles of the leylines.

Since the task time is too short, there is almost no way to take a closer look at the task, but it is estimated that ordinary people will not care about the authority.

But that's the point.

These Shuilan people, because of the strange family's mother body, were taken back by the knife and taken in, they are already like statues, thoughtless, but indestructible.

However, as Xiao Dao took Eternal Strangeness into his personal space, they all recovered.

Now there are still dozens of weird places on the water blue planet, which are not contained and are all isolated.

Shui Lanxing regained his composure, so it was time to deal with them.

Or the original way.

However, Xiaodao has revised it again. Wealth, contribution, authority and personal law, non-transactional, such as gift, inheritance, are all high taxes.

Not all of them are like this, such as dealing with weird tasks, death, just

Exemption from inheritance tax etc.

It is specially explained that as long as you work hard at present, it is not a problem for everyone to live for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years.

With the lord of the world as a guarantor, although it started to cause controversy, it quickly subsided.

With such a rapid development, there are indeed many ways to prolong life.

Then, to gather contributions and wealth in the hands of individual people, who else but those forces?

High taxes make it difficult to gather resources, and the higher the number, the harder it is to gather.

As soon as this regulation came out, 90% of those big forces would collapse.

No way, this time, Xiaodao was shocked by such a powerful shot.

Fortunately, there are also many people who are saving themselves, such as think tanks, and many people are not bribed.

Until you are threatened with your life, you can refuse.

If it weren't for relatives and the like, being kidnapped and the like, he might not have betrayed his persistence.

These warm the heart of the knife.

This is the human heart.

No matter what, after going through this time, he didn't intend to let it go.

Re-screening think tanks, those who were kidnapped because of their relatives, were pardoned.

As for those who can't stand the temptation, or even disturb the wind and rain, they will naturally become criminals and have no rights.

If you dare to act recklessly, the intelligent system can directly kill them without authorization.

Of course, they are only criminals, and it is not allowed to treat other Shuilan people.

This restriction does not have to be there.

The newly organized think tank enjoys high remuneration, but the immediate family members must enter the personal space to live, and solve their worries for the future.

A series of measures were released.

And if an individual has a negative reputation point, his human rights will also be restricted, so that he can no longer disturb the wind and rain, kill him, or even imprison him directly.

These are all set up and do not require a pocket knife authorization.

Naturally, all the assets of those criminals were copied, including the assets of the second world.

Therefore, Shui Lanxing's authority at the pole of the earth's veins was completely withdrawn.

As a result, a large number of forces were disbanded as a result.

Boss, the boss has become a criminal, and the younger ones below are naturally not stupid enough to obey orders.

Xiaodao didn't keep it for himself, but rewarded the old brothers, who contributed this time.

There is a mode of personal space and heaven, so naturally it will not favor one another, everyone has it.

It's almost done, Xiaodao directly hosts a banquet.

Well, once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years.

The place chosen by the knife is the moon base.

And vigorously carry out the new design and construction of the space station and the space city.

As long as you are a citizen, you can apply to live in the space station in the future.

As for those criminals, they have no such right.

Criminals are divided into ten classes, and now a large number of criminals are born, all of them are heavily in debt, even for the lightest ones, it will take hundreds of years to repay the debts.

Not to mention making contributions and improving status.

And every transaction is calculated by the system, which can be viewed by everyone, including their punishment, which is completely open and fair.

This was well received.

In fact, these things are useless to small knives.

No one can restrain him.

Just asking for peace of mind.

For pocket knives, this is a big deal.

And the natives of the five realms, n, naturally, returned to their personal space after completing the mission.

In reality, no knives are kept at all, and a small number of weak people are also to deal with weirdness.

Temptation, let them die first. ,

After all, most weirdness is fatal.

This time, it was a catastrophe of a small knife.

Luck can't be said to be bad, because although he was accidentally hit this time, it was not fatal.

Thinking about it better, it's already pretty good.

Besides, this time, let

Xiaodao became alert, and in the future, he took this as a warning, and even directly joined the intelligent system.

A small black flag, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag, was planted beside the game cabin.

It looks inconspicuous, but it will remain so forever.

As time goes by, the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner will eventually dissipate, but before it dissipates, a new Ten Thousand Ghost Banner will appear and stick here.

This is the new backhand of Xiaodao.

With this existence, Xiaodao's consciousness of the heavenly dao in his personal space can be manipulated, even if the main body cannot respond to the attack.

However, if the main body is recruited, even with the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner, the personal space cannot be opened, but it is already very good.

Continuous consumption, the knife is completely acceptable.

Xiaodao doesn't plan to enter the water blue star until all the weirdness of the water blue star is excavated.

Safety first, safety first, hehe.

The status of sinners is the lowest.

Lost everything, lots of little threes, little fours, leaving.

It's not bad to leave, and there are not a few people who ridicule and humiliate.

The former enemies also came to the door.

Criminals are also citizens, and they cannot be killed at will.

But humiliation and the like, hehehe, it’s still okay.

Unbearable, suicide, this is one's own right.

It's a pity that even criminals can see hope, even if they work hard for ten thousand years, it will be difficult to repay and restore their citizenship.

But there is hope.

Nowadays, there are not too many ways to prolong life.

Tree people in a small world, the earth's veins are extreme for a hundred years, and it is not a problem to prolong the life of the soul for ten thousand years.

Of course, the safest thing is to practice step by step.

The stronger the strength, the faster the repayment speed will be.

If you understand it, you will understand it, but the guilty people can't bear it.

Once upon a time high above, now!

However, there are still very few suicides. They have found a way out, which is to deal with the weirdness.

The contribution income is high enough.

And when dealing with these, other people can't disturb them casually during official business.

Enough for them to reflect.

But in the face of weirdness, even with the assistance of an intelligent system, there is still a certain mortality rate for kobolds and the like to stand in front of them.

However, at present, the death rate is not high. For criminals, it is better to fight than to commit suicide.

Soon, everything was on the right track, society tended to settle down, and people's hearts were no longer impetuous.

A large number of forces have died, and even small forces that did not participate have no hope in the future, all because of the new regulations.

A large number of space stations, UU reading moon base is under construction.

But one by one, separate them.

The individual lunar bases are relatively small, generally accommodating no more than ten million people, and the space station is based on a million people, and even the smallest one only has about ten thousand people.

These places of residence perfectly avoid the weirdness.

It can only be monitored by the system, basically the weirdness does not appear, there is no way, if it shows off its power, it will be discovered immediately.

But this show of power will kill many people if you are not careful.

For example, when a knife was hit, hundreds of people died.

This is the first time, only the system warns, the result of isolation.

Now, the water blue planet is no longer safe.

Most ordinary players, who can work hard in the second world, naturally hope to be safe in reality. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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