MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 304 vicissitudes

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A cold figure sits quietly under the willow tree, regardless of the wind and rain, regardless of the weather.

He sat quietly under the branch, staring at the vast sky with blank eyes.

The grass grows and Yingfei has nothing to do with him, and the comings and goings of people have nothing to do with him.

A grass spread to his arm, and a crack appeared on his forehead.

Xiang Ye just stared at the sky, and then had no other thoughts in his mind.

Jiang Xiaocheng, who was sleeping in her mind, would not make a fuss, she had already cried all her tears.

And the towering willow trees grew extremely distorted, and the willow branches covering the sky and the sun turned into figures, as if there were countless figures crying loudly.

The rotting petals formed a swamp at the foot of the sculpture, and occasionally a piece of fresh peach blossoms flew by, only to be able to judge that the dirt accumulated under the swamp was actually a peach blossom.

Covering the sculpture is a gray leaf. The huge leaf has been corrupted by time, and its original appearance can no longer be distinguished.

An incense altar was placed beside him, and the inside of the rusted incense burner was full of heavy dust.

Xiang Ye didn't know how long he stared at the sky. He felt that a long, long time had passed, but he also felt that the time had only passed for a moment.

Someone once cried hoarsely in his ear, someone knelt down respectfully beside him, a beast crawled up his shoulder, and weeds wrapped him into a rice dumpling...

But he remained motionless, and when everything had settled, he suddenly woke up.

The soil wrapped in the outer layer fell one after another, and soon scattered all over the ground.

Countless dust fell into the soil with a puff, and then merged with the soil in the ground.

Jiang Xiaocheng in his mind seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no more sound.

Xiang Ye raised her head, and the body of Liu Jingjing, which was originally towering into the sky, had turned into a dead branch. Occasionally, there was a crisp sound, which was the sound of a branch breaking.

Looking around, the endless willow forest has completely disappeared, and all kinds of unknown big trees have occupied the territory that belonged to Liu Jingjing.

The rolling hills blocked Xiang Ye's sight, and the terrain of this land seemed to have been changed, and the original flat wasteland had completely disappeared.

Farther away, the huge Zongmen resident has long since disappeared, as if it had never been there before, it dissipated into nothingness.

And the most conspicuous channel at the beginning also completely disappeared into the air at this time.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Xiang Ye looked at the strange vicissitudes of life, and all the stories in his mind disappeared, as if he had a big dream.

The main body still exists, and Xiang Ye can feel the pulse of the entire planet.

The fertile soil on the planet vibrated rhythmically with every breath he took.

This vibration was very strong, but when it spread to the entire planet, it became extremely weak.

At this time, Xiang Ye suddenly discovered that there was a transparent film blocking his vision, and he could not use his body's perception to observe the changes in his deep sleep this time.

After lightly touching Liu Jingjing's protoform, the brittle and thin bark fell off like a sieve under the washing of time.

"Shed skin? Or left?"

The mottled bark had turned into an empty shell at this time, and a rotten smell in the heart of the tree soon filled Xiang Ye's nostrils.

He waved his hand, just about to dispel the smell, but soon, he stopped again.

A peach blossom fell on his shoulder at some point, and Xiang Ye could smell the refreshing fragrance.


Gently holding the petals in the palm of his hand, this peach blossom is not as flexible as Tao Yaoyao's petals at all, Xiang Ye can tell that it is just an ordinary peach blossom just by feeling it a little.

A few wild peach trees no more than a few meters high trembled in the wind, and the blooming peach blossoms fell with the wind, and soon only stamens remained.

Turning around, Xiang Ye strode towards one direction, and his figure gradually disappeared into the wasteland.

A road paved with gravel stretched into the distance, and at the end of the line of sight, a corner of an ordinary town was revealed.

Xiang Ye followed this road and soon came to the town, where all the poor people with vicissitudes of life could be seen.

The shabby linen clothes had been worn on them for an unknown amount of time, and the dirty cuffs were full of dirt.

When they saw Xiang Ye coming, their eyes were full of greed.

Xiang Ye just glanced at them, then withdrew his gaze. In the center of the town, an extremely conspicuous temple soon appeared in front of his eyes.

The resplendent temple and the dilapidated houses around formed a strong contrast. In Xiang Ye's eyes, the people he met before seemed to bring him back to ancient times, but the extremely neat temple in front of him instantly brought him back to modern times .

The clean white walls without a trace, the oil and ink engraved on the walls, and even the rubble on the eaves are extremely smooth.

These, compared with the dilapidated houses outside, are extremely contrasting.

There are poor people in shabby sackcloth kneeling tremblingly in the corner of the temple, bowing to the golden statue in the temple, and there are wealthy people in robes holding incense candles, and they are quietly queuing up. Waiting for the worshipers inside to come out.

Xiang Ye was a little confused about the situation. He skipped the flow of people and turned his gaze directly to the temple, but after this glance, his eyes could no longer be moved away.

"Tiandi Temple!"

"Emperor Qingtian!"

"Lord of Heaven, Emperor Shenwei!"

Several names were shouted out from the surrounding crowd, with a strong tone of reverence.

And the person enshrined in the main hall is not Wu Daxiong, who else?

But, didn't Wu Daxiong leave the wasteland and go to Tianjianmen? With Jiangnan Wang's temperament, if Cheng Yifan and his apprentice were not arrested and asked why, how could he feel at ease?

And with Cheng Daochang's master and apprentice leaving, the Shenwei Temple completely disappeared in the secret realm, and the Jiangnan King would not go to offer incense to Wu Daxiong.

But right now, what is going on with this temple?

Also, Wu Daxiong's title was the Great Element Envoy back then, so he would never have anything to do with Heavenly Emperor and Qingtian Emperor.

You must know that most of the people who believed in them at the beginning were ignorant people in New Mora City.

"I implore the Lord God to bless and bless my son to pass the selection and enter the Divine Barracks..."

"My God, God Might, bless us with good weather and a good harvest."


From time to time, the sound of prayers came to my ears, and when Xiang Ye was about to grab someone to question him, a deep voice came out from the hall.

"Shenwei Emperor, I will kill two evil spirits again in the Jiangdong area. This is the Yin Bead, please take a look."

After finishing these words, Xiang Ye soon saw Wu Daxiong's golden body sitting quietly on the Golden Luan Hall, two flashes of light lit up, but then fell into a calm state.

No one in the hall where people came and went noticed the change in the golden body, as if they couldn't see it.

Read The Duke's Passion