MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 273 business

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Mora City is one of the cities under the command of the Moon Goddess.

Mora City is located in the border city of Kelendo Continent. Compared with the central kingdom of gods, Mora City is remote and rarely gets the favor of the Moon Goddess.

But it belongs to the Moon Goddess, the **** of faith of all the common people in the city.

A nondescript carriage drove over from a distant road, and a group of businessmen with strange accents came to the city.

After paying the entrance fee as a matter of course, this group of people directly entered the city of Mora.

"With such a living environment and humanity, if it weren't for the gods to bless you, the people in a village would be able to wipe out all these dregs."

Chasing the wind spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said in a serious tone.

The city of Mora in front of you is extremely retro, and all kinds of old brick and stone houses have built everything in the city. The closer you go to the center of Mora city, the more neatly the bricks and stones are piled up.

At a glance, the group of them can tell the situation of Mora City at a glance.

The houses built of bricks and stones are obviously the residences of the rich and powerful, while the shacks and log huts are the dog kennels for the common people.

And in the fringes of the city, there are even extremely simple thatched cottages appearing from time to time.

Obviously, even in the cities of the kingdom of gods, there is still a very conspicuous gap between the rich and the poor.

Chasing the wind waved his hand, and the disguised personnel who entered Mora City dispersed immediately.

When they came to this city, in addition to inquiring about the situation of the city, obtaining more resources for Qilin District was also their top priority.

The captured Yueyin soldiers never imagined that the people in Qilin District did not take the initiative to take revenge after learning about their situation, but endured it and quietly blended in disguised as businessmen.

Mora City relies on the Silent Forest, and the vast forest has brought them great supplies. Thanks to this forest, the precious animal skins and medicines obtained from the forest are continuously transported to other cities.

This is the means by which Mora City lives.

There is no need for professionals from Qilin District to enter and investigate, just ask through the group of captives.

And Zhuifeng and his group, under the guise of all kinds of magical makeup, came here with a large number of industrially produced equipment in Qilin District.

Dumping not only disrupts the market in Mora City, but also needs to obtain more resources for Qilin District.

"We are merchants from Qilin City in the northern state. This time we have brought exquisite ceramics exclusive to the upper nobles of Qilin City. Do you have any needs?"

After being separated from the others, Chasing the Wind found a shop with a rather large area in Mora City, took the rest of the people in, and asked a person who looked like a waiter at the counter.

The busy waiter was not surprised to see Zhuifeng and his party.

The exquisite animal skins and rare herbs in the forest attract a large number of merchants to come here. Throughout the year, merchants of all kinds will come to them on their own initiative to negotiate some trade matters.

"Qilin City? Excuse me, I have never heard of the existence of such a city."

The elderly waiter raised his head. He frowned and looked at the group of people. The half-familiar mainland Chinese made their spoken language extremely funny, and these people seemed to have never seen anything on the shelf, pointing from time to time , with an expression that is completely comparable to that of a country bumpkin.

"Northern State Qilin City, this is the first time we have come here. I heard that there are exquisite furs that the entire kingdom of the gods wants, so we came here."

Chasing the wind explained in stammering mainland lingua franca.

After the Qilin District suffered heavy losses in succession, it had already learned from the painful experience, and took the initiative to learn the common language of the world.

Even the lingua franca of the mainland has been included in the city management regulations of Qilin District. Almost every once in a while, someone will conduct assessments on the remaining citizens.

Zhuifeng's mainland lingua franca has barely reached the fourth level, and he is already considered the best among them. Although he is still a little stuttering, he can already communicate with these people.

"Okay, let me take a look at the products. Our Gemini Chamber of Commerce can not only provide the most beautiful furs, but also buy some exquisite products."

The waiter frowned. He felt that talking to these people who didn't know where they came from and couldn't speak clearly was a pain in the ass. It would be better to see what these people planned to exchange with them. .

Of course, he is not optimistic about what valuable things these country bumpkins can come up with.

He couldn't even speak the language clearly, and he looked like a country bumpkin who ran out from an unknown corner.

The Krondo continent is vast, and there are countless small villages living in remote places.

Obviously, these few people are like this.

"Oh, then I took it out."

Seeing that this store is really like what the captive said, it will take the initiative to buy some goods, Zhuifeng immediately walked over with a dirty coarse cloth bag, and explained while carrying it back.

"Praise the God of Moon Hidden. I heard that the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce is the most discerning chamber of commerce in the entire Mora City. At the same time, the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce is also the most reasonable chamber of commerce in the mouth of all merchants. If there is anything good, it is best to sell it to People from the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce. We also heard the introductions from other merchants, so we came here directly."

The old waiter frowned again, he didn't pay attention to the compliments that Zhuifeng said, but looked at the dirty cloth bag, he was very worried whether this dirty thing would stain his counter, after all, before He just wiped it down.

If these rude hicks are getting dirty, he'll have to repeat it all over again.

Therefore, he spoke directly.

"Be careful, outsider, don't let your dirty bag stain my counter. Do you see the blanket in the counter? It's the most precious purple tail fur, and you can't afford it if it gets dirty .”

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just think this fur is extraordinarily gorgeous, and I want to take a closer look."

Chasing the wind glanced at the purple-tailed fur, which the waiter called the most precious. The rough craftsmanship made him vomit, and even the strong smell of the purple-tailed fur blanket almost made him vomit after eating overnight. come out.

With such a poor level, any workshop in Qilin District can be beaten up, let alone a factory with mechanized production.

However, Zhuifeng endured it, let's see if he can sell something from the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce.

"This is us...uh..."

Only after Zhuifeng took out the most common dish, was it snatched away by the waiter.

He still hasn't reacted.

"this is…"

"I know that the tableware of the upper class nobles has been handed down in the kingdom of the gods, and all kinds of amazing patterns are drawn on the plate."

The waiter looked at the dish snatched from Zhuifeng's hand in surprise and said.

He originally thought that this bumpkin had nothing good to trade, but he didn't expect that the first thing he brought out was so precious.

Look at the craftsmanship on this disc, it's cold and extremely smooth, you don't even need to examine it carefully, you can tell at a glance that it contains a very high level of production.

Not to mention the gorgeous pattern drawn in the center of the disc.

Except for these things in the kingdom of the gods, there are no other places at all.

"These are all good things, where did you get them?"

The waiter inspected it fondly, and this disc alone was enough for him to get a large commission. As a member of the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, he knew the value of this disc very well.


Zhuifeng glanced at his companions, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed, but they calmed down quickly.

Clearly, what they've been experimenting with for the first time has yielded big results.

The technological level of this group of bumpkins is really not comparable to that of the Qilin District. Even the most common dishes can achieve such gratifying results. When the Qilin District recovers, they can use the advanced The handicraft products completely destroy the commerce of this world, when the time comes, the Qilin District will **** up their resources.

But for now, we still have to start with the simplest.

"and also?"

The waiter carefully held the disc, as if holding a priceless treasure, and said with his eyes wide open.

It would be good if this group of guys can come up with a noble disc. It seems that it should be a good thing stolen from the kingdom of the gods. They dare not sell the stolen goods in the kingdom of the gods, so they can only go to their remote border city to sell them.

He knew exactly what these people were thinking.

But, you say there is more?

Are these discs really Chinese cabbage?

This is a utensil made by the most famous master. Although he doesn't know which master it is, but judging from the craftsmanship of the disc, this master is extremely famous in the kingdom of the gods, and it is absolutely impossible to leak more .

But soon, something that shocked him happened.

Zhuifeng once again took out a disk from the dirty cloth bag. The disk was round and smooth, and it was obviously from the same batch as the one in his hand.

"Uh... there are more."

Seeing that the waiter was not talking, Zhuifeng directly took out a stack of dishes, rice bowls, teapots, teacups and other utensils from the cloth bag.

The style of these utensils is very similar to this world, but the difference is the craftsmanship of making them.

The waiter was completely stunned, he was stunned to watch Zhuifeng take out a piece of very formal utensils from the cloth bag, he still couldn't believe it.

Where did these rednecks get these things?

Did they steal all the treasures of a great nobleman?

"That's all, you see?"

Chasing the wind asked tentatively.

The waiter who had been silent all this time finally woke up after hearing Zhuifeng's inquiry.

He rushed out from the counter quickly, walked towards the door, raised his hand, and quickly closed the door, completely isolating the space.

After doing this, the waiter seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he went to the window sill and drew down the curtain.

At this point, the entire store has directly become a closed space.

Except for Zhuifeng and his party, no one can see the scene inside the Gemini store.

"Okay, we can talk."

The waiter who returned to the counter again changed his tone this time. He gently called Zhuifeng and his party to a table and signaled him to sit down.

After taking the initiative to make them a pot of delicious milk tea, the waiter said his name.

"My name is Li Lang, the head of Mora City, Gemini Chamber of Commerce."

"I don't need to ask you where these things come from, but..."

Speaking of this, the attendant named Li Lang lowered his voice, raised his head and formally glanced at these people, and the aura of the bumpkins in front of him changed instantly.

If Li Lang thought they were the most ordinary farmers before, this time he could feel the murderous aura emanating from the bodies of Zhuifeng and the others.

This is the power exuded by the most ferocious mercenaries, who have been dancing on the tip of their knives all year round, dare to rush into the mansion of the nobles and **** their precious treasures.

That's right, Li Lang already regarded Zhuifeng and the others as mercenaries licking blood on their blades.

These people can be found in taverns in every city as long as they are willing to spend money.

However, compared to the bragging mercenaries in the tavern, these few are the best among the mercenaries.

Otherwise, how do they get these.

"you say."

At this time, Zhuifeng's worried heart was relieved.

Obviously, the person in charge who claimed to be the head of the Gemini Chamber of Commerce in front of him planned to negotiate something with them under the temptation of interests.

This is great news for Chasing Feng and his group.

"However, I want to have a good talk with you about the price of these things."

At this moment, Li Lang felt that he had the initiative.

He has judged that these people should be mercenaries of a certain mercenary group in the kingdom of the gods, and they left the prosperous kingdom of the gods, most likely to avoid the pursuit of the nobles.

Now that they have found the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, it is obvious that they are in a desperate situation.

They urgently need to exchange these things for common currency, and then continue to flee.

In this case, he completely minimized the price.

"It's hard for me to give a good price because of the quantity."

"How about twenty silver coins?"

Speaking of this low price, Li Lang didn't blush and his heart didn't beat. He was sure that these mercenaries would have nothing to do with his intentionally lowering the price.

This kind of master-level disc utensils should be exchanged for the usual price, at least one gold coin, which is the price of one piece.

If set, the price is more expensive.

Those wealthy nobles have always collected these rare items in sets.

In aristocratic communication, not only can you show your identity, but you can also show off your financial resources.

Li Lang knew this very well.

However, if you want to sell at this price, you have to come from a proper way. If it is a black product...

Such a good opportunity, no one will let go.


Zhuifeng stared at Li Lang closely, as if he wanted to see something from Li Lang, but after a while, he agreed to the deal very simply.

"Very good, a decisive choice. The Gemini Chamber of Commerce will be your best partner."

"If you still have such a vessel, you can send it directly to us."

"How much do you have, how much Gemini Merchant will eat."

Li Lang let go of his heart, and said without changing his expression.

Obviously, these bumpkins know the value of these goods, but so what, besides the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce in Mora City, who else can eat these things safely.

Apart from selling them to the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, no other chamber of commerce has such a generous amount.

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