MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 280 future

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In the ruins of the square of the Temple of the Moon in Mora City, the flickering fire still did not give up the last light and heat, but it was completely extinguished by the water column of the fire truck, and only a few wisps of blue smoke were still rising stubbornly. disappeared into the air.

Mora City was easier to breach than imagined. Originally, King Jiangnan had already made up his mind to destroy Mora City at any cost, and even planned to use the few remaining strategic missiles in the Armament Department.

Qilin District desperately needs a victory to boost the morale of the citizens.

Since coming to this world, the people of Qilin District have lived in misery, unfamiliar environment, strange natural disasters, and enemies with malicious intentions.

It can be said that no one in the entire Qilin District has had a good night's sleep until now.

Their nerves are so tight that the slightest movement can wake them up.

Now, the biggest enemy in front of Qilin District has been defeated by them, and they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"The priests of the Moon Hidden Temple were executed on the spot. They are the initiators of this war."

"The next step is to appease the ignorant civilians."

"Send communication personnel to gather all the nobles in Mora City and announce that Mora City has changed hands."

Jiangnan Wang quickly issued a new order.

Mora City, which is the size of Qilin District, is extremely easy to attack, but then, they will be even busier.

The priests of the Temple of the Moon Hermit had already been marked as mortal by the Qilin District from the very beginning. Whether they took the initiative to attack the Qilin District or reduced the number of believers of the Moon Goddess, no matter what they did, it was difficult for them to survive.

The next step is to appease the civilians in Mora City.

Although the Qilin District did not have a good impression of these people because of the actions of the priests, but Jiangnan Wang, as a high-level executive in the Qilin District, had to think about the long-term.

These civilians are considered as shallow believers of the Temple of the Moon Hermit. The reason why the Goddess Moon Hermit was able to ignite the divine fire, if there were not a large number of shallow believers to provide her with vitality, she would not be able to achieve the name of a god.

Therefore, these people have to be treated differently.

Erase the traces of the Moon Yin Temple and make them untrustworthy. If they still have inertia, then the names of the people on the list of gods will appear before their eyes.

In Qilin District, it is extremely difficult for the people of Qilin District to believe in the immortal Buddha in the list of gods, but here, everything is logical.

Finally, there is the noble group.

This ancient class will appear no matter now or in the future.

To win over these people and let them contribute to the Qilin District, for them, it is just a change of allegiance.

Three days have passed since fire trucks were still fighting fires everywhere in Mora City.

In the past three days, there were occasional counterattacks by members of the sacrificial group in Mora City, but it was of no avail.

The armed helicopters in the sky kept detecting suspicious persons. If something went wrong, the firepower system would be fully activated, and they would not be given any chance at all.

"We meet again!"

In the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, Li Lang looked a little tired. Since the loud noise came a few days ago, he has been hiding in the shop and dare not go out at all.

According to the fugitives, the city of Mora has been completely occupied by the pagans, and the rich merchants like them will be attacked next.

It is better to fight and break the city.

Li Lang wanted to run away, but a flood of heretics soon appeared on the street. Seeing those people dressed strangely, he still gave up the idea of ​​running away.

There are those people everywhere outside, and they are riding in a kind of extremely fast iron box. Where can he go?

Therefore, I can only close the door of the shop, hiding in the counter and shivering.

"It's you!"

Seeing the crowd rushing in, Li Lang was startled at first, but soon found a familiar face among the crowd.

chasing the wind!

At this time, Zhuifeng also changed into the same attire as that group of pagans, wearing a steel helmet and holding a strange weapon, looking at him with a smile.

"It's me. I'm here to inform you to attend the noble meeting. The city of Mora has been completely captured by us. You have to meet the new ruler of the city."

Chasing the wind opened his mouth to explain.

"A meeting of nobles? I'm not a noble!"

Li Lang looked at these strangely dressed pagans, until now he couldn't understand that this guy who looked like he had a problem with his mind belonged to them.

Fortunately, they didn't plunder the Gemini store, but stood at the door and told him the purpose of their trip.

"Of course I know that you are not an aristocrat, but you control the Gemini Chamber of Commerce and have some influence in Mora City."

"Don't worry, we will not encroach on your property. On the contrary, we have more deals to negotiate with you businessmen."

This time, Zhuifeng took the initiative to tell Li Lang about their reason for coming this time.

The Qilin District, which is running at high speed, is a behemoth devouring resources. Relying on the supplies seized by Mora City, it is really not enough for the Qilin District to consume.

These merchant aristocrats have a decisive influence in Mora City. Relying on them to continuously obtain resources from other cities is the purpose of keeping them.

Of course, before that, it is still necessary to get to know each other.

"The ignorant and ignorant civilians here are very suitable for the spread of faith. The dark world that never sees the sun provides them with a good soil."

"Wu Daxiong, as the second **** on the list of gods, you will replace the goddess of sun and become their new sustenance."

In the slightly dilapidated Yueyin Temple, King Jiangnan sat on the main hall, and a round conference table was moved over.

Sitting around were all the supernatural beings from the Qilin District, who did not hit the civilians hard, and soon got extremely favorable news.

The common people don't care who the gods are standing on top of them, as long as they don't impose heavy taxes on them, and don't have a real impact on their interests, they believe in anyone.

And one letter one accurate.

Before they entered the city of Mora, some civilians began to spread rumors about the enthronement of the new **** and the death of the old god.

A large amount of superficial power of faith has no sustenance and dissipates into the air.

This is a loss to both the Moon Goddess and the supernatural beings in the Qilin District.

The supernatural beings who had already studied the power of faith quickly took action.

A large number of statues of Cheng Yifan and Wu Daxiong were produced and distributed to civilians.

At the same time, it is also to allow them to accept new beliefs, and to completely distinguish them from the believers of the Moon Goddess, the incense model is strongly supported.

The newly built Taoist temple will be completed soon, and the incense has been placed on the store counter.

As long as they believe in new gods, miracles are very likely to happen around them.

No, it has already happened.

The residents of Mora City found that as long as they believed in the new gods, the new sheriffs would directly exempt them from taxes for three years.

God, the farmers who have always farmed land for the nobles have never thought, or even dared to imagine, that farming does not require taxes.

In view of this, the civilians who originally had resistance to the new **** quickly followed the newly built hall called Shenweiguan in a decent manner, spent a copper coin, bought incense for worship, and entered the hall The statue in the middle bowed down.

He also chanted in an extremely tongue-twisting voice, "Infinite Heaven, the great element makes Cheng Yifan protect us and our family in peace" or "Infinite Life Buddha, the water element makes Wu Daxiong make this year's weather smooth" and so on.

In the beginning, only a very few people had the attitude of trying, but soon the miracle appeared, which surprised them.

The rude sheriffs rushed directly to their shabby house and told them that from now on, they would not be taxed for farming in the future.

What is this but a miracle?

It is more difficult to exempt the nobles who specialize in sucking the blood of the common people from their taxes than to kill them.

Those stingy nobles would not even give up a grain. Every time they cultivated and harvested, they wished they could count those wheat grains one by one, and they were unwilling to give them one more grain.

Even the priests of the Moon Hidden Temple, needless to say, those lands belonged to them in the first place, and they were just earning some food under the hands of those priests.

Baigan is a common thing. If the priests are unhappy one day, they will be killed if they are killed, and the Moon Goddess will not intervene.

Because they themselves represent the gods.

"Congratulations, Wu Daxiong, the water elementalist!"

Several people from the branch of the Ability Bureau were snickering. They couldn't help laughing at this weird name.

After all, it needs to fit the common people and not look too different. To make it better accepted by the people of Mora City, the titles of their master and apprentice naturally need to be adjusted accordingly.

"Why are you laughing? Sooner or later, you will have the same title as me."

"Long Yan, I think you are good at playing with fire, right? How about the joy of fire, the anger of flame, and the roar of Yan?"

"And Yun Ze, Ben Lei, I think you are too..."

"Well, by the way, you are from the Ability Bureau. I think you guys are pretty good. Wouldn't it be nice to be a priest under the Water Elementalist?"

Wu Daxiong didn't mind, he said with a teasing smile.

"Gods have to look like gods. Look at what you say. If you want to release the water element enshrined by those people, who will believe you?"

"In the future, if it is not necessary, reduce the frequency of going out."

Jiangnan Wang frowned, watching Wu Daxiong and several people from the Ability Bureau making fun of him, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Although they occupied Mora City now and completely eradicated the first threat in the Qilin District, he knew that Mora City was just the beginning.

There are more than a dozen cities of the Moon Goddess, and it doesn't hurt to lose one.

She is still a god, and she still has the strength that they can't resist.

"There is more than one **** in Mora City. We need to blossom in many ways, and try to rely on the beliefs of the residents of Mora City to get more supernatural beings."

"In the future, we will all be gods!"

He glanced at it with a serious tone, but soon, Jiangnan Wang himself couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, we are all gods!"

"My divine power has been reduced by one tenth!"

The Moon Goddess who was far away in the Temple of Time raised her head and looked in the direction of Mora City.

Only three short months have passed, and these three months are nothing to the long life of the gods.

But in just three months, Mora City was directly captured by the group of heretics, which shocked her no matter what.

The strength of the pagans in that country was truly astonishing. The Holy Maiden of the Bright Moon in the city of Mora and the priest group of nearly a thousand people were all wiped out without even a single reaction, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

"It is extremely simple and efficient to become a **** with the power of faith, but it also has drawbacks, as I said a long time ago."

In the corridor of time and space where there are few people, the ruins of the city wall are still firmly blocking the wind and sand outside. On an ancient altar, a giant hourglass with the size of a human is suspended in the air out of thin air.

The old man in a moon-white robe sat quietly under the hourglass, with a calm expression, looked at Yueyin and said.


Yue Yin snorted lightly, but did not answer.

"Tell me the origin of the false god, I hope to get an answer."

When she came here, she didn't chat with Old Man Time about these boring issues. The destruction of Mora City had already given her a warning, and she had to speed up the pace.

"I can't trace her origin along the long river of time, after all, she is not from this world."

"The doomsday behemoth has devoured countless worlds, and each world has different rules."

"I can only tell you that she may be outside the rules."

The old man in the moon white robe knew exactly why Yue Yin came to him.

The Yueyin who appeared in his eyes was not only the Yueyin standing in front of him, but also the Yueyin who was sleeping peacefully in the kingdom of the gods, the Yueyin who was parallel to the sun, and the Yueyin who sent down the oracle.

Every time period in the past, Yueyin was clearly revealed in front of his eyes, and with just one glance, he understood that Yueyin came here to find his purpose.

An unseen existence was sitting beside Yue Yin, watching the High Priest of Kodolan in the temple of Mora City raise a strange weapon.

"Can't even you see it?"

Yue Yin stared at the old man in disbelief, and said in shock.

Old Man Time can see every node that happened in the past. As long as she stands here, through the ability to go back in time, she can find the reason why she came here.

The false **** is the reason, and then follow the false **** at the node of encountering the false god, and continue to trace back to the past, and it is easy to get the origin of the false god.

But now Old Man Time told her that it was untraceable?

Can't even the power of time discover the strangeness of this false god?

"She doesn't exist, or rather, she has always existed."

The old man's gaze remained calm, as if he was talking about the simplest thing.

But Yueyin heard it in her ears, and her heart was full of turbulent waves.

What is the origin of that false god, even the all-knowing old man Time can't see her reality?

"Impossible, she is just the most common false god, it is impossible to have any secrets."

"Did you read it wrong? Read it again!"

"Compared to that false **** that doesn't exist, you'd better give me the doomsday titan."

The old man didn't answer Yue Yin's words, but said calmly.

"Did you see something? Tell me!"

Yueyin suddenly screamed and said in horror.

Old Man Time not only has the ability to go back to the past, but also has the instinct to spy on the future. Before she revealed her ultimate goal, Old Man Time easily agreed to her.

What she brought here was the larva of the doomsday behemoth, the doomsday behemoth that can devour everything when it grows up!

"The past can be traced back, but the future cannot be told."

"Yueyin, you have crossed the line!"

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