MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 340 You were arrested too?

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Xumijing Merchant and his party left Kunlongling under the crowd's onlookers.

They didn't want to stay here, so Xiang Ye naturally wouldn't stop them.

The Yulingshen and the others beside them couldn't sit still anymore, they looked at the departing ghost soldiers in surprise, they were stunned for a while, and finally couldn't help it, and spoke out.

" you know what they are? They are...but..."

Yu Lingshen opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but still didn't say it.

The identities of these people are so obvious, and their strength is so amazing, Yu Lingshen doesn't believe that the land can't see it.

"You mean, are they ghost soldiers?"

Xiang Ye grinned, revealing his thick teeth, with a playful look on his face.

"You see it?"

Yu Lingshen's breath was suffocated, and he almost lost his breath.

I can see why...

Yu Ling Shen seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked in surprise: "Then you..."

Now that it is already known that the group of people are ghost soldiers, why didn't the land turn them over and send them to the ghost soldiers?

You know, the rewards they received when they were sent to the ghost soldier camp were many times richer than the rewards they received when they were landed?

Let them live in Kunlongling on this land? What exactly do you mean?

"Do you think I look like the land in the north?"

Xiang Ye raised the corner of his mouth and said softly.

There was a hint of playfulness in his expression, and he said while staring at the back of the departing ghost soldier.

"You're not from the north...then you are?"

The burden that had been hanging in my heart was instantly let go. As long as this land is not the land of the northern border, everything is easy to talk about.

In this way, their safety is naturally worry-free.

Thinking of this, Yu Lingshen's tone became lighter.

"Is the Shangxian a person from Xumi Realm? Or a fanatic of the Alien Temple?"

As long as they are not from the northern border, they don't have to worry about anything. This land doesn't even have ghost soldiers, which is a good thing for them.

In this way, they can avoid being captured by the soldiers of the ghost camp, and the biggest crisis has been eliminated at this moment.

"What are you looking at? Come with me, these people must not be let go."

Xiang Ye didn't care about what the Yulingshen and the others were thinking. When he saw the ghost soldiers were about to walk out of the border of Yunlongling, he moved and chased after them.

Finally, a few more tool men came, but they couldn't let them go.

Yulingshen and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into ecstasy.

No matter what the origin of this land is, as long as they trouble the ghost soldiers, they can be sure that the land and those ghost soldiers are not of one mind.

Before, I was worried that these ghost soldiers would leave and mobilize a large army to surround them, making it impossible for them to escape.

At this time, the land was the first to give the order, and it seemed that they wanted to arrest all these ghost soldiers.

How is this kind of thing lagging behind? So everyone was overjoyed, and they all started to move after Xiang Ye.

"Do you want to let one go?"

Looking at the ghost soldiers who were getting closer and closer, Xiang Ye thought silently.

Release one and let that guy tip off the news, it is very likely that a large group will be attracted. In this way, although Xiang Ye is not afraid, the entire Kunlongling will definitely be restless, which is not in line with the goal he set before.

If all of them are caught, the ghost soldier camp over there may wait for a long time before discovering that someone is missing, and then send some more to investigate.

In this way, the efficiency is too slow.

Xiang Ye was still thinking, but the ghost soldiers who had already left were terrified. The defected land seemed to have discovered their identities and had already chased them down.

Obviously, they are all going to be taken down.

"Quickly go and inform the ghost camp that the land of this Kunlong Ridge has really fallen to the Eastern Heavenly Court, and this Kun Long Ridge is no longer the territory of the Northern Territory."

The leader of the ghost pawns stared at the attacking land closely, but they were not afraid.

The first person to come here was only one person from the land, and they were so numerous that they were really not afraid of what the land could do to them.

However, no matter what, it is still necessary to stop this land and let the soldiers go to report the situation here.

After finishing the order, he turned around, looked at the chasing land and said coldly.

"You are capable of the land assigned by Jianglan City in the northern border. Why did you defect and work with those heavenly soldiers?"

Dare to chase after a small land alone, do you really think that these ghost soldiers are working?

He has already decided that this battle will be resolved quickly and will not be dragged along.

Xiang Ye didn't reply, he stretched out his hand and slapped it with a palm.

The palm waved a strong wind, without the slightest aura to speak of.

The leader of the ghost pawns on the opposite side smiled, and then spoke again.

"Do you know that your behavior is a serious crime? I can execute you on the spot without Jiang Lancheng reporting..."

Before he finished speaking, his palm was already attached.

Afterwards, the leader of the ghost pawns stared, flew out, landed on the ground with a muffled sound, and rolled a dozen times before stopping.

The surrounding hands looked at each other, and before they could react, they overturned them all.

"Catch them all and don't let one go."

Sensing that someone was coming behind him, Xiang Ye ordered directly.

At this time, the Yulingshen and the others who had already rushed over were overjoyed, and they didn't need their efforts, these ghost soldiers had already fallen down.

After hearing Xiang Ye's order, he immediately acted.

Once tied up, several people were all captured.

After finishing these, Yulingshen and others were also full of joy.

No matter what this land wants to do, at least, the identity of this land has been clarified, and it is not the person of the other party.

As long as it is not the other person, everything is easy to talk about.

How about sending these ghost soldiers to the east to bring good fortune to this land?

At that time, with these few captives, they don't have to worry about the failure of this mission at all, and they can even make meritorious deeds.

Seeming to have thought of something good, the heavenly soldiers laughed.

Even with that, the expression on looking at the land softened a lot.

Xiang Ye didn't care about the thoughts of the heavenly soldiers. He looked at the few people who were tightly bound by the **** of imperial spirits, and asked the leader directly at this time.

"what's your name?"

"I am the ghost general of the ghost camp. You have committed a capital crime by rebelling against Jianglan City and colluding with the Heavenly Soldiers from the Eastern Realm. Please be sensible..."

"Why do you have the same temperament as Yulingshen?"

Xiang Ye glanced at the ghost general, and said unhappily.

On the other hand, Yulingshen smiled, but didn't care about the words of the ghost general, and spoke directly.

"Just come with me as a companion, this land is not from the East..."

Having said this, Yu Lingshen was startled in vain, and quickly shut his mouth tightly and did not speak.

He seemed to have exposed something just now.

And the ghost general was stunned when he heard this sentence, and blurted out again in a flash of thought.

"You were taken captive by this land too?"