MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 95 city

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"Do she really say that?"

"Yes." The guards of the garrison commanded to see his majesty's complex complex and difficult to distinguish. "And, the subordinates of the Weichen found that the two emperors and the Fule County owners seem to have old complaints."

"You have forgotten that Xie’s second child had had a marriage contract with the Fule County. Later, Xie’s second child made a escaping thing. The two parties’ Xieban’s marriage contract was abolished, and the two families changed from a family to an enemy. At the beginning of the two families' grievances, his emperor pulled the erroneous frame, and the Ming and Qing dynasty all guarded the family. Since this incident, the Xie family’s voice in Beijing has been much worse.

“Xie’s family’s lack of energy, a lot of ideas, and greater courage,” Yun Qing’s hand was behind her back. “If it’s not the second emperor, it’s too ridiculous, and I don’t want to find him such a Yue family.”

He didn't look at the Xie family, but at the same time he found a son-in-law who had a family name. This kind of mentality makes people have the feeling that he is coming back from the palace.

He said that he was eccentric, but the Prince’s life is not so good now. He was detained in the square of the East Palace and accepted criticism from all sides.

The commander of the Guards did not speak because he knew that his Majesty would not need more words. As the imperial guard of the palace, he has another layer of identity, that is the general manager of his secret agent.

Those things that can't be placed on the bright side are all done by him.

The outside people gave them a name for these secret agents, Black Guard. Because when they appear, they are often silent, even if they are seen, they are wearing black clothes and black face towels, and will not let anyone recognize them.

Xie Jiada Lang Xie Zhongjin sent people to assassinate Ban Huai, which made him very confused. When did the struggle between the nobles become so simple and rude?

What he didn't understand was why did you help Xie Zhongjin to deal with the exposed feet? As an emperor, there are many ways to deal with disobedient courtiers. Why choose this method? This has dragged the class and the stone home down, and let the real murderer go unpunished.

Doesn't it mean that you are very fond of your class?

This kind of use of the class to drag the stone home into the water, but let the Xie family half of the dirty water can not touch, not like a petting attitude.

"There are so many younger generations, only the best of the Fule County."

Yes, this county owner is so close to your heart. When you are in a family, don’t you still take the wrong picture?

"Hey," Yunqing Emperor suddenly sighed, and the old face was full of fatigue. "It's a pity that she is not my son, and she is not a child. Otherwise, there will be one more general under his arm."

"But, the second emperor is so ridiculous, he should let him collect his heart." Yunqing Emperor saw the commander for a long time can not say a word, suddenly no interest in talking.

One day later, Yun Qing emperor drew two sacred decrees, which allowed the officials of the Ministry of Education to read them. His old man sealed the second emperor as Ning Wang, and Jin Cheng An Bo Rongzhen became Cheng Anhou.

After the second emperor supervised the country, he was the prince of the king, which was something that everyone had expected, but it was only a matter of time. It’s Cheng Anbo... How do you get into a good time? If there is such a cheap thing in the world, they can't wait to beat it.

However, this kind of thing is not something that you can have. You don’t understand what it’s like. It’s only a few days ago that Rong Rong couldn’t get up the bed, and then it’s inexplicable. Is it because of regrets, so give compensation to Rong Rong?

This is not quite right. It is not reasonable to say that Yao Shangshu and Rong Rong have been beaten together. As a result, only one person is allowed to be compensated. I can’t always look good because of Rong’s look.

"Don't guess," Changqing Wang played with a fan and was very romantic. "I heard something."

"What?" The officials turned back curiously, and the person who spoke was Evergreen, and the mood of curiosity in the heart was even stronger.

How to say that Evergreen is also a royal family, he will certainly know some royal secrets that others do not know.

Seeing the curious look of these officials, Evergreen King took the fan up and gently tapped his palm, his face mysterious: "It is rumored that yesterday, when he fell, he summoned the Fule County."

What is the relationship between Summon County and Cheng Anbo... Cheng Anhou?

The people did not react at first, but when they looked at the mysterious smile of Changqing Wang, they suddenly thought that Cheng Anhou is now the fiancé of Fule County, and it can be regarded as half a family.

Up and down the whole capital, who does not know the few most loved ones under His Majesty, the Fule County is definitely one of them. Even those who are surnamed Jiang and the princess who is thrown out are not as good as the ones who are in front of her. They can even have the same name as the daughter of the most beloved daughter, Anle Princess. Is this the treatment that ordinary emperors can have? ?

The current status of the class is already sealed, but it is too much like the county owner of the class. How can it be rewarded? Anyway, Rong Rong is the main fiancée of Fule County, so let's admire it. Anyway, the wife is expensive, and the higher the Rong Jue is, it is also a good thing for Ban.

The identity of the grandfather is too low, and he lost his face and lost the face of the Fule County.

It doesn't matter, rise to the title!

Officials want to understand this, and they are envious and embarrassed. The man marries a great lady. Life can really struggle for ten years.

Seeing the benefits that Rong Rong has now, and thinking about the Xie family who almost got married with the class, everyone can't help but ridicule. The only person who can get the hand of Xie’s family is to be the daughter of Wang Hao. The others are old and old, disabled and abolished, unless the two emperors are enthroned and master the power of the DPRK, otherwise they will be in this life. It can only be this way.

Originally thought that the two sons of Xie's family were not bad. I know that the big one just returned to Beijing and was deprived of his official position. The second child is even more ridiculous. He is embarrassed and embarrassed. The offensive class has also caused dissatisfaction, and his reputation has plummeted. Who is the good girl who dared to marry them and thank them for their family?

As for whether the two emperors can be enthroned as emperors, and the government is firmly in the hands, I am afraid... difficult.

In Cheng'an Bofu, Rong Rong found that the doctor who changed his medicine changed one person. The doctor was younger and he had never seen it. If it was not sent by the guards of the class, he would probably not believe this person. It is the doctor of the class.

"The master and Cao Dafu went to Yao Shangshufu to heal the wound, because the wounds of the grandfather recovered better, so the master dared to let you change the medicine." The doctor who changed the medicine gave the medicine to Rong Rong. Xiao channel, "Bo, your injury is already very good, you can drink the medicine to nourish and nourish the blood according to the prescription opened by the master."

"There is work." Rong Hao nodded to him.

"Don't dare." The doctor was busy returning a ceremony, turned his head and put the medicine into the medicine box. Before he even had time to leave the exit, he heard that the family said that the palace had come to the ceremony.

Rong Rong put on his robe and the next person helped him to go to the main hall.

The official of the decree came from the Ministry of Rites. When he saw it, he first saw him with a gift: "Rong Daren, I will give you a voice first."

"I don't know...what is it?" When Rong Rong saw the imperial edict in his hand, he would go down, but he was helped by the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

"Rong Daren, your majesty said, because you have injuries, you are allowed to stand and listen."

"How can this be done?" Rong Rong’s work must be embarrassed. The officials of the Ministry of Rites supported him. "Yong Daren, this is the slogan of your Majesty. If you squat down, isn’t it a waste of your heart?"

“Hey,” Rong Rong held a fist in the direction of the palace. “Thank you for your compassion.”

The officials of the Ministry of Rites smiled and shook hands in the spirit of the hand, and read them in a tone of uneasiness.

In the first half of the sacred slogan, the words and abilities of Rong Rong were praised with various beautiful words. Finally, the key point was that his emperor wanted to be promoted to Hou Ye.

Rong Rong did not think that he would receive such a sacred decree. He gave a sigh of relief and thanked him.

“Congratulations to Hou Hou,” the officials of the Ministry of Rites gave a ceremony to Rong Rong, and the smile on his face was extremely mild.

"Lao Daren ran this shackle." Rong Yu returned to a ceremony, Du Jiu behind him sent a ritual official and accompanying staff purse, the name of the tea. Generally, this kind of money will not be rejected by everyone, and it is also a joy.

The decree officer was happily gone, and was sent to the gate by Rongfu. He rode on horseback and said to a high-grade **** of the same class: "The grace of Hou Houye, even if it is injured, does not hurt a few points. Yeah."

"Isn't it," said the eunuch, who seems to be over twenty years old. He laughs and is very happy. There are not many people in the palace who dare to offend him because he has a good master, the general manager of Wang, who is the king. Xizi, it is said that this festive name is also taken by the Queen Empress. "The miscellaneous family thinks that Rong Houye is a good person and admirable."

The two men looked at each other and laughed, not to mention that they were fined before.

"Hey." Wang Xizi suddenly shouted and patted the horse and retreated to the side. The little **** behind him saw it and did it, even though they had not figured out what happened.

The propaganda officer looked up in surprise, only to know why the rather glamorous Wang Gonggong rushed to avoid, and the original Fule County was riding a horse from the front.

The Xuanguan official is only a five-person official in the Ministry of Rites. There are not many times to see the Fule County. But as long as he sees the white horse that Fule County is riding, he knows that the other person’s status is not low because of this horse. It is Gongma, whose identity is not high enough, and the aristocrats who are not favored by the favor are seeking and seeking, even if they are seeking, they will not dare to ride on the street.

"Slaves have seen the Lord of Fule County." Wang Gonggong jumped off the horse, and paid a courteous salute to the class, regardless of whether the class could hear his voice.


The classmate’s horse stopped. She lowered her head and leaned toward the young man in the dark blue eunuch. She thought about it and said, “You are the father of Wang Xizi who is waiting in front of the Queen’s Empress.”

"The county owner still remembers the slaves. The slaves are really lucky for three generations." Wang Xizi looked surprised and looked at the eyes of the classmates. "Don’t dare to bear the word of the public, the county owner called the slaves and Xiaozizi." It’s hard to hear. If you can get the name of the Fule County, it’s the privilege of these monks.

In the palace, who is not looking at the six roads to hear the eight parties, which is the favorite of the emperor, which emperor princess is not good, what are the jealousy of the majesty, which emperor is the most face before the emperor, but the **** who is a little doorway The palace lady knows this information clearly.

For example, the Fowler County Lord, that is, the first-class one who can't offend, they would rather offend the princess who did not dare to let the noble master have a slight disappointment. Two years ago, after a long-lost palace girl was negotiating the happiness of the Fule County, after being discovered by the Fule County, the Fule County owner only looked at him and said nothing. But since then, this originally a face of the palace lady, went to make a rough palace lady, he saw this palace girl a few days ago, old and ugly, how can there be two years ago delicate?

This is not the main cause of Fule County, but some people know that the Fule County owner is not happy, specifically to the Queen's Empress, complained about it, to please the Queen Empress and Fule County. It’s not surprising that the people in the harem can’t control their mouths.

Tell people gossip, worry about clothes and jewelry, that is the life of the noble ladies, do the dare of the palace, that is the fate of the young lady, do not pick the day to die.

Even the master Wang also had specifically told him that some of the noble masters who could not offend, the Fule County masters must not be offended. Recently, the master also specifically asked him to mention it again, and he said that he mainly saw Fule County. Respectfully, be diligent.

Although he did not understand the reason, but the words of his master, naturally will not harm him, he did as he did.

"After a few years, I should call you a big child," Ban said that Wang Xizi was so diligent and couldn't help but smile. "Where are you from here?"

"Slaves have recently been serving in the Great Moon Palace. Fortunately, the priests and the priests came together to give Cheng Anhou a decree. This time they just came out from Cheng'an Houfu." Wang Xizi said that he gave the class a big gift. "Congratulations to the county owner."

The class was first glimpsed, and then it was said that it meant: "Cheng'an Hou, did he rise to the title?"

"Back to the county, it is true. Wang Xizi smiled and sighed."

"It turns out that," Ban said, throwing a purse and throwing it to Wang Xizi, "Give you tea."

"Xie County main reward." Wang Xizi holding the purse with both hands, looked up and looked again, the Fule County master has been riding the horse far away, the guards behind her riding the horse neatly behind, screaming.

This is the real expensive woman, and the shot is generous.

After returning to the palace, Wang Xizi found Wang De, and told what he saw and heard in the palace today. After that, he also took out the poems of Cheng An Hou and Fule County, and gave him a tribute to Wang De.

"Since it is Hou Ye and the county owner, you will take it well," Wang De did not accept his things, just smiled. "You can get familiar with the front of the Fule County. That is your blessing. This is your blessing. Bit..." He said profoundly, "It is an expensive person."

Wang Xizi thought, born in a family, noble blood, and a fiancé, who is famous all over the world, is naturally an expensive person they can't afford.

Rong Rong walked into the Fu'an government in Cheng'an. Although he saw a little more happiness on the face of the lower house, he did not lose his sense of proportion. He nodded in his heart. It is worthy of being the next person of the scholarly family. This is the style of the body. Different.

"Counter," the butler greeted him. He saw a bag of oil paper in his hand. The bag contained it like... candy?

Ban Yi nodded to the butler and went to the courtyard where Rong Rong lived. Rong Rong has been able to read and write now, but the action can not be too big, afraid of involving the wound. When Rong Rong entered, he was sitting on the stool and reading the book, and he did not dare to rely on anything. The class was tired and tired for him.

"Is there a big happy event today, can you see the book?" Ban Yi lifted his foot into the house and opened a window that was half-closed. "I just met Wang Xizi in the palace halfway, I learned that you have risen to the title, I am If you don't have a gift, just see the roadside selling candy, just buy a few bunches and give you a taste."

Rong Rong put down the book and smiled at the class.

Banyan put the kraft paper bag on the table and walked to the back of the room. Carefully pulled the collar and looked inside. "Young is good. I heard that Yao Daren was sinned and almost lost his life."

Rong Rong looked at the class, "How can you let the doctor help Yao Daren?"

"Our family is not a troublesome person, but Yao San girl is crying sadly, and Yao Daren is punished with you. If you are completely innocent, how is Yao Daren? No one will gossip for a while, in the future. If someone talks about it, it is not good for you."

Rong Rong lived, he did not think that the class had caused this trouble, half of the reason was actually him.

"But let's not mention the people who don't do anything," Ban said to take a bunch of candy from the oil paper bag. In fact, the seasonal fruit is poured on the syrup, and some of the fruit will be sour, but the syrup is very sweet, and the taste is good. luck.

Banyan bought this thing as a gift, followed the mother who went out to the street, and casually bought a snack to eat at home.

Rong Rong took over the candy, and for a time he was unable to shut down.

"What's wrong?" The class saw him look at the candy, and took out a bag from the oil-paper bag. He took a bite and suddenly lost his teeth. "Hey."

Rong Rong dropped the candy and gave her a cup of tea.

Holding a few drinks of tea, Ban Yu throws the candy into the oil paper bag. "You still don't eat it, it tastes bad." She poked her face very uncomfortably. "What, tomorrow, I will replenish you." A gift."

"No, this is very good." Rong Rong bite the candy, the flesh is really sour, but a few more chews, when the syrup and the flesh are mixed together, the taste is not so difficult to swallow.

"Don't eat it," Ban Yu took the bamboo stick in his hand. "Stupid is not stupid, they all say sour, you still eat."

"Not sour, very sweet." Rong Rong swallowed the candy in his mouth and put out his tongue and licked the sugar residue on his lips. "I like it very much."

"Cough!" The eyes of the class were a little floating, but the corners of the eyes were unconsciously falling on the corners of the mouth.

Sin has been sinned.

The quiet moments of the two did not last long and they were interrupted by the people.

"Bo Ye, sent a gift to Yan Xiangye."

"Bo Ye, Zhongping Bofu sent a gift."

"Bo, the Evergreen Palace sent a gift."

Gifts are constantly coming in, and one after another, the gift list is presented to Rong Rong, and almost all of the faces in the capital have been given gifts.

“Yu Yu?” Ban Yi looked at a gift list. “When you are lucky, this is a blessing to make a fortune.”

“And this, the original calligraphy of the calligrapher?” she wondered. “Is this painting not in my home? Where did his original origin come from?”

Rong Xiao smiled and said: "About buying fake products."

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe my family is fake." Ban Yi put down the gift list and yawned. "I have seen those people who have been with you for the past two months. As for those people... ..."

The class snorted with a smile. "It’s all about the wind and the rudder."

"Do not blame them," Rong Xiao smiled. "The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, and they are also embarrassed. This has been the case throughout the ages, and there is nothing to complain about."

"You really want to open, anyway, I am careful." Ban Yi stood up boringly. "You have more guests today, I will not bother."

"Hey." Rong Rong stretched out the wrist of the class, although it was separated by the sleeves, but it was already in the early summer, the class was wearing a gauze, so Rong Rong still could feel the temperature under the gauze. "How did you go?" I am hurt now. If you don't help me, you can only see these things by myself."

"No, I still have to manage things," Ban said, pulling the handle, not making a profit, "don't look."

"If you don't look at it, don't you look at it. Can you sit with me for a while?" Rong Rong looked lost. "These gifts are just the common things that the wind rudders sent. You can see it, don't look at it. Hey you. It’s a person who dares to love and hate. How can I be willing to work because of these little things?”

"I see you are the one who sees the wind and the rudder," Ban said sitting back on the stool. "The people who saw the wind made the rudder really not happy, but the vulgar things they sent were still pleasing." People who like the vulgar, so never disregard the treasure of the pearl.

Rong Yan's eyes are slightly bright: "There are a lot of beautiful jewellery in the house warehouse. If you like it, you will pick it up. As long as you wear it, it will make these gems more beautiful."

Ban Yi is a little bit tempted, but thinking that he is still in filial piety, this snack has disappeared: "Then you keep the beautiful good things for me."

"Good." Rong Rong nodded again and again.

A middle-aged manager who walked to the door stopped and went to the ceremony: "Hou Ye."

“Wang Qu?” Rong Rong looked at the class and turned his head to the middle-aged man outside the door. “What are you doing?”

"It’s going out outside."

"What happened?"

"The eldest son of Zhongping Bofu's family was drunk, and there was a dispute with a cellar hooligan. How can I know that this hooligan is daring, and I have even tied Xie Dalang with three knives."

The class was shocked. Before the half-hour of Zhongping Bofu, he did not give Rong Rong a gift. How long did it take to make a mistake in his family?

Her dream is too vague, there is no such memory at all, probably because... she does not care about Xie Dalang completely?

"Is the cellar caught?"

"The location of the accident is in the downtown area. There are many people, and there are many people watching the lively. The murderer has been lost."

"How is Xie Dalang?"

"Xie Dalang injured his thighs..." Wang Qu hesitated a moment. He thought that there was a presence of Fule County, and he used a more euphemistic statement. "It hurts the heavy, afraid that there is no grandchildren."

"I know, go on." Rong Rong silent for a moment, shaking his hand to Wang Qu.

"Yes." Wang Qu whispered softly.

"That," Ban Yi curiously stretched his head and whispered in the ear of Rong Rong. "Xie Zhongjin changed to eunuch?"


"why do not you talk?"

Rong Rong nodded in a difficult position, because he really couldn't tell the class about men's self-esteem.

"Thai family... What kind of mold is this?" Banyan couldn't help but start to sympathize with the family. This is all about it.

"Maybe their family has done something wrong, and they have been retribution." Rong Rong pinched the fingertips of the class, "If you care about other men, I will eat."

"A man who became an **** has something to eat," Ban said comfortably on the back of his hand. "Don't worry, there is no man in the whole capital that looks better than you. With you, my eyes have become higher." ”

Rong Rong can't smile, I really don't know if this is praise or something else.

After noon, Rong Rong stayed in the class and used lunch, and then reluctantly sent the person out of the door. After the class was gone, Rong Rong recruited his subordinates. "Is there any reason for the emperor to rise to my title?"

The expression of the guard standing in front of him is subtle: "The master, his subordinates are incompetent, and the exact cause has not been found. But... there is a rumor in the courtiers."

"What rumors?"

"Yesterday, I was summoned to the Lord of Fule County. You were only married because of the Fule County."

Rong Rong suddenly remembered that he did go to the palace yesterday and saw him, until the afternoon, he arrived from the palace. What did you do, even the Yunqing Emperor, who was more embarrassed about the title, suddenly decided to raise his title?

The guardian saw that he was silent and thought that it was the rumor outside that caused the master to be unhappy. He said: "This is just a gossip of some people outside. It is not true. How can the emperor make such a big because of a daughter's family?" The decision. Those officials are gibberish, and they are guilty."

"No," Rong Rong shook his head and said with deep expression, "If it is someone else, nature can't do it. If it is, you really have such charm."

Guard:? ?

Does the uncle know that now he is laughing at him outside, not to marry his wife, but to enter?

No, it should be said that since the announcement of the marriage between the uncle and the Fule County, these messy rumors have not been broken, but this time, the pass is particularly powerful.

What other people's wives are wives and wives are expensive, and their grandfather's wife is a woman who has not yet entered the door, and she is already a wife.

This is heard, who is not angry?

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