MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 334 If you want to be rich, first cut down trees

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Of course, Xiang Ye didn't do it for tourism development, he did it to tease Xiyu on purpose.

The purpose of building bridges and roads is nothing more than watching these heavenly soldiers have nothing to do after finishing the earth temple, so they can find something for them to do.

Compared with the busy Heavenly Soldiers and Demon King, Xiang Ye was also not idle.

The forces in the entire Kunlong Ridge have been wiped out, and then they have to test the situation outside.

For others, this land has a border, whether it is a demon, a heavenly soldier, or an ordinary villager, they all behave within their own sphere of influence in an orderly manner.

But for Xiang Ye, this world has no borders.

The creatures on these lands are all creatures on his body.

I don't know if it was the aftereffect of the time when he was emotionless before, but Xiang Ye never divided himself into any force.

Instead, he calmly looked at all the people in the Earth Temple with a previous attitude.

No matter whether it is a heavenly soldier, a villager, or a monster, they are all treated equally.

Therefore, after integrating this force, he began to send little demons to explore the border.

With Xiang Ye's appointment, the White Wolf Demon has already penetrated into the Sumeru Realm in the western region, and began to understand the situation there.

The pig demon has rough skin and thick flesh, but he was sent to the Temple of Aliens in the South.

The white fox demon has a slight strength and operates directly in the northern territory.

The lynx demon went to the east because of her dexterity.

This was a beginning. Previously, Xiang Ye was alone, and it was difficult for him to find the whereabouts of those acquaintances. Now he had a preliminary influence.

So he was up and running right away.

After doing all this, Xiang Ye still didn't stop, hiding in the newly built earth temple, planning something.

"2000 years have passed, except for the two daughters who may recognize me as the father, everyone else is in a high position, and they may not recognize me as the owner of the wasteland."

"So, I need to create my place of influence again."

"Qianlong Ridge belongs to the border between the east and the north."

"The two sides have not drawn a clear border handover line in this area."

"Then I can rebuild the wasteland in this place."

"Ah, it's not a wasteland anymore, it's an earth temple."

"Whatever, in this place, create a force that makes it difficult for all forces to do anything."

"In this way, it is enough to alarm those guys."

"At that time, I will definitely see them."

"Well, that's a good plan."

"At any rate, he is the Lord of the Wasteland, how could he run out to find them himself?"

"If you want to find them, they have to come to me."

Xiang Ye glanced at the map in his hand from time to time, looked at the mountains, rivers and rivers around Kunlongling, and said to himself.

In addition to marking the map of Kunlongling, this map also has a rough description of the map of the four forces.

Looking at the map of the round sky, Xiang Ye sometimes wondered, is this still the original Yunlan Kingdom?

Is it still the original Blue Star?

The earth stretches out like an endless one. Even if the Clendo Continent is generalized, the whole world will not become so big.

Xiang Ye can only roughly judge that the current world map is at least ten times larger than the original Blue Star.

This is still the result of Xiang Ye's calculations.

After all, just the most familiar places in the northern border, the map collected by Xiang Ye shows that there are thousands of cities in the entire northern border.

Even Xiyu couldn't figure out whether there were other ghost towns in the farther north.

In short, the territory of the northern border is surprisingly large.

And it goes without saying that it is connected with the Heavenly Court of the Eastern Realm, which has always been regarded as a fire and water in the Northern Territory.

Same thing.

At the beginning, Xiang Ye had to think about it, and went to one city by one alone, and he couldn't even find the shadows of those he knew well.

Too big, like finding a needle in a haystack.

"So, building a site of your own must be included in the next thing to do."

"This Kunlong Village, according to historical records, has been developed in this Kunlongling for more than two hundred years."

"It's just a small village for more than two hundred years. It can be seen that these people have forgotten all the great achievements of their ancestors in the mud ditch."

"How domineering was Yunlan Country back then? Panhuan's highways were built to every corner of Yunlan Country. As long as there are people living, they will see mountains and open mountains, see waters and build bridges. Relying on the ability of ordinary people, they will turn Yunlan Country into a world-class city. Unrivaled giant."

"Nowadays, although the technology is retrograde, the immortals can move mountains and seas, and they are omnipotent. How did they become such a ghost?"

"Build it for me, and build a big city in this valley."

Xiang Ye's memory still stays in the mighty city of Jiangnan City.

Although that city was called the Steel Forest by people at the time, for Xiang Ye, such a vibrant city was what a real fast-growing city looked like.

It's not like now, everyone wants to cultivate, no matter whether it's a human being or a demon or a ghost, they all focus on cultivation.

As if overnight, the whole world regressed to the feudal world.

Whether it's the small town in the Heavenly Court of the Eastern Realm when you wake up, or the huge ghost town in Jianglan City, or the dilapidated cottage at the foot of the mountain.

They are all carved out of the same mold.

Completely lost its original vitality.

"However, the manpower of Kunlongling is still a little short, so we have to find a way to get some people to help!"

Looking at the map in his hand, Xiang Ye fell into deep thought.

In this earth temple, there are two or three cats, big and small, and it is certain that such a big event cannot be accomplished.

Even though these heavenly soldiers have great abilities, they are still somewhat clumsy.

He raised his head and glanced at the heavenly soldiers who were cutting down big trees and building bridges in the forest. That day, the soldiers were called Bing Wu, and one tool man, one palm was enough to cut off a big tree the size of an arm's length.

Compared with ordinary lumberjacks, the efficiency is not known how many times stronger.

However, he didn't cut down the tree at this time, but hid aside, taking advantage of Xiang Ye not paying attention to him, sneaking around and being lazy.

As if feeling Youdao's substantive gaze, he trembled, turned his head slowly, and then met Xiang Ye's eyes.

"Ah, my neck is a little sore, take a break, start working right away, start working right away."

After finishing speaking, he quickly jumped up and continued to work on the mountain.

One by one, the big trees were broken one by one by his waving palm, and then he directly picked up the felled big trees, and hurriedly jumped to Bing Si's position.

Bing Si grinds tree trunks, holding a hatchet propelled by a long gun, he grinds the branches clean in a short time.

When Bing Si finishes this, Bing San will come running, carrying the sharpened branches, and transporting them to the bridge-building position, going back and forth endlessly.

In short, everyone has something to do and is organized.

Read The Duke's Passion