MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 353 "Paper Man" Qingfu (6,000 words continuously

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  Chapter 353 "Paper Man" Qing Fu (6,000-word continuous chapter)

  Fang Jinyu naturally noticed the movement outside the small fairyland.

   But he didn't care.

  Because this small fairyland has been successfully opened up!

  In order to avoid the loss of mana, he had been transformed into a body in the boundary sea before. But at this time, he quietly recovered his original human body.

   After all, this is his root!

  In his pair of dark and deep pupils, the reflection of a pair of golden vertical pupils suddenly appeared, and then the third eye, which symbolized "the end of the world", loomed between his brows.

   These visions didn't last too long, and within a few breaths, a ferocious giant figure flew out of his body.

  This is exactly Fang Jinyu's insane body!

  Since then, Bujian is for him, but he is not for Bujian.

  The two are already independent.

   And at the moment when the body of Bujian was cut out, he responded to Jiehai's call, directly left this small fairyland, and shuttled into the endless chaotic turbidity.

At this moment, no matter what level of world this interstitial body passes by, no matter what level of world it is, they will no longer hold malice towards this interstitial body, and every time they pass through a world, they will get a ray of immortality in that world The power of blessing.

  When this supernatural body is blessed with the power of immortality from the heavens in the sea, it will turn into a fairy law!

   This is the power that can only be touched by the ninth level of Hedao!

  Therefore, it is not without reason that he was rejected by the heavens and the earth wherever he went before he was certified.

  Baijian's body left, and Fang Jinyu's way of freedom also fit into this small fairyland. There is no fairy way in this world, because it itself is a fairy way!

  【Today is to open up a small fairyland to prove the Dao for a day】

  【Refining to obtain Taoism +1】

  Fang Jinyu looked at today's "Heaven rewards hard work", and couldn't help showing the smile of the domineering president when he met Bai Yueguang.

  The mana and primordial spirit in his body completed the most difficult transformation at this moment. This is not only because Fang Jinyu is perfecting the god, but also because he opened up this world!

The world "Fang Jinyu Jietian" that Qingfu is united with, even if Fang Jinyu is only named, can suppress the instinctive disgust after he becomes a master, and echo him from afar, borrowing the power of his law of thunder, not to mention Is this the world he created?

At this moment, Fang Jinyu's land of transforming gods, which evolved in the past, quietly merged into this small fairyland, and then it only took over part of the fairyland, but the projected phantoms of mountains and seas, as well as the traces of some practitioners, among them There is a part, which is completely solidified!

   So far, the fairy mountain is called Fanshan, but it really stands between heaven and earth, and it also carries the only Hedao Hall here.

A Yiren came by stepping on the water. Although there were no fish looking at the road to form a "fish bridge", thousands of free and true thoughts came from all directions, making her seem to jump out of the painting. When she touched the abyss with her bare feet, she floated down. She landed on a stubborn rock, resting her chin on her plain hand, tilting her head slightly, looking at the scene in front of her, with indescribable joy in her eyes.

  The elixir of longevity fell from the white crane's mouth and turned into nothingness, but the white crane began to dance lightly on the high mountain.

   This is celebrating new students.

   Also rejoice in their own freedom!

  There are mountains and forests that move with the wind, and also move with the people you see. The ups and downs are like blue sea waves. At this time, in the forest, there was a young man, accompanied by an old ox, watching the rising sun in the sky solidify, and couldn't help showing a sincere smile from the bottom of his heart.

  There are all kinds of joy in the world, maybe he only loves all beings in this world.

  In addition, there is the real phoenix bathed in fire. After a cry, the flames disappeared, and the vision faded away, but with the spread of its wings, it flew away directly...

  These are just the changes in the tip of the iceberg in this small fairyland. The creatures in the land that once transformed into gods now have real bodies, and the cultivation they have shown has also reached the realm of transforming gods.

  Of course, only in this small fairyland can they have such cultivation.

  Once they leave, they will change from a supernatural Taoist monarch to a small and ordinary mortal in an instant, and then due to the disappearance of their longevity, they will directly turn into a pair of dry bones.

   But there is no need for them to leave.

  As long as the way of freedom is passed on, they will live forever in this small fairyland!

These people are special creatures born of the "Tao", but they are not the special kind of creatures that Fang Jinyu wants, because they can't break through to the Dao state, let alone help him practice the way of freedom, so Fang Jinyu He concealed himself, making these creatures think that he was just a creature that they couldn't help but feel close to.

   After all, this is the place to be!

   There is no distinction between upper and lower, no distinction between superior and inferior, no difference between strong and weak.

   These are not only special creatures born of the "Tao", but also a kind of embodiment of Fang Jinyu's Taoism!

   And at this point, Fang Jinyu has successfully proved the Dao, and has completely stepped into the realm of the first level of the Dao!

  He turned his head and looked outside the small fairyland.

   At this time, more than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced over, and after colliding with Fang Jinyu's eyes, none of them backed down.

  Fang Jinyu was expressionless, but stepped forward with one step.

  The meaning of freedom instantly condenses the dao mark, showing the Taoism of the Dao state, so when Fang Jinyu appeared in the boundary sea, more than ten kinds of attacks had already been launched indiscriminately.

  Four peerless and terrifying sword qi erupted, instantly killing Fang Jinyu's four ultimate moves.

   "Boy, I didn't come to trouble you!"

  The old man cursed, and after defeating the ultimate move that was hitting him, he pulled away and left directly. This was to prevent Fang Jinyu from continuing to misunderstand and express his attitude, but at the same time he was also taking the opportunity to escape.

   After all, Fang Jinyu has already proved the Tao, so he can be regarded as having implemented the regulations of his alliance.

  At this time, there are so many He Dao realms, and most of them are at the second and third levels of He Dao.

  He Dao Realm, the difference of one level is often no different from Tianzhu.

   And if he stays any longer, he might be regarded as Fang Jinyu's "accomplice" and be besieged and killed together!

  After all, there is a Hedao Realm who was born in the two real worlds, and he has already seen through his identity at about this time.

  As soon as the old Taoist left, the expressions of the two He Daoists who were born in the real world changed slightly, and then they shot almost unanimously, wanting to take down the old Taoist, but unfortunately, the old Taoist walked fast enough.

  The Hedao Realm who came from the "Hundred Immortals" Great Realm, Dark Land, and Necratic World, turned around and left after resisting Fang Jinyu's ultimate move at this time.

  Because of that old man's identity, they also found out.

   Whether it is the real world or the alliance, they don't want to get involved.

   What's more, Fang Jinyu has already proved the Tao, even if he has just entered the first level of Hedao, and his Taoism is far lower than them, but after all, he has stepped into this level and has the qualifications for immortality.

  Even if they did not hesitate to pay a huge price today to make Fang Jinyu fall, it won't be long before Fang Jinyu will return without dying.

  Having its own position in the world and being unique, the return is very fast, and even that cannot be called reincarnation, but resurrection on the spot!

   At most, the road line will be damaged a little.

  As for the methods that can really kill the He Dao Realm...

  That thing is in the worlds of the sea, and it belongs to the legend.

  So, among the heavens in the sea, the cognition of the Hedao state is like the treatment of the Nascent Soul state in the Nine Wastelands.

   Between each other, although there are high and low morals, no one can really kill anyone!

Tuo Gufo saw four people in the Dao realm leaving, and he blocked Fang Jinyu's killer move, and he was ready to leave too, but at this moment, a blue-gold streamer emerged from the chaos out of thin air, and then it was like a dragon swimming , One divided into ten, and one tenth of the blue-golden streamer directly stopped Tuogu Buddha.

  The rest of the nine blue-gold streamers, of course, indiscriminately attacked the entire audience, and they were attacked together with Fang Jinyu.

  Fang Jinyu's face darkened unavoidably, and then he waved his sleeves, and a wide black sleeve appeared from the chaotic air!

   The sun and the moon are long!

  The cuffs contained this blue-gold streamer, and the sleeves suddenly expanded and contracted continuously, as if the wind was constantly blowing out and then being blown in again.

   This is naturally the blue-gold streamer trying to escape.

  However, after Fang Jinyu succeeded in proving the Tao, this supernatural power also stepped into the field of heavenly scriptures.

  Each heavenly book-level supernatural power corresponds to a side of heaven and earth.

  Like the position of co-dao, the number of heavenly book-level magical powers in each world is limited. In the boundary-level world, only one person is allowed to prove the Tao, and the heavenly book-level magical power can only carry one!

  Such a supernatural power, when it is used, it is no less than one side of the world fighting together.

   What's more, Fang Jinyu's use of this supernatural power at this time can be said to be a home game, because the small fairyland he opened up is right behind him, making his supernatural power infinitely skyrocketing!

  Compared to Fang Jinyu's relaxed and comfortable state, the rest of the Hedao realm is not so leisurely and leisurely, after all, the green-gold streamer did not release water.

  After one side of the sword array was broken by the green-gold streamer, the figures of the four underworld Hedao realms appeared. The three men and one woman said with an ugly face, "This is not the ordinary middle stage of Hedao, this is the fifth level of Hedao!"

  Then, they couldn't help being shocked when they saw the blue-gold streamer coming up again.

  They tried their best to break free just now!

And even the four Hell Composite Dao Realms who were able to form a terrifying sword formation with "Zhu", "Jue", "Trap", and "Kill" were all beaten violently, and the rest of the Composite Dao Realms were even more so. It's unbearable.

  The profound Taoism of the fifth level of He Dao directly overwhelmed the group of He Dao realms out of breath!

  Because among the nine floors of Hedao, the fifth floor of Hedao is enough to be regarded as a watershed.

  The fifth level of Hedao, although it is not yet able to break through the restrictions of the first world like the seventh level of Hedao, it has already begun to have the power to resist and can withstand the pressure from one side of the world.

  For example, at this time, if a certain little girl ran to Jiuhuang to make troubles, Jiuhuang would have nothing to do with her.

   Just let her in, then don't try to drive her away!

A moment later, the four peerless sword qi once again formed a sword formation, and then fled with the underworld combined Dao realm. This is from the ancient inheritance of "Heaven Beyond Heaven". , can show such power.

  In addition, there are two He Dao realms with quick eyesight and quick hands who escaped together.

  However, the remaining three He Dao realms were not so lucky, and they were captured by the green-gold streamer in the end.

   In the battle of Hedao, either the power is evenly matched, and there will be no winner for tens of thousands of years, or the competition will be directly discussed in a very short period of time!

As for the three He Dao realms that were captured, two of them came from the Real Realm. The monks who came out of this realm have always been domineering. In the eyes! Therefore, after discovering that Fang Jinyu was not a monk from the real world, they prepared to force Fang Jinyu to work for them.

   There is also a Dao Harmonious Realm, which is naturally Tuogu Buddha, who was immediately found by a little girl's "Tao".


  Fang Jinyu looked at the blue-gold flat human figure standing in front of him at the moment, and he could vaguely see the appearance of a little girl. He saw her stepping on three stacked figures of the Hedao Realm, and couldn't help calling out with a strange expression.

  After all, this little girl looks like a paper man.

   "Mother, here, I'm giving it to you!" The blue-gold human figure pushed the three He Dao realms, with a look of "I'm very generous".

  Fang Jinyu: "..."

  I thank you!

  Then, the blue-gold human figure left the sentence "Mother, I have something to do" and ran away. Fang Jinyu looked down at the three He Dao Realm, thought for a while, but still did not separate them.

  Because this is a little girl's Taoism, he can't solve it.

  So, he turned back to Xiaoxianyu, and came to the foot of a mountain.

  This mountain is the Fanshan Mountain that is solidified from emptiness to support the Hall of Hedao. Because of the imprint of the Immortal Realm, this mountain exudes a mysterious Taoist rhyme.

  Fang Jinyu raised his hand a little, his sense of freedom gathered, and then gathered Dao marks in this mountain.

   Then, as he used the divine power [Xiang Di] in the book of heaven, the mountain rose slowly, but the whole land remained unchanged. This is the wonder of this magical power.


  Fang Jinyu flicked his sleeve, and three figures fell into it, and then the entire giant mountain that supported the sky fell steadily.

   It can be regarded as suppressing these three He Dao realms with the power of one realm.

   After finishing all this, Fang Jinyu looked up at the Hedao Hall. Only now did he have the energy to pay attention to his own Hedao Hall.

   Then, his figure disappeared in an instant, but he came directly to the door of the Hedao Hall.

  At this time, the ancient door in front of Hedao Hall was closed tightly. This door was neither stone nor wood, nor gold, nor silver, nor copper and iron.

   This is indeed a self-generated thing in the world, and it can exceed his cognition, it seems that it is very likely to be influenced by the fairyland.

  Then, Fang Jinyu stretched out his hand and pressed on the simple gate.

  Suddenly, a gap appeared in the originally tight and seamless door, and then it was divided into two doors, which slowly opened.

  When Fang Jinyu stepped into the Hedao Hall, he saw a stone door that was very familiar to him.

   Only the ninth floor of Hedao is eligible to push away!

   Fang Jinyu just watched, his expression inevitably became weird.

  Because the stone gate in the Hedao Hall is a bit different.

   "Why is this door open?"


At the moment when Fang Jinyu stepped into his Hedao Hall, in the spiritual realm where even the God Transformation Realm longed to go, a stone tablet seemed to be echoing each other from afar, quietly appearing from the clouds and mists of Yuxu Immortal Mountain .

   This is the Tianbei.

  At this time, a group of imposing people were staring at this monument.

   But their expressions were extremely tense.

  When one of them saw his name appearing at the bottom of the stele that day, occupying an extremely small space, this person couldn't help being ecstatic about it.

   This means that Tianbei recognized him, thinking that he has a good foothold and has the potential to prove the truth!

   And being able to get the approval of Tianbei, you can also get the blessing of Tianbei luck! Since then, things have been smooth sailing, but chances may arise from time to time!

   It is said that there used to be a God Transformation Realm who obtained an incomparably precious fairy fate, and directly saw through the difficulty of proving the Tao.

   "Finally included in the Tianbei!"

   "It's not easy!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  These rejoiced, for several of them came out.

  But some people are happy, others are naturally sad.

   That's a bunch of latecomers.

  These people also looked nervously at the bottom of the stele that day, and when they found that there was only one person's name, which was the name of their group, all of them showed expressions of discontent.

   "It's hateful, if it's not the person in charge of this stele, but the Hedao Realm from the real world, who repeatedly favors the people in the real world and blesses their luck, how come only Senior Brother Zhang is included in our name!"

  In this group of people, someone couldn't help muttering.

  However, they are all in the God Transformation Realm here, and they all have obtained three "Tao Wheels", and there is no suppressed God Transformation Realm, so they can all hear clearly.

   "What did you say? Zhang Chenglong, did you mean what he said?" The monk who was born in the real world immediately looked at each other angrily.

  Because the royal family in the real world cannot be humiliated!

  The Zhang Chenglong he was talking about was the current leader among this group of monks who were not born in the real world, and he was also the one included in the Tianbei.

At this time, when Zhang Chenglong heard the words, he didn't even think about it, and made a killing move with the fake fairy treasure in his hand, severely wounding the person who spoke just now, and then Zhang Chenglong apologized to the real monk with a smile on his face : "All fellow Taoists in the real world, please calm down, this is not what I mean! I am the most convinced of the fellow Taoists in the real world! I have injured him, you can fight or kill as you please!"

  Before his name is not included in the Tianbei and before he gets the blessing of luck, Zhang Chenglong will still protect people from the same background as himself. After all, he still needs the help of these people!

   But now, he and these people are already two levels of people!

  Because those who have received the blessing of Tianbei luck, as long as they are not killed, without exception, they all successfully proved the Tao in the end.

   If you don't follow the Tao, you will end up as an ant!

   Therefore, Zhang Chenglong thought that he didn't need to pretend anymore, and wanted to please these real monks. After all, in his opinion, the Hedao Realm produced by the real monks has absolute strength in the entire world.

   Half of the seas of the world are in the same way, and they all come out of the real world!

   What a terrible sentence!

   "Senior Brother Zhang, you..." A glamorous female cultivator couldn't help but speak out. This female cultivator looks charming, but what is more unusual is that she is holding a butcher's knife.

   But it was because her father was a butcher who slaughtered pigs before stepping into the world of cultivating immortals.

  By chance, she got half of a knife-shaped magic weapon that was half-conceived, and transformed it into this pig-killing knife. After accompanying her for more than two thousand years, she was accidentally promoted to a false fairy treasure.

  Although it is only of the upper Qing rank, but because it matches her attributes, it is also a treasure that can be obtained.

   After all, she was born as a casual cultivator.

  Being able to practice so far is all due to my own talent for refining weapons.

"Junior Sister Zhu, if you still call me senior brother, shut up, otherwise don't blame me for turning your face and denying others!" Zhang Chenglong said coldly, because of the fact that this female cultivator had known him for many years, Otherwise, he would not have given this warning!

  The complexion of the glamorous female cultivator surnamed Zhu changed slightly. She was a little angry, but she dared not speak out. To be able to come to this day as a casual cultivator, she will not make any impulsive actions.

   At this time, those real monks didn't want to stop there.

   But before they opened their mouths to say anything, a stream of black light came from the outside, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

  Because this place is very special, you can only enter within the specified time.

   Beyond this time, you will not be able to enter.

   But this black streamer can fly in, so it can naturally show its specialness!

  The black streamer fell directly on the stele, and suddenly the stele underwent unprecedented changes, with names constantly appearing on it.

  Seeing these names, the real monks couldn't help but get excited.

   "It's the list of exiled immortals!"

   "Could it be that another monk who is the best in the past and the present has been born?"

  These true monks have a look of excitement.

"In my family, there is an uncle who once created his own way of practice. Although he failed to prove the way later, he also entered the realm of harmony! Could it be that my grandfather finally made up for the incompleteness and proved it again? Got it?"

  Some real monks speculated on this.

  The surrounding people nodded their heads one after another, because they had all heard about that He Dao Realm, and he was truly amazing.

  Although they may have other thoughts in their hearts, the person who spoke up is the strongest, so they didn't refute it. After all, the dispute caused by a few guesses is really meaningless.

  However, a monk from the real world looked at Zhang Chenglong and his party, and then said tauntingly: "Zhang Chenglong, and that junior sister Zhu, who do you think is included in the list of exiled immortals?"

   Zhang Chenglong heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Who else could it be? It should be the senior that fellow Taoists mentioned! Besides that senior, who else is worthy of this list of exiled immortals?"

"Hahaha!" A group of real monks laughed, but they were not going to let it go, so they looked at the beautiful female cultivator surnamed Zhu: "Then what about Junior Sister Zhu? What is your opinion? "

   This beautiful female cultivator surnamed Zhu has a great way of refining weapons, so she has long been missed by these real monks.

   And this glamorous female cultivator surnamed Zhu couldn't help showing a little anger when she heard the words. This uncomfortable feeling of being controlled by others made her very uncomfortable!

  At this time, the black streamer on the stele finally disappeared and turned into three characters.

   It was—Fang Jinyu!

   This made those real monks take the lead for a moment, because what they guessed before, or what they guessed in their hearts, was not called this name.

   And as they stared at the name, the information with this name also emerged:

  Fang Jinyu, who created his own way of freedom and achieved the legend of freedom, was specially included in the list of banished immortals to justify his name!

  Seeing the words "The Way of Freedom", the glamorous female nun surnamed Zhu was stunned for a moment. She just felt that this way of cultivation was particularly attractive to her for no reason.

  (end of this chapter)