MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 290 Immortal

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  Chapter 290 The Ancient Immortal

  How did the magic that plagued the entire Donghu realm disappear? In fact, Daojun Yuanyu and the god-turning realms are not clear. To be precise, apart from the five "Juan Kings" back then, the rest of the people didn't know about it!

They only know that after the void collapsed in the Shenhua Immortal Gate, that is, in the third year after Fang Jinyu was swallowed and went to other realms, two extremely powerful coercion burst out suddenly and permeated the entire realm in an instant. area.

  Those two coercive pressures are very strange, they can surpass the God Transformation Realm at any time and reach the level of the Harmony Dao Realm, but the two people who did it tacitly suppressed their cultivation bases in the Transformation God Realm.

   What's even weirder is that when the two men started their actions, the entire Donghu realm trembled.

   Fortunately, the confrontation between the two didn't last too long, and the winner was decided in a very short period of time. To be precise, they all died together.

  Because both of them disappeared.

  Later, those five "roll kings" rarely joined forces to investigate.

   When they came back, the five of them kept silent about what happened, but they did talk about the origin of the magic infestation disaster.

  Although the cultivator of the Chasing Dao Immortal Sect was bewitched by the magic, which caused a leak in the seal, in fact, it was an existence outside the boundary, secretly arousing the suppressed and sealed magic.

Originally, the existence outside the realm was going to release all the magic that was suppressed and sealed in the Donghu realm, but I don't know what happened. The magic is still in a sealed state, not even a trace can escape.

  So, the magic that ran out from Zhudao Xianmen suddenly seemed weak.

  In order not to be sealed and suppressed again, the magic that came out simply transformed into heaven and earth, permeating the monks in the entire realm.

   This is the origin of the magic infection disaster!

"Junior Brother, although Senior Brother Xia didn't say anything, but before he left, he left something behind, saying that he sealed the truth in it. When my cultivation reaches the requirements, I can know what happened back then." Taoist Yuanyu said , took out something and put it in front of Fang Jinyu.

   This is a piece of jade, and there are extremely strong prohibition laws on it, prohibiting anyone from spying.

  However, after Fang Jinyu made some observations, he discovered that the only way to break the forbidden law on the jade tablet is to reach the standard.

  Because the forbidden law on this jade piece is the forbidden law of imprisoning immortals!

  The person who set up this forbidden law has only practiced the Immortal Imprisonment Law to the stage of Xiaocheng, which gave Fang Jinyu a chance.

  After all, his method of imprisoning immortals has long been accomplished.

  So, when Fang Jinyu picked up this piece of jade, he had quietly opened a gap in the forbidden law on it, but this gap only allowed spiritual consciousness to enter.

   And there will be no sense of divine sense.

  Fang Jinyu's consciousness poured in immediately, and then he saw a figure that was extremely unexpected.

   Xia Yi!

  But it is not the soul of this "Master Xia", nor is it a ray of consciousness of this "Master Xia", it is just a brand of Xia Yi's enlightenment.

  Using the particularity of the certification road, Xia Yi recorded some of the words he wanted to say.

  Because of this method of preservation, not only can it be preserved for thousands of years, but also if the jade piece is accidentally damaged, the mark of enlightenment inside will not be damaged at all.

   "Junior Sister, I am very surprised that you can cultivate to the middle stage of transformation. However, since you have cultivated to this level, then I can rest assured to tell you what happened back then."

  When Fang Jinyu's consciousness appeared, it was as if some switch had been turned on, and this figure of Xia Yi immediately spoke.

   "You may not believe it if you say it. The reason why your registered disciple Han Feiyu encountered the collapse of the void was not an accident, but because he destroyed the layout of a powerful man, so he was punished across the border."

"However, because of that powerful shot, an existence in the fairyland realized that one of her enemies had reincarnated into the Donghu realm, so he cut himself off and fell into the Donghu realm from the fairyland. The Marsh Realm, come to hunt and kill."

   "That's why there was a sudden outbreak of a great battle that spread throughout the realm. As for the magic, because they tried to infect them in vain, they were wiped out by those two."

   "Junior Sister, you can tell other people what I said above. But what I said next, I hope it will reach your ears, so don't tell others about it."

"Junior Sister, although the Immortal Territory has been disconnected from the Lower Realm, it is not completely disconnected. There is a small road called the Road of the Ancient Remaining Immortal, which actually connects the Immortal Territory and the Lower Realm. The road, within nearly ten thousand years, will always stay in the realm of Donghu. Junior sister, you might as well take advantage of this opportunity. As long as you can set foot on this small road that leads directly to the fairyland, there is a 70% to 80% chance that you can reach the fairyland smoothly .”

   "In the Immortal Realm, as long as you join one of the forces, you can receive a method of transforming the qualifications of the gods, and transform the little perfect gods into Yuyuehuashen."

   "At that time, junior sister, you will have a chance to join the Tao."

   At this point, the figure of Xia Yi stopped talking. It seems that the words he recorded at that time were all.

Fang Jinyu handed back the piece of jade, and repaired the gap in the forbidden law in an instant. Xia Yi had to let Taoist Yuanyu know this in the middle stage of his transformation, so it was probably because there were some dangers in the ancient road to immortality, and it was only now. If the Daoist Yuanyu in the early days of the gods goes, there is a high probability that he will perish.

  Since he accepted Xia Yi's love and was able to know the truth, it's better to follow his plan.

   "Thank you, senior sister. Brother Xia should have specially left this piece of jade for senior sister. Others can't open it even after they reach their cultivation level," Fang Jinyu said.

  The dead are the most important, so Fang Jinyu yelled "Senior Brother Xia" without the slightest psychological barrier.

   Yuan Yu Daojun was overjoyed when he heard the words.

   Only "Han Feiyu" can't see through the god-transformation realm in Shenhua's fairy gate, and she can't even perceive it, so Taoist Yuanyu is very convinced by Fang Jinyu's words.

Because Taoist Yuanyu has encountered other Yuyue Transformation Gods before, but they are not as strong as Fang Jinyu, so Taoist Yuanyu thinks that "Han Feiyu" has already reached the third level of God Transformation, but the fourth level of God Transformation realm!

  Not only her, Qi Hesheng and the other three also think so, otherwise the benefits given would not be so sincere.

  Fang Jinyu got up and said goodbye. He went back to the Hall of Heaven and Man, and continued to look through the records and classics. When he finished reading all of them, he recruited a disciple of Shenhua Xianmen.

   "Disciple Chen Fayi, pay homage to Han Daojun!" This is a Jindan monk and an alchemist of the Shenhua Immortal Sect.

"You don't need to be too polite. You are the most famous alchemist in the north and south of the Donghu border. You should be well-informed. Then have you ever heard of a female cultivator named Lin Xian'er, whose temperament and appearance are all top-notch?" Absolutely amazing." Fang Jinyu asked, he had read all these books, especially this record of experience, which involved many changes in the Donghu realm in the past century, and also mentioned many outstanding monks.

  However, the word Lin Xian'er was absent from the beginning to the end.

  This is very abnormal!

  After all, Fang Jinyu left the Donghu realm at the beginning because he killed the eldest son of the Qi family, which disrupted Lin Xianer's return layout.

  Fang Jinyu wasn't sure before, but after reading Xia Yi's message, he was already sure of it.

   Otherwise, it is necessary to give him a cross-border blow?

   Yes, a cross-boundary strike, not a "cross-boundary penalty".

  (end of this chapter)