MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 285 carnival of fear

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The undead like a tide soon appeared at the end of sight.

The searchlights placed on the city wall of New Mora City were fully powered on, directly illuminating the periphery of the city wall into daylight.

The soldiers crawling in the trench held their breath and looked at the undead staggering in the distance. Some of these monsters were in the shape of people, and their rotting bodies were like zombies, making weird howls.

Some are twisted beasts, grinning their exposed teeth, and let out a low and frightening roar.

What's more, it's an unheard of fear stitching made up of several corpses.

Just looking at it can give you nightmares.

On the city wall, the legs of Lanster and his party couldn't stop shaking. This kind of monster, which is difficult to dream in dreams, shouldn't appear in front of everyone.

But they appeared, not only appeared, but also took the initiative to come to the outskirts of New Mora City.

"Here they come...they are coming!"

Lanster gritted his teeth tightly and tried his best to control his trembling teeth. If King Jiangnan was not by his side, he would have run away long ago.

There was absolutely no way for them to deal with such a terrifying monster.

Only gods, only true gods can completely purify them!

"Chir... chirp..."

As the undead army got closer and closer, when they walked from the darkness to the bright battlefield, one flare after another was directly fired into the sky.

The darkness farther away was dispelled by the light, and countless undead were directly illuminated.

The appearance of the light made the tide-like undead army flustered for a while. Obviously, the undead who have been living in the dark have a strong hatred for the light.

A few undead who looked like knights pulled up the nearly rotten hemp rope, and the sitting horse was pulled up straight up, letting out a deafening scream.


The sound was transmitted directly to the walls of New Mora City.

Jiangnan Wang stared coldly at the few alien beings in the undead army, without saying a word.

Then, he raised his palm and swung it down heavily.

"Be burned to ashes in the explosion!"


One after another loud noises came from the valley, and the fire was like a meteorite, emitting a dazzling light and directly smashing towards the center of the undead army.

A devastating explosion resounded in the army, and before the army of undead could react, it was shaken into the sky by the air wave.

All kinds of stumps and broken arms were ignited and flew away with sparks.

In just a short moment, the formation of the undead army was chaotic.

"The punishment of the gods for destroying the world!"

Lanster looked at the meteorites flying behind him in shock from time to time. These meteorites seemed to have eyes, and they all smashed towards the place where the most undead gathered.

The flames that exploded into the sky seemed to grow into flaming straw mushrooms one by one in the night, and the scorching air waves made him a little unsteady even on the city wall.

"The punishment of the gods to destroy the world? No, this is the basic combat weapon for humans to deal with the enemy."

Jiangnan Wang glanced at Lanster, whose face was flushed by the heat wave, and said calmly.

The artillery unit was in the Qilin District at that time. Due to the extreme scarcity of ammunition, without sufficient supplies, it can be said that it was used bit by bit.

The artillery troops at that time knew in their hearts that if they ran out of ammunition, they would completely fall into the end of the city being destroyed.

But now, after receiving sufficient supplies, the artillery unit immediately released its expected effect.

On the wilderness outside the city of New Mora, one after another shells swept across all the enemies standing on the battlefield as if free of money.

From time to time, the corpses ignited by the fire gave off a scorched stench, and the army of undead was stopped directly when they entered two kilometers away from New Mora City.


In the army of the undead, several gigantic monsters with a height of several meters roared unwillingly. They stared at the flaming meteorites thrown down from the sky, trying to rely on their bodies to resist the impact of the shells.

But the result of doing so is tantamount to manipulating a cart.

The air wave in the explosion directly knocked the enemies in the center to the ground, and even many people were directly blown to the sky.

"Release the petrol bomb and build a gate to **** among the undead army."

After observing for a while, it was found that there were still many undead who rushed out of the coverage of the artillery, and the Jiangnan King ordered again.

The soldiers who received the news hurriedly conveyed the order.

In the high altitude, a drone quickly passed by, and the napalm bombs mounted under the wings were directly thrown down.

And with the release of the gasoline bomb, a wall of flames covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters rose directly from the ground, forming a wall of flames tens of meters high.

The raging fire blocks any enemies who dare to enter the area, and just a little bit of it can burn the undead to ashes.

"This is... this is..."

Lanster fell into a sluggish state completely, and a flame tearing the sky was reflected in his godless eyes. He could see all the undead who ran out screaming in pain, and then their bodies were covered by the flames. Purified to ashes.

No undead could charge into New Mora City, and they were completely torn apart without even approaching the trenches outside the corner.

Lanster looked at the soldiers who were still waiting in the trenches. The soldiers seemed to be used to the situation before them, and they didn't care about anything daring to rush over.

"You should have seen the black water extracted from the desert of death!"

At this time, Jiangnan Wang took the initiative to explain.

Compared with the fire coverage of the artillery unit, he suddenly felt that napalm bombs were a bit more cost-effective.

The flames all over the sky completely illuminated the sky at this time, and the connected wall of fire directly prevented the army of undead from advancing or retreating.

The screaming drones are still dispatched, and Jiangnan Wang will not be polite to these guys who desecrate the dead.

"I didn't understand why cremation was promoted before. After all, it is a tradition we have left since ancient times."

"But now, this king still thinks that cremation is good. It not only enriches the fields, but also prevents those who desecrate the dead from being able to use it."

"What do you think? Lord Lanster?"

The overall situation has been settled, and there is no need to dispatch military personnel to take the initiative to attack, Jiangnan Wang is quite satisfied.

After all, the military staff in the Qilin District has been reducing personnel, and if he can minimize the loss of personnel, he will naturally minimize it.

Strategies and tactics are all necessary measures based on the same level of conditions.

If it was possible to push it flat, Jiangnan Wang didn't even bother to use his brain to think about it.

Just bombard him directly, first bombard him for a few days and nights, and then go to collect the enemy's corpse after it is over.

During the confrontation between the two armies, the ultra-long-distance combat troops did not need to organize any members of the army to charge.

"Ah... ah... I... I agree with your opinion!"

Lanster, who was in a trance, felt that someone was asking him a question, so he quickly gathered his mind and said.

At this time, most of the undead army had been burned to ashes, except for the occasional fish that escaped the net in places that were not bombed.

The burnt stench was inhaled into the nasal cavity from time to time along with the strong smell of gunpowder. Finally, Lanster couldn't help it. A feeling of nausea surged from his brain. Then he leaned directly on the wall of New Mora City and vomited it out.

"Ugh... ah..."

The sound of vomiting one after another soon sounded on the city wall, and the nobles in this line almost all looked the same.

And at this moment, a shadow flashed by at the corner of the Mora city wall, and with the help of the firelight shining from the sky, they directly extended into the new Mora city, and then disappeared completely.

"Mortals actually control the power of the gods!"

Yueyin looked at the army of undead who had been completely wiped out on the battlefield through the monitoring barrier. Even if she was prepared, she was so surprised that she stood up from the throne.

The raging flames tearing apart the sky, the open flames illuminating the space, one can feel the power contained within just by looking at it.

The most powerful force in nature comes from nature.

Whether it is storm, sun, fire, thunder and lightning, etc., these all belong to the basic elements of the world.

These people not only control the power of the elements, but they are also extremely powerful. How did they do it?

You know, those people are all like that false god, without any power in their bodies.

The only few that have power, they now rarely use their unique magic because they have lost their source of power.

"What about the souls of the dead?"

Ri Yao stood aside, staring at the mushroom-shaped flames. The thick smoke in the sky covered the army of undead. Similarly, even the most powerful soul of the dead in the army disappeared.

The soul of the dead does not belong to the gods. If you insist on comparison, it should be lower than the power of the gods, and at the same time higher than the sacrifice.

It wanders in the resting place of the dead, cursing the unwilling spirits underground.

"It has bypassed the battlefield and entered the city of Mora with the help of the shadow pope."

"Wait, the walls as hard as steel are never broken from the outside, but from the inside!"

Looking at the nearly wiped out army of undead, Yueyin said with a sneer.

Although the undead army did not affect Mora City, and they paid a heavy price, it did not mean that they lost this battle.

The shadow pope has directly brought the souls of the dead into the city of New Mora through the shadow of fireworks.

The howling movement of fear is about to be played in the city, and those believers who give up the God of Moon Hidden and turn to false gods will get the compensation they deserve.

Xiang Ye got off the bus. Since Qilin District occupied Xinmora City, the shuttle bus between the two places also opened in due course.

Originally staying in the Qilin District, he also became curious about the construction of the New Mora City after seeing more and more civilians in the New Mora City entering the Qilin District.

Jiangnan Wang would sometimes tell him about the situation in New Mora City, but compared to Jiangnan Wang's explanations, he thought it would be better to see it for himself. Of course, this idea came from Jiang Xiaocheng.

Staying in the Qilin District in silence had already made her a little impatient. After hearing that the military personnel had defeated an army composed of undead, she hurriedly urged Xiang Ye to come to this new city.

"This place is not even as good as the most barren suburbs in Jiangnan City. What's there to see?"

Xiang Ye stood alone in a place called the trading market in New Mora City. This was the center of New Mora City, and a large number of things produced from the New Mora City factory gathered here.

Thanks to the efforts of those nobles, New Mora City already has the atmosphere of a commercial capital at this time.

Merchants who heard the rumors from all over the place gathered here, and they just said "buy" to the dazzling array of commodities that appeared in the trading market!

How many silver coins are needed for the utensils used by nobles? purchase!

A small object called a lighter that can rub out flames at any time, as long as a few copper coins? purchase!

All kinds of authentic kebabs from the Silent Black Forest on a street? eat!

A clock for telling time? A silver coin on sale? purchase!

These businessmen are like crazy!

All kinds of strange and unheard of commodities are not only high in quality and low in price, but at the same time, the low tax policy implemented by New Mora City can be said to fully meet their needs.

No more taxes? Who cares, anyway, they don't have to worry about the construction of the new Mora City, buy, buy, buy!

As long as the things produced in New Mora City are brought to their city, the price can be doubled several times.

Even though they heard that this is a city of pagans, driven by their interests, they still went forward.

Under Jiang Xiaocheng's command, Xiang Ye entered these shops that meant nothing to him from time to time, and then picked up each item from time to time to examine them carefully.

There is nothing he can do about Jiang Xiaocheng liking him.

"Have you heard? The undead army of Soul of the Dead was burned to death by the city lord without even touching the corner of New Mora City. The soaring flames burned for several days, and those undead were not even a bone. None left."

"Well, I was in the city of New Mora during that war. I was fortunate enough to see the wrath of the gods. The flames that tore the sky turned the whole earth into terracotta. I heard that people from the Ministry of Agriculture planned to dig a farmland there and plan to plant Some high yielding wheat."

"Hey, are you a local?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Well, let me ask, do you have a priority purchase ticket? If you can get some things produced in the new Mora City factory, I am willing to give you some high returns..."

"This... I don't have it, but my relative's uncle's... yes, I can ask for you..."


All kinds of heated conversations came to Xiang Ye's ear from time to time, and the life of common people could be said to have directly improved a class compared to before.

Without the pressure of taxation, basically as long as the civilians in New Mora City work hard, they can always get benefits that they didn't even dare to think about before.

A large number of factories open their doors to recruit workers, not only including food, housing and vacation, but also generous salaries will be paid to them in full.

Before, who would dare to think like this?

No matter how the nobles scolded the new rulers, for the civilians who occupied 99% of New Mora City, they were the gods most believed in by the common people.

"It's really a lively place. People here are full of joy from the bottom of their hearts. I don't like it very much!"

A sharp sneer snorted from the mouth of a tall figure, his whole body exuded a cold breath.

All the people passing by him were shocked by the breath and avoided him one after another.

The figure didn't care about this, but just stared at the street with people coming and going, with a cruel smile on his face.

Soon, he found the goal of this trip.

A person, a woman who is holding jewelry and trying on it!

Everyone hid in fear of his arrival, but the woman in front of her remained unmoved, and still only focused on the shiny necklace in front of her, as if the thing in front of her was the most important thing to her.

"Jie Jie Jie... It's up to you, use your death as a starting point to set off a carnival of fear in this city!"

Read The Duke's Passion