MTL - I Became the Prime Minister’s Adored Wife after Transmigrating-Chapter 342 Zhao Zhao, do you want to hear a story?

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  Chapter 342 Zhao Zhao, do you want to hear a story?

  For Shen Yao, the trip to Mishan is imperative.

  But Mishan is a well-known dangerous situation, so he will never let Qin Minghong be implicated before he is fully sure.

  So he appreciated Qin Minghong's kindness.

   Zheng Rongrong's visit broke Ji Zhao's weird and heavy mood, and she didn't want Shen Yao to worry, so she had already thought about it.

  What happened in that nightmare didn’t happen. If she starts to be afraid now, then she is too hopeless.

   "Shen Yao," Ji Zhao walked to his side with a smile, his eyes were as gentle as water, "I want to go to Mishan."

   "No." Shen Yao subconsciously refused, "Zhao Zhao, you..."

"Shen Yao, I want to defeat my demons." Ji Zhao interrupted him, looked into his eyes and said seriously, "I can't be afraid just because of a dream, let alone you will be with me, won't you ?"

   Shen Yao frowned tightly, still refusing to let go.

  Until Ji Zhao suddenly laughed and said, "Only when our husband and wife are of the same mind can we cut through gold."

   "Okay," Shen Yao really couldn't screw her up, so he nodded helplessly, "But Zhaozhao, I need to make some arrangements. We are leaving for Mount Mishan tomorrow morning?"

   "Well, I'll listen to you." Ji Zhao nodded obediently, and before turning around, he said, "But Shen Yao, if you dare to secretly set off alone without telling me, then I will never talk to you..."

  Shen Yao, who just came up with this idea, shook his head helplessly, "Don't worry, Zhao Zhao, I won't."

   On the other side, Zheng Rongrong, who got the shuttlecock, happily returned to the Zheng Mansion.

   Mrs. Zheng felt happy from the bottom of her heart when she saw her daughter smiling so happily.

"Mother, my birthday party will be held at the Spring Breeze Restaurant, right?" Zheng Rongrong, who was sweating profusely from playing, walked towards her mother with a smile, wrapped her arms intimately around her arms, and said with a smile on her face, " Sister A Tao is really nice, I like her very much, mother, let's book a few more banquets at the Spring Breeze Restaurant, okay?"

   "Okay, okay, listen to my Rongrong!" How could Mrs. Zheng, who is a slave to her daughter, refuse the proposal of her good girl?

   After many years, Mrs. Zheng was extremely grateful that she listened to her daughter's words, not only preserved the blood of the Zheng family, but even led the Zheng family to a more prosperous level.

   "But mother, I think elder brother doesn't like sister A Tao very much..." Zheng Rongrong nestled in his mother's arms, muttering softly, "Big brother won't bully sister A Tao, right?"

   After all, in Yunchuan Mansion, Zheng Li is indeed a person who can walk sideways;

  Zheng Li, as the eldest son of the Zheng family, although he started business, Zheng Hui still had high hopes for this eldest son. Otherwise, how could the eldest son of a concubine secure the second richest merchant in Fucheng in just seven years?

   "Speaking of which, your elder brother is not too young." Mrs. Zheng lowered her eyes slightly to cover the thoughts in her eyes, and there seemed to be a sense of melancholy in her tone.

  That night, Mrs. Zheng made a cup of sweet soup that Mr. Zheng loved to drink, and walked into Zheng Hui's study.

   After the husband and wife communicated with each other, Zheng Hui also felt that it was time for him to think about marrying a wife for his eldest son.

   "Married?" Zheng Li was a little surprised, but he hadn't thought about it.

   After all, since he became an adult, there is no shortage of women around him.

   But he does not reject marriage.

  Peach Blossom House.

  Ji Zhao was a little surprised when he heard the news that Mr. Zheng was about to get married.

"Sister A Tao, my mother said that the sister of the Lu family is a very good-tempered person, maybe the eldest brother will change after he gets married!" Zheng Rongrong said with a smile while eating puffs, "By the way, I Mother also said that the eldest brother will not take action against Chunfeng Xiaoguan in the future."

   "Why is Mrs. Zheng so determined?"

  Ji Zhao became more and more confused, the development of the matter did not match her dream at all!

  If Zheng Li marries another person, then there is no need for her and Shen Yao to go to Mishan again, right?

   "I don't know, anyway, that's what my mother said~" Zheng Rongrong shrugged helplessly, "But Sister A Tao, you don't have to worry too much, my mother is a person who keeps her word."

  Time flies, and it will be the end of October in a blink of an eye.

  Autumn is getting stronger, and the city of Yunchuanfu is covered with withered and yellow leaves of phoenix trees.

  With the secret support of Mrs. Zheng, the business of Chunfeng Restaurant is getting better and better.

  After discussing with Qin Minghong, Ji Zhao decided to open another restaurant.

   "This barbecue is really delicious," Qin Minghong was full of praise, "I already expected how prosperous the business will be when our restaurant opens!"

  These barbecue meats, in Qin Minghong's eyes, are simply worthless money!

"I heard that Brother Qin has already taken care of Yangzhou, so should Brother Qin start his journey?" Shen Yao put the roasted beef into the bowl in front of Ji Zhao, then looked up at Qin Ming. .

  The barbecue in his mouth suddenly tasted bad—

Qin Minghong sighed faintly, "Yeah, speaking of which, I should leave in the next two days. Isn't that why I have been thinking about the restaurant? But then again, A Tao, the restaurant will have to work hard for you in the future .”

   "It's okay." Ji Zhao smiled slightly, "It's my honor."

  In early November, it was snowing in Fucheng.

   After Ji Zhao and his wife bid farewell to Qin Minghong, they were busy again.

   After the new year, it is time for Shen Yao to go to the capital to participate in the Spring Festival.

   This also means that the grievances between Shen Yao and the Sun family should be resolved.

  Ji Zhao knows that there is not much she can do. The only thing she can do is to use her strengths and accumulate wealth. Only in this way can she help Shen Yao at the most critical time.

   In the blink of an eye, it is the cold winter season. In the kitchen of Taohua Xiaozhu, there is a pink figure busy.

   During this period of time, Shen Yao lost a lot of weight in order to prepare for the next year's spring battle.

  Ji Zhao saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

   It will be Laba in two days. Ji Zhao originally wanted to go back to Shanghe Village, but seeing Shen Yao reading day and night, she finally stopped talking.

   "Shen Yao, I made Gastrodia elata pigeon soup." Ji Zhao walked to his side, and softly called out, "Have a rest first?"

   "Okay," Shen Yao put down the scroll in his hand, raised his eyes to Ji Zhao, and smiled softly.

   After a while, the husband and wife shook hands and sat on the soft bed. Shen Yao rubbed her shoulders and said softly, "The current situation in the capital is not optimistic."

   "Huh?" Ji Zhao was very surprised, "The capital?"

   "Yes." Shen Yao nodded lightly, looking at the quiet starry sky outside the window, "I heard that His Majesty is seriously ill..."

  Ji Zhao was astonished when he heard the news, "Your Majesty is seriously ill, would you know?"

   "Zhao Zhao, do you want to hear a story?" Shen Yao suddenly turned to look into her eyes, and smiled slightly. Those eyes, shining like stars, made Ji Zhao feel a little dazed.

  (end of this chapter)