MTL - I am Trapped on the Same Day for a Thousand Years-Chapter 276 Wu Chen, "Many Affairs"

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One second to remember ^ this. God ^ Lizhan. The first ^ mobile phone user input address..m.ш

Fukang Road South Second Road Lane, the west side of the alley is Fukang Road, the east side of the alley is called "Anlong Street" called Bar = Street. There are many places in the East China Sea that can be called Bar Street and Anlong Street Just one of them.

a few minutes ago.

A GRT license plate gtr sports car l just opened from the parking lot in front of the night cat bar more than 100 meters away, driving to the vicinity of Nan Erdao Lane, several cars parked along the roadside will start chasing, come up, before and after Bundle. Brake, the gtr sports car blocked the l_

A group of people got off the bus.

There are also wandering around to smoke. It seems to be mixed--two groups of young and young, all of them are gathered together, and some also take out the Kun Kun from the clothes.

This is obviously a buried advantage.

"Cao Nima down 1"

"Just in the bar is not very cattle ((bi)bi)) l down!"

"Play Nima ((bi)bi) car!"

= group of people squatting. A dyed white head

Crack the gyr windshield 砸!

On the sidewalk outside Tudormi. Still standing four or five young men and women, they are obviously surrounded by the young man in Shen Shen - a tall, thin young ae with a punk hairstyle wearing black (color) leather

The young punk head smoked and stared at the front.

This group of young people is not watching (hot r) trouble, _ son is.: This group of traffic jams. It’s 20 they found it.


The gtr suddenly slammed the throttle and the engine's growl was very low.

Then, the gtr sports car will go back to the front _ 窜. Directly forward!

The people around him were all scared to avoid, and the gtr sports car crashed into a business car with a blocked road in front of it. A slap in the business car. But did not hit a road, gtr reversing, and hit forward _

A bang, still did not hit!

To run"

Gtr car, holding a blood plate _ short hair young people are sweating. The girl in the black dress on the vice is also a panic. Here is the East China Sea, not the magic capital, they are in the magic of the cattle ((bi)bi), in the East China Sea has caused a snake. This is going to happen!

Ghosts know how to develop into such a scorpion

"He wants to run"

"Cao my mother, give me a yo! _"

The white-haired young man yelled with a stick, and the first one went up. He couldn’t get close to the car and was easily hit. But both sides can.

He went up and used a stick _. he smashed the side windshield of the cab.

A group of people around are on. From the two sides of the car, the gir sports car reversing, and 甩 _ tail, almost scraped people, people are alert to escape. The road has been blocked. How can this car not run? Naturally no one is stupid enough to use the body to stop the car.


The roar of the engine rang again. This time it was a black (color) off-road vehicle that was blocked by the road. The people in the car blew the gas door and double-fired the gir sports car. _

It seems that this car is going to be prepared to hit it directly, and this distance can't be hit much. It's too close, but it's very likely that gir will run _ car horizontally to the wall. Or arched.

The short-haired young man in the gtr car _ panic, he even suspected that if he was dragged out of the car. May be killed directly

"Get ready to get off. Run to the other side:" The short-haired young man shouted at the black-skirt girl in the co-pilot.

The gr sports car is moving forward again, _ _ _ fierce one tail. Stopped e

The people around me are scared to hide for a while.

The short-haired young man took the seat belt in a hurry. When he pushed the door, he ran to the nearest alley, and the girl in the black dress. The two men took their hands when they ran into the alley.

The girl in the black dress is not running fast. Wearing high heels.

The short-haired young man dragged her. It was running with her.

High heels are used k


"(Dry gan) him""

"Grass him?"

= group young and chased into the alley. The two fast runners ran for more than ten meters and caught up. The short-haired young man let go of the girl's hand directly. Back (body sh n) is a foot.

Turn over one"

Another waving baseball bat came up to [he. He lifted his hand and grabbed the baseball bat and returned it.

He is very capable of playing and practicing.

However, there are too many people. As the saying goes, the two fists are hard to beat. Short-haired young people are not not beaten. He knows that he can't win so many people.

In the first two people who caught up. The short-haired young man hurried back two steps and pulled the girl’s hand in the black dress.

"He has trained in the trough 1."

"Wang he l grass him? I thought it was a martial arts film."

"Quickly chase! (Dry gan) him!"

Two people ran in front, and one or twenty people chased behind. This alley is very: very go, short-haired young people pull the ink skirt and the girl runs to the middle of the alley.


I don't know who lost the baseball bat. Directly squatting on the back of a young man with short hair. The baseball bat is flying. k. The short-haired young man has also been smashed. ((sh n) body first went to balance and fell directly.

"Get up! You get up the mountain."" The girl in the black dress screamed. She pulled the short hair young man up.

With this delay, the first three or five people will catch up.

"Drafting, still running 1", a stick hit. Come to the short-haired young man.

The short-haired young man protects the black dress girl from hiding = down. The stick is on one side of the wall. The short-haired young man opened the girl in the black dress.

Go forward, put down

Fighted up ⊥

"Do you know who I am? I am a slot. The short-haired young man shouted.

He can't help, but he is very reluctant to talk to his family. But now he has to be cold l

"Installing you paralyzed? Come to the East China Sea and dare to install Laozi trough l"

"Nima lying trough!_"

Briefly fight. Three or five people did not gain an advantage in front of short-haired youngsters. Although short-haired young people also took a stick, they were also smashed, and their feet and nose were bleeding.

But he put down three more!

Can't play again because the people who chase them, the next ten are also catching up.

The girl in the black dress stood on the wall and was scared. The makeup was crying.

Short-haired young people pick up a baseball bat _ arbitrarily slashed and let the two people who are besieging him subconsciously hide behind.

He took the opportunity. Run again!

Did not forget to pull the girl in black dress. Pulling hands and running wildly. ,

He is not physically strong, and his fight is full of physical exertion, breathing hard, and running faster than before. The girl in the black dress is even more scared and soft.

Soon it was caught up again.

Already can see another: = side of the alley

"Ah," l help, l come to people, help! 1" black dress girl screamed.

Outside the alley, Fukang Road side.

In the Lamborghini car, the guide 053 Chen _ and Zhuang Yudie heard the scream.

Zhuang Yu butterfly face (color) - change u82 eyelids a lot. Look at the car window outside the mouth:: the girl voice is so miserable, it must be (fat fa) gave birth to a very bad thing, with the girl as a girl Vanessa I - the instant brain is very famous

Wu Chen took off his seat belt when he screamed.

"Leave in the car." Then I pushed the door and got off the bus.

The distance from the alley to the inside = three meters of rice = piece chaos.

Short-haired young people are also very fierce. But I can't stand the other person. Fortunately, there are not many people who can be besieged at the same time, but he can't run here.

Wu Chen appeared in the alley. Hands (plugged cha) with a suit pocket. Looked at the situation. Shouted, "Hey 1 (dry gan)?"

Someone looked at Wu Chen.

But no one cares about Wu Chen.

Wu Chen will go inside.

Several people noticed it.

"What a special thing is to do more business! Roll away!"

"Don't want to die and hurry!"

The girl in the black dress who had been tripped to the wall saw someone coming. Still dare to yell. Just like seeing the savior, I endured the pain and climbed up and asked Wu Chen for help. "Big Brother! Help" save my boyfriend""

She followed her to Wu Chen (body sh n). Wu Chen raised her hand and gestured for her to hide away.

Wu Chen continues to move forward

The short-haired young man has already been rolled over and rolled up, but obviously can't hold it.

"You dare to come over!" A small young man with a tattoo on his arm (snap shn) said that he was willing to come over. He was coming to Wu Chen. Use a stick to lick l