MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 339 Even if I'm not here, can you make me pretend?

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  Chapter 339 Even if I'm not around, you can make me pretend?

  Fang Jinyu finally got rid of the troubles in his life. So far, in a million years, the years have been meaningless to him.

  As for those fairy treasures that can deprive him of his lifespan, the threat to him is not as great as before.

  Because such immortal treasures that can affect lifespan cannot be used at will! Just like Bujian, even if one can easily send away a world, he cannot unscrupulously summon a dark place to engulf a world.

  The reason why the two ponytails "holding" the three celestial treasures was so weird at that time was because some of the taboos were involved.

  The twin-tailed master's banner-like fairy treasure, which is the master of the Dao Realm, may only consume the mana and consciousness of the double-tailed mana when it is activated. But the other two fairy treasures are likely to be the potential and luck of the twin ponytails!

   "A lifespan of a million years, even compared to the immortal power of the Hedao Realm, is enough to be called a long life."

  Thinking of this, Fang Jinyu, who was in a great mood, raised his hand, and a wisp of gold-plated purple aura immediately wrapped around his fingertips.

   This wisp of gold-plated purple air is quite unique, full of spirituality, as if it is alive, but if you look at it for a long time, you will have an illusion, as if there is a fairyland hidden in this wisp of gold-plated purple air!

   And this is that ray of fairy fate!

  Fang Jinyu originally wanted to wait until he had the fourth level of Transformation God before using it, and was not in a hurry to use it right away.

  However, he didn't have enough elixir in his hands, and while he was wandering in the boundary sea, he didn't have the environment to devote himself to practice.

  Although the Land of the Remains has been found, unless it is an extremely high-grade Land of the Remains, there are still some world laws and world sources left. Otherwise, it will be of no benefit to Fang Jinyu's practice.

  To transform into a **** realm, after all, it is necessary to dig out the treasures of heaven and earth with divine consciousness.

  If not, then those who waited for the minor perfection to transform into gods would not be trapped in the layer of transforming gods for a long time, unable to break through!

  The reason why the thousand-yuan, thousand-method, and thousand-spirited elixir is so famous among the pills in the early stage of transformation of the gods is not only the collection of elixir, which does not make people so desperate, but also has something to do with the heaven and earth inspiration contained in this elixir.

   "The immortal fate comes from me. Although it is not so easy to obtain, it depends on personal luck, but compared with the Hedao state, it is easier for me to obtain the immortal fate than them!"

  With a thought, this ray of immortality melted away, blowing through Fang Jinyu's body like a wind, but at the same time fused into his mana and spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, Fang Jinyu only felt as if a world had been opened up in his heart, in which there were immortal medicines growing, and the sun was rising, but it turned into a flying dragon and left. Goddess transformed into a goddess, and the moonlight was like a trickle of water, nourishing all spirits, and also made his mind extraordinarily peaceful...

  At this moment, Fang Jinyu experienced the sublimation of his soul, and unexpectedly pushed his stagnant mental strength forward a step. Although it has not reached the sixth stage in theory, it can be regarded as finally having the qualification to build a supporting platform for that ray of perfection.

  During Yuanjie, Fang Jinyu had cultivated to the stage of "Calling Immortals", but it was unbelievable to find that his mental power was still not qualified to connect with the ray of perfect human mind.

   This human mind is too transcendent!

   It can only be said that it is worthy of opening the "Heroine Blind Box"!

But now it is finally able to carry it, so in Fang Jinyu's thought, his mental strength suddenly exploded, as if he had turned into a villain, quickly climbed up the stairs, and then pushed open a door that did not exist and could not be pushed. open door.

   However, the door was opened, but there was nothing behind the door!

   This is the road ahead has been broken.

  So, the door closed again, and even disappeared directly, leaving only the steps.

   This sudden burst of mental energy "little man" couldn't help being confused.

  Then, Fang Jinyu had no choice but to get out of that artistic conception of spiritual sublimation.


   Sighing, Fang Jinyu knew that he had missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but this was also expected. After all, it was created out of nothing, so how could it not be difficult?

  At this time, Fang Jinyu suddenly discovered that the moment he felt before was actually decades past!

  And his cultivation has naturally reached the fourth level of Huashen.

And I don't know if it's because of the "+1" talent that has been "rewarding hard work" in the past few decades, or because this ray of immortality is too unreal, Fang Jinyu's cultivation at this time is far away from Huashen The fifth floor is only a short distance away from the last one.

   Even if there is no fairy fate, he only needs to have a place where he can use the "+1" talent to practice for a hundred years, and he is sure to break through smoothly!

   "However, even so, if it wasn't for the interference from the people behind Lingtian Pavilion, why should I be so reckless now..."

  Fang Jinyu inevitably felt a little regretful.

  After all, this ray of immortal fate is more suitable for breaking through the fifth level of Huashen cultivation and the sixth level of Huashen cultivation.

  Because of that, he can break through to the late stage of transformation in a short time!

   "Speaking of which, the mid-term and early-stage changes in this state of transformation are really big..."

As Fang Jinyu turned his consciousness, he discovered all the mysteries of himself, especially at this time he was able to remotely sense the law of thunder in the world of Jiehai, and then when this small piece of spirit fell to the ground, it condensed a faint The prototype of the law of thunder is coming!

  The six realms of the Immortal Dao, the more you practice to the later stage, the more miraculous and extraordinary it is.

  But it can also be seen that a certain little girl is really outrageous!

  Fang Jinyu remembered that when this guy was on the fourth level of Huashen, even before that, he messed up the Donghu realm, and even the five Juan Wang's road to enlightenment was affected.

  Then, Fang Jinyu tried this ability that is only qualified in the mid-stage of transformation.

  His Thunder Dao attainment is extremely superb. After all, one "+1" a day has been accumulated for so many years. If it weren't for the limitation of the cultivation level, Fang Jinyu's Thunder Dao proficiency would definitely be added to the He Dao state!

  By that time, maybe in a single thought, he will be able to perform the act of destroying the world with thunder!

  Of course, he doesn't owe that much, this is just an analogy.

At this time, under Fang Jinyu's remote sensing, he found that there were three worlds that responded to his call. Naturally, they were the three places where he had left his footprints. Among them, "Fang Jinyu Jietian" responded most strongly. As expected, it was followed by the Donghu Realm, but the last one was quite unexpected, it was actually the Nine Desolation...

   "I don't know if it's because of Qing Fu or my name that the world where the little girl joins the Tao, so even if I become the body of the time, the degree of rejection is the lowest."

   "As for the Donghu realm, it seems to be because I killed the most people with lightning..." After Fang Jinyu felt it clearly, his expression was inevitably a little strange.

  The people he said to be chopped to death are naturally those who have not broken into babies normally.

  Fang Jinyu had realized before that Fang Tiandi hated this kind of people, but he didn't expect to be disgusted to this extent!

  If it is said that because of the "half step between" in the past dynasties, the hatred limit of the heavens in the world has been directly filled, that is, the hatred degree is "999+"!

  Then this kind of people who use various family resources to achieve the Nascent Soul Realm like a secret, the hatred of this group in the Donghu Realm must be at least "333+"!

  Fang Jinyu can't guarantee how much other worlds hate this kind of people, but there is indeed so much hatred for this kind of people in the Donghu Realm.

   "If I am not proving the Tao in Jiehai, then the Donghu Realm may be the most suitable place for me to prove the Tao..."

  Because there are quite a lot of people like this in the Donghu realm.

   A dynasty will accumulate a lot of problems after hundreds of years or thousands of years, not to mention the fairy gate structure that has not changed for tens of thousands of years?

Fang Jinyu felt that if he could kill all this kind of people with the power of thunder, and then break all the original fairy gate patterns, there would be a great chance that the hatred of the Donghu Realm towards the body of Bujian would drop by seven Eight hundred!

  Combined with the favorability brought by the perfect transformation of the gods, even if the Donghu Realm will not help him succeed in proving the Tao, it will at least give him a very difficult treatment.

   "It seems that in the future, every time I go to a world, I have to work harder!" Fang Jinyu's eyes are dark, because this type of people is against the sky in terms of immortality.

  And what is Suncheon?

Whether it's going up against the thunder robbery, or insulting the gods, shouting that my life is up to me, or kowtow a few times, thanking Lei Jie's father for coming to attack you in his busy schedule, in the eyes of the immortals, they are all practicing in accordance with the sky list.

   Immortal Dao has no self-awareness, so naturally there is no sense of honor or disgrace.

  Thank God, or insult God, in the eyes of Xiandao, it is essentially just a way to embolden oneself, which can be classified as the secret method of crossing the catastrophe.

  The secret method of crossing the catastrophe is allowed by the immortal way.

   After all, Lei Jie was not born to kill monks, but to see if this monk has reached the standard for promotion.

At this time, although Fang Jinyu had murderous intentions, he did not delay the condensing of the embryonic form of the Law of Thunder in his hands. However, in the time of a stick of incense, with the help of the response from "Fang Jinyu Jietian" and the realm of Donghu, a rudiment of the Law of Thunder followed. It came out condensed and landed on this land of remains, causing a series of changes immediately.

  Originally, it was necessary for the formation to generate magic power to block the chaotic turbidity, but at this time, it was only the prototype of the law of thunder, and it was able to expel all the chaotic turbidity from the beating.

  Fang Jinyu waved away the formation. With this rudimentary form of the law of thunder, this land of ghosts has the possibility of being transformed into a secret realm.

   But, that's all.

   To become the world, not only is there not enough boundary resources, but also too many laws.


  Fang Jinyu wanted to try other methods in the middle stage of transformation, but suddenly felt that his way of freedom was echoing with something.

  After careful induction, his expression became astonished and weird.

   "It seems that Jiuhuang is gathering my projection again?"

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help thinking.

  Nine wastelands, a heavenly world, what happened to this? Could it be that Lingtian Pavilion is not dead?

  So, he took out a mirror.

  The fingertips flicked across the mirror, and with the influx of mana, a figure of a gourd immediately appeared on the mirror.

  At this time, the gourd seemed to be looking at some scene from a distance, so it only gave Fang Jinyu the back of his head. Before Fang Jinyu could speak, the mirror was changed to a different position, and then he also saw the scene in the sky.

  The thunder energy in the sky continued to gather, and finally formed a huge figure floating like a fairy. The appearance of this figure was seven or eight points similar to him.

   And with the appearance of this figure, the entire Nine Desolation sky was suddenly pitch black.

   It's as if the sun and the moon are reversed!

  At this time, An Ruyin's voice came from the mirror: "Tsk tsk tsk, why were you summoned again? And this time you look stupid?"

   "You have to understand, it's not difficult for me to let an empty body come over and beat you up." Fang Jinyu said softly, and even showed a smile that An Ruyin couldn't see.

   But it was enough to startle the gourd.

  So obediently held up the mirror.

   This is what Fang Jinyu confessed, if any accidents are happening, let him watch directly.

   This mirror was specially refined by Fang Jinyu. Although it is only a top-grade spiritual weapon, in some respects it is even more powerful than a magic weapon.

  For example, the ability to spy at this time.

  Fang Jinyu could even use this to see the scene beyond Nine Desolation, and then he saw a familiar and unexpected figure.

"is her?"

  Above the Nine Desolation, a world barrier composed of the three major forces of wind, fire, and thunder is blocking a group of people. Fang Jinyu didn't know most of them, but he was a little familiar with the figure of a woman with scarlet eyes and ragged body, but with a vision of evil spirits.

  Even though Fang Jinyu had never seen her, he heard a little girl mention it. Moreover, Xin Qianqian's reincarnation also has a lot to do with this person.

   This figure of a woman is none other than Fairy Qing, one of the former Kings of the Donghu Realm!

   This woman who was walking on the path of ruthlessness was almost insane. At this time, she was really insane, or it could be said that she lost her sanity and became a humanoid beast.

  Her Tao is stronger, but she has no hope of proving it.

   At this time, those people who accompanied Fairy Qing were controlling her with chains of iron chains, allowing her to continuously attack the world barrier of Nine Desolation!

  But because Nine Desolation is not only a heaven-level world, but also has a "rebellious son" who is very close to the god-turning state in terms of Thunder Dao attainments, the power of Thunder Dao in this world's barrier is already second only to Lei Jie.

   It's not the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, nor the Transformation God Thunder Tribulation, but the Proving Dao Thunder Tribulation!

  There was a silver-white lightning transforming into a dragon, which roared and landed, immediately blasting the already crazy woman into a panic, and her injuries aggravated again.

  However, in fact, most of these injuries did not come from Jiuhuang's counterattack.

   Rather, from those chains.

  This is refined by the He Dao Realm, and it is specially used to bind, torture, and control those who are on the path of enlightenment.

   "This lower realm in the memory of this lowly maidservant is amazing!"

   "I thought that the Donghu realm where this lowly maid was born was too useless. It turns out that this lower realm has seriously exceeded the standard."

  A man holding an iron chain couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.

   Their ancestors had a treasure of reincarnation, which could spy on part of people's memories, so they knew about a vigorous lower realm called "Nine Desolations".

  How can this make their ancestors not be moved?

  So, there is the current trip.

  Originally, they thought that with this woman as the pioneer, they could go very smoothly.

  Although they were "bad maids" one at a time, they were all aware of this woman's fighting power. If their ancestors hadn't acted at that time, the Taoist Lord of Guanghua God Realm, they would have killed or injured more than a dozen of them!

   Unexpectedly, the world barrier of this lower realm is so difficult to break!

"Hehe, exceeding the standard? It's just a lower bound, do you still want to reverse it? We are honorable, how can this lower bound be able to compete?" Someone snorted coldly, with a look of disdain: "Activate the secret method, let this woman burn her life, and explode her with all her strength." That’s right, just shoot in! The ancestor said, if you get this lower realm, it doesn’t matter if this killing puppet is abolished.”

   Several other people agreed and were about to perform it, but at this moment, a huge figure formed by the condensed thunder energy stepped out of the Nine Desolation World Barrier with the three attributes of wind, fire, and thunder.

And as soon as this huge figure appeared, invisible power instantly fell on the group of people. Two of them had the weakest cultivation bases, one opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the other turned into ashes and died. clean.

  (end of this chapter)

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