MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 347 Your way is the only problem!

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  Chapter 347 Your Dao is the only problem!

  Fang Jinyu felt very strange at this time, because he went in, but he didn't seem to go in.

Although relying on a certain little girl's magical secret technique, he managed to avoid the surveillance and restriction of this strange fairy city, so that he would not be caught immediately after entering, but after he came in, he used the method of intercepting the fate of the people in this fairy city , but directly failed.

   This means that the person he saw at this time is not really in front of him!

   "However, these people could indeed see themselves before..."

  Because he is the incarnation of supernatural powers, Fang Jinyu is very bold. At this time, he came to a cultivator in this fairy city.

   This is a girl-like immortal cultivator. Fang Jinyu can't perceive her cultivation level, but listening to the other party talking to himself at this time, it should be that she is not very old.

  I just heard her say: "I'm so **** off, brother Fuyao is really too, so what do you believe that woman to do? You let me come here to watch the good show in the lower realm, but what's so interesting about these fighting scenes!"

  This is usually the tone of a teenage girl when she complains, neither serious nor serious, and there is no foul language.


  Fang Jinyu used this magical incarnation to try to look down from her perspective.

   This is a restaurant that needs to be built along the city wall of Xiancheng. At this time, he and the girl were standing together on the balcony of the restaurant, both of them were looking down.

   But the strange thing is that Fang Jinyu can't see anything.

  Grey, like continuous haze.

   Moreover, it’s not just here that it looks like this when looking out, but in other places in this fairy city, even the gate of the entrance, as long as you come inside and look out, you can’t see anything!

   What can be seen is always the grayness.

   "This fairy city, does it have an autonomous recognition function? I'm not from this fairy city, so I can't see it?"

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help thinking this way.

  However, soon, he overturned his conjecture again.

Because if this is the case, look at his previous incarnation of supernatural powers. As soon as he entered this fairy city, he was banned for a second. If he really had this recognition function, he would have been recognized and wiped out !

  Even if you don't kill him anymore, you will tell other people in this fairy city!

   But now, even standing beside those monks, they couldn't perceive themselves.

   This means that if you look out from the inside of this fairy city, you can't see anything, which is caused by this fairy city unilaterally!

   "Is this fairy city in the fairyland, or in the spiritual realm?"

   "Or is there a world of excess between the fairyland and the sea and the heavens?"

  Fang Jinyu guessed at will, and then suddenly a little girl's soft and waxy voice appeared in his heart: "Mother, why did you go to a place like Daotian? Where are you now?"

   "I'm in the Spiritual Realm, but I found a rather strange place. It's a fairy city floating in the sky of the Spiritual Realm, and a magical power of mine entered it." Fang Jinyu answered in great detail.

   After finishing speaking, he asked by the way: "How do you know I'm not in the boundary sea now?"

   "Because I couldn't get in touch with you, Niangqin before! But just now, very suddenly, I could vaguely sense you, Niangqin!" The little girl responded cheerfully.

   "It shouldn't be because of the Lingjingtian." Fang Jinyu immediately ruled out a possibility.

  After all, if it was because of Lingjingtian, then Qingfu would have sensed him long ago, instead of waiting until now.

   "Mother, what kind of fairy city did you discover?"

  Fang Jinyu described it in detail when he heard the words, including the people in this place and what they said when they talked.

   "Mother, this seems to be a method of projection in the fairyland... Well, mother, don't move around, I'll come in right away..."

  Fang Jinyu: "..."

   What kind of terrible description is this?

  Then, Fang Jinyu suddenly found that his belly grew bigger, which was caused by a force that did not belong to him in his body.

   Then, a blue-gold stream of light flew out, and at the same time, his stomach returned to its previous appearance.

After the blue-golden streamer fell, it immediately turned into a petite figure familiar to Fang Jinyu, with picturesque eyebrows, slender waist, and a light blue long-sleeved dress, but she rolled up the cuffs directly, revealing two parts White and snowy arms.

   And at this moment, a small hand was covering the small red mouth, and the pair of black eyes under Liu Ye's eyebrows showed faint ripples, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

  Fang Jinyu looked at her, the corners of his eyes twitching.

  Then, he finally couldn't help but do something to this little girl!

   "What the **** kind of secret technique are you doing!" Fang Jinyu's eyes widened, his mana surged, and thunderbolts and phantoms intertwined, almost turning this place into a field of thunder.

   "Oh, oh, mother, don't be angry, at worst, I'll come out in another place next time!" A certain little girl kindly comforted her, but the effect was no different than adding fuel to the fire.

   "Next time? Do you want to have a next time? And are you going to change places?"

  Fang Jinyu's lightning spells, which he had practiced for many years, all erupted at this moment, except that the way he cultivated had not yet reached the level of harmony.

  Especially the shattered corner of the position of Lei Xian is even more faintly visible, as if to bless Fang Jinyu! It's a pity, because the position of Lei Xian is too incomplete, there is no blessing, it can only be used as a useless vision.

  However, although this little girl doesn't have a "Tao Wheel", the suppression of her in this place is zero, so Fang Jinyu can't catch her at all.

  As for what Fang Jinyu displayed...

   It was just this little girl who was wronged and didn't fight back, otherwise Fang Jinyu would have been begging for mercy, and then waited for a wave of big men to live in depression for a long time...

  Finally, Fang Jinyu could only write down the account silently.

  Then, he looked the little girl up and down, trying to see something, at least to distinguish whether she came here in flesh and blood, or if she came here with a little dao...

   Otherwise, I will panic!

   But unfortunately, Fang Jinyu didn't see anything.

   This little girl went to the "Taotian" in her mouth, and her cultivation seems to have improved a lot by leaps and bounds, even more powerful than before.

   At this time, a familiar text box ran out.

  【Today is terrible, it seems like a day of pregnancy and childbirth, but it seems that there is no day】

  【The way to refine and obtain Qingfu +1】

Fang Jinyu was ecstatic in an instant, but in the next second, as the little girl's way was perceived by him, Fang Jinyu's expression became strange, even because the emotional fluctuations in his heart were so intense at this moment that even the corners of his mouth I can't help but smoke again and again.

  He hesitated to speak.

  But he stopped talking later.

  But in the end, Fang Jinyu held back the words "what the **** is your way", or "this **** can be a way of practicing".

  Because this little girl is already in the Hedao Realm.

   This means that this little girl's "Tao" is indeed feasible. After all, if it is not possible, how can she successfully prove the Tao? It can't be that the world released the "sea" back then, right?

   "Well, I feel ridiculous, it must be because my knowledge is too shallow!"

  Fang Jinyu said a few words silently in his heart, and finally calmed himself down.

   While Fang Jinyu was trying to keep himself from complaining, Qingfu had already run from Fang Jinyu's body to the vicinity of the fairy city in the sky.

   This little girl didn't rush in.

   She looked at this fairy city at this time, as if she was attracted by something inside.

  Fang Jinyu can't see anything, but it doesn't mean that Qingfu can't see anything either.

After a while, Qing Fu landed, and said to Fang Jinyu: "Mother, this place is very good! If the items can go in, the effect of practicing and enlightening in it may not be inferior to that in Daotian! "

   This little girl is very happy.

   "What did you see?" Fang Jinyu was pleasantly surprised.

   "Hmm! The guy who created this place almost displayed the way he cultivated in a very sly way. But the most important thing is that he refined part of the imprint of the mountains and rivers of the fairyland into it."

  When Qing Fu said this, Fang Jinyu understood why she said that the effect of practicing here would be very good.

  Because this is indeed suitable for her practice.

  That outrageous Tao!

   But for Fang Jinyu... Naturally, there is no help at all, so he asked: "Then what is going on with these people? It seems to exist, but it seems to not exist."

  Although what is in the Immortal City at this time is only an incarnation of his supernatural powers, which is far inferior to the main body in all aspects, but it is still very reliable for detecting some things, which is equivalent to going to the main body.

   "Because their bodies are all in the fairyland! Only with the help of this fairy city, I saw this place. This fairy city can be remotely sensed with the fairyland. And in that fairyland, there should be such a fairy city."

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words: "Then what are they going to all this trouble to see?"

  Although these people seemed to be watching a play, he still couldn't believe it, because it was too ridiculous to be like this!

   "Mother, they are all watching a play!"

"Watching a play?" Fang Jinyu couldn't help but think of the scene when those spirit monsters attacked Hanlu Immortal City, forcing the monks in the city to transform into gods and had to fight to the death with these spirit monsters. After learning the truth, he still couldn't help feeling a little absurd in his heart: "They killed people just to see the people below? Did they not hesitate to make such a scene?"

  In this fairy city, it is an extremely lively scene at this time.

   There is a restaurant that Fang Jinyu is familiar with, and there is also a "Lun Dao Terrace" that he has never seen before. There are various games in it, such as Daoqi.

  The monks in this fairy city are men and women, old and young, and of different ages, but they seem to be familiar with each other, and they should live in the same place, or simply belong to the same family.

  After all, in the words Fang Jinyu heard when the first incarnation of supernatural powers was killed, there were indeed people who claimed to be "immortals".

Hearing Fang Jinyu's question, the little girl blinked her **** and white eyes, and then a little puzzled expression appeared on her delicate little face: "People who think they are superior, don't all like to look at the following?" people, are they fighting against each other?"

  Fang Jinyu was silent, he was speechless.

  Because what this little girl said seems to be true, and the face of the real monk is a good proof.

  At this time, Fang Jinyu remembered something, and took out a drop of water that was as crystal clear as glass, but was constantly flowing with cold light.

  He reached out and handed it out.

   "This is the highest level of Lingling Cold Dew, do you want to use it? It is quite effective in suppressing one's own Dao!" But Fang Jinyu couldn't help but think of this little girl's Dao again.

  That is an extremely outrageous kind of Taoism...

   More irrational than his way of being free!

  Even if he tried to convince himself many times, Fang Jinyu's rationality told him that there was indeed a problem with this little girl's way, and it was a big problem.

  However, people have cultivated to the Dao state by virtue of this...

  So, Fang Jinyu really didn't know who was at fault, so he had to give this little girl the spiritual thing that was useful in this regard.

   "Thank you, mother, but you should use it yourself, mother, your way seems to be a big problem..." Qingfu curled her mouth, with a cute look about to roll her eyes.

   "What's wrong with my Tao?"

   "Ignore all things in the world, only things in the sky can be bound. Unrestrained, between heaven and earth, nothing can stop you! Mother, do you feel that there is something wrong with this..."

  Qing Fu has a weird face, because there is a "Tao" that is suppressed by the Immortal Dao and makes the Immortal Dao fearful, part of it behaves like this!

  (end of this chapter)

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