MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 314 One person suppresses one world

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  Chapter 314 One person suppresses one world

  At this moment, there is already a dead silence here.

   But it’s not that there are no souls, but the cultivators in this place are all frightened at the moment!

The Lingtian Pavilion was destroyed, and the Nine Desolation cultivators didn't know what it meant due to their limited vision and cultivation, but the face behind them just glanced away, and a person who had turned into a **** was wiped out on the spot. It was very shocking!

  That's a god-transformer!

   Just died like this?

   There are many monks who have already recognized the face. After all, there are several disciples from the Tianlingmen. Naturally, these disciples of the Tianlingmen are clear about the appearance of their ancestors.

   This is the dao rhyme of the way of freedom that Fang Jinyu deliberately left behind in order to facilitate the practice of his disciples in his early years.

   This dao rhyme was originally sealed in a rock.

  However, with the passage of time, the rock that sealed the Taoist rhyme gradually turned into Fang Jinyu's appearance!

   Because of this, all Tianlingmen disciples have seen their "Fang Patriarch" with their own eyes.

   After all, that peerless face is unforgettable once you see it.

   As for Fang Jinyu's strength, the Nine Desolation cultivators all recognize it. After all, it has only been more than a hundred years since Fang Jinyu killed the Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators who took refuge in the Underworld God.

   But these monks never imagined that it would be so easy for this "Fang Patriarch" to kill a Daoist of the same realm?

   All it takes is one look?

   In addition to being shocked, these monks all felt a little creepy.

   Because this is scarier than a ghost story!

   This face hidden in the clouds, as if it is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, was manifested after Fang Jinyu used the magical power of the heavenly book [Fa Tian]. Although he is only able to get started with this supernatural power, a large part of the power of the heavenly book supernatural power does not come from himself!

   That is what exists between heaven and earth.

   This is also the reason why Fang Jinyu can cross borders at will when he first cultivated the supernatural power of the heavenly book [Dingxianyou].

  At this moment, the handsome young man dressed in bright red, who looked like a demon king and young master, could no longer be flamboyant. His face was pale, and his body was trembling unavoidably.

  Different from the Nine Desolation cultivator with limited vision, this handsome young man has already recognized him.

   "Tianshu-level supernatural power... this is impossible!"

   Apart from being terrified, this handsome young man still couldn't believe it.

  Because as long as the supernatural powers of the heavenly book are cultivated, they will have the power to strike with all their strength on the road to enlightenment!

   It can be said that a book of heavenly powers is enough evidence to run rampant in the sea.

  Even if they fell in love with that group of talented perverts, or even "world ghosts" who could be called "world immortals", they would be able to retreat completely if they were defeated.

   "How can there be magical powers in this lower realm that doesn't even have a Dao realm?"

  The handsome young man inevitably felt like he had seen a ghost.

   Even this handsome young man lost his composure like this, let alone the remaining three gods, because these three are just small perfections.

   Otherwise, these people, as the Taoist Lords of Transformation God Realm, would not be willing to serve as slaves and handmaids in Lingtian Pavilion.

However, before they begged for mercy, or said something in the background, following the gaze of the human face in the sky, the three little consummation gods, together with the handsome young man in red, turned into fly ash.

   It took only a moment before and after.


  A few days later, a piece of news "detonated" the entire Nine Desolation.

   There is no doubt that it is related to Fang Jinyu.

   After all, five people who had transformed themselves into gods died one after another, and they were killed at will under the watchful eyes of the public. How could this not shock the Nine Desolation Immortal Cultivators!

  Although the flamboyant young man had no chance to show off his cultivation, based on the fact that he was able to command four god-turning realms, the immortal cultivators who spread the news all agreed that he was in the god-turning realm by default.

   After hearing the news, Chi Suzi froze in place for a while.

  However, the Nascent Soul Realm who told her the news didn't think there was anything wrong with Chi Suzi's expression, because as a witness at the scene at that time, he was much more exaggerated than Chi Suzi's expression at this time.

   This Yuanyingjing knelt down to Fang Jinyu at that time, but he wanted to worship Fang Jinyu as his teacher.

   But obviously, Fang Jinyu ignored him.

  After all, this Nascent Soul Realm is over a thousand years old, so it doesn't matter if he is older than Fang Jinyu, what he has learned has already been finalized, and it is impossible to inherit Fang Jinyu's way.

   "Fellow Daoist Xu, I lost my composure. Please don't blame me, fellow Daoist." Chi Suzi, who came back to his senses, realized that he had left the Nascent Soul Realm on the opposite side for a while, so he quickly apologized.

  Because when I was used to being "the sixth child without an exclamation mark", when Chi Suzi was in front of people, he always had a gentle personality, without showing any sharpness.

"Fairy Chi doesn't have to be like this, Xu was actually there at the time. And my performance is even more exaggerated than Fairy Chi! Hehe, Xu wants to worship that old ancestor Fang as his teacher!" The Yuanyingjing laughed. He, who has not much life left, may want many things, but face is the last thing he wants.

   "Then, has Fellow Daoist Xu become?" Chi Suzi couldn't help being concerned. Although she knew it was impossible, she still couldn't help asking.

   "Of course it didn't work. Otherwise, Xu would not have to worry about the younger generation like this..." The Nascent Soul Realm shook his head helplessly, because he was the only Nascent Soul Realm in his immortal sect.

  Chi Suzi was not surprised by this answer. The description of "Fang Jinyu" in the strange book can be described as unparalleled in talent and love. However, because he had no heirs in his life, and he had no disciples to inherit, so that after the death of "Fang Jinyu", the Tianlingmen plummeted and disappeared directly from the Nine Desolation...

  Thinking of this, Chi Suzi couldn't help frowning a little.

But she thought that since Fang Jinyu is so powerful, he can not only engrave the world, condense the fruit of the divine channel, but also cross thousands of miles, and easily kill several people of the same rank, so whoever can kill "Fang Jinyu" Who could it be?

   Could it be that the legendary He Dao Realm did it himself?

Thinking of this, Chi Suzi suddenly became more worried. This was not only because of what she knew about Fang Jinyu's "plot", but also because of this trip, everything was not going well for her, and all kinds of "plots" It's all wrong!

  First, Bu Qianyao was killed bizarrely, and then Xiao Youyue disappeared completely.

   And after a fight with Yi Yuaner, she somehow became the final big winner!

   These are all plots that have never been seen in the strange book!

  Chi Suzi thought carefully about his life, only to feel a little confused, but strangely, there was an unprecedented sense of sobriety!

   "Perhaps, the strange book has predicted the future plot wrong this time..." Chi Suzi thought so, and prepared to ask the "book spirit" of the strange book when the "book spirit" appeared.

  The "book spirit" of Qishu is similar to the instrument spirit, but more spiritual and has self-awareness.

However, in most cases, the "book spirit" is hiding in the strange book without moving, and only when she follows the "plot" to the "end", the "book spirit" will come out and remind her to prepare Give up everything you currently have, it's time for the next reincarnation!

   Yes, reincarnation.

   This "book spirit" always said this to her every time, saying that she was a "reincarnation"! But after several so-called "reincarnations", Chi Suzi felt that he was time travelling, not reincarnation.

  Because every time she arrives in a new world after death, she has the memory and cultivation of her new body.

   It's like taking away the opponent!

  At this time, Chi Suzi suddenly felt a twitch, because the "Spirit of the Book" of the strange book suddenly appeared: "Hello, lovely controller, it's time for you to prepare to be reincarnated again."

   This "book spirit" is a cloud of light, but only Chi Suzi can see it.

  As for the words of "Shu Ling", only Chi Suzi could hear them.

  Therefore, Chi Suzi stood up calmly, agreed to the request of Yuan Yingjing, surnamed Xu, and would help take care of his disciples, and then sent him away on the grounds of consolidating his cultivation.

   After confirming that the Yuanyingjing surnamed Xu had left, Chi Suzi asked, "Shu Ling, isn't this plot not over yet?"

   This "old six" is always cautious, and he doesn't feel that he is doing useless work.

   "Yes, this is because there were too many accidents, so that the original plot was messed up and no longer valid, so the lovely controller has indirectly completed the task!"

  The "Book Spirit" responded like this.

  However, Chi Suzi heard a deeply hidden sense of helplessness from the words of this "Shu Ling".

   This made Chi Suzi pay attention instantly.

   "So that's the case. No wonder many plots don't match up. First, Bu Qianyao, who took the fake heroine script, died accidentally, and then the original heroine Xiao Youyue disappeared..."

  Chi Suzi pretended to be suddenly enlightened, as if he believed in the explanation of "Shu Ling".

   This made the cloud light heave a sigh of relief.

  Because after Chi Suzi cultivated the supernatural power of "Nian Yi", this "book spirit" felt that he could no longer control Chi Suzi like before.

  It is the ability to prolong life and avoid death obtained after the consummation of the "Nian Yi" supernatural power, just to restrain it!

   I don't know which **** threw the supernatural powers around, and Chi Suzi picked it up!

  If Chi Suzi hadn't been fighting for luck with Yi Yuaner before, making it impossible to get out of the strange book, it would have run out long ago, and let Chi Suzi reincarnate.

   Right now, Chi Suzi has integrated Yi Yuaner's luck, which also allowed Qishu to release the restrictions on it, and it was able to show up.

   "Such a lovely controller, please prepare for reincarnation!"

  The cloud light urged.

  It cannot kill Chi Suzi, because Chi Suzi is the current owner of this strange book! However, it can persuade Chi Suzi to solve himself!

   It's been done this way in the past!

   Thinking of this, this cloud of light couldn't help but think of the luck it could gain after the death of Chi Suzi in this life, and suddenly became excited.

  Because the luck this time is several times the sum of the past gains!

  The luck that Chi Suzi possessed when he entered this world at the beginning was accumulated by Chi Suzi's past "reincarnations", and then "lent" to Chi Suzi after being swallowed and refined by this cloud of light.

   "Although there are a lot of variables, I have to say, I have to thank this Fang Jinyu, otherwise I would not have so much luck..." This group of Yunguang couldn't help thinking like this.

  Based on its background, it is natural to see everything clearly, knowing that the source of the "plot" chaos is Fang Jinyu.

   And just when this group of clouds was dreaming, a voice of "no rush" made it stunned for a while.

  Because Chi Suzi said this.

   "Lovely warrior, why is this?" Although Yun Guang was anxious in his heart, it was hard to show it, so he said in a confused tone: "This world is useless to you!"

   "It's nothing, I'm just curious, how could the plot this time be like this, is it an accident, or it will appear from time to time. After all, the advantage of the plot is my biggest reliance." Chi Suzi pretended to have a headache.

   But in fact, she doesn't have to pretend.

  Because she really has a headache for this, foresight is her greatest advantage!

  This ability to see through fate, in addition to helping her better obtain opportunities and timely benefits, can also allow her to avoid many troubles and avoid some people with evil intentions.

   "Don't worry, my lovely controller, what happened this time was just a rare accident, and it won't happen again in the future!" The cloud light heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Chi Suzi say that.

Therefore, in order to reassure Chi Suzi, the cloud light said: "The reason why there are so many accidents this time is because that Fang Jinyu became a **** and broke free from the shackles of fate. The power to suppress a world! Such an existence, even if it is just a random shot, can cause major changes in the plot."

   "Is Fang Jinyu really that powerful?" Chi Suzi asked. She wanted to let the "Shu Ling" tell more information, but at the same time, she also wanted to take the opportunity to learn about this "Fang Patriarch".

"Lovely warrior, you don't know the greatness of this Fang Jinyu! Supernatural powers engrave the world, heavenly book-level supernatural powers, the two, any one of these two, appearing on a god-turning realm, is enough to make this god-turning Realm is invincible! What's more, the primordial spirit that Fang Jinyu has achieved is still that kind of heavenly clothes!"

   This group of cloud light said that all it knows is what it has observed with the help of strange books.

   And it is too difficult to perfect Huashen, so it thinks that Fang Jinyu is the perfect Huashen!

"Don't look at him in the early stage of transformation, but as long as he is in the Nine Desolation, then with his Dao fruit and that heavenly book-level supernatural power, even if he wants to break into the Nine Desolation's Hedao level, he can be with him." The opponent played one or two."

   "This Fang Jinyu is really powerful..." Chi Suzi's eyes flickered slightly, and she could hear that this "book spirit" was afraid of that Fang Jinyu.

  This is the first time she has seen her.

  In the previous life, even when faced with a Daoist, this "Book Spirit" would sneer at him and say that the other party's Dao is doomed to fail!

  Thus, Chi Suzi made a decision. She called out the strange book, and after taking the "Shu Ling" back in the book, it turned into a colorful streamer and headed for the Tianling Gate.

  The speed of Nascent Soul Realm is undoubtedly very fast, not to mention that it can switch between virtual and real.

   Arriving at Tianlingmen, Chi Suzi waited for a while, and then said to the head of Tianlingmen who hurried out to meet her: "Zhang Daoyou, please inform Senior Fang, Suzi wants to give Senior Fang a gift."

"Fairy Chi, can you tell me what gift it is?" The head of Tianlingmen has changed, and the very useful head of Qin took off his palm in order to practice after breaking through to the Golden Core Realm. As the head of the sect, the current successor to the head of the sect is a young man from an aristocratic family.

  The new head is surnamed Zhang, but he was acquainted with Chi Suzi in the past.

   Otherwise, the new head wouldn't rush out to meet Chi Suzi.

   "A book that talks."

  (end of this chapter)

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