MTL - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World-Chapter 315 Finale (3)

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A Taoist, the attitude of the villagers has changed, saying that we are disaster stars, we must drive us out of the village, and help the three uncles and the four uncles to talk, saying that the field is our voluntary resale, even the animals are crazy Chasing us to bite, this thing sounds bizarre, but it is a fact, I really can't think of a way to come to you. "Huangyuan did not know how, the first person thought of Yin Ming, the sixth sense told him that Yin Ming can give him Huang Fubao, there must be ways to help him solve things.

Yin Ming asked: "Are you injured?"

"My mother and I are fine, but the lawyers and policemen who came here were bitten by the animals." Huang Yuan said this, unconsciously took out the yellow characters that Yin Ming gave him, and the corner of the character has burned. The same is true for his **** Huang Fu.

"You sent me your address, I will go over it now."

"A Ming, thank you, thank you." Huang Yuan did not know how to appreciate him. They didn't know much about it. Yin Ming was willing to run for him in the village.

Yin Mingang hangs up the phone, and the phone rings again. It is the phone call from Rongqi.

Rongqi originally wanted to go to dinner at the end of Yin Ming. After learning that he wanted to help Huang Yuan, he also volunteered to help.

Yin Ming felt that the situation was serious. He did not book a plane ticket, nor did Yu Jian fly. Instead, he let the demon use the instant movement to send him and Rongqi to the courtyard where Huangyuan lived, and then heard someone shouting outside the courtyard. "Yellow, your family is a disaster star. If we don't get out of our village, we will set you on fire."

Other villagers said: "Burn them and burn them."

"Insane, the villagers are crazy." The policeman hiding in the home of Huangyuan angered the desktop. They only came to the city with four people.

The villagers who can't cope with the whole village can't kill the people with guns. They can only wait for the people in the police station to support them.

The lawyer looked at the wound in the back of his hand and muttered: "It's too evil."

Before the villagers also righteously redressed for Huang Yuan, when they saw the Taoist priests, the villagers immediately changed their mouths and said that they were disaster stars, and the transition was too fast, so that they could not be taken over.

"Xiaoyuan, they want to burn us, what should we do? What should we do?" Huangmu was anxious to turn around.

Huang Yuan comforted her: "Mom, I have already called my classmates. He will definitely come over and save us."

The lawyer looked at him: "Is your classmate not in the capital? He will have to wait half a day to get there again? And, what can he do with a student?"

Huang Yuan opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain that he inexplicably believed that Yin Ming had the ability to solve this matter.

Just then, someone outside called II 'Huangyuan. ”

When Huang Yuan heard the familiar voice, he couldn’t help but look out the window. The competition was Yin Ming and Rong Qi, but he hanged the phone until now ten minutes. How did they get here?

He didn't care so much, and quickly opened the door, excited: "A Ming, you really came, thank you, thank you for coming.

Yin Ming scans the eyes of the lawyer and the police.

Rongqi took out the medicine and handed it to the lawyer: "This is a wound medicine, and it has a pain-relieving effect."

“Thank you.” The lawyer applied the medicine to the back of the hand, and the pain was immediately eliminated: “You are the classmates of Huang Yuan?”

Rongqi should say: "Yes."

"But, aren't you in the capital? Why are you coming here so quickly? How did you get into the yard?"

The lawyer asked a series of questions and waited for the honor flag to answer. Huang mother screamed: "They climbed in? The villagers climbed in from the fence."

□ Authors gossip: Recommend new text - "The Army Gate"

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Fanwai 014

Outside the courtyard wall, the villagers climbed the stairs through the stairs.

Yin Ming saw that their eyes were sluggish, they knew that they were in the middle of the shackles, and immediately opened the door and went out.

"A Ming, you..." Huang originally wanted to stop him from going out, but when he saw that he had the confidence to deal with the villagers, he changed his mouth and said, "You have to be careful."

Several other police officers hurriedly shouted: "Young man, you are coming back, they are too many people, and they lose their minds and don't recognize people. You just go looking for death."

Yin Ming took out a character and threw it over to the villagers. The sound of the bang, the yellow qi burned quickly, and the paper ash blew to the villagers.

I don’t know if it’s because of the midday sun’s prosperity. Everyone saw a golden light around Yin Ming. The light of the paper was scattered into the stars, and then the villagers seemed to be stopped. In the same place, gradually, the bloodshot eyes resumed clarity.

“Hey? Where is this?” One of the villagers went back to God and looked around: “Isn’t this the old Huang family? How come I got here?”

The other villagers are slowly recovering from being sober. I remember that I was outside the village head and asked the village head to preside over justice for Xiaoyuan. How did they run to Huangyuan’s home? ”

When Huang Yuan saw the villagers no longer see people, they attacked and quickly went over: "Liu Bo, Zhang Wei, are you alright?"

Liu Bo took Yin Ming’s hand and excitedly said: “Xiaoyuan, you can rest assured that we are there, absolutely not let your uncles get what they want. If they dare to move your fields, we will beat them out of the village and let them They no longer dare to go back to the village."

The lawyers and the police in the house are facing each other. What is going on in front of me? Before the villagers said that they wanted to burn them, but now they said that they would like to ask Huang Yuan for justice. Was the villagers really bad?

Yin Ming said to Huang Yuan: "You are here to deal with your family and lawyers, I am going to catch the Taoist."

Huang Yuan said with gratitude: "Well, do you want the police to go with you?"

"No need to."

Yin Ming and Rong Qi left the home of Huang Yuan together, and in the direction of the fluctuation of the aura, they quickly found the Taoist who was practicing. The Taoist priest in Huang Yuankou is actually a ghost repair, called Xu Ang. Nowadays, the world is rare and turbid. It is difficult to get promoted and cultivated. In order to break through to the Mahayana period, he has searched all over the world. He has finally found a small vein in the mountains that is not managed by the self-cultivator. The elf only recognizes Huang Yuan’s father as the master and does not let him absorb the aura. He has to send someone to buy Yamada from his father. I know that Huang’s father is an old-fashioned man, saying that it is the land left by his father’s ancestors, giving more The money is not sold, otherwise he does not have to run it himself, but he did not expect to recruit the comprehension.

Xu Ang can't see how high Yin Ming's cultivation is, but he can feel that the other's cultivation is absolutely no worse than him. Now things are exposed, and the comers are not good. In this case, he quickly pinches Huang. The original three uncle's neck shouted to Yin Ming: "Don't come over, or I will kill him."

Yin Ming and Rong Qi stopped.

Huang Shu’s four uncles saw their third brother being pinched and hurried, and hurriedly shouted: "Xu Daochang, what are you doing? You are going to let me go."

Xu Ang ignored him. While staring at Yin Ming, he went back to the car next to him and sat in the car, letting people drive away.

"Three brothers, sweeping brother..." Huang Yuan's four uncles screamed in a hurry.

Rongqi asked Yin Ming: "A Ming, what should I do?"

"You stay here to protect the Huangyuan, I am going to chase them." Yin Ming is planning to imperial sword, suddenly, slamming, Xu Ang tires tires.

The car was deflected and slammed into the big tree next to it. Then, Xu Ang screamed and flew out of the car window.

Yin Ming slammed into the past and stunned Xu Ang, but there was a strong force to hold Xu An’s body. His eyes were sharp and he looked around: “Who is here?”

However, no one answered him.

Rongqi rushed to his side: "What happened to Ah Ming?"

Yin Ming bit his finger and went to him and Rongqi’s eyebrows. I saw a handsome man in a white costume robes floating five meters away. The other side had a long black hair and a red eye. It is not human at first glance.

Rongqi asked: "A Ming, who is he?"

Yin Ming: "I don't know."

"This seat has specifically hidden the figure, but it can also be seen by you, indicating that in addition to being high, there are other unusual things.

The man squinted at Yin Ming and smiled: "The original lord is the congressman of Daguosi, disrespectful and disrespectful, then you can see this seat is not unusual." ”

Rongqi’s heart trembled and nervously looked at Yin Ming.

Yin Ming frowned. "You have mistaken people. I am not a Congressman."

The man thought that he intended to conceal his identity, and he would not say more about it: "This seat is the ghost of the land, called Gonghuo, specially to arrest this ghost repair."

"Ghost difference?" Rongqi curiously asked: "What happened to this ghost repair, need to send ghosts to personally soul?"

The tribute fire sinks into the face: "This person is daring, and he regards the government as nothing. Regardless of whether the living beings are long-lived, killing innocents, absorbing the merits and souls of the living to improve their cultivation, hundreds of human beings have died in him. In the hands of the hands, the order of the underworld was disorganized, so this seat was enshrined in the mouth of the king, and specially came to the Yangjie to arrest this ghost repair."

"So hateful?" Rongqi gas smashed a few feet on Xu Ang: "This kind of person should be dragged to the 18th floor of the **** to fry.

It is. ”

Xu Ang hurriedly bowed his head and begged for mercy: "There is a small misunderstanding, and I also ask for a small life."

"It’s too late to know the mistake." The tribute fire grabbed him and said to Yin Ming: "This seat will bring him back to the local government, so I will not

Yin Ming nodded.

The tribute fire disappeared with Xu Ang.

"Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts--" Huang Yuan's four uncles saw Xu An disappeared out of thin air, scared to turn a blind eye on the spot and fainted.

Rongqi looked at Huang Yuan’s four uncles and quietly looked at Yin Ming.

Yin Ming silent for a moment, went to the front of the car to take Huang Yuan San Shu and the driver who passed out, and let Huang Yuan handle the three uncles.

The policeman who came over asked: "What about the Taoist?"

Rongqi lied: "He ran."

The four police officers took a look at it. In the end, they only recorded a statement to Yin Ming, and they let them go.

Rongqi called the demon to let him pick up.

After returning to school, Rongqi happily hooked Yin Ming’s arm and asked: "A Ming, where are we going to eat tonight?"

Yin Ming looked at the fingers they had grasped and couldn't help but pull the arm back and said: "It's a little tired today, wait two days and go out to eat with you."

Rongqi nodded. "Well, wait for your call."

After Yin Ming sent him to the school gate, he did not go to dinner with Yin Sensen. He stayed alone in the dormitory and thought about the words of the tribute fire. He didn’t understand that the people in his dream called him the congressional master. Also said that he is a master of Congress?

Isn’t the current Congressional Master at Daguosi? How is he a Congressman?

This question he always thought of after the night of the dormitory lights off.

Then, a smog was blowing outside the dormitory.

Yin Ming twisted his eyebrows and got up to the balcony. A white shadow appeared in front of him.

□ The author's gossip: Recommend the new text of the ingot - "The Army Gate"